1,107 research outputs found


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    Tendencias co-integradoras entre los mercados de capital de los países miembros de NAFTA

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    Las recientes políticas de liberalización económica y financiera han incrementado la internacionalización de los mercados emergentes. Una atrevida estrategia implementada por México constituye el Tratado de Libre Comercio de los Países de Norte América (TLCAN, NAFTA por sus siglas en inglés). Además de incrementos en el comercio y en las inversiones, este tratado debería haber fortalecido los vínculos entre le mercados accionarios de Canadá, Estados Unidos y México. El presente estudio analiza la “primera generation” de integración entre dichos mercados aplicando la técnica de cointegración de Johansen. También examina la integración entre los mercados del NAFTA y el mercado de capitales mundial. La evidencia empírica sugiere un proceso de integración cambiante en el tiempo entre los mercados accionarios de los socios del NAFTA. La integración de los mercados de capital del NAFTA con el mercado de capitales mundial evidencia una segmentación moderada y también cambiante en el tiempo.____________________________________________Recent economic and financial liberalization policies have increased the internationalization of emerging markets. A daring strategy undertaken by Mexico constituted the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA); in addition to increased trade and investments, it should have led to stronger links among the equity markets from Canada, United States and Mexico. This study tests a “first generation” financial integration among those markets, applying Johansen’s cointegration technique. It also examines integration between the NAFTA markets and the world capital market. Results evidence a time-varying integration process among NAFTA equity markets. Integration of the NAFTA capital markets to the world capital market evidences a mild segmentation and a time-varying integration as well

    La competitividad empresarial en los sectores económicos: un estudio en el ámbito andaluz

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    rradicionalmente la literatura referente a estudios sobre la competitividad empresarial se ha centrado en tres aspectos básicos: el análisis del entorno económico, del sector industrial y de los factores inherentes a la propia empresa. En los últimos tiempos, la investigación se ha centrado en las características de propia empresa como fuente de ventaja competitiva. Este trabajo persigue tres objetivos: demostrar que el sector económico incide decisivamente en la competitividad de las compañías. Tras demostrar que la estructura financiera del sector muestra variaciones similares a las de la competitividad, pretendemos estudiar dicha estructura para cada sector. Finalmente, buscaremos correlaciones entre distintas estrategias financieras y la competitividad empresarial

    An extension on "statistical comparisons of classifiers over multiple data sets" for all pairwise comparisons

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    In a recently published paper in JMLR, Demsar (2006) recommends a set of non-parametric statistical tests and procedures which can be safely used for comparing the performance of classifiers over multiple data sets. After studying the paper, we realize that the paper correctly introduces the basic procedures and some of the most advanced ones when comparing a control method. However, it does not deal with some advanced topics in depth. Regarding these topics, we focus on more powerful proposals of statistical procedures for comparing n*n classifiers. Moreover, we illustrate an easy way of obtaining adjusted and comparable p-values in multiple comparison procedures.This research has been supported by the project TIN2005-08386-C05-01. S. García holds a FPU scholarship from Spanish Ministry of Education and Science


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    El consumo máximo de oxígeno se considera como la mejor medición singular de la capacidad aeróbica, así como el mejor indicador de integridad del sistema cardiovascular. El entrenamiento sistemático genera cambios clínicos, electrocardiográficos, funcionales y morfológicos. OBJETIVO Analizar las adaptaciones electrocardiográficas y determinar el consumo máximo de oxígeno (VO₂Max) en un equipo de futbolistas profesionales

    Investigación cualitativa en administración

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    This essay presents a general outlook and an analysis of the rationale behind the use of qualitative methods, including their being applied in research in Management. According to the views of methodological monism, the contribution of the conclusions which these methods yield, which are essentially subjective and not susceptible of being generalized, is considered too limited; while for advocates of constructivism and pluralism they are valuable in probing the depth of the phenomena of these disciplines. In fact, a lack of consensus prevails in these areas even in connection with what are qualitative methods and what are qualitative research techniques, associated to an indistinct use of these terms by some authors; which together with the number and diversity of qualitative methods makes it difficult to understand what actually is qualitative research.    Este ensayo presenta una panorámica general y un análisis de la visión que sustenta el empleo de los métodos cualitativos, incluyéndose su aplicación a la investigación en Administración. Bajo los planteamientos de un monismo metodológico, la aportación de conclusiones no generalizables y de subjetividad inherente de tales métodos se considera limitada; mientras que para los adherentes al constructivismo y al pluralismo, es de gran valía en la exploración de la profundidad de los fenómenos de estas disciplinas. En sí, prevalece en el medio una falta de consensos incluso con respecto a qué son los métodos cualitativos y qué son las técnicas cualitativas de investigación, derivada del uso indistinto que dan algunos autores a esos términos; lo que aunado a la cantidad y diversidad de métodos cualitativos crea dificultades para comprender qué es en realidad la investigación cualitativa.  

    Dinámica de la inversión extranjera de cartera en México: recomendaciones de política

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    This paper examines the factors, external and internal, determining the input and output flows of foreign portfolio investment in Mexico during the period 1995:01-2005:01. To do this, the dynamics of interest rates and the stock market returns in Mexico and the United States, as well as the country risk and the amount of foreign portfolio investment in Mexico are analyzed. Subsequently, we carry out a cointegration analysis to investigate possible functional short and long-term relationships between the above variables. Moreover, a Vector Autoregressive (VAR) with Error Correction (VEC) is specified and a Granger causality analysis is performed. Finally, we propose a number of measures and recommendations, modest but highly feasible in economic policy, that will allow, with a greater degree of certainty, financing with foreign investment the medium and long-term economic growth in an environment of macroeconomic stability

    Sobre la independencia de los flujos de inversión extranjera de cartera y el crecimiento económico en México

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    This paper carries out an analysis of cointegration between economic growth and the dynamics of the flows of foreign portfolio investment (FPI) in Mexico. Empirical evidence shows, through a VAR model and Granger causality tests, that flows coming from the FPI have no significant effect on the rate of growth of the Mexican economy and vice versa. Also, through an analysis of impulse-response functions, we find that the response of the quarterly growth rate of GDP to a shock (impulse) in the FPI is very low; vanishing in a few quarters. Also, the response of the FPI to a shock in itself and the GDP growth declines soon. Finally, we show, using a GARCH model, that the volatility of these flows does not affect the dynamics of the GDP growth rate in Mexico

    Dinámica de la inversión extranjera de cartera en México: recomendaciones de política

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    This paper examines the factors, external and internal, determining the input and output flows of foreign portfolio investment in Mexico during the period 1995:01-2005:01. To do this, the dynamics of interest rates and the stock market returns in Mexico and the United States, as well as the country risk and the amount of foreign portfolio investment in Mexico are analyzed. Subsequently, we carry out a cointegration analysis to investigate possible functional short and long-term relationships between the above variables. Moreover, a Vector Autoregressive (VAR) with Error Correction (VEC) is specified and a Granger causality analysis is performed. Finally, we propose a number of measures and recommendations, modest but highly feasible in economic policy, that will allow, with a greater degree of certainty, financing with foreign investment the medium and long-term economic growth in an environment of macroeconomic stability