902 research outputs found

    Computationally-efficient path planning algorithms in obstacle-rich environments based on visibility graph method

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    Path planning purpose is to find a collision-free path in a defined environment from a starting point to a target point. It is one of the vital aspects in enhancing an autonomy of a robot. Cun·ent studies have been focused on developing path planning algorithms to satisfy the criteria of path planning namely minimum path length, low computation time and complete, i.e., it gives positive result if a path is available or negative if otherwise. There are several existing path planning methods such as Visibility Graph (VG), Voronoi Diagram (VD), Potential Fields (PF) and Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree (RRT). Among those, VG is superior in terms of producing a path with the least length and completeness. However, VG has a drawback due to the fact that its computation time will increase in obstacle-rich environments. Moreover, as a path planned by VG is piece-wise linear which has sharp turns at comers, it is infeasible due to the kinematic constraints of a robot. Kinematic constraints limit the degree of freedom of the robot. In order to address the high computation time, an improved VG called Iterative Equilateral Spaces Oriented Visibility Graph (IESOVG) has been developed by reducing the number of obstacles used for path planning. IESOVG manipulates the size of the equilateral space to determine the obstacles used in path planning and consequently produces a free-collision path in considerably shorter time. On the other hand, to overcome the kinematic constraint of a car-like robot, Proportional controller, Proportional-Derivative (PD) controller and Bezier curves have been implemented to ensure that the resulting paths are feasible. As a result of the proposed methods, computation time of conventional VG has been improved by 97 %. The implementation of PD controller may contribute to path planning software development for autonomous car industry

    Breastfeeding practice among women with an infant of 1 year old and below in the District of Hilir Perak, 1994

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    The trend of breastfeeding is said to be on the decline in most developing countries. It has been associated with the rapid developments and the changes in the socio-economic status of a country. The objective of this study is to determine the present practice of breast feeding in a rural community and identify associated socio-demographics factors. This is a cross-sectional study whereby 185 mothers attending the various child health clinics in the district, were selected and interviewed using a pretested questionnaires. It was found that 51% of respondents practised breast feeding at the birth of their child, whereas only 30% were currently breastfeeding. Majority of respondents (60%) have a family income of RM500 and below per month and 63% have a higher educational status. About 75% of mothers were unemployed and breastfeeding practised among them were only 38%. There were significant relationship between variables such as educational status, family income, mother's parity and ethnicity with breast feeding practices. Majority of respondents obtained a high score on knowledge and positive attitudes toward breastfeeding practices. Among 51 respondents with one child, breastfeeding practised was only 20%. The main reason given for practising mixed feeding is insufficient breast milk; and among those who practised bottle feeding, majority chose absence of breast milk as their main reason. In most studies it was found that factors which may increase the breastfeeding pattern of a community, may decrease it in another community. In this study, we will identify the "risk groups" (those mothers not practicing breastfeeding) , so that a more comprehensive health education programmes could be planned to increase and promote breast feeding effectively. In general, breastfeeding practice is on the decline in both the urban and rural communities

    Kajian Aksiologi tentang Kontribusi dan Kontroversi Pemanfaatan Amonia dari Proses Haber-Bosch

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    The purpose of this article is to conduct an axiological study of the Haber-Bosch process. The Haber-Bosch process had both contributions and controversies early on in its discovery. The study in writing this article uses a literature review which consists of selecting the topic to be reviewed, searching and selecting articles related to the topic, analyzing and synthesizing the literature, and organizing the writing. The literature reviewed relates to the main themes, namely the Haber-Bosch process, the use of Haber-Bosch products, and axiological studies on Haber-Bosch products. The results of the axiological study show that: 1) The breakthrough from Haber-Bosch related to ammonia production provides benefits for the sustainability of the agricultural sector and the survival of European society. In the current context, the Haber-Bosch process has both theoretical and practical uses. 2) On the other hand, the Haber-Bosch process is used by Haber to maintain the supply of gunpowder and manufacture toxic gases used as chemical weapons that killed hundreds of thousands of people. This certainly shows something unethical and shows a scientific paradoxaxiology; Haber; Bosch; Ammoni


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    Data Replication with 2D Mesh Protocol for Data Grid

