301 research outputs found

    Pour une expertise citoyenne des risques

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    Le mitard, un analyseur de la discipline pénitentiaire

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    This research was conducted from 2005 to 2009 based on a study of the 222 disciplinary proceedings recorded at the registry of the Vesoul remand centre as well as on interviews with the convicts who were punished for transgressing the prison’s bylaw. It aims at measuring the social effects of carceral discipline. As a number of researches are already devoted to the practical aspect of the carceral issue (such as penal policies or institutional organisation), it has seemed relevant to complete these approaches by looking into how the various actors in the carceral field (inmates, guardians, heads of staff) view the power relations as established in prison and how they view the shoe in particular, wich is seen here as the keystone of the carceral structure. A rhetorical analysis of the interviews of the inmates puts into light how the shoe is either tactically used or avoided. It highlights the inmates’ ability to remain active in a context in wich the main stake is to keep and to broaden one’s space of freedom. The contrast between the words of the inmates and the philosophy of the institution questions the ability of prison to deliver on the mission imparted to it by the legislator, i.e. to assist with the social rehabilitation of the incarcerated population. One can even wonder whether carceral discipline does not contribute to the consolidation of the criminal role of inmates through a system of labelling and stigmatization. The conclusions of this analysis grounded in decision theory lead the author to suggest new professional practices, made possible by the implementation of the European Prison Rules, to better match the security imperative and the necessary rehabilitation of convictsConduite, de 2005 à 2009, à partir d’une étude des 222 procédures disciplinaires enregistrées au greffe de la maison d’arrêt de Vesoul et d’entretiens avec les détenus sanctionnés pour avoir transgressé le règlement intérieur de l’établissement, cette recherche a pour but de mesurer les effets sociaux de la discipline pénitentiaire. De nombreuses travaux étant régulièrement consacrés aux aspects pratiques de la question carcérale (politiques pénales, organisation institutionnelle...), il nous est apparu pertinent de compléter ces approches par une attention portée aux représentations que les différents acteurs du champ pénitentiaire (détenus, personnels de surveillance et de direction…) ont des rapports d'autorité imposés dans les maisons d'arrêt et plus particulièrement du mitard, considéré comme la clef de voûte de l'édifice disciplinaire. Le classement des discours recueillis en « figures de rhétorique » met à jour les tactiques d’utilisation ou d’évitement du mitard par les personnes détenues ; il éclaire la capacité de ces dernières à demeurer acteurs dans un contexte où l’enjeu est de préserver et d’élargir sa marge de liberté. L’opposition constatée dans la majorité des cas entre les discours des détenus et les logiques institutionnelles interroge la prison dans la mise en œuvre de la mission que lui confère le législateur de participer à la réinsertion sociale de la population pénale : la discipline pénitentiaire, telle qu’elle est conçue, ne participe-t-elle pas au contraire, par un effet d’étiquetage et de stigmatisation, à consolider le rôle de déviants des détenus sanctionnés ? L’exploration d’autres pistes envisagées au terme de cette démarche praxéologique, conduit à proposer une pratique nouvelle, autorisée par la mise en œuvre des règles pénitentiaires européennes (RPE), au service d’une meilleure adéquation entre l’impératif sécuritaire et la nécessaire réinsertion des condamné

    Sources, production et transfert du carbone organique dissous dans les bassins versants élémentaires sur socle (apports des isotopes stables du carbone)

