139 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is to see the effect of the use of Computer-Based Information System for Employees’ Job Satisfaction and Quality of Work. Independent variables used in this study is Computer Based Information Systems. For the dependent variables used in this study is Employees’ Job Satisfaction and Quality of Work. The data in this study are primary data obtained from questionnaires spread directly to the employees who work at the Bureau of Finance Management of Bengkulu Province Secretariat. Questionnaire data that can be processed were from 48 respondents that considered to represent the population of employees who work at the Bureau of Finance Management. The test of data in this study used multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS 16.The results in this study indicate two different conclusions, the first stating that the use of computer-based information system did not affect the Quality of Work of employees, while the latter results suggest that the use of computer-based information systems had a positive and significant effect on Job Satisfaction of employees in the Bureau of Finance Management of Bengkulu Province Secretariat


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    The purpose of this study is to see the effect of the use of Computer-Based Information System for Employees’ Job Satisfaction and Quality of Work. Independent variables used in this study is Computer Based Information Systems. For the dependent variables used in this study is Employees’ Job Satisfaction and Quality of Work. The data in this study are primary data obtained from questionnaires spread directly to the employees who work at the Bureau of Finance Management of Bengkulu Province Secretariat. Questionnaire data that can be processed were from 48 respondents that considered to represent the population of employees who work at the Bureau of Finance Management. The test of data in this study used multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS 16. The results in this study indicate two different conclusions, the first stating that the use of computer-based information system did not affect the Quality of Work of employees, while the latter results suggest that the use of computer-based information systems had a positive and significant effect on Job Satisfaction of employees in the Bureau of Finance Management of Bengkulu Province Secretariat

    The Effect Of Work From Home (Wfh) On Employee Performance At Agricultural Department Of Enrekang District

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    This research is a research using quantitative methods with a sample size of 100 respondents. This study aims to determine the effect of work from home on employee performance at the Department of Agriculture of Enrekang Regency. Data obtained from the results of questionnaires distributed to respondents. The data analysis technique used validity test, reliability test, simple linear regression test, partial test (R2) and coefficient of determination test. The value of the coefficient of determination test (R2) is 0.313 so that it can be seen that the effect of work from home on employee performance is 9.8%. In the results of the t test, the variable coefficient value is 0.272 with a significant value of 0.002 (0.002 0.05), and the t arithmetic value is greater than t table (3.262 1.98). The results show that the hypothesis can be accepted because work from home has a positive and significant effect on employee performanc


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    Pandemi Covid 19 telah menunjukkan hambatan serius terhadap ketersediaan dan akses terhadap vaksin bagi banyak negara berkembang. Salah satu kendalanya adalah menyoal paten pada bidang farmasi seperti membatasi kapabilitas peraturan kekayaan intelektual yang dibuat oleh World Trade Organization (WTO) dan perjanjian Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) telah secara nyata tidak adil bagi negara-negara berkembang, lebih lanjut juga dianggap sebagai masalah dalam keadilan global. Penelitian ini berupaya mengeksplorasi aturan guna mereformasi hukum kekayaan intelektual mengingat masalah yang telah terjadi seperti terkait dengan pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa seyogyanya kepentingan orang-orang di seluruh dunia wajib menjadi landasan dalam pemerataan akses terhadap vaksin, sehingga mempersiapkan prosedur etis pengecualian atas paten sangat dibutuhkan


