JAMBI MEDICAL JOURNAL "Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan"
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    341 research outputs found

    Effect of Ketogenic Diet In Obese Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review

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    ABSTRACT Background : Diabetes is non communicable diseases and fastest growing diseases worldwide, that  cause many complications, lead to increased mortality and decreased quality of life in individuals. Diabetes complications can controlled by dietary intervention. Ketogenic Diet (KD) is one of trusted method that having beneficially effects for patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) . Objective : This paper aim to investigate the effect of KD in the patients T2DM. Methods : This paper used the systematic review. Articles are selected using the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analysis) based on google scholar and PubMed. The inclusion criteria in this writing are articles published within the last 5 years with keywords “Ketogenic Diet, Type 2 diabetes, clinical trial†Result : The results show that KD had significantly beneficial effects on weight, Body Mass Index, Cholesterol, Blood Sugar, Fasting Insulin and HbA1c were decrease and quality of sleep were increased after intervention (p value < 0,001) Conclusion : KD can controlled the body weight, blood glucose, lipids and also good for increased sleep quality in patients T2DM but have a low adherence for long term persistence Keywords : Ketogenic diet, type 2 diabetes, clinical tria


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    Background: Tutorial discussions are a form of implementing Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in medical education. Students' cognitive, motivational, and demotivating aspects determine the effectiveness of tutorial discussions. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed learning methods to online learning, and the implementation of online tutorial discussions can affect the effectiveness of discussions. Objective: This study aims to determine the effectiveness of online PBL tutorials at Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Jambi (FKIK UNJA) Method: This is an observational study with a cross-sectional design, 260 students became respondents. Data was collected using a modified Tutorial Group Effectiveness Instrument (TGEI) Results: As many as 51.5% of students rated the implementation of online tutorial discussions as quite effective. Based on cognitive and motivational aspects, > 60% of students rated tutorial discussions as effective, while from demotivation aspects, 85% of students rated discussions as quite effective. Conclusion:  The implementation of online tutorial discussions at FKIK UNJA was quite effective. In online tutorial discussions, positive elaborations are still formed among students. Students agree that the success of tutorial discussions is students' responsibility, and irresponsible group members when doing group assignments can reduce the effectiveness of discussions.&nbsp

    Profile of Pregnant Women with Hypertension: A Cross Sectional Study in Jambi City

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    Background: Hypertension in pregnancy is one of the complications that cause maternal death in Indonesia. The incidence of hypertension during pregnancy is influenced by a variety of factors.Objective: This study aims to determine maternal characteristics with hypertension in pregnancy at the Raden Mattaher Jambi General Hospital.Methods: This is a descriptive research using secondary data sources. This study population included all pregnant and delivering mothers who were diagnosed with hypertension in pregnancy between 2019 and 2022 with a total of 169 samples.Results: The results of this study are the average age of mothers is not at risk (63.3%), housewives (83.4%), senior high school education status (58.6%), diagnosed with preeclampsia (71.6%), with severe preeclampsia category (93.4%), gestational age aterm (59.2%), multiparous (59.8%), grade 2 hypertension (68%), positive proteinuria status (63.9%), high ureum levels (60.9%), normal creatinine level (79.3%), decreased hemoglobin level (53.3%), normal platelet count (84%), leukocytosis (78.7%), normal erythrocyte level (61.5%), normal hematocrit value (53.8%), normal blood sugar level (86.4%), obesity class 1 (43.2%), no history of hypertension (59.2%), no history of preeclampsia (72.2%), regular antenatal visits (65.1%), and sectio cesarea method (88.2%).Conclusion: Maternal characteristics were identified as age not at risk, housewife, senior high school education, diagnosed with preeclampsia, aterm, multiparous, grade 2 hypertension, positive proteinuria status, increased ureum level, normal creatinine level, decreased hemoglobin level, normal platelet count, leukocytosis, normal erythrocyte level, normal hematocrit value, normal blood sugar level, obesity type 1, no history of hypertension, no history of preeclampsia, history of regular antenatal visits, and sectio cesarea method.Keywords: Hypertension in Pregnancy, Preeclampsia, Jamb

