120 research outputs found

    La metamorfosis de Bilbao. 1975-1979

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    Frente a la situación urbanística de Bilbao, entre los años 1975-1979, surgirían diferentes reflexiones en torno a los problemas que tenía planteados la ciudad y se sostendrían inéditas soluciones ante una innovadora realidad social, política y económica. Se pretendió adaptar incluso aquellas políticas basadas en brillantes experiencias de desarrollo urbano provenientes de otros países.Bilboko hirigintza-egoeraren aurrean, 1975etik 1979era zenbait hausnarketa egin ziren hiriak planteatuta zituen arazoen inguruan, eta gizartearen, politikaren eta ekonomiaren errealitate berriaren aurrean, konponbide erabat berrien alde egin zen, beste herrialde batzuetako hirigarapenen esperientzia bikainetan oinarritutako politikak hartzeraino.Face à la situation urbanistique de Bilbao, entre les années 1975-1979, surgirent différentes réflexions concernant les problèmes de la ville et des solutions inédites furent présentées face à une réalité sociale, politique et économique innovatrice. On prétendait même adapter des politiques basées sur de brillantes expériences de développement urbain provenant d'autres pays.As against the urbanistic situation of Bilbao, between 1975 and 1979, different reflections were to come up with reference to one of the problems that town then there and unprecedented solutions would be proposed in an innovating social, political and economic reality. The intention was to that even those policies based in millions of development experiences that had taken place abroad

    El pensamiento norteamericano en Bilbao (1948-1968). Una vía hacia la modernidad española

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    When analyzing the impact of the American Military Bases in Spain on the modernisation of the country during Franco’s dictatorship, I also found that other people considered the trips to the USA by politicians, technicians and scientists to have had a bigger impact. In this project, apart from these two trains of thought we have also analysed the influence that The American House in Bilbao, the scientific magazines and the press had on the spread of typically American values. This current of thought not only brought about extraordinary scientific and technological progress, but also enabled a change of mentality which proved to be decisive for the arrival of American modernity to cities like Bilbao.Al analizar la importancia de las bases americanas en España en la modernización del país durante el periodo franquista, también constaté que otros, por el contrario, le habían concedido una mayor trascendencia a los viajes de los técnicos, políticos, científicos e industriales a los EE.UU. En este estudio además de esas dos propuestas también hemos investigado la influencia que tuvieron en la culturización de los valores netamente norteamericanos, la prensa escrita, las revistas científicas y la Casa Americana (Bilbao). Aquel pensamiento suscitó además de un progreso científico y tecnológico extraordinario, un cambio en la mentalidad que hizo que fuesen determinantes en poder traer la modernidad norteamericana a ciudades como Bilbao

    Oxidation reactions catalyzed by manganese peroxidase isoenzymes from Ceriporiopsis subvermispora

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    AbstractA total of 11 manganese peroxidase isoenzymes (MnP1-MnP11) with isoelectric points (pIs) in the range of 4.58–3.20 were isolated from liquid- and solid-state cultures of the basidiomycete Ceriporiopsis subvermispora. In the presence of hydrogen peroxide, these isoenzymes showed different requirements for Mn(II) in the oxidation of vanillylacetone, o-dianisidine, p-anisidine and ABTS, whereas oxidation of guaiacol by any isoenzyme did not take place when this metal was omitted. Km values for o-dianisidine and p-anisidine in the absence of Mn(II) are in the range of 0.5–1.0 mM and 4.5–42.0 mM, respectively. Oxalate and citrate, but not tartrate, accelerate the oxidation of o-dianisidine, both in the presence and in the absence of Mn(II). MnPs from this fungus are able to oxidize kojic acid without externally added hydrogen peroxide, indicating that they can also act as oxidases. In this reaction, however, the requirement for Mn(II) is absolute

    Distinguishing noise from chaos

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    Chaotic systems share with stochastic processes several properties that make them almost undistinguishable. In this communication we introduce a representation space, to be called the complexity-entropy causality plane. Its horizontal and vertical axis are suitable functionals of the pertinent probability distribution, namely, the entropy of the system and an appropriate statistical complexity measure, respectively. These two functionals are evaluated using the Bandt-Pompe recipe to assign a probability distribution function to the time series generated by the system. Several well-known model-generated time series, usually regarded as being of either stochastic or chaotic nature, are analyzed so as to illustrate the approach. The main achievement of this communication is the possibility of clearly distinguishing between them in our representation space, something that is rather difficult otherwise.Instituto de Física La Plat

    Fungal Endophytes Enhance the Photoprotective Mechanisms and Photochemical Efficiency in the Antarctic Colobanthus quitensis (Kunth) Bartl. Exposed to UV-B Radiation