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    ABSTRAKSI: Wajah manusia terdiri atas beberapa bagian yang memiliki karakteristik berbeda-beda, yang terbentang dari dahi hingga ke dagu seperti mata, hidung, telinga, bibir, pipi, dahi, rambut. Dalam perkembangan teknologi pengolahan citra digital sendiri terdapat beberapa metode untuk mengambil ciri-ciri dari wajah pada citra digital. Penggunaan pengenalan wajah telah merambat kedalam banyak bidang, terutama dalam hal sistem keamanan. Pada pengenalan wajah beberapa pengembangan juga dilakukan dengan munculnya berbagai metode baru ataupun pengembangan dari metode yang sudah ada dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan akurasi dari metode yang digunakan tersebut untuk mengenali wajah.Salah satu metode yang umum digunakan pada pengenalan wajah adalah metode Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Ekstraksi ciri menggunakan metode PCA yaitu merupakan tahapan untuk mencari fitur-fitur penting yang mewakili sebuah citra. Dalam pengembangannya metode PCA masih bisa dioptimalkan agar akurasinya dapat meningkat. Pada penelitian ini digunakan metode Bacterial Foraging Optimization (BFO) sebagai algoritma untuk mengoptimalkan metode Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Metode BFO ini digunakan untuk mencari ciri-ciri terbaik pada PCA yang dapat memisahkan setiap kelas wajah yang satu dengan kelas wajah yang lainnya.Pengujian dilakukan terhadap citra wajah uji sebanyak 200 citra dengan kriteria pengujian pada penentuan bakteri terbaik dari BFO, pengambilan ciri PCA, serta pengaruh penggunaan image enhancement terhadap akurasi pengenalan yang dihasilkan. Dari hasil pengujian, didapatkan hasil terbaik dengan akurasi tertinggi yaitu 93%.Kata Kunci : Pengolahan Citra Digital, Pengenalan Wajah, PCA, BFOABSTRACT: The human face consists of several parts that have different characteristics, which extends from the forehead to the chin as the eyes, nose, ears, lips, cheeks, forehead, hair. In the development of digital image processing technology itself, there are several methods to take on the characteristics of the face in the digital image. The use of facial recognition has spread into many fields, especially in terms of security system. On face recognition are also carried out some development with the emergence of various new methods or development of existing methods in order to improve the accuracy of the method used to recognize faces.One method commonly used in face recognition are Principal Component Analysis (PCA). PCA feature extraction method which is the stage to look for important features that represent an image. In the PCA method development can still be optimized in order to increase its accuracy. This research used Bacterial Foraging Optimization (BFO) method as an algorithm for optimizing the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). BFO method will be used to search for the best features in the PCA that can separate each one face class with the other face class.Tests carried out on the test face images of 200 images with testing criteria in determining the best of bacteria from BFO, making PCA features, as well as the use of image enhancement effect on recognition accuracy produced. From the test results, obtained the best results with the highest accuracy at 93%.Keyword: Digital Image Processing, Face Recognition, PCA, BF


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    With the rapid development of the digital world today, of course, it will affect people's lives, like what used to be offline is now online. One of them that experienced a change from offline to online is the land transportation business. This is evidenced by changes in the base motorcycle taxi, with the digitization of the emerging online motorcycle taxis, such as GOJEK and GRAB. Where is this online motorcycle taxi using mobile applications to make transactions? These changes, of course, will have a significant impact on people's lives, whether it be on political, economic, social, technological, legal or environmental factors or commonly referred to as PESTEL. Therefore the purpose of this study is to analyze the extent to which the factors that influence the presence of GOJEK in Indonesia, especially those related to PESTEL. Where GOJEK is one of the start-up companies that have developed quite rapidly in the last 9 years. Starting from a motorcycle taxi call center service in 2010, until now, GOJEK has expanded its business to neighboring countries such as Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam. Where research methods are carried out using a qualitative approach, which includes interviews, literature review and observation. Of course, with the very rapid development of GOJEK. Many impacts are caused by GOJEK. One of them is the economic impact, which with the existence of GOJEK, helps the development of SMEs. Where the support of GOJEK is to facilitate the delivery of goods produced by SMEs to buyers and the delivery process is faster. Keywords: Startup, PESTLE Analysis, Online Transportation, Mobile Applicatio


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    Logistics industry is an overseas business which the revenue always distributed to thousands of players and might only small portions goes to each player. Revenue sharing from the business is determined by the Incoterm-2000 which defining the respective roles and responsibilities of the buyer and seller in the arrangement of transportation and other obligations. Most of Indonesian logistic companies run the business under FOB (free on board) Incoterms-2000. The FOB limits business opportunity only within Indonesia, more specifically from the "origin of the commodity" to the "loading port" within country. Research has evaluatedother types of Incoterms-2000 which include the arrangement of delivery from the origin to the overseas customer at "destination place". Those include DDU (delivery duty unpaid) and DDP (delivery duty paid) models. The research reviewed trade regulation in Indonesia and the Incoterms-2000to develop the export transaction model and applied into dynamic model to compare the performance of the FOB, DDU and DDP. The predominant export destination (Japan) and its commodity (textile) were used in the model. The method used in this research were in-depth interview to some selected Indonesian logistics companies and SWOT analysis to formulate strategic recommendations. The result exposes that DDU and DDP models have advantages over FOB. With FOB, national forwarders only obtain 15.38%of total revenue, while with DDU and DDP could get extra revenue from 84.62% up to 100%. The implementation of DDU and DDP in Indonesia faces the challenges such as national logistics companies capacity and the technical capability of national seaports to ensure efficient and effective delivery system

