91 research outputs found

    Mapping the vegetation for a village improvement scheme in Marburg-Hermershausen

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    FĂŒr Marburg-Hermershausen ließ sich wĂ€hrend einer Kartierung im Rahmen der Dorferneuerung 1985 ein qualitativer und quantitativer RĂŒckgang charakteristischer Dorfvegetation feststellen, der durch Versiegelung, EinschrĂ€nkung landwirtschaftlicher Nutzungen, Verlust traditioneller volkskundlicher Heilmethoden und ĂŒbertriebenem Sauberkeitsbestreben bedingt ist. Zur Umsetzung der Ergebnisse wurden VorschlĂ€ge entwickelt, die sich an die Bevölkerung, Behörden und Planer wenden, wie eine Verbesserung der Dorfökologie fĂŒr Pflanzen (und Tiere) erreicht werden kann. Allein die Einsicht in die Notwendigkeit zur Erhaltung und Förderung der vom Menschen geprĂ€gten Dorfvegetation kann diese so bedrĂ€ngte Vegetation retten.When mapping the vegetation within the framework of a village improvement scheme in Marburg-Hermershausen in 1985, a qualitative and quantitative decline of the characteristic village vegetation was noted. The reasons for this decline are the sealing of land, the reduction of agricultural exploitation, the disappearance of traditional methods of curing ailments and excessive clean-up campaigns. Based on these findings, a number of new proposals on how to improve the ecology of the village for the sake of the plants (and the animals) were drawn up for the village inhabitants, the authorities and the planners. Only when people realize how important it is to conserve and cultivate this village vegetation on which man has left his mark may it be possible to save it from extinction

    Welche Use Cases eignen sich fĂŒr die Umsetzung in einem Enterprise Social Network? Eine Fallstudie bei der N-ERGIE Aktiengesellschaft

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    Eine wachsende Anzahl von Unternehmen fĂŒhrt Enterprise Social Networks (ESN) ein, um den Wissensaustausch zwischen den Mitarbeitern zu verbessern und neue Möglichkeiten zur Zusammenarbeit zu schaffen. Die Anbieter von ESN-Lösungen versprechen ihren Kunden außerdem eine Erhöhung der ProduktivitĂ€t und Innovationskraft der Mitarbeiter. HĂ€ufig können Unternehmen diese Vorteile jedoch nicht realisieren. Gartner prognostizierte 2013, dass 80 Prozent der Unternehmen die mit ihren Social-Business-Initiativen gesteckten Ziele bis 2015 nicht erreichen werden. Zu den hĂ€ufigsten GrĂŒnden fĂŒr das Scheitern von ESN-Initiativen zĂ€hlen fehlende UnterstĂŒtzung durch die FĂŒhrungskrĂ€fte, eine „inkompatible“ Unternehmenskultur, fehlende Business-Ziele sowie eine Unsicherheit in der Belegschaft, wie und wofĂŒr das neue Werkzeug genutzt werden kann. Im Vergleich zu externen sozialen Netzwerken entwickeln sich ESN hĂ€ufig nicht als SelbstlĂ€ufer und scheitern kurz- oder mittelfristig aufgrund mangelnder Partizipation seitens der Mitarbeiter

    Charge-ordering phase transition and order-disorder effects in the Raman spectra of NaV2O5

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    In the ac polarized Raman spectra of NaV2O5 we have found anomalous phonon broadening, and an energy shift of the low-frequency mode as a function of the temperature. These effects are related to the breaking of translational symmetry, caused by electrical disorder that originates from the fluctuating nature of the V {4.5+} valence state of vanadium. The structural correlation length, obtained from comparisons between the measured and calculated Raman scattering spectra, diverges at T< 5 K, indicating the existence of the long-range charge order at very low temperatures, probably at T=0 K.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, new version, to appear in PR

    Service users’ perceptions of relevant and helpful components of an integrated care concept (ACCESS) for psychosis

