388 research outputs found

    Mammals (Tetrapoda: Mammalia) of the Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico: megadiversity in an area of high environmental complexity

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      La Sierra Madre Occidental (SMO) es la cadena montañosa más grande de México (1,400 km), y no obstante una de las regiones menos estudiadas del país. Utilizando registros de ejemplares examinados en colecciones científicas, observaciones directas, fotografías y datos bibliográficos, construimos una base de datos con 4,659 registros únicos de mamíferos. Nuestros objetivos fueron generar una lista de especies, examinar patrones generales de distribución, relacionar estos patrones con ecorregiones y vegetación, y discutir la importancia de la SMO como centro de endemismo y alta diversidad. Se documentaron 171 especies (34.3 % de los mamíferos terrestres mexicanos). Cuarenta y siete son endémicos de México, incluyendo diez endémicos de la SMO. La mayor riqueza de especies se registró en la ecorregión Tropical (125). El mayor número de endemismos se registró en esta misma ecorregión (37), seguida de Madrense Sur (24) y Madrense Tropical (22). Nueve de las diez especies endémicas de la SMO se distribuyen en áreas templadas. Poco o ningún esfuerzo de colecta ha sido llevado a cabo en más de la mitad de la SMO. El recambio de especies refleja la diversidad y complejidad de biomas, más que los gradientes latitudinales que podrían esperarse. Solo 4.8 % de la SMO se encuentra dentro de un área protegida, pero éstas no incluyen biomas vulnerables como el bosque mesófilo. Es urgente la investigación biológica en la SMO, un área donde se desarrollan extensas actividades mineras, forestales, ganaderas, y más recientemente, turísticas y provisión servicios ambientales.The Sierra Madre Occidental (SMO) is the largest mountain range in Mexico (1,400 km long), and yet one of the least studied regions. Using records from museum specimens, direct observations, photographs, and literature data, we built a database with 4,659 unique mammal records. Our aims were to generate a species list, to examine general distribution patterns, to relate these patterns to ecoregions and vegetation, and to discuss the importance of the SMO as a center of endemism and high biological diversity. We recorded 171 species (34.3% of the Mexican terrestrial mammals). Forty-seven are endemic of Mexico, including ten endemics of the SMO. The highest species richness was recorded at the Tropical ecoregion (T, 125 species), followed by Madrean South (MS, 100), and Madrean Xerophylous (MX, 95). The highest number of endemics was recorded in T (37), followed by MS (24), and Madrean tropical (MT, 22). Nine of ten species endemic to the SMO occur in the temperate highlands. Sampling efforts have been scarce or nonexistent for over half the SMO. Species turnover reflects the complexity of the biomes that occur in the Sierra, and not the expected latitudinal patterns of species richness. Only 4.8% of the SMO is within a protected area, and the areas that are protected do not include vulnerable biomes like the cloud forest. Biological research is urgent in the SMO, an area under intensive mining, forestry, cattle ranching, and more recently, tourism and environmental services

    Deficiency in the learning process that leads to low proficiency in speaking ability in students of ninth grade evening shift at La Salle Institute in Diriamba city during the second semester of 2011

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    Our research is based on the deficiency in the teaching learning process in speaking ability, in students of ninth grade at Institute National La Salle. With this research we attempt to collect many of the important problems that affect the development of the speaking skill specially those factors wish have relevance to the teaching of English as a second language. We will discuss a wide range of real problems from classroom techniques to help practicing students and teachers in daily assessments. In other hand, you may be able to observe some questionnaires that we made in order to know what teacher and students opinions in this problem who have deficiency in the teaching learning process