    “I did It Merely for Taking Photos and Seizing Unlimited Freedom”: The Ideology of Rooftoppers

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    Recently, rooftopping actions got more and more thrilling and undoubtedly could jeopardize the rooftoppers. This could not hardly be understood as a mere hobby since they had (intentionally) put their lives at risk of death. Thus, this article examines the ideology of rooftoppers making them insist on doing rooftopping although some of them underwent severe punishment and bad experience. Fifteen Indonesian rooftoppers were shortlisted by using ethnographic approach and snowball sampling technique. In addition, six foreign rooftoppers were approached using netnography.  Hermeneutics was utilized to analyze the data, comprising of in-depth interview with the informants and their pictures and videos obtained from either the informants directly or their Instagram accounts. Both Indonesian and foreign rooftoppers showed their persistence and perseverance in their rooftopping performance. They shared similar ultimate goals, namely taking hard-to-replicate pictures and seizing unlimited freedom at the rooftop

    The Role of Innovative Leadership in Improving the Effectiveness of Higher Education

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    Kepemimpinan inovatif di pendidikan tinggi dapat menciptakan lingkungan pendidikan yang dinamis, relevan, dan adaptif, yang mempersiapkan mahasiswa untuk menghadapi tuntutan dunia yang terus berkembang. Peran kepemimpinan inovatif menjadi sangat strategis untuk melakukan penataan, perubahan, dan pengembangan agar tantangan dan tuntutan pendidikan tinggi dapat diimplementasikan dengan baik, sehingga tujuan pendidikan tinggi dapat tercapai secara efektif dan efisien. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menggali tentang bagaimana peran kepemimpinan inovatif dalam meningkatkan efektivitas pendidikan tinggi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Jenis penelitian deskriptif dan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara studi pustaka, dimana data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan cara analisis konten isi. Sumber data penelitian berupa buku-buku, jurnal, dan internet serta sumber lainnya yang relevan. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa peran kepemimpinan inovatif dalam meningkatkan efektivitas pendidikan tinggi antara lain : 1) sebagai penentu arah kebijakan organisasi dalam mencapai visi, misi, tujuan dan strategi pendidikan tinggi; 2) sebagai motivator dalam penataan, perubahan, dan pengembangan organisasi pendidikan tinggi menghadapi tantangan dan tuntutan dunia pendidikan yang terus berkembang; 3) dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan, kepemimpinan inovatif sebagai penggerak dalam proses standarisasi mutu, mengelola dan mengarahkan tim serta sumber daya lainnya dalam organisasi

    Good Faith in Construction Contract: A Common Law Perspective

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    The good faith principle requires contracting parties to be honest as well as considering their contracting partners in performing their contractual duties. In the event, contract clauses are insufficient to protect the interests of the innocent party in a breached contract, the said innocent party may rely on the good faith principle to ensure the fair. However, applying good faith principles to construction contracts is a difficult task. By nature, construction contracts are unique due to the fact that parties (Client and Contractor) are presumed competent to carry out their parts of the contractual obligations. Controversially, the construction contract is often unfairly prejudicial as the Client would customarily have the upper hand in deciding the terms and conditions of a contract. It is the objective of the research to examine the relevancy of application of good faith principle in construction contracts by employing qualitative content analysis. This study adopts a qualitative research approach, mainly employing library and internet resources with the intention to explore relevant legislation, textbooks, journals, research papers and articles. The comparative approach in this paper used content analysis from primary and secondary legal resources of different jurisdictions in the United Kingdom, Malaysia and Australia to compare the application of the good faith principle in the context of construction contracts.  The findings of the research reveals that the adoption and application of the good faith principle in construction contracts is of limited usage even though it is widely used in general contract law of United Kingdom, Malaysia and Australia. This article contributes to the knowledge of the good faith principle in construction contracts, particularly with standard form contracts, by highlighting the importance of the good faith principle in achieving a fairer functioning of construction contracts in its application.  
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