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    En dépit de son importance pour les écosystèmes aquatiques, l origine et les mécanismes de production du carbone organique dissous (COD) sont toujours sujets à discussion. Cette thèse vise à mieux comprendre le rôle joué par l hydrologie tant sur les mécanismes de production et la location des sources du COD que sur les flux et les processus de transfert du sol vers les cours d eau. Un suivi haute fréquence des eaux du sol et de rivière a été réalisé sur la totalité d un cycle hydrologique dans le bassin versant expérimental de Kervidy-Naizin (Morbihan, Observatoire de Recherche en Environnement (ORE) AgrHys). Le COD contenu dans ces eaux a été caractérisé par sa composition isotopique en carbone ( 13C), et ce suivi a été complété par l analyse de la dynamique de la nappe. L analyse des variations saisonnières de concentration et de composition du COD révèle l existence d un relais dans les sources et les mécanismes de production du COD dans les sols des zones de fond de vallée en phase avec les changements de régime hydrologique du bassin. Ainsi, lors de la période automnale de remontée de la nappe, le compartiment COD présente un caractère faiblement aromatique et une composition isotopique particulière, suggérant une origine microbienne. Ce réservoir de très faible taille (5% du flux annuel de COD exporté par le cours d eau) est entièrement épuisé par les premières crues d automne. La mise en charge de la nappe en versant conduit à la mobilisation d un second réservoir de COD caractérisé par une aromaticité élevée et une signature isotopique proche de celle de la matière organique des sols. Ce compartiment correspond au fond humique ancien des sols et présente une taille nettement plus important que le premier (90% du flux annuel). Cependant ce compartiment ne se limite pas au COD produit dans sols des zones de bas-fond mais comprend aussi des apports de matières organiques issues des sols de bas de versant. Enfin, le rabattement de la nappe au milieu du printemps marque le début de la période d assèchement du bassin versant et le retour dans les sols de bas-fond d un COD faiblement aromatique et isotopiquement similaire à celui observé en automne. En conséquence, la teneur et la composition du COD véhiculé par le cours d eau varient fortement à l échelle saisonnière (variabilité temporelle des processus de production du COD). Les horizons superficiels des sols des zones de bas-fond sont la principale source de COD, par lesquels transitent entre 60 et 80% du flux de COD exporté lors des événements de crues. Concernant le réservoir humique, un résultat important est qu il semble limité dans les sols de bas de versant, alors qu il semble au contraire illimité dans les sols de bas fond. Au final, les résultats obtenus dans le cadre de cette thèse démontrent le contrôle majeur de la dynamique de la nappe sur les mécanismes de production de COD par le sol ainsi que sur la localisation spatiale et les flux de COD transférés de ces sols vers les cours d eau à l échelle de la saison. Ils valident également l hypothèse émise selon laquelle l exportation du COD par les cours d eau ne résulterait pas d un simple flushing du COD produit dans les sols de bas-fond mais mobiliserait plutôt un ensemble de sources localisées le long du continuum rivière-zone de bas-fond-zone de versant, et dont le caractère plus moins limité du réservoir expliquerait les dynamiques des concentrations en COD annuelles observées à l exutoire de ces bassins. Un autre résultat majeur de cette thèse est la qualification des isotopes comme outil de traçage des sources et de la dynamique du COD dans les bassins versants. Un point clé de ce travail est la différenciation isotopiques des réservoirs COD des sols de bas-fond et des sols de bas de versant, qui a permis pour la première fois de révéler la participation de l'un et de l autre au flux exporté à l exutoire et d estimer quantitativement leur contribution respective à ce même flux.Despite its importance to aquatic ecosystems, origin and production mechanisms of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) are still subject to discussion. This thesis aims to better understand the role of hydrology in controlling both DOC production in soils and export by stream waters. High frequency monitoring of soils and streams waters was carried out during an entire hydrological cycle in the Kervidy-Naizin catchment (Morbihan). The DOC was characterized by its stable carbon isotopic composition, and groundwater table dynamic was also analyzed during the same period. The analysis of seasonal variations in both DOC concentration and composition reveals a succession in the sources and mechanisms of production of DOC in soils of valley bottom in line with changes in the hydrological regime of the basin. Thus, during the autumn period of rising water-table, the COD compartment has a low aromatic character and a particular isotopic composition, suggesting a microbial origin. This reservoir of very small size (5% of the annual flux of DOC exported by the stream) is fully exhausted by the first autumn storm events. The increase of water-table in the upland domain leads to the mobilization of a second DOC pool characterized by a high aromaticity and a isotopic signature similar to those of soil organic matter. This compartment corresponds to "old" humic fraction of the soil and has a size much larger than the first (90% of annual flux). However, this compartment includes contributions of DOC from riparian soils and also upland soils. Finally, the water-table drawdown in the middle of spring marks the beginning of the drying period of the catchment and the return to the soil of the fresh DOC pool. As a result, concentration and composition of DOC transported by the stream vary greatly across a seasonal scale (temporal variability of production processes DOC). The surface horizons of soils riparian soils are the main source of DOC, which handle between 60 and 80% of stream DOC flux during flood events. An important result is that the DOC pool seems limited in upland soils, while its seems no-limited in riparian soils. Finally, the results obtained in this thesis demonstrate the major control of the dynamics of the water-table on the mechanisms of production of DOC from the soil as well as the spatial location of DOC sources and DOC flux transferred from the soil to stream through the hydrological cycle. They also validate the hypothesis that DOC export by rivers mobilizes rather a set of sources located along the upland-riparian-stream continuum. Another major result of this thesis is the validation of stable carbon isotopes as a tool for tracing sources and dynamics of DOC in the catchment.RENNES1-Bibl. électronique (352382106) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Revisiting proximity effect using broadband signals