    La Civilidad en las Castas Veladas del México Actual

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    This paper deals with the problem of the present patterns of living together of Mexicans, starting from the concept of Caste, managed during the Colonial times. In the New Spain, that concept meant ‘racial mixture’ and, with that meaning, the concept integrated two different semantic horizons: that of the mixture of races and that of the social stratum. During the Colonial times, the caste placed people in two different horizons, one based on somatic characteristics, and another, based on social hierarchy. Today, the Novohispanic meanings of the words ‘caste’ y ‘race’ are absent. The issue of the somatic differences has disappeared from the analysis of the identity of the Mexican, but those differences are still underlined as a sign of differences of economic, educative and cultural wealth, and, overall, as a sign of interpersonal manners, that is, as signs of differences of civility.El escrito aborda el problema de los actuales patrones de convivencia de los mexicanos, a partir del concepto de Casta, manejado durante la Colonia. En la Nueva España ese concepto significó ‘mezcla racial’ y, con ese significado, el concepto integró dos distintos horizontes semánticos: el de mezcla de razas y el de estrato social. Durante la Colonia, la casta ubicaba a las personas dentro de dos distintos horizontes, uno basado en características somáticas, y otro, basado en la jerarquización social. Hoy, los significados novohispanos de las palabras ‘casta’ y ‘raza’ están ausentes. El tema de las diferencias somáticas ha desaparecido del campo del análisis de la identidad del mexicano, pero esas diferencias todavía son señaladas como signo de diferencias de riqueza económica, educativa y cultural, y sobre todo, como signo de maneras de trato interpersonal, es decir, como signos de diferencias de civilidad

    Heat release analysis in a variable compression internal combustion engine with butanol

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    Butanol is currently used as solvent in industry and is produced from petroleum. The biologic origin of butanol is becoming more interesting because of the biochemical improvement of the ABE fermentation process from different agro-food wastes [1] Bio-butanol shows better physical and chemical properties than ethanol as fuel in internal combustion engines [2] and is a promise biofuel for the future. The n-butanol isomer has been selected for this tests because it is to be used in the "Waste To Fuels" Research Project supported by the European Union. In this work, preliminary tests of a CFR variable compression ratio engine fueled with pure n-butanol are presented and compared with gasoline and ethanol

    A checklist of the mammals (Mammalia) of Chihuahua, Mexico

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    An updated list of the mammals of Chihuahua state, Mexico was assembled from the literature and from museum specimens. We documented 133 species (15 endemic to Mexico and 11 new for Chihuahua), representing 25 families, 75 genera, and 27.4% of the Mexican terrestrial mammalian fauna. Four species are probably extirpated from the state. Four major ecoregions have been defined for Chihuahua: Arid, Valleys, Sierra, and Quebradas. Species richness was the highest in Valleys, and consisted mostly of species with Nearctic affinities. In contrast, Quebradas were the least species-rich, but included mostly Neotropical species that occur only in this ecoregion of Chihuahua. Despite the fact that Chihuahua harbors considerable biodiversity and unique Mexican biomes, conservation efforts are insufficient. The current rate of anthropogenic modification in the state requires a comprehensive strategy if Chihuahua’s biodiversity is to be preserved


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    Qualitative postcranial characteristics, number of osseous elements, and their intrapopulational variation are described for a sample of 60 Glossophaga morenoi. There are 267 postcranial elements in 70% of the specimens examined. Deviations from this quantity are due to variation in number of vertebrae and associated ribs. Because of their high degree of morphological similarity in skull characters, species of Glossophaga have been considered as sibling species. Postcranial features reflect this trend. In general, postcranial morphology of G. morenoi closely resembles that of G. soricina, the only other species for which detailed postcranial information is available.Se describen las características morfológicas cualitativas, el número de elementos óseos y la variación en forma y número de huesos en el esqueleto postcraneal de una población de Glossophaga morenoi, con base en el examen de una muestra de 60 ejemplares. El esqueleto consta de 267 elementos óseos en 70% de la muestra analizada, el resto presentó variación únicamente en el número de vértebras y en las costillas asociadas a ellas. Debido a su alto grado de similitud en caracteres craneales, las especies del género Glossophaga son consideradas como especies hermanas. El mismo patrón parece existir a nivel postcraneal, la morfología del esqueleto postcraneal de G. morenoi es, en términos generales, la misma descrita para G. soricina, la única otra especie del género para la cual se dispone de información detallada

    Animal assisted speech therapy in childhood and adolescence : a descriptive, cross environment survey study

