517 research outputs found


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    Over the last few years, the effect that teachers’ beliefs have on the results achieved by their students has been widely studied. Educational research has shown that the self-efficacy beliefs of teachers in their work influence their professional behavior and are associated with students’  achievement and motivation. The main aim of this work is to study the personal and contextual factors determining the level of self-efficacy  perceived by teachers in countries of the European Union which participated in TALIS 2013. Specifically, it attempts to answer the following questions: What are the main determinants of teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs? Are  these factors individual or contextual? Do these determinants vary from country to country? Taking into account the multistructural level of available data (teachers —Level 1— are nested within schools —Level 2— in each country), data analysis has been carried out by means of multilevel structural equation modeling. More specifically, a multigroup multilevel model has been designed to study the effect of teachers’ traits (Level 1 predictors) and school traits (Level 2 predictors) on the perceived level of self-efficacy in different countries. The results show that variables relating to the teachers as professionals (cooperation with their colleagues, encouraging self-evaluation by the students, teachers’ perception of satisfactory class discipline, a need for professional development in the contents of the subject taught and in teaching skills, and having a constructivist teaching approach) are the ones most closely related to their self-efficacy beliefs. These are more important than factors associated with the institutional setting in which they work (ownership, ratio, or shortage of resources), or strictly personal traits (age, gender, or work situation).En los últimos años, el efecto de las creencias de los profesores sobre losresultados obtenidos por sus alumnos ha sido ampliamente estudiado. Lainvestigación educativa ha demostrado que las creencias de autoeficacia de los docentes en su trabajo influyen en su comportamiento profesional y están asociadas con el rendimiento y la motivación de los estudiantes. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es estudiar los factores personales y contextuales que determinan el nivel de autoeficacia percibida por los docentes en los países de la Unión Europea que participaron en TALIS 2013. En concreto, se trata de responder a las siguientes preguntas: ¿Qué variables determinan las creencias de autoeficacia de los docentes? ¿Se trata de factores de carácter individual o contextual? ¿Estos determinantes varían de un país a otro? Teniendo en cuenta el nivel agregado de los datos disponibles (los profesores —Nivel 1— se anidan dentro de las escuelas —Nivel 2— en cada país), el análisis de datos se ha llevado a cabo por medio de modelos de ecuaciones estructurales multinivel. Más específicamente, se ha estimado un modelo multinivel multigrupo paraestudiar el efecto de las características de los profesores (predictores deNivel 1) y de las escuelas (predictores de Nivel 2) en el nivel de percepción de autoeficacia en diferentes países. Los resultados muestran que las variables relativas a los profesores como profesionales (cooperación con sus colegas, fomento de la autoevaluación por parte de los estudiantes, percepción de una disciplina de aula satisfactoria, necesidad de desarrollo profesional en los contenidos de la materia enseñada y en las habilidades de enseñanza, así como un enfoque pedagógico constructivista) son las que se relacionan más estrechamente con sus creencias de autoeficacia. Estos factores son más importantes que los relacionados con el entorno institucional en el que trabajan (titularidad del centro, ratio o escasez de recursos) o con rasgos de carácter estrictamente personal (edad, sexo o situación laboral)

    Conservación y restauración monumental en Écija (1900-1985)

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    La compresión de las intervenciones en los monumentos, la restauración monumental anterior a la delegación de competencias -año 1985-, requiere un alejamiento temporal, que partiendo de la Ilustración desarrolla en el siglo XX las intervenciones más significativas. Partiendo de tres referencias en Geografía, Pintura y Arquitectura, será en esta última la que formalice, en su relación con lo patrimonial, la imagen actual del monumento. En el siglo XX se desarrolla la mayor parte de la legislación en materia de patrimonio en el contexto de la Administración y sus diferentes instituciones- EL MARCO- , pero es relevante el ponerlo en relación con la opinión que desde distintos ámbitos se tiene del pasado y de su legado. Todo ello en un proceso cultural que tendrá a las vanguardias como hito de cambio hacia lo contemporáneo. El estudio de los proyectos como documentos que forman parte de los monumentos, exige una minuciosa labor de estudio y de constatación entre lo proyectado y lo ejecutado. En el caso concreto de la ciudad de Écija, las intervenciones en la arquitectura religiosa definirá en la mayoría de los casos un cambio en el aspecto de la ciudad en su imagen más íntima, así como el Barroco la determinó en su momento.The understanding of the interventions in monuments, the previous monumental restoration to the delegation of authority - year 1985-, requires a temporal rift which starting from the Enlightenment, develops in the XX century the most remarcable interventions. Starting from three references en Geography, Painting and Architecture, it is the last one which formalizes, in its relationship with the patrimonial, the present image of the monument. In the XX century it was developed most of the legislation related to heritage in the context of the Administration and its different institutions- THE FRAME-, but it is important to relate that to the opinion of different fields about past time and its legacy. All that following a cultural process which has the Avant-garde a turning point to the present time. Thes study of the projects as a documents which are part of those monuments, involves a meticulous work of study and verification between what is projected and carried out. In the specific case of the city of Écija, the interventions in the religious architecture defines in most of the cases a change in the appearance in its most intimate image as well as the Baroque period determinated it on that moment

