International Journal of Science and Applied Science: Conference Series
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    157 research outputs found

    Commissive Speech Act in Job Interview: How Applicants Depict Good Leader Characters in Response to Situational Questions

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    In job interview, applicants are occasionally asked to visualize an imaginery job scenario and explain what they will do in that situation. Similarly, in interview and public test of Corruption Eradication Comission (KPK), leader candidates were asked such kind of situational questions. Their selection of responses for such question will reveal who they are. They can portray not only the job competencies but also good characters in leadership. Data in the form of commissive utterances were collected from interviews involving leader candidates of KPK obtained from the Ministry of State Secretariat of the Republic of Indonesia's Youtube channel. In the corpus, promising acts were identified as the most-used commissive speech act in response to situational questions. Female candidates more frequently implemented commissive than male. There were three forms of commissive speech act in the interview test, namely: making a promise, expressing capability, and intent. With commissive speech act, the finding further revealed that both female and male candidate leaders showed elemen characters such as passionate, demonstrative initiative, strive for excellence, collegial, continuous learner, transparent, socially responsible, accepts consequences, brave, confident, purposive, future-oriented, optimistic, and creative

    “Memories of My Body” Movie Ban as An Effect of Dominant Anti-LGBT Discourse in Depok City

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    "Memories of My Body" screening ban in 2019 by Depok local government is deemed problematic since it has already passed Film Censor Board (LSF). This paper aimed to better understand the decision made by the Depok local government in banning the movie through critical discourse analysis. This paper is a discourse analysis understand the discourse surrounding the movie ban in Depok.. This paper's primary data is literature studies from numerous electronic news sources. Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis is used as a theory and methodology. The result from this research shows that there are two main discourses: protecting younger generation and incompatibility toward Islamic values. After further analysis, it is found that these discourses also exist in another events. This fact shows that the movie ban is an effect from a dominant discourse against LGBTQ community

    Representation of Beauty Standard on Indonesia’s Woman Bankers

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    The term good-looking is still used in the labor recruitment process in recent years. Especially in the recruitment of bank employees in Indonesia. Bank employees in Indonesia often get the stereotype that "bank staff must be beautiful”. So, this study describes the representation of good-looking bank employees in Indonesia. From this representation, this study also explains that the term good-looking is a term that practices beauty standards in society. This study used qualitative methods and took the data from informal conversations with several informants. In this study, researchers applied the theory of post-feminism, namely beauty myth, and also used Foucault's theory of power relations. The results of this study show that some banking agencies do facilitate their employees in caring for and maintaining physical appearance. It also proves that a good-looking bank employee is according to social beauty standards (ideal height and weight, langsat skin, makeup, and others). This proves that the standard practice of beauty in women is still thriving in society, even in a job or career, not in the entertainment field.

    The Myth of The Tiger in The Minang Community: Flora and Fauna Conservation Efforts

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    This study attempts to describe the Minang people's belief in tigers contained in tiger myths and legends. The story of the tiger will be described and analyzed by interpretive qualitative descriptive method. The theory used is the cultural interpretation approach by Geertz and myth analysis by Levy Strauss. The results of the study are in the form of a description of the intricacies of the Minang people's traditional belief in tigers. This research is also expected to support the conservation of flora and fauna, especially tigers. Stories of tigers and belief in tigers can be developed as material for enrichment of industry 4.0-based literacy. more accessible to the younger generation

    The Application of The Pancasila Profile in The Skill Aspect at SDN Tayem East 3

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    This study aims to analyze the application of the Pancasila profile in the aspect of skills at SDN Tayem Timur 3. The method used is a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The research subjects were school principals, teachers, and students of grades V and VI. The results of the study show that the application of the Pancasila profile in the skills aspect at SDN Tayem Timur 3 is quite good, as can be seen from the development of student’s skills in various aspects such as critical thinking, creativity, and communication skills. In addition, the application of the Pancasila profile also helps increase student awareness of Pancasila values as a guide in everyday life. However, more efforts are still needed to improve the quality of the application of the Pancasila profile in the skills aspect, such as by providing training and guidance to teachers and students