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    Experiments studying mainly proximity effect are presented. Pink noise and music were used as stimuli and a combo guitar amplifier as source to test several microphones: omnidirectional and directional. We plot in-axis levels and spectral balances as functions of x, the distance to the source. Proximity effect was found for omnidirectional microphones. In-axis level curves show that 1/x law seems poorly valid. Spectral balance evolutions depend on microphones and moreover on stimuli: bigger decreases of low frequencies with pink noise; larger increases of other frequencies with music. For a naked loudspeaker, we found similar in-axis level curves under and above the cut-off frequency and propose an explanation. Listening equalized music recordings will help to demonstrate proximity effect for tested microphones.Paper 7106 presented at the 122th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Wien, 200

    Detecting clear-cuts and decreases in forest vitality using MODIS NDVI time series

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    This paper examines the potential of MODIS-NDVI time series for detecting clear-cuts in a coniferous forest stand in the south of France. The proposed approach forms part of a survey monitoring the status of forest health and evaluating the forest decline phenomena observed over the last few decades. One of the prerequisites for this survey was that a rapid and easily reproducible method had to be developed that differentiates between forest clear-cuts and changes in forest health induced by environmental factors such as summer droughts. The proposed approach is based on analysis of the breakpoints detected within NDVI time series, using the "Break for Additive Seasonal and Trend" (BFAST) algorithm. To overcome difficulties detecting small areas on the study site, we chose a probabilistic approach based on the use of a conditional inference tree. For model calibration, clear-cut reference data were produced at MODIS resolution (250 m). According to the magnitude of the detected breakpoints, probability classes for the presence of clear-cuts were defined, from greater than 90% to less than 3% probability of a clear-cut. One of the advantages of the probabilistic model is that it allows end users to choose an acceptable level of uncertainty depending on the application. In addition, the use of BFAST allows events to be dated, thus making it possible to perform a retrospective analysis of decreases in forest vitality in the study area

    Aubigné-Racan – Cherré

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    En 1985, s’est achevée la fouille du grand bâtiment à usage de halles situé à proximité du théâtre (Gallia, 43, 1985, p. 458 et fig. 14 légendée errore depuis le nord au lieu de : vers le nord). La fouille s’est attachée à la partie médiane des galeries est et à la moitié nord de la cour. Dans cette zone, les murs ne sont plus matérialisés que par leurs tranchées de fondation remplies de rognons de silex et d’éclats de grés roussard. Ces murs peu épais (0,25 m) formaient vraisemblablement le ..

    Sources of dissolved organic matter during storm and inter-storm conditions in a lowland headwater catchment: constraints from high-frequency molecular data

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    International audienceThe transfer of dissolved organic matter (DOM) at soil–river interfaces controls the biogeochemistry of mi-cropollutants and the equilibrium between continental and oceanic C reservoirs. Understanding the mechanisms controlling this transfer is fundamental to ecology and geochem-istry. DOM delivery to streams during storms is assumed to come from the flushing of preexisting soil DOM reservoirs mobilized by the modification of water flow paths. We tested this hypothesis by investigating the evolution of the composition of stream DOM during inter-storm conditions and five storm events monitored with high-frequency sampling. The composition of DOM was analyzed using thermally assisted hydrolysis and methylation (THM) with tetramethylammo-nium hydroxide (TMAH) coupled to a gas chromatograph and mass spectrometer. In inter-storm conditions, stream DOM is derived from the flushing of soil DOM, while during storm events, the modification of the distribution of chemical biomarkers allows the identification of three additional mechanisms. The first one corresponds to the destabilization of microbial biofilms due to the increase in water velocity, resulting in the fleeting export of a microbial pool. The second mechanism corresponds to the erosion of soils and river banks, leading to a partition of organic matter between particulate and dissolved phases. The third mechanism is linked to the increase in water velocity in soils that could induce the erosion of macropore walls, leading to an in-soil partition between soil microparticles and dissolved phase. The contribution of this in-soil erosive process would be linked to the magnitude of the hydraulic gradient following the rise of the water table and could persist after the recession, which could explain why the return to inter-storm composition of DOM does not follow the same temporal scheme as the discharge. These results are the most important factors in understanding the transfer of nutrients and micropollutants at the soil–river interfaces during the hot moments that are storm events