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    IntroductionPsychotic disorders have a significant impact on patients’ lives and their families, and long-term treatment with individually tailored multimodal combinations of therapies is often required. Integrated care (IC) concepts such as the “Hamburg Model (ACCESS)” with a focus on psychotic disorders, includes different (therapeutic) components with pharmaco- and psychotherapy, family involvement, home treatment and the option of using a 24/7 crisis hotline. All components are offered by a therapeutically-oriented assertive community treatment (TACT) team in a need-adapted manner. So far, however, little is known about which specific components are regarded as especially relevant and helpful by the users of IC.MethodsPatients currently participating in IC completed a questionnaire as part of the continuous quality assurance study (ACCESS II) in which they were asked to rate the different components of treatment according to their relevance and helpfulness, considering the individual’s unique experiences with IC and needs in mental health care. Furthermore, they were asked to make suggestions regarding additional helpful components of treatment.ResultsFifty patients participated in this survey (23% of the patients currently participating in the IC concept). For participants, the most helpful and important factors were having the same therapist in the long-term and the 24/7 crisis telephone. Additional components suggested by patients included more addiction-specific therapies and increased focus on vocational rehabilitation and integration.ConclusionFrom the perspective of the users of IC, long-term care from a trusted therapist with whom there is a therapeutic relationship and the possibility to reach someone they already know from the TACT team 24/7 serves as the best basis for effective care, fostering trust, understanding, and open communication. In contrast, home treatment remains a relevant aspect of evidence-based care for people with severe mental illness, but perhaps surprisingly, is not viewed as the most important issue

    Oto-facial syndrome and esophageal atresia, intellectual disability and zygomatic anomalies: expanding the phenotypes associated with EFTUD2 mutations

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    Background: Mutations in EFTUD2 were proven to cause a very distinct mandibulofacial dysostosis type Guion-Almeida (MFDGA, OMIM #610536). Recently, gross deletions and mutations in EFTUD2 were determined to cause syndromic esophageal atresia (EA), as well. We set forth to find further conditions caused by mutations in the EFTUD2 gene (OMIM *603892). Methods and results: We performed exome sequencing in two familial cases with clinical features overlapping with MFDGA and EA, but which were previously assumed to represent distinct entities, a syndrome with esophageal atresia, hypoplasia of zygomatic complex, microcephaly, cup-shaped ears, congenital heart defect, and intellectual disability in a mother and her two children [AJMG 143A(11):1135-1142, 2007] and a supposedly autosomal recessive oto-facial syndrome with midline malformations in two sisters [AJMG 132(4):398-401, 2005]. While the analysis of our exome data was in progress, a recent publication made EFTUD2 mutations highly likely in these families. This hypothesis could be confirmed with exome as well as with Sanger sequencing. Also, in three further sporadic patients, clinically overlapping to these two families, de novo mutations within EFTUD2 were identified by Sanger sequencing. Our clinical and molecular workup of the patients discloses a broad phenotypic spectrum, and describes for the first time an instance of germline mosaicism for an EFTUD2 mutation. Conclusions: The clinical features of the eight patients described here further broaden the phenotypic spectrum caused by EFTUD2 mutations or deletions. We here show, that it not only includes mandibulofacial dysostosis type Guion-Almeida, which should be reclassified as an acrofacial dysostosis because of thumb anomalies (present in 12/35 or 34% of patients) and syndromic esophageal atresia [JMG 49(12). 737-746, 2012], but also the two new syndromes, namely oto-facial syndrome with midline malformations published by Megarbane et al. [AJMG 132(4): 398-401, 2005] and the syndrome published by Wieczorek et al. [AJMG 143A(11):1135-1142, 2007] The finding of mild phenotypic features in the mother of one family that could have been overlooked and the possibility of germline mosaicism in apparently healthy parents in the other family should be taken into account when counseling such families

    A comprehensive molecular study on Coffin-Siris and Nicolaides-Baraitser syndromes identifies a broad molecular and clinical spectrum converging on altered chromatin remodeling

