83 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Metode SPEOS (Stimulasi Pijat Endorfin Oksitosin Suggestif) Terhadap Produksi ASI Pada Ibu Nifas

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    Health profile of Semarang in 2018, the exclusive feeding of the exclusive breast milk in the age of 0-6 months of 65.57%. It’s still far from Central Java target of 80%. This problem of breastfeeding influenced by reduced stimulation of oxytocin hormones, while physical and psychological changes can affect the lactation process. One of the efforts to increase the breast milk production with SPEOS (Suggestive Endorphin Oxytocin Massage Stimulation). The SPEOS method can help nifas mother to facilitate the expenditure of breast milk. To know the effect of the SPEOS method (Suggestive Endorfin Oxytocin Massage Stimulation) on Breast Milk Production in Nifas Mothers. The research design used quasy experiment with one group pre-post test. Sample in this study was nifas mother with spontaneous childbirth amounted to 27 people. The sampling technique used consecutive sampling. Breastfeeding production before mothers performed SPEOS method on average was 3.70 ml with standard deviation of 5,113. Breast milk production after mother performed SPEOS method on average was 129,63 ml with standard deviation 11,001. There was an influence of SPEOS method to breast milk production on nifas mother at Maternity Hospital of Mardi Rahayu Semarang (p-value = 0,000). Stimulation Massage Endorphin Oxytocin SuggestifBreastmilk Production,Nifas Mothe

    Pengaruh Metode SPEOS (Stimulasi Pijat Endorfin Oksitosin Suggestif) Terhadap Produksi ASI Pada Ibu Nifas

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    Health profile of Semarang in 2018, the exclusive feeding of the exclusive breast milk in the age of 0-6 months of 65.57%. It’s still far from Central Java target of 80%. This problem of breastfeeding influenced by reduced stimulation of oxytocin hormones, while physical and psychological changes can affect the lactation process. One of the efforts to increase the breast milk production with SPEOS (Suggestive Endorphin Oxytocin Massage Stimulation). The SPEOS method can help nifas mother to facilitate the expenditure of breast milk. To know the effect of the SPEOS method (Suggestive Endorfin Oxytocin Massage Stimulation) on Breast Milk Production in Nifas Mothers. The research design used quasy experiment with one group pre-post test. Sample in this study was nifas mother with spontaneous childbirth amounted to 27 people. The sampling technique used consecutive sampling. Breastfeeding production before mothers performed SPEOS method on average was 3.70 ml with standard deviation of 5,113. Breast milk production after mother performed SPEOS method on average was 129,63 ml with standard deviation 11,001. There was an influence of SPEOS method to breast milk production on nifas mother at Maternity Hospital of Mardi Rahayu Semarang (p-value = 0,000). Stimulation Massage Endorphin Oxytocin SuggestifBreastmilk Production,Nifas Mothe

    Pengaruh Relaksasi Otot Progresif Terhadap Penurunan Tingkat Kecemasan pada Pasien Pre Operasi Di Ruang Wijaya Kusuma Rsud Dr. R Soeprapto Cepu

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    Kecemasan merupakan respon adaptif yang normal terhadap stress karena pembedahan. Rasacemas biasanya timbul pada tahap preoperatif ketika pasien mengantisipasi pembedahannya.Untuk mengurangi kecemasan dapat diatasi dengan menggunakan tehnik relaksasi, salahsatunya adalah dengan relaksasi otot progresif.Tujuan umum dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh relaksasi otot progresifterhadap penurunan tingkat kecemasan pada pasien preoperasi di Ruang Wijaya Kusuma RSUDDr. R Soeprapto Cepu.Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tanggal 13 Januari-13 Februari 2014. Jenis penelitian denganmenggunakan Quasi-Experimentone group pre test post test design. Teknik sampling yangdigunakan adalah purposive sampling dengan sampel sejumlah 25 responden.Penelitimenggunakan lembar observasi untuk relaksasi otot progresif. Sedangkan pengukuran tingkatkecemasan menggunakan skala HARS (Hamilton Anxienty Rating Scale).Hasil uji Marginal Homogenity didapatkan nilai p 0,000 (<0,05) yang berarti ada pengaruhrelaksasi otot progresif terhadap penurunan tingkat kecemasan pada pasien preoperasi di RuangWijaya Kusuma RSUD Dr. R Soeprapto Cepu, Sehingga disarankan pasien diharapkan mampumelakukannya sendiri dalam pelaksanaan relaksasi otot progresif untuk mengatasi kecemasanyang muncul sewaktu-waktu saat akan dilakukan tindakan operasi