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    Antarctic plants have developed mechanisms to deal with one or more adverse factors which allow them to successfully survive such extreme environment. Certain effective mechanisms to face adverse stress factors can arise from the establishment of functional symbiosis with endophytic fungi. In this work, we explored the role of fungal endophytes on host plant performance under high level of UV-B radiation, a harmful factor known to damage structure and function of cell components. In order to unveil the underlying mechanisms, we characterized the expression of genes associated to UV-B photoreception, accumulation of key flavonoids, and physiological responses of Colobanthus quitensis plants with (E+) and without (E−) fungal endophytes, under contrasting levels of UV-B radiation. The deduced proteins of CqUVR8, CqHY5, and CqFLS share the characteristic domains and display high degrees of similarity with other corresponding proteins in plants. Endophyte symbiotic plants showed lower lipid peroxidation and higher photosynthesis efficiency under high UV-B radiation. In comparison with E−, E+ plants showed lower CqUVR8, CqHY5, and CqFLS transcript levels. The content of quercetin, a ROS-scavenger flavonoid, in leaves of E- plants exposed to high UV-B was almost 8-fold higher than that in E+ plants 48 h after treatment. Our results suggest that endophyte fungi minimize cell damage and boost physiological performance in the Antarctic plants increasing the tolerance to UV-B radiation. Fungal endophytes appear as fundamental biological partners for plants to cope with the highly damaging UV-B radiation of Antarctica.Fil: Barrera, Andrea. Universidad de Talca; ChileFil: Hereme, Rasme. Universidad de Talca; ChileFil: Ruiz Lara, Simon. Universidad de Talca; ChileFil: Larrondo, Luis. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; ChileFil: Gundel, Pedro Emilio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisiológicas y Ecológicas Vinculadas a la Agricultura; ArgentinaFil: Pollmann, Stephan. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid; EspañaFil: Molina Montenegro, Marco A.. Universidad de Talca; ChileFil: Ramos, Patricio. Universidad de Talca; Chil

    Distinguishing noise from chaos

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    Chaotic systems share with stochastic processes several properties that make them almost undistinguishable. In this communication we introduce a representation space, to be called the complexity-entropy causality plane. Its horizontal and vertical axis are suitable functionals of the pertinent probability distribution, namely, the entropy of the system and an appropriate statistical complexity measure, respectively. These two functionals are evaluated using the Bandt-Pompe recipe to assign a probability distribution function to the time series generated by the system. Several well-known model-generated time series, usually regarded as being of either stochastic or chaotic nature, are analyzed so as to illustrate the approach. The main achievement of this communication is the possibility of clearly distinguishing between them in our representation space, something that is rather difficult otherwise.Instituto de Física La Plat

    Extracting features of Gaussian self-similar stochastic processes via the Bandt-Pompe approach

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    By recourse to appropriate information theory quantifiers (normalized Shannon entropy and Martin-Plastino-Rosso intensive statistical complexity measure), we revisit the characterization of Gaussian self-similar stochastic processes from a Bandt-Pompe viewpoint. We show that the ensuing approach exhibits considerable advantages with respect to other treatments. In particular, clear quantifiers gaps are found in the transition between the continuous processes and their associated noises.Centro de Investigaciones ÓpticasInstituto de Física La PlataFacultad de Ingenierí

    GPD1 and ADH3 Natural Variants Underlie Glycerol Yield Differences in Wine Fermentation

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    Glycerol is one of the most important by-products of alcohol fermentation, and depending on its concentration it can contribute to wine flavor intensity and aroma volatility. Here, we evaluated the potential of utilizing the natural genetic variation of non-coding regions in budding yeast to identify allelic variants that could modulate glycerol phenotype during wine fermentation. For this we utilized four Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains (WE - Wine/European, SA – Sake, NA – North American, and WA – West African), which were previously profiled for genome-wide Allele Specific Expression (ASE) levels. The glycerol yields under Synthetic Wine Must (SWM) fermentations differed significantly between strains; WA produced the highest glycerol yields while SA produced the lowest yields. Subsequently, from our ASE database, we identified two candidate genes involved in alcoholic fermentation pathways, ADH3 and GPD1, exhibiting significant expression differences between strains. A reciprocal hemizygosity assay demonstrated that hemizygotes expressing GPD1WA, GPD1SA, ADH3WA and ADH3SA alleles had significantly greater glycerol yields compared to GPD1WE and ADH3WE. We further analyzed the gene expression profiles for each GPD1 variant under SWM, demonstrating that the expression of GPD1WE occurred earlier and was greater compared to the other alleles. This result indicates that the level, timing, and condition of expression differ between regulatory regions in the various genetic backgrounds. Furthermore, promoter allele swapping demonstrated that these allele expression patterns were transposable across genetic backgrounds; however, glycerol yields did not differ between wild type and modified strains, suggesting a strong trans effect on GPD1 gene expression. In this line, Gpd1 protein levels in parental strains, particularly Gpd1pWE, did not necessarily correlate with gene expression differences, but rather with glycerol yield where low Gpd1pWE levels were detected. This suggests that GPD1WE is influenced by recessive negative post-transcriptional regulation which is absent in the other genetic backgrounds. This dissection of regulatory mechanisms in GPD1 allelic variants demonstrates the potential to exploit natural alleles to improve glycerol production in wine fermentation and highlights the difficulties of trait improvement due to alternative trans-regulation and gene-gene interactions in the different genetic background

    Four Dimensions of Journalistic Convergence: A preliminary approach to current media trends at Spain

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    Convergence is a very polysemous concept that has been used to describe various trends in journalism that have something in common: the blurring of the limits between different media, professional skills and roles. This paper proposes to analytically structure convergence into four dimensions: integrated production, multiskilled professionals, multiplatform delivery and active audience. This analytical grid can help in exploring convergence avoiding deterministic assumptions and allowing to map its development in different media companies as an open process with diverse outcomes. A sample of 58 Spanish cases is studied using the conceptual framework. Multiplatform delivery is the most popular convergence strategy, and in any given dimension developments tend not to radically change established professional routines and values. Integration and multiskilling dimensions seem to be closely related and mainly developed in local and regional media with small staffs. Delivery and audience strategies are more complex in national media