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    RESUMEN: Introducción: La logopedia engloba el estudio, prevención, detección, evaluación, diagnóstico y tratamiento de las alteraciones de la voz, audición, habla, lenguaje; y funciones orofaciales y deglutorias. Para el tratamiento de estas alteraciones hay numerosas investigaciones acerca de los beneficios de las terapias no farmacológicas como las intervenciones asistidas con animales, que además de beneficiosas, se han demostrado como eficaces en la práctica basada en la evidencia. Objetivo: Obtener información de entidades españolas y extranjeras destinadas a la Intervención Asistida con Animales sobre el uso de este tipo de intervenciones como recurso no farmacológico, en infancia y adolescencia con patologías propias del ámbito de intervención logopédico, así como los profesionales que participan en las mismas. Metodología: Se seleccionaron 139 entidades dedicadas a las intervenciones asistidas con animales, españolas y extranjeras, para llevar a cabo el estudio. Se elaboró una encuesta validada por un comité de expertos. Resultados: La figura del logopeda solo está presente en el 14,3% de los casos y el 6,3% considera que no es necesario contar con un logopeda. Solo el 14,3% se dedica exclusivamente a las intervenciones asistidas con animales en infancia y adolescencia. Discusión: La intervención asistida con animales es un campo aún desconocido en España. Sería pertinente realizar estudios que demuestren los beneficios de las intervenciones. Hay mucho intrusismo laboral en la logopedia. Hubo limitaciones en el estudio por la escasa participación y la no respuesta de muchas organizaciones. Conclusión: La mayoría de las entidades no cuentan con logopeda en su equipo y se aprecia desconocimiento respecto a su labor. La labor del logopeda es llevada a cabo por otros profesionales. Las intervenciones asistidas con animales son muy beneficiosas y estas entidades, en su mayoría trabajan con todos los rangos de edad, por lo que buena parte trabaja con infancia y adolescencia.ABSTRACT: Introduction: Speech Therapy includes the study, prevention, detection, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of voice, hearing, speech, language, oral functions and swallowing disorders. For the treatment of these disorders there is a lot of research about the benefits of non-pharmacological therapies such as animal assisted therapy, that in addition to being beneficial, has been shown to be effective in evidence-based practice. Objective: To obtain information from Spanish and foreign organizations dedicated to Animal Assisted Therapy on the use of this type of therapies as a non-pharmacological resource, in childhood and adolescence with pathologies of speech therapy intervention, as well as the professionals who participate in them. Material and Methods: 139 entities dedicated to Animal Assisted Interventions, Spanish and foreign, were selected to carry out the study. A survey was conducted to obtain information for the investigation. Results: Speech therapist is only present in 14.3% of the cases and 6.3% consider that it is not necessary to have a speech therapist. Only 14.3% are dedicated exclusively to Animal Assisted Interventions in childhood and adolescence. Discussion: Animal assisted intervention is a field still unknown in Spain. It would be interesting to carry out studies that demonstrate the benefits of the animal assisted therapy. There is a lot of intrusion in speech therapy. There were limitations in the study due to low participation and non-response from many organizations. Conclusions: Most of the organizations don´t have a speech therapist in their team and there is a lack of knowledge regarding their work. The work of the speech therapist is carried out by other professionals. Animal assisted therapy are beneficial and these organizations work with all ages, so a good part of them work with childhood and adolescence.Grado en Logopedi

    Attending to dementia caregivers diverse needs: contributions from cognitive behavioral therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy

