8 research outputs found

    Ontology of Strategic Information Systems Planning

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    Strategically planning and aligning information systems is still one the most challenging IT tasks for organizations. Literature has contributed to describe and analyze the phenomena labeling the process of Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP) as the one that pursues the alignment of the IS/IT initiatives to achieve business goals. Statistics reveal, however, that those goals are significantly not being achieved, leaving the discussion open to know whether the SISP models, frameworks and methods are correct, complete, applicable, feasible or not. In order to understand and visualize the potential gaps and biases in the SISP literature, the paper introduces an ontology of the SISP process that allows systematically and symmetrically expand study to contribute to maturation of the scientific field as well as to identify the critical omissions within it. Later, the ontological analysis will allow the visualization of bright, light, and blind/blank areas of knowledge documented on SISP

    Retos y dificultades de productores en huertos orgánicos en Celaya, Guanajuato, México

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    This research had as main objective to know the experience of organic producers of Celaya, Guanajuato, to analyze their forms of organization, commercialization and the main difficulties that affect the union, especially, those that refer to the production and commercialization of their products. It was carried out under a qualitative approach through a case study consisting of a group of organic producers belonging to the "Pilot Rural Development Plan". A subunit of analysis was considered to 18 producers (4 men and 14 women) of the 15 orchards that are distributed in 13 localities of the municipality of Celaya. In the results are presented the main difficulties identified by these producers, such as: pests, lack of water and little organization among members of the union, these are associated with low production volume (which is the main problem of commercialization), followed by the lack of time and lack of knowledge of the market by producers. It is proposed to deepen some issues such as the importance of the gender of the producers, because it was found a greater inclination of women to generate income through the productive unit It is concluded that organic production is a space of opportunities to conduct research and know the struggles and strategies that small producers develop in response to the impulses of globalization. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo principal conocer la experiencia de productores orgánicos de Celaya, Guanajuato, para analizar sus formas de organización, comercialización y las principales dificultades que afectan al gremio, especialmente, las que se refieren a la producción y comercialización de sus productos. Se realizó bajo un enfoque cualitativo a través de un estudio de caso constituido por un grupo de productores orgánicos perteneciente al programa “Plan piloto de desarrollo rural”. Se consideró como subunidad de análisis a 18 productores (4 hombres y 14 mujeres) de los 15 huertos que se encuentran distribuidos en 13 localidades del municipio de Celaya. En los resultados se presentan las principales dificultades señaladas por estos productores, tales como: plagas, falta de agua y la poca organización entre integrantes del gremio, estos se asocian al bajo volumen productivo (que es el principal problema de comercialización), seguido por la falta de tiempo y el desconocimiento de mercado por parte de los productores. Se propone profundizar algunos temas como la importancia del género de los productores, pues se encontró una mayor inclinación de las mujeres por generar ingresos a través de la unidad productiva. Se concluye que la producción orgánica es un espacio de oportunidades para realizar investigación y conocer las luchas y estrategias que los pequeños productores desarrollan ante los impulsos de la globalización

    Retos y dificultades de productores en huertos orgánicos en Celaya, Guanajuato, México

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    This research had as main objective to know the experience of organic producers of Celaya, Guanajuato, to analyze their forms of organization, commercialization and the main difficulties that affect the union, especially, those that refer to the production and commercialization of their products. It was carried out under a qualitative approach through a case study consisting of a group of organic producers belonging to the "Pilot Rural Development Plan". A subunit of analysis was considered to 18 producers (4 men and 14 women) of the 15 orchards that are distributed in 13 localities of the municipality of Celaya. In the results are presented the main difficulties identified by these producers, such as: pests, lack of water and little organization among members of the union, these are associated with low production volume (which is the main problem of commercialization), followed by the lack of time and lack of knowledge of the market by producers. It is proposed to deepen some issues such as the importance of the gender of the producers, because it was found a greater inclination of women to generate income through the productive unit It is concluded that organic production is a space of opportunities to conduct research and know the struggles and strategies that small producers develop in response to the impulses of globalization. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo principal conocer la experiencia de productores orgánicos de Celaya, Guanajuato, para analizar sus formas de organización, comercialización y las principales dificultades que afectan al gremio, especialmente, las que se refieren a la producción y comercialización de sus productos. Se realizó bajo un enfoque cualitativo a través de un estudio de caso constituido por un grupo de productores orgánicos perteneciente al programa “Plan piloto de desarrollo rural”. Se consideró como subunidad de análisis a 18 productores (4 hombres y 14 mujeres) de los 15 huertos que se encuentran distribuidos en 13 localidades del municipio de Celaya. En los resultados se presentan las principales dificultades señaladas por estos productores, tales como: plagas, falta de agua y la poca organización entre integrantes del gremio, estos se asocian al bajo volumen productivo (que es el principal problema de comercialización), seguido por la falta de tiempo y el desconocimiento de mercado por parte de los productores. Se propone profundizar algunos temas como la importancia del género de los productores, pues se encontró una mayor inclinación de las mujeres por generar ingresos a través de la unidad productiva. Se concluye que la producción orgánica es un espacio de oportunidades para realizar investigación y conocer las luchas y estrategias que los pequeños productores desarrollan ante los impulsos de la globalización

    Diseño de una relación de acciones preventivas y correctivas de seguridad e higiene industrial en la empresa Natura Plastic S.A. de C.V.

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    Tesis (Ingeniería Industrial y Licenciatura en Administración Industrial), Instituto Politécnico Nacional, UPIICSA, 2015, 1 archivo PDF, (169 páginas). tesis.ipn.m

    Predominance of Dystrophinopathy Genotypes in Mexican Male Patients Presenting as Muscular Dystrophy with A Normal Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction DMD Gene Result: A Study Including Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing

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    The complete mutational spectrum of dystrophinopathies and limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) remains unknown in Mexican population. Seventy-two unrelated Mexican male patients (73% of pediatric age) with clinical suspicion of muscular dystrophy and no evidence of DMD gene deletion on multiplex polymerase chain reaction (mPCR) analysis were analyzed by multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA). Those with a normal result were subjected to Sanger sequencing or to next-generation sequencing for DMD plus 10 selected LGMD-related genes. We achieved a diagnostic genotype in 80.5% (n = 58/72) of patients with predominance of dystrophinopathy-linked genotypes (68%, n = 49/72), followed by autosomal recessive LGMD-related genotypes (types 2A-R1, 2C-R5, 2E-R4, 2D-R3 and 2I-R9; 12.5%, n = 9/72). MLPA showed 4.2% of false-negatives for DMD deletions assessed by mPCR. Among the small DMD variants, 96.5% (n = 28/29) corresponded to null-alleles, most of which (72%) were inherited through a carrier mother. The FKRP p.[Leu276Ile]; [Asn463Asp] genotype is reported for the first time in Mexican patients as being associated with dilated cardiomyopathy. Absence of dysferlinopathies could be related to the small sample size and/or the predominantly pediatric age of patients. The employed strategy seems to be an affordable diagnosis approach for Mexican muscular dystrophy male patients and their families