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    Data replication is one of the widely approach to achieve high data availability and fault tolerant of a system. Data replication in a large scale distributed and dynamic network such as grid has effects the efficiency of data accessing and data consistency. Therefore a mechanism that can maintain the consistency of the data and provide high data availability is needed. This thesis discusses protocols and strategies of replicating data in distributed database and grid environment where network and users are dynamic. There are few protocols that have been implemented in distributed database and grid computing which is discussed such as Read One-Write All (ROWA), Voting (VT), Tree Quorum (TQ), Grid Configuration (GC), Three Dimensional Grid Structure (TDGS), Diagonal Replication in Grid (DRG) and Neighbor Replication in Grid (NRG). In this thesis, we introduce an enhanced replica control protocol, named Enhance Diagonal Replication 2D Mesh (EDR2M) protocol for grid environment and compares its result of availability, and communication cost with the latest protocol TDGS (2001) and NRG (2007). EDR2M proves data consistency by fulfilling the Quorum Intersection Properties. Evaluations that is suitable and applicability for EDR2M protocol solutions via analytical models and simulations. A simulation of EDR2M protocol is developed and the performance metrics evaluated are data availability, and communication cost. By getting the sufficient number of quorum, number of nodes in each quorum, and selecting the middle node of the diagonal sites to have the copy of the data file have improved the availability and communication cost for read and write operation compared to the latest protocol, TDGS (2001) and NRG (2007). Thus, the experiment has showed scientifically that EDR2M is the adequate protocol to achieve high data availability in a low communication cost by providing replica control protocol for a dynamic network such as grid environmen


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan dan mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan multimedia pembelajaran berbasis literasi sains untuk siswa SMP pada tema teknologi. Multimedia dalam pembelajaran sains dapat menciptakan proses pembelajaran yang lebih bermakna, dengan demikian visi literasi sains yaitu membekali siswa dengan pengetahuan konsep sains yang benar serta mampu menerapkan konsep sains pada fenomena kehidupan sehari-hari dapat tercapai. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) dengan desain ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation), tahap analysis, design, dan development merupakan tahap pengembangan multimedia pembelajaran berbasis literasi sains. Sementara tahap implementation dan evaluation merupakan tahap penerapan multimedia dalam pembelajaran di salah satu SMP Negeri di Kota Cimahi. Multimedia pembelajaran berbasis literasi sains pada tema teknologi memiliki desain yang menyesuaikan dengan domain literasi sains yaitu kompetensi sains, pengetahuan sains dan sikap siswa terhadap sains yang dibingkai dalam konteks. Penggunaan multimedia pembelajaran berbasis literasi sains dapat meningkatkan literasi sains siswa secara keseluruhan sebesar 65,64%. Sementara itu pada domain kompetensi sains peningkatannya sebesar 70,1%, domain pengetahuan sains sebesar 63,7% dan domain sikap siswa terhadap sains sebesar 60,12%. ---------- The aim of the study is to develop the multimedia based on scientific literacy for junior high school students on the theme of technology. Moreover, the study was also done to examine the effectiveness of the multimedia in enhancing students’ scientific literacy. Multimedia in science learning can create more meaningful learning process, so the vision of scientific literacy can be achieved. This study used research and development (R&D) methods with ADDIE design (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The stage of analysis, design, and development are a development stage of multimedia learning based on scienctific literacy. The implementation and evaluation stage are the stage of implementation multimedia in science teaching in SMP Cimahi. Multimedia learning based on scienctific literacy on the theme of technology has a design that adapts to the scientific literacy from PISA, there are context domain, competence of science domain and scientific knowledge domain. The use of multimedia learning based on scienctific literacy can enhance students’ scienctific literacy for 65,64%. In the competence of science domain for 70,1%, scientific knowledge domain for 63,7% and students attitude toward for 60,12%


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    ABSTRACT ABDUL LATIP. 8105112286. The Correlation Between Controling With Work Disipline on Employee at PT Exotica Bogor. Scientific Paper, Jakarta: Study Program of Economic Education, Concetratio of Office Administration Education, Economics and Administratio Department, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta, Juni 2015. This research aims to determine whether there is the correlation between Controling With Job Disipline on employee at PT Exotica Bogor. This research was conducted for two months from March to April 2015. The research method used survey method with the correlational approach. The population in this research were all the empolyee at PT Exotica Bogor which numbered 59 people and researchers took samples used were 51 employees by using sample random technique. Data variable Y ( Discipline Work ) is a secondary data obtained from the assessment employer to its employee. While the data variable X ( Supervision ) instrument used was a questionnaire using Likert scale model. The instrument used was a questionnaire totaling 24 point statement after being validated there are two statements in the drop so that a 22 point declaration. Calculation of reliability using Cronbach alpha formula . Results of the reliability of the variable X at 0.948 and prove that the instrument reliable . The resulting regression equation is Y = 58,15 + 0,309 X. Test requirements analysis that estimates the error normality test regression of Y on X with the test Liliefors produce Lhitung = 0.066 , while Ltabel for n = 51 at the 0.05 significance level was 0.124 , Because Lhitung < Ltabel the estimated error of Y on X normal distribution . Regression linearity test produces Fhitung Ftable , ie 34.55 > 3.92 means that a significant regression equation . Product moment correlation coefficient of Pearson r xy = 0.643generate further test correlation coefficient using the t test and the resulting t = 5.88 and table = 1.68 . It can be concluded that the correlation coefficient r xy = 0.643 is significant. The coefficient of determination obtained at 41.35 %, which indicates that 41.35 % of the variation is determined labor discipline supervision and the remaining 58.65 % influenced by other variables not examine. Keywords : Controling, Work Disciplin