    Hydrologically driven seasonal changes in the sources and production mechanisms of dissolved organic carbon in a small lowland catchment

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    International audienceTo obtain better constraints on the control of seasonal hydrological variations on dissolved organic carbon (DOC) dynamics in headwater catchments, we combined hydrometric monitoring with high-frequency analyses of DOC concentration and DOC chemical composition (specific UV adsorption, 13C) in soil and stream waters during one complete hydrological cycle in a small lowland catchment of western France. We observed a succession of four hydrological periods, each corresponding to specific DOC signatures. In particular, the rise of the upland water table at the end of the rewetting period yielded to a strong increase of the specific UV absorbance (from 2.5 to 4.0 L mg C 1 m 1) and of the 13C values (from 29 to 27%) of the soil DOC. Another striking feature was the release of large amounts of DOC during reduction of soil Fe-oxyhydroxides at the end of the highflow period. Comparison of hydrometric data with DOC composition metrics showed that soils from the upland domains were rapidly DOC depleted after the rise of the water table in these domains, whereas wetland soils acted as quasi-infinite DOC sources. Results from this study showed that the composition and ultimate source of the DOC exported to the stream will depend on the period within the annual hydrological cycle. However, we found that the aromatic DOC component identified during the high-flow period will likely represent the dominant DOC component in stream waters on an annual basis, because most of the annual stream DOC flux is exported during such periods

    Smoking, genetic polymorphisms of glutathione S-transferases and biological indices of inflammation and cellular adhesion in the STANISLAS study

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    A recent clinical study has focused on: 1- the interaction between genetic variants of glutathione S-transferases M1 and T1 (GSTM1 and GSTT1) and smoking on the risk of cardiovascular diseases, 2- the potential capacity of GSTM1 and T1 genotypes in modifying the effect of smoking on inflammation and endothelial function. In this study, we investigated whether carriage of these 2 polymorphisms altered the smoking impact on biological indices of inflammation and cellular adhesion. White blood cell count (WBC), albumin, C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukine-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a), L-selectin, E-selectin, P-selectin and intracellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) were measured in 189 non-smokers and 76 smokers (aged 20-55 years) genotyped for the GSTM1 and T1 polymorphisms. Accounting for age and sex, smokers lacking GSTM1 had a higher WBC count, CRP and ICAM-1 levels as compared to the other groups; interaction term between smoking and genotype being significant (p=0.05). Conversely, non-smokers lacking GSTM1 had a higher levels of TNF-a; the test for interaction being significant (p=0.05). No significant interaction was found between smoking and GSTT1 genotypes, considering the 9 biological indices. However, significantly lower levels of IL-6 were noticed for non-smokers with GSTT1-0 null allele (p=0.05). Our study confirms previous results showing that GSTM1 polymorphism could modulate the interrelationships between smoking and biological markers of inflammation and endothelial function

    Mutation update for the GPC3 gene involved in Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome and review of the literature

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    Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome (SGBS) is an X-linked multiple congenital anomalies and overgrowth syndrome caused by a defect in the glypican-3 gene (GPC3). Until now, GPC3 mutations have been reported in isolated cases or small series and the global genotypic spectrum of these mutations has never been delineated. In this study, we review the 57 previously described GPC3 mutations and significantly expand this mutational spectrum with the description of 29 novel mutations. Compiling our data and those of the literature, we provide an overview of 86 distinct GPC3 mutations identified in 120 unrelated families, ranging from single nucleotide variations to complex genomic rearrangements and dispersed throughout the entire coding region of GPC3. The vast majority of them are deletions or truncating mutations (frameshift, nonsense mutations) predicted to result in a loss-of-function. Missense mutations are rare and the two which were functionally characterized, impaired GPC3 function by preventing GPC3 cleavage and cell surface addressing respectively. This report by describing for the first time the wide mutational spectrum of GPC3 could help clinicians and geneticists in interpreting GPC3 variants identified incidentally by high-throughput sequencing technologies and also reinforces the need for functional validation of non-truncating mutations (missense, in frame mutations, duplications)
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