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    Chromatin remodeling complexes are known to modify chemical marks on histones or to induce conformational changes in the chromatin in order to regulate transcription. De novo dominant mutations in different members of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex have recently been described in individuals with Coffin-Siris (CSS) and Nicolaides-Baraitser (NCBRS) syndromes. Using a combination of whole-exome sequencing, NGS-based sequencing of 23 SWI/SNF complex genes, and molecular karyotyping in 46 previously undescribed individuals with CSS and NCBRS, we identified a de novo 1-bp deletion (c.677delG, p.Gly226Glufs*53) and a de novo missense mutation (c.914G>T, p.Cys305Phe) in PHF6 in two individuals diagnosed with CSS. PHF6 interacts with the nucleosome remodeling and deacetylation (NuRD) complex implicating dysfunction of a second chromatin remodeling complex in the pathogenesis of CSS-like phenotypes. Altogether, we identified mutations in 60% of the studied individuals (28/46), located in the genes ARID1A, ARID1B, SMARCB1, SMARCE1, SMARCA2, and PHF6. We show that mutations in ARID1B are the main cause of CSS, accounting for 76% of identified mutations. ARID1B and SMARCB1 mutations were also found in individuals with the initial diagnosis of NCBRS. These individuals apparently belong to a small subset who display an intermediate CSS/NCBRS phenotype. Our proposed genotype-phenotype correlations are important for molecular screening strategie

    Welche Use Cases eignen sich fĂŒr die Umsetzung in einem Enterprise Social Network? Eine Fallstudie bei der N-ERGIE Aktiengesellschaft

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    Eine wachsende Anzahl von Unternehmen fĂŒhrt Enterprise Social Networks (ESN) ein, um den Wissensaustausch zwischen den Mitarbeitern zu verbessern und neue Möglichkeiten zur Zusammenarbeit zu schaffen. Die Anbieter von ESN-Lösungen versprechen ihren Kunden außerdem eine Erhöhung der ProduktivitĂ€t und Innovationskraft der Mitarbeiter. HĂ€ufig können Unternehmen diese Vorteile jedoch nicht realisieren. Gartner prognostizierte 2013, dass 80 Prozent der Unternehmen die mit ihren Social-Business-Initiativen gesteckten Ziele bis 2015 nicht erreichen werden. Zu den hĂ€ufigsten GrĂŒnden fĂŒr das Scheitern von ESN-Initiativen zĂ€hlen fehlende UnterstĂŒtzung durch die FĂŒhrungskrĂ€fte, eine „inkompatible“ Unternehmenskultur, fehlende Business-Ziele sowie eine Unsicherheit in der Belegschaft, wie und wofĂŒr das neue Werkzeug genutzt werden kann. Im Vergleich zu externen sozialen Netzwerken entwickeln sich ESN hĂ€ufig nicht als SelbstlĂ€ufer und scheitern kurz- oder mittelfristig aufgrund mangelnder Partizipation seitens der Mitarbeiter

    Welche Use Cases eignen sich fĂŒr die Umsetzung in einem Enterprise Social Network? Eine Fallstudie bei der N-ERGIE Aktiengesellschaft

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    Eine wachsende Anzahl von Unternehmen fĂŒhrt Enterprise Social Networks (ESN) ein, um den Wissensaustausch zwischen den Mitarbeitern zu verbessern und neue Möglichkeiten zur Zusammenarbeit zu schaffen. Die Anbieter von ESN-Lösungen versprechen ihren Kunden außerdem eine Erhöhung der ProduktivitĂ€t und Innovationskraft der Mitarbeiter. HĂ€ufig können Unternehmen diese Vorteile jedoch nicht realisieren. Gartner prognostizierte 2013, dass 80 Prozent der Unternehmen die mit ihren Social-Business-Initiativen gesteckten Ziele bis 2015 nicht erreichen werden. Zu den hĂ€ufigsten GrĂŒnden fĂŒr das Scheitern von ESN-Initiativen zĂ€hlen fehlende UnterstĂŒtzung durch die FĂŒhrungskrĂ€fte, eine „inkompatible“ Unternehmenskultur, fehlende Business-Ziele sowie eine Unsicherheit in der Belegschaft, wie und wofĂŒr das neue Werkzeug genutzt werden kann. Im Vergleich zu externen sozialen Netzwerken entwickeln sich ESN hĂ€ufig nicht als SelbstlĂ€ufer und scheitern kurz- oder mittelfristig aufgrund mangelnder Partizipation seitens der Mitarbeiter