    The effectiveness of baby massage in increasing infant’s body weight

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    Background: The low birth weight (LBW) problem is found in various developing countries with an increasing trend of cases every year. This is caused by nutritional status and a history of maternal health. The impact of LBW in children is they are more likely to experience delayed growth and development. This study aims to identify the effect of baby massage on infants’ body weight.Design and Methods: The research design used was quasi-experimental pre and post-test type with control group. There were 16 infants for each group selected by purposive sampling. Baby massage was given to the infants twice a week within four weeks, 10 to 15 min per session. Data analysis was used paired t-test and independent t-test.Results: The mean age of infants was 3.69 months for both group, the mean age at birth was 37.8 weeks (intervention) and 38 weeks (control), the mean birth weight of infants was 2,295 grams (intervention) and 2,288 grams (control). Most of the infants was male for both group. There was an effect of baby massage on the increase in infants’ weight gain with a history of low birth weight significantly with a p value &lt;0.05.Conclusions: Baby massage can increase infants’ weight with a history of low birth weight aged 1-6 months. The role of health workers is to provide education and practice baby massage for mothers in order to stimulate the growth and development of infants. This intervention can be integrated with maternal and child health programs in primary health care facilities


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    This is a Efforts to prevent postpartum hemorrhage can be done since the third stage of labor day up to ten with a massage that stimulates the release of oxytocin, causing the process of involution. Information about oxytocin massage is very important to convey to the general public in order to increase knowledge so as to reduce the incidence of bleeding. Methods in community service activities consists of input, process and output. Input in this activity is the mother - PKK cadres, pregnant women in Sub Meteseh. The process is in the form of health education with lectures and demonstrations while the output is the measure of understanding about the prevention of maternal postpartum hemorrhage with pre and post questionnaires given during the event. Perceived outcome of this activity is that participants understand the massage action of oxytocin to prevent postpartum hemorrhage resulting in a change of behavior to take steps to prevent postpartum hemorrhage in the mother. It can be seen from the results of the posttest as much as 40% of participants had a value of 80-60, 60% obtain grades 50-20 while in the posttest as much as 80% of the participants has a value of 90-80, 20% scored 70-60


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    The demand for high-quality health services is increasing. It motivates nurses to utilize the best evidence in making decisions. Professional nurses were born from an excellent education. Preceptorship and mentorship clinical learning methods are expected to be able to answer these demands. This study aims to identify the effect of preceptorship and mentorship methods on students' critical thinking skills. The study design applies a quasi-experimental type pretest and post-test with a control group. Twenty-six students were examined as respondents for each intervention and control group, using a purposive sampling technique. The survey took place at a teaching hospital in Semarang, using a student-evidence-based practice questionnaire (validity 0.584-0.904; reliability 0.821) developed by Upton et al.in 2014.  The intervention during three weeks with the training stages of clinical advisors, clinical guidance, internalization, and evaluation. Univariate data analysis is described by frequency and percentage (categorical) and mean and SD (numerical). Bivariate data analysis using a paired t-test and independent t-test. There was a significant effect of the preceptorship and mentorship methods on students' thinking abilities (p-value = 0.006). Integrated academic and clinical learning could form critical thinking skills among students. Educational institutions play a role in providing training for clinical instructors oriented to improving the ability of students to provide scientific evidence-based nursing care. The clinical instructors are responsible for improving students' critical thinking skills through preceptorship and mentorship learning methods