    Prevalence Of Low Back Pain Among Medical Students Post Covid-19 Pandemic In 2023

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    ABSTRACT   Background: Epidemiological studies indicate that low back pain (LBP) is not only experienced by the elderly but also affects the younger population. The presence of LBP in medical students can impact their functionality and daily practices after graduation. This study aims to provide an overview of the prevalence of LBP among medical students at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta. Methods: The study included a total of 738 subjects representing clinical and four levels of undergraduate programs. The Nordic questionnaire and the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) were employed to assess LBP and its impact on daily life. Results: The prevalence of LBP was 61.2%, with 6.6% experiencing moderate disability. Gender, exercise habits, and a family history of LBP were statistically significant. Conclusion: Institutions need to implement interventions to mitigate LBP among medical students

    The Correlation of Fast Food Intake, Breakfast Habits, Vegetable and Fruit Intake, Physical Activity, and Nutritional Status in Students of SMP Negeri 7 Jambi City

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    Background: Based on the 2018 Riskesdas in Jambi Province, the prevalence of obesity in the 13-15 year age group was 8.13%. Data from the Jambi City Health Office from 2016 to 2018 showed that cases of obesity consistently increased every year. This study aimed to determine the relationship between fast food intake, breakfast habits, vegetable and fruit intake, physical activity, and nutritional status in SMP Negeri 7 Jambi students,  Methods: This research is a categorical comparative analytic observational study with a cross-sectional approach. Data were obtained by anthropometric examination; intake of fast food, vegetables, and fruit was obtained from the FFQ, data on breakfast habits were obtained from a questionnaire, and physical activity data were obtained from the IPAQ questionnaire, Results: Most of the 101 respondents were aged 13 years (41.6%), male-dominated by gender (52.5%), and the majority of them were norm weight (54.5%). The frequency of fast food intake is mainly classified as rare, and the type often consumed is chicken nuggets (31.7%). The majority of students never breakfast (33.4%). Most of the respondents rarely consumed vegetables and fruit, and the types of vegetables and fruit that were often consumed were oranges (27.7%) and spinach (24%). Most students have moderate physical activity (48.5%). The results of statistical analysis of fast food (p-value 0.001), breakfast habits (p-value 0.002), physical activity (p-value 0.001), and nutritional status have a significant relationship. In contrast, vegetables and fruit and nutritional status do not have a significant relationship (p-value 0.441), Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between fast food, breakfast habits, and physical activity with nutritional status, and no significant relationship is found between vegetables and fruit and nutritional status. Keywords: Nutritional status, fast food, breakfast habits, vegetables and fruits, physical activit

    A Retrospective Study of DNA Analysis Thalassemia Patients in Jambi Province for the Years 2016-2020

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    ABSTRACT Background: Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder characterized by abnormal hemoglobin production, leading to anemia. Beta-thalassemia, particularly its transfusion-dependent form, requires lifelong care. DNA analysis plays a crucial role in diagnosing thalassemia, providing precise methods for genetic counseling, prenatal diagnosis, and effective prevention programs. This research aims to describe the results of DNA analysis of thalassemia patients in Jambi Province from 2016 to 2020. Methods: This study uses a descriptive retrospective design. Data were analyzed from the medical records of thalassemia patients identified in Jambi Province between 2016 and 2020. The research subjects are individuals diagnosed with thalassemia within this period, with data collection performed via total sampling, encompassing 25 respondents. Results: The majority of thalassemia patients in Jambi Province are children aged 5-14, with a significant proportion having a history of blood transfusions for more than a year. Most patients are classified as Beta Thalassemia (96%), consistent with global trends. DNA analysis revealed significant variation in mutations, with common mutations such as Hb E and IVS-nt-5 found in 48% of samples. The study highlights the genetic diversity within the thalassemia patient population, indicating variations in disease severity. Conclusion: This study highlights the importance of early detection and management of thalassemia, particularly in children. Blood transfusions are crucial for maintaining the health of thalassemia patients in Jambi Province, where Beta Thalassemia is most common. DNA analysis reveals significant genetic diversity, which helps in selecting appropriate treatments and understanding the risk of complications. These findings provide a basis for improving diagnostic and management strategies for thalassemia in Jambi Province