    Heritage education in museums. Educational material analysis

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    En este trabajo analizamos el papel que se le otorga a la educación patrimonial en los museos histórico-artísticos, de la ciencia y parques naturales. Trabajamos con los materiales didácticos editados por los centros patrimoniales con mayor número de visitas en el ámbito español en cada categoría. El objetivo consiste en caracterizar la perspectiva patrimonial transmitida por estos materiales, detectar las dificultades y obstáculos existentes respecto a la educación patrimonial y realizar aportaciones que permitan su integración desde una perspectiva transdisciplinar, constructivista y socio-crítica. Para ello se elaboran diferentes instrumentos de obtención y análisis de información (hipótesis de progresión, hojas de observación y recogida de datos y tablas de categorías) que permiten el estudio sistemático y riguroso de los materiales y centros patrimoniales objeto de investigación. Los resultados, en general, ponen de manifiesto el uso del patrimonio como recurso educativo y las relaciones existentes entre los diferentes tipos y centros patrimoniales para desarrollar propuestas educativas coherentes con las líneas de trabajo que se establecenThe role of Heritage Education is analysed through the historical, artistic, science museums and natural parks. We work with educational documents edited by the most visited heritage centres in each typology in Spain. The aim is to characterise the patrimonial outlook transmitted by these materials, detect the difficulties and obstacles in terms of heritage education and provide input to allow integration from a transdisciplinary, constructivist and socio-critical perspective. To this end, different research instrument are developed (progression hypothesis, observation sheets and data collection categories and tables) to enable a systematic and rigorous analysis of the educational materials and centres studied. The outcomes, in general, allow us highlighting the disciplinary use of heritage as an educational resource, and its relationships between several heritage centres and typologies with our educational proposal

    Disruptive behaviour in the spanish school system. Legislative development

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    En la actualidad el incremento de los problemas de disciplina en el aula supone una preocupación para el profesorado y un obstáculo para el desarrollo del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Para que la intervención educativa sea eficaz, es necesario diferenciar los distintos tipos de conflictos, abordándolos desde diversas perspectivas. En este artículo se ha realizado un análisis documental de las sucesivas leyes educativas españolas, buscando en cada una la frecuencia de aparición de palabras claves referidas al comportamiento del alumnado, se ha analizado la respuesta ante la conflictividad y la diferencia entre el abordaje de la conducta grave y la disruptiva, menos grave. Como resultado se observa una evolución positiva de la normativa, influida por una sociedad más concienciada de la importancia de un buen clima escolar para conseguir el sano desarrollo personal y mejor aprendizaje del alumnado. La ley actual diferencia entre conductas graves y leves y muestra una mayor preocupación, no solo por frenar el incremento de estos comportamientos, sino también por prevenirlos. Pero todavía queda mucho por avanzar, pues aún no se dan orientaciones claras que ayuden al profesorado a abordar las conductas leves de forma adecuada, pese a las dificultades que suponen para el proceso de aprendizaje.Nowadays, increasing discipline problems in the classroom have become a concern for teachers and an obstacle for the development of the teaching-learning process. To adequately develop an effective educational intervention, it is essential to distinguish between different types of conflicts and to approach them from different perspectives. This paper presents an analysis of the successive educational Spanish laws, specifically examining the frequency of appearance of those keywords regarding students’ behavior in each law. The responses provided to approach conflict were studied, differentiating from serious misconduct and less serious disruptive behavior.Results show a positive evolution of the Spanish regulations: This is due to the increase of social awareness regarding the importance of creating a favourable school environment to ensure a healthy personal development and better learning. The current law distinguishes misconduct and disruptive behavior and also expresses its concern about the increase in this kind of behavior and provides ways of preventing it. However, further progress is still to be achieved as there is a need for clear guidelines for teachers to properly deal with disruptive behavior. Despite the difficulties that this kind of behavior entail to the learning process, these recommendations are still not laid down despite the difficulties faced by the learning process

    Sexual differences in depressive-like behaviours after juvenile and adult stress.

