123 research outputs found

    Multielectron spectroscopy: Auger decays of the argon 2p hole

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    All the different Auger decay paths of Argon 2p holes have been characterized using a time of flight spectrometer of the magnetic bottle type. All electrons (the photoelectron and up to three Auger electrons) are detected in coincidence and resolved in energy. Double Auger decay is shown to proceed either through a direct process or by intense cascade paths, implying highly excited autoionizing Ar2+ states, which are identified as Ar2+ 3s−2 correlation satellites. Triple Auger decay is also observed and estimated to account for 0.2% only of all Auger decay

    Dynamics of electron emission in double photoionization processes near the Krypton 3d threshold

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    Two electron emission following photoabsorption near the Kr 3d threshold is investigated both experimentally and theoretically. On the experimental side, electron/electron coincidences using a magnetic bottle time of flight spectrometer allow us to observe the complete Double Photo Ionisation (DPI) continua of selected Kr2+ final states, and to see how these continua are affected by resonant processes in the vicinity of the Kr 3d threshold. The analysis is based on a quantum mechanical approach that takes into account the contribution of three different processes: A) Auger decay of the inner 3d vacancy with the associated post collision interaction (PCI) effects, B) capture of slow photoelectrons into discrete states followed by valence multiplet decay (VMD) of the excited ionic states and C) valence shell DPI. The dominant process for each Kr2+(4p-2) final state is the photoionization of the inner shell followed by Auger decay of the 3d vacancies. Moreover, for the 4p2(3P) and 4p-2(1D) final ionic states an important contribution comes from the processes of slow photoelectron capture followed by VMD as well as from double ionization of the outer shell involving also VMD

    4d-inner-shell ionization of Xe+ ions and subsequent Auger decay

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    We have studied Xe+4d inner-shell photoionization in a direct experiment on Xe+ ions, merging an ion and a photon beam and detecting the ejected electrons with a cylindrical mirror analyzer. The measured 4d photoelectron spectrum is compared to the 4d core valence double ionization spectrum of the neutral Xe atom, obtained with a magnetic bottle spectrometer. This multicoincidence experiment gives access to the spectroscopy of the individual Xe2+4d−15p−1 states and to their respective Auger decays, which are found to present a strong selectivity. The experimental results are interpreted with the help of ab initio calculations.1\. Auflag

    Разработка рекламной кампании промышленного предприятия и оценка ее эффективности (на примере ОАО «Коминтерн»)

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    Spectra of triply charged carbon disulphide have been obtained by measuring, in coincidence, all three electrons ejected in its formation by photoionization. Measurements of the CS23+ ion in coincidence with the three electrons identify the energy range where stable trications are formed. A sharp peak in this energy range is identified as the 2Π ground state at 53.1±0.1 eV, which is the lowest electronic state according to ab initio molecular orbital calculations. Triple ionization by the double Auger effect is provisionally divided, on the basis of the pattern of energy sharing between the two Auger electrons into contributions from direct and cascade Auger processes. The spectra from the direct double Auger effect via S 2p, S 2s, and C 1s hole states contain several resolved features and show selectivity based on the initial charge localization and on the identity of the initial state. Triple ionization spectra from single Auger decay of S 2p -based core-valence states CS22+ show retention of the valence holes in this Auger process. Related ion-electron coincidence measurements give the triple ionization yields and the breakdown patterns in triple photoionization at selected photon energies from 90 eV to above the inner shell edges

    Photo-ionization and fragmentation of Sc3N@C80 following excitation above the Sc K-edge

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    We have investigated the ionization and fragmentation of a metallo-endohedral fullerene, Sc3N@C80, using ultrashort (10 fs) x-ray pulses. Following selective ionization of a Sc (1s) electron (hν = 4.55 keV), an Auger cascade leads predominantly to either a vibrationally cold multiply charged parent molecule or multifragmentation of the carbon cage following a phase transition. In contrast to previous studies, no intermediate regime of C2 evaporation from the carbon cage is observed. A time-delayed, hard x-ray pulse (hν = 5.0 keV) was used to attempt to probe the electron transfer dynamics between the encapsulated Sc species and the carbon cage. A small but significant change in the intensity of Sc-containing fragment ions and coincidence counts for a delay of 100 fs compared to 0 fs, as well as an increase in the yield of small carbon fragment ions, may be indicative of incomplete charge transfer from the carbon cage on the sub-100 fs time scale

    A comprehensive study of Interatomic Coulombic Decay in argon dimers: Extracting R-dependent absolute decay rates from the experiment

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    In this work we present a comprehensive and detailed study of Interatomic Coulombic Decay (ICD) occurring after irradiating argon dimers with XUV-synchrotron radiation. A manifold of different decay channels is observed and the corresponding initial and final states are assigned. Additionally, the effect of nuclear dynamics on the ICD electron spectrum is examined for one specific decay channel. The internuclear distance-dependent width Γ(R) of the decay is obtained from the measured kinetic energy release distribution of the ions employing a classical nuclear dynamics model

    Photochimie sélective de molécules excitées en couche interne

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    Nous montrons dans le présent travail que l’excitation en couche interne des molécules par impact photonique peut être mise à profit pour opérer une photochimie sélective des espèces irradiées. Nous discutons les différentes étapes mises en jeu dans le processus de relaxation. Nous montrons que la population des différents états électroniques des ions formés gouverne la fragmentation ultérieure de la molécule. La localisation de la fragmentation est également abordée

    Photoionization of argon, krypton and xenon clusters in the inner valence shell region

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