    An Error Analysis in Chinese Language Tones Pronunciation by Indonesian Students

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    This research aims to find out the Chinese language error pronunciation and the factors that cause pronunciation errors by Indonesian students. The paper shows some errors in pronouncing Chinese language tones by Indonesian students who study at Jiangxi Nanchang University China. This research focuses on Error Analysis in Chinese Finals Tone Pronunciations. As an Indonesian, the writer thinks of the need to analyze this error and hopes it will become a solution for some tone errors that appear in Indonesian Students' pronunciation. The tone in the Chinese language is very important, it determines the meaning of the words. The data sources of this research are Indonesian students who studied at Nanchang University, Jiangxi Province, China. The result shows that there are errors in pronouncing the Chinese tone. Some errors that appear when pronouncing a single tone are fewer than when pronouncing one word with a double tone or two-syllabic. Some causal factors of these errors came from some conditions, such as the influence of the mother language of the students, culture, social environment, etc

    Women's Body Capital in The Modern Fashion World

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    The body of women in the modern fashion world is now not only present in the form of a subject, but also becomes an object. The female body has become a very exploitative realm for the modern fashion world. The movement as a tool to dismantle the old interpretation of something that is unfair because of the patriarchal culture, is the feminism movement. Women are still discriminated against and do not have the same rights as men for their private bodies. The awareness that women have today is a false consciousness, which in practice makes women feel ownership of their own bodies, can proudly show off their curves during fashion shows, photoshoots and so on. In fact, there is no awareness at all, what is protected here are not people who are proud to show off their bodies, no. However, what is defended from this research is the bodies of women so that there are no sexual crimes that are accepted by women. The data obtained were then processed with a qualitative descriptive approach with the subject of this study being the female body capital in the world of modern fashion. The theory used is the theory of Marxist feminism. The research uses hermeneutics which will interpret, provide understanding, and translate the capital of the female body in the world of modern fashion. While the validity of the data with data triangulation as a technique of checking the validity of the data that utilizes something other than the data for the purpose of checking or comparing the data

    Forms and Meaning of Laku Prihatin for Javanese Women in Ngadi Sarira Tradition

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    The philosophy of the Javanese women’s beauty trilogy, namely ngadi sarira, ngadi busana, and unggah-ungguh (manners) displays an attractive image for Javanese women. Education about traditional beauty care procedures for Javanese women can be seen through a tradition called ngadi sarira. Actually, what is the uniqueness of Javanese women in terms of beauty and self care? Based on the concept of beauty in the style of the princess of the Surakarta Sultanate Palace, this study tries to reveal 1) The forms of laku prihatin performed by Javanese women in the ngadi sarira tradition, and 2) The meaning of laku prihatin for Javanese women in the ngadi sarira tradition. This research is a qualitative research using Clifford Geertz’s theory of interpretation of meaning. This study aims to review the forms and meanings of caring behavior to obtain the beauty of the female body from inside and outside in the ngadi sarira tradition. The results showed that the forms of laku prihatin performed by Javanese women in the ngadi sarira tradition, namely ngudhup mlathi, mutih, adus bengi, and turu sepisan. The meaning of inner beauty, religious meaning, ritual meaning, and economic meaning

    Character Values in Gymnastics Activities at Jatisari 1 SDN

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    Character values are an important part of education in elementary schools. One way to develop character values in children is through sports activities, especially gymnastics. Gymnastics is a sporting activity that requires cooperation, self-confidence, perseverance, discipline, and other positive values (Rachmadayanti, 2017., Annsia 2019., & Wuryandani, 2014). This study aims to examine the character values that are developed through gymnastic activities at SDN Jatisari 1. Through this research, it is hoped that it can provide an overview of the character values that are developed in children through gymnastic sports activities. This research also aims to contribute to the development of learning programs in elementary schools, especially in developing character values in children through sports activities. In this study, the method used was direct observation and interviews with sports teachers and students involved in gymnastic sports activities. The data obtained will be analyzed qualitatively and interpreted in the form of findings that can describe the character values developed in gymnastics activities at SDN Jatisari 1

    Cultural Production of Adonis as Modern Writer in Arabic Literature Arena

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    This study reveal the cultural production of Adonis as a modern writer in Arabic literature arena. Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of cultural production becomes an analytical tool on study. Bourdieu’s theoretical concepts are habitus, capital, practice, trajectories, relations, between objects that support Adonis position as a modern witter. Cultural production of Adonis includes cultural capital in the form of education so that he produces education through literary works, academics, and also Arab cultural scholars. In addition, Adonis is also active in political activities in the Syrian National Socialist Party wich gives him the legitimacy of modern writer in Arena of Arabic Litterature


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    International Journal of Science and Applied Science: Conference Series
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