    Coordinated Control Of A Back-ToBack HVDC Link

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    This thesis will present the mathematical model, controller design, simulation, and analysis of a complete back-to-back VSC HVDC system. There will be two stations of Voltage Source Converter (VSC) located back-to-back. One station shall act as a rectifier and another one will be the inverter. This will allow power transfer from one station (rectifier) to other (inverter) through a DC link. A back-to-back VSC HVDC has the advantages compare to the AC transmission because it can allow power transfer without having to synchronize both of the station or networks. In order to complete a back-to-back VSC HVDC system, it will require a d-q current controller, DC voltage controller, active/reactive power controller and DC power (DC current controller). A simulation and analysis shall be executed for each of the controller and response of voltage and current for a complete system. The simulation result will show the dynamic control of the rectifier and inverter is achieved with fast response

    A Security Analysis of IoT Encryption: Side-channel Cube Attack on Simeck32/64

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    Simeck, a lightweight block cipher has been proposed to be one of the encryption that can be employed in the Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Therefore, this paper presents the security of the Simeck32/64 block cipher against side-channel cube attack. We exhibit our attack against Simeck32/64 using the Hamming weight leakage assumption to extract linearly independent equations in key bits. We have been able to find 32 linearly independent equations in 32 key variables by only considering the second bit from the LSB of the Hamming weight leakage of the internal state on the fourth round of the cipher. This enables our attack to improve previous attacks on Simeck32/64 within side-channel attack model with better time and data complexity of 2^35 and 2^11.29 respectively.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables, International Journal of Computer Networks & Communication


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    ABSTRAK Pada era perkembangan teknologi dan ilmu pengetahuan, multimedia memegang peran dalam mengakomodasi pembelajaran IPA yang lebih bermakna melalui visualisasi konsep yang abstrrak dan kontektualisasi konsep dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis dan menggambarkan tahapan pengembangan multimedia pembelajaran berbasis literasi sains dengan model ADDIE. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif yang menjabarkan penerapan model ADDIE dalam pengembangan multimedia pembelajaran berbasis literasi sains. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan diperoleh gambaran sebagai berikut: 1) Analysis terdiri dari analisis permasalahan, konten, kurikulum dan objek multimedia. 2) Design terdiri dari proses analisis wacana, pembuatan flowchart dan story board, 3) Develpoment merupakan tahap pembuatan multimedia dan validasi multimedia oleh tim ahli serta tim guru, 4) Implementation merupakan tahap uji coba terbatas dalam pembelajaran IPA di Kelas, dan 5) Evaluation merupakan tahap pemberian umpan balik terhadap multimedia pembelajaran berbasis literasi sains yang sudah dikembangkan oleh alhli, guru dan siswa. Berdasarkan penerapan tahapan model ADDIE yang dilakukan diperoleh gambaran bahwa model tersebut dapat digunakan untuk pengembangan multimedia pembelajaran IPA dengan basis pengembangan berupa literasi sains. Kata Kunci: Literasi Sains, Model ADDIE, Multimedia ABSTRACT In the era of technological and scientific development, multimedia plays a role in accommodating more meaningful science learning through visualization of abstract concepts and contextualization of concepts in everyday life. This study aims to analyze and describe the stages of developing scientific literacy-based learning multimedia using the ADDIE model. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative which describes the application of the ADDIE model in the development of scientific literacy-based learning multimedia. The results of the research carried out are described as follows: 1) The analysis consists of analysis of problems, content, curriculum and multimedia objects. 2) Design consists of a discourse analysis process, making flowcharts and story boards, 3) Development is the stage of making multimedia and multimedia validation by a team of experts and a team of teachers, 4) Implementation is a limited trial stage in learning science in class, and 5) Evaluation is the stage of providing feedback to multimedia learning based on scientific literacy that has been developed by experts, teachers and students. Based on the implementation of the stages of the ADDIE model carried out, it is obtained an illustration that the model can be used for the development of multimedia learning in science with the basis of development in the form of scientific literacy. Keyword: Scientific Literacy, ADDIE model, Multimedi