    Effleurage Massage With Lavender (Lavandula Lamiaceae) Essential Oil Aromatherapy Reduces Pregnant Women's Lower Back Pain

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    Pregnant women are a high-risk group because they experience physical and psychological changes, one of which is often complaints of lower back pain (LBP) in the third trimester. This can be due to changes in positioning, walking too often, using high heels, or lifting heavy weights. Effleurage massage is a complementary therapy to reduce LBP. The combination with lavender essential oil aromatherapy may reduce LPB more optimally. The purpose of this study was to identify the impact of a combination of effleurage massage with lavender essential oil aromatherapy on LBP in pregnant women. The research used a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design with a control group. The sample consisted of 16 third-trimester pregnant women for each group (intervention and control), recruited through the purposive sampling. This research was conducted in the area of the Padangsari Health Center, Semarang City in February-March 2021. The Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) of pain was used. The intervention provided was a combination of effleurage massage with lavender essential oil aromatherapy four times a month for 15-20 minutes per session. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test and independent t test. The results showed that the combination of effleurage massage with lavender essential oil aromatherapy led to a significant decrease in LBP in pregnant women (p &lt; 0.001). This therapy can be carried out by the family as needed because it is easy, does not cause side effects, and basic ingredients are available in the market. Nurses can accompany pregnant women and their families in the non-pharmacological management of LBP integrated with maternal health programs in primary health care facilities. Keywords: aromatherapy lavender essential oil, effleurage massage, lower back pain, pregnant wome


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    ABSTRACT Background: Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in the world and Indonesia increases every year due to four too late and three too late. Efforts that can be made are optimizing antenatal care checks so that the physical and psychological health of pregnant women is monitored. Health education based on the Information Motivation Behavior Skill model about delivery planning programs and prevention of complications using media is expected to be an alternative intervention in reducing MMR in Indonesia. This study aims to identify the effect of health education based on the Information Motivation Behavior Skill model on knowledge and behavior of antenatal care for high-risk pregnant women. Methods: The research design used a quasi-experimental pretest and posttest with control group. The research sample consisted of 16 high-risk pregnant women for each intervention and control group through purposive sampling technique. The research instrument used an antenatal care knowledge and behavior questionnaire. The research was conducted in the working area of ​​the Ngesrep Public Health Center, Semarang City. Data analysis used paired t-test and independent t-test. The research has passed the ethical test from the Research Ethics Committee of the Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Semarang No. 017/EA/KEPK/2021. Results: There is an effect of health education based on the Information Motivation Behavior Skill model on knowledge (p value = 0.002) and antenatal care behavior of high-risk pregnant women (p value = 0.023). Modification of health education can be used to increase knowledge and behavior of antenatal care. Conclusion: The Information Motivation Behavior Skill-based health education model can be integrated with maternal health services in primary health care facilities. &nbsp; Keywords: antenatal care, health education, high risk pregnant women, information motivation behavior skills, knowledge, behavior &nbsp; ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Angka Kematian Ibu (AKI) di dunia dan Indonesia meningkat setiap tahun disebabkan oleh empat terlalu dan tiga terlambat. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan yaitu optimalisasi pemeriksaan perawatan antenatal sehingga kesehatan disik dan psikologis ibu hamil termonitoring. Edukasi kesehatan berbasis model Information Motivatin Behavior Skill tentang program perencanaan persalinan dan pencegahan komplikasi menggunakan media diharapkan menjadi intervensi alternatif dalam menurunkan AKI di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh edukasi kesehatan berbasis model Information Motivation Behavior Skill terhadap pengetahuan dan perilaku perawatan antenal ibu hamil risiko tinggi. Metode: Desain penelitian menggunakan quasi-eksperimen pretest and posttest with control group. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 16 ibu hamil risiko tinggi untuk masing-masing kelompok intervensi dan kontrol melalui teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner pengetahuan dan perilaku perawatan antenatal. Penelitian dilakukan di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Ngesrep Kota Semarang. Analisis data menggunakan paired t-test dan independent t-test. Penelitian telah lolos uji etik dari Komite Etik Penelitian Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang No. 017/EA/KEPK/2021. Hasil: Terdapat pengaruh edukasi kesehatan berbasis model Information Motivation Behavior Skill terhadap pengetahuan (nilai p = 0.002) dan perilaku perawatan antenal ibu hamil risiko tinggi (nilai p=0.023). Modifikasi edukasi kesehatan dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan perilaku perawatan antenatal. Kesimpulan: Model edukasi kesehatan berbasis Information Motivatin Behavior Skill dapat diintegrasikan dengan pelayanan kesehatan ibu di faslitas layanan kesehatan primer. Kata kunci: &nbsp;antenatal care, edukasi kesehatan, ibu hamil risiko tinggi, information motivaton behavior skill, pengetahuan, perilak