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    Cuidar a un familiar mayor con demencia se asocia con consecuencias emocionales negativas para los cuidadores. En este trabajo se describe una terapia cognitivo-conductual (TCC) y otra de aceptación y compromiso (ACT) que han sido diseñadas para reducir el malestar emocional de los cuidadores. El objetivo de la TCC es modificar creencias y pensamientos disfuncionales relacionados con el cuidado y entrenar a los cuidadores en el aumento de la frecuencia de actividades gratificantes. Incluye además entrenamiento en relajación y en habilidades para pedir ayuda. A través de la terapia ACT se trabaja la identificación del patrón personal de evitación experiencial y la alternativa de la aceptación de emociones, pensamientos y sensaciones, se ayuda al cuidador a identificar sus valores y las barreras para la acción coherente con ellos y se trabaja para incrementar la motivación del cuidador para comprometerse con sus valores y llevar a cabo acciones coherentes con dichos valoresLooking after an elderly relative with dementia is associated with negative emotional consequences for caregivers. The present paper describes a cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and an acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) that were designed to reduce emotional distress in the caregiver. The objective of CBT is to modify dysfunctional beliefs and thoughts related to caregiving and to train caregivers to increase the frequency of gratifying activities; it also includes training in relaxation and in skills for seeking help. ACT involves working in particular on three aspects: on the identification of the caregiver’s personal pattern of experiential avoidance and the alternative of acceptance of emotions, thoughts and feelings; on helping caregivers to identify their values and the barriers to acting in coherence with them; and on increasing caregivers’ motivation to commit themselves to their values and perform actions and activities coherent with those valuesLa preparación de este trabajo ha sido posible gracias a la financiación obtenida del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PSI2009-08132) y del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (PSI2012-31293


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    An updated bat inventory of the Sierra Tarahumara, in the southwestern corner of Chihuahua State, based on collections made between 2001 and 2003, examination of museum specimens, and literature data, is presented. Four species are recorded for the first time in Chihuahua (Dermanura azteca, D. tolteca, Myotis fortidens, and Nyctinomops aurispinosus); three are recorded for the second time (Balantiopteryx plicata, Mormoops megalophylla, Choeronycteris mexicana); and three are new records for this portion of the Sierra Madre Occidental (Myotis auriculus, M. thysanodes, Tadarida brasiliensis). This collection increases the bat fauna of the region to 31. The available records suggest that the Sierra Madre canyons act as corridors through which faunas of boreal and tropical affinities move upwards and downwards.Se actualizó el inventario de los murciélagos de la Sierra Tarahumara con base en colectas realizadas entre 2001 y 2004, el examen de ejemplares de colección, así como en información bibliográfica. Cuatro especies se registran por primera vez para el estado de Chihuahua (Dermanura azteca, D. tolteca, Myotis fortidens, Nyctinomops aurispinosus), cuatro por segunda vez (Balantiopteryx plicata, Mormoops megalophylla, Choeronycteris mexicana, Sturnira lilium) y tres se documentan por primera vez para esta porción de la Sierra Madre Occidental (Myotis auriculus, M. thysanodes, Tadarida brasiliensis), llevando el número de especies conocidas a 31. Los registros disponibles sugieren que las cañadas de la Sierra Madre Occidental funcionan como corredores a lo largo de los cuales hay movimientos de las faunas de ambientes templados a tropicales y viceversa

    Effects of soil characteristics on metribuzin dissipation using clay-gel-based formulations

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    Metribuzin (MTB) is a herbicide widely used for weed control in growing soybeans and other crops and has been identified in many parts of the world as a groundwater contaminant. To prepare controlled-release formulations (CRFs) of MTB, it was entrapped within a sepiolite-gel-based matrix with one of two proportions of clay/herbicide and used as either a gel or powder after freeze-drying. To determine how its persistence in soil is affected by formulation and soil type, MTB was applied as a CRF or commercial formulation (CM) to soils with different properties. MTB dissipation in all soils investigated was reduced when the herbicide was applied as CRFs, especially in the case of sandy soil and the freeze-dried formulations, with DT50 values of 57.5 and 104.1 days, respectively, versus 24.8 days for CM. A positive relationship between degradation rates, bioactivity, and soil pH was found. MTB adsorption-desorption studies on these soils were also performed, and no relationship between adsorption-desorption and the degradation rate of MTB was found, possibly because of the low adsorption capacity of the studied soils. MTB when applied as a CRF remains active longer than CM, avoiding the need to use more frequently herbicide applications.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (MEC) through Research Projects AGL 2005-00164, by Junta de Andaluc ́ıa (project P06-FQM-01909), and by AECID (project A/016047/08).Peer Reviewe