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    Early stress episodes affect brain development and is related to increased risk of developing stress-induced depression in adulthood. However, little is known about the sexual differences in this process. Our goal is to study how stress in different developmental periods affects depression-like behaviours in male and female mice. For this purpose, four experimental groups of both male and female mice of strain C57BL/6J were used: control (C) Juvenile (JE), adult (AE), and double stress JE+AE (DE). Depression-like behaviours were evaluated in the adult period. Nest building test was used to assess motivation and fatigue, the open field test to study exploratory behaviour, and the tail suspension test for learned helplessness. Taken together, the results suggest that male mice behaviours are more affected by adult stress (AE, DE), while female mice behaviours are more affected by juvenile stress (JE, DE). A PCA was performed to integrate the results. It revealed three principal components that account for 64,62% of the variance. The first is related to exploratory behavior, the second to active coping mechanisms and the third is the motivation for basic behaviors. Exploratory behaviour seems to be affected by all types of stress, while motivation is specially hindered in the female DE. Taken together, these results suggest that stress in different developmental periods affects differently male and female mice, with DE females exhibiting more depressive-like behaviours.Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidades, Junta de Andalucía P20_00460-Co-financing by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF/FEDER) ; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-Plan Nacional I+D+I from Spain Grant PID2020-117464RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10. 13039/501100011033 ; ERDF/Junta de Andalucía-Proyectos I+D+I en el marco del Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020 (UMA20-FEDERJA-112). II plan propio de investigación, transferencia y divulgación científica de la Universidad de Málaga. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Condicionantes de la conexión entre la teoría y la práctica en el Prácticum de Magisterio: Algunas evidencias a partir de TEDS-M

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    Considerando el nivel de coherencia percibida por los estudiantes españoles de Magisterio que participaron en el estudio TEDS-M entre los contenidos aprendidos en la Universidad y los aplicados durante sus prácticas, este artículo analiza desde una perspectiva multinivel posibles diferencias en esta percepción en función de aspectos relativos a la planifi cación, desarrollo y evaluación del Prácticum. Los resultados muestran que son las variables relativas al desarrollo del Prácticum las que contribuyen en mayor grado a explicar dichas diferencias. Destaca especialmente el papel desempeñado por el tutor, por lo que resulta necesario avanzar en la investigación en torno a esta figura.Considering the level of coherence perceived by future primary teachers in Spain that participated in TEDS-M study between the learning acquired at University and those applied during the Prácticum, this paper analyzes from a multilevel analytical approach differences in this perception depending on aspects related to the planning, development and evaluation of Prácticum. Results show that variables associated with the development of Prácticum help to explain these differences. Especially, it is emphasized the role of the tutor, so this suggests the need for further research around this figure

    The UPV Design Factory. What is it good for?

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    Universities have the challenge and responsibility to society to train good professionals. Moreover, they must adapt to current demands. They must do so not only by improving the contents of the different degree programs but also by incorporating new programs and activities that help students develop soft skills, teamwork, connections between the university and real life, making them the best professionals and excellent citizens. To this end, in 2014, the UPV launched a program called Design Factory to channel and frame initiatives carried out by students to develop their prototypes and participate in student competitions. The program facilitates the creation of interdisciplinary learning communities in which students are committed to their goals, their teams, and the university. The program's spirit is to encourage learning in an eminently practical way. Students have to lead the projects, attract and select candidates, manage a budget, carry out their activities and try to achieve their goals, which involves many soft skills. For the program's operation, the university provides a team including management, technical and administrative staff, facilities, and economic endowment to the teams to carry out their activities. Funds are distributed in terms of the quality proposal, impact on the university, and results from the previous edition. More than 2,000 students participate in more than 60 engaged teams whose coordinators show high satisfaction with their roles in the current academic year