    Peningkatan Kompetensi Mahasiswa Keperawatan Melalui Strategi Pembelajaran Berbasis Virtual Reality

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    Nursing higher education has new challenges to prepare nursing students as agents of change in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. Nursing students today are millennial and Z generation with unique needs and ways of learning. Students more interested in digital-based learning media. Digital-based learning methods were an urgent need to be developed to provide solutions to the learning needs of the millennial generation. The systematic review aimed to discuss the use of VR technology for educating the nursing student. The databases searched included: PubMed, Springerlink and Proquest from the years 2015 to 2019 with the keywords virtual reality, virtual simulation, simulation technology, immersive learning. The inclusion criteria included: articles published in the English language, student respondents and randomized controlled trial (RCT) research methods. The results of article was identified and reviewed by 3 researchers. Researchers approved 158 titles of article that match the keywords without duplicates and 5 articles that match the inclusion criteria. Four articles discuss the students' competencies when using virtual simulations compared with the manikin simulated. The results showed an increase in psychomotor skills, communication, and knowledge. Self-confidence increases, learning satisfaction and anxiety levels decrease. Two articles discuss the analysis of the unit cost, which states that the virtual simulation has cost utility ratio more profitable compared with the Manikin simulations. The results of the systematic review showed that virtual reality was relevant method as a learning strategy to enhance students’ competencies and have more profitable costs compared to conventional methods


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    Preceptors bertugas mengajar, menasihati, menginspirasi, panutan, serta mendukung tumbuh kembang mahasiswa keperawatan. Model bimbingan preceptroship adalah proses pendelegasian wewenang dari pembimbing kepada mahasiswa. Metode Pelatihan Preceptorship memfasilitasi pembelajaran tentang pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan perilaku preceptor. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan bekal bimbingan klinis dalam menerapkan pembelajaran klinik aktif. Metode kegiatan melalui pelatihan Preceptorship, dengan pre dan post test, ceramah, simulasi peran, evaluasi, dan pendampingan bimbingan klinis. Preceptor adalah 56,5% perempuan, dan 52,2% memiliki pengalaman pelatihan bimbingan klinis. Rerata pengetahuan sebelum pelatihan 27,74 dengan SD 12,638, dan rerata 52,74 dan SD 20,324 setelah pelatihan. Ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan dengan p-value = 0,000 (p 0,05). 31 CI (77,5%) menyatakan tema pelatihan sangat baik, 23 CI (57,5%) menyatakan ketepatan waktu sangat baik, 23 CI (53,5%) menyatakan bahwa layanan penyelenggara sangat baik. Pelatihan Metode Pembelajaran Preceptorship meningkatkan pengetahuan pembimbing klinik. Kegiatan ini dapat diintegrasikan dalam perencanaan pembelajaran klinik kerjasama antara pihak pendidikan dan pelayana
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