    Evaluation Of Growth And Development Of Stunting Childrens : A Case Control Study

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    ABSTRACT Background: Building the quality of human resources must go through a long process and is influenced by various factors. One of the most influencing factors is the intake of food with sufficient nutritional value for growth and development. The aim of this research is to comparison of growth and development of stunting childrens. Methods: This research was conducted in April – October 2023 with a case control research design. Population of this study are childrens with stunting in Jambi City, Indonesia . The research instrument used Developmental Pre-Screening Questionnaire (KPSP) and Denver Test. Variable  evaluation of vision and hearing, evaluation of child's speech and language, physical examination, neurological examination, evaluation of other diseases and development. Results: The results obtained from this study were  the majority were 25-36 months old 46.1%, with the largest gender being male 52.8%. No neurological or ear disorders were found in cases or controls. There was 1 eye disorder on physical examination, 3 disorders were found in cases and 1 disorder in controls. No significant relationship between variable. In the KPSP developmental examination, it was found that there were 44.4% developmental deviations in stunted children and have significant relationship between development and stunting. Conclusion: In terms of growth, stunted childrens do not experience any problems, but there are deviations in the development of stunted childrens

    Systematic Literature Review: Innovative Teaching Strategies For Integrating Entrepreneurship To Health Education

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    ABSTRACT Background: Entrepreneurship has become an increasingly important skill in the healthcare industry, as healthcare professionals are being encouraged to think creatively and identify new opportunities for improvement. Objective: This study aims to explore innovative teaching strategies for integrating entrepreneurship into health education. Methods: A comprehensive literature review was conducted to identify existing teaching strategies that integrate entrepreneurship into health education. The data collection method used in this study is a systematic search of Scopus Database and reference lists following PRISMA flow chart guideline. Results: Several innovative teaching strategies were found, including case studies, simulation games, problem-based learning, and experiential learning. These strategies provide students with real-world scenarios and hands-on experiences, allowing them to develop their entrepreneurial skills in a healthcare context. Conclusion: By incorporating these innovative teaching strategies into health education, educators can equip future healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the rapidly changing landscape of the healthcare industry and become successful entrepreneurs


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    Background : Diarrheal disease is the occurrence of feces (bowel movements) whose soft consistency tends to be liquid and occurs more than 3 times a day. The prevalence of diarrhea in Indonesia is 9.8% with 14.5% causing death.  Risk factors for diarrhea include food, environmental and human behavior. . Method : Research design using systematic review method. With the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analysis) method through article searches sourced from Google scholar and Pubmed. The inclusion criteria in this writing are original research articles published within the last 5 years, starting from 2018 – 2023. Results : This study shows that sewage has a close relationship with the incidence of diarrhea (P = 0.001), as well as drinking water sources, especially in terms of water sources, availability of water sources and bacteriological quality of water. Unqualified wastewater disposal conditions are 3.7 times greater risk for diarrhea (PR: 3.7, CI: 1.159 – 11.937), there is a significant relationship between family waste management and diarrhea incidence. In addition to environmental risk factors, there are other factors, namely the level of education of middle and upper middle mothers, exposure to information and family income levels also have a relationship with the incidence of diarrhea in both children and the elderly Conclusion : Risk factors that have a significant influence on the incidence of diarrhea are environmental factors, exposure to information and family income level. The dominant environmental factors in this study are sewage disposal (latrines), clean water sources/clean water quality, wastewater disposal.   Keywords : diarrhea, environmental factors, personal hygiene, bivariat

    Tuberculous Meningoencephalitis in Lost To Follow-Up Patient: A Case Report

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    Background: Tuberculous meningoencephalitis (TBME) is a rare extrapulmonary TB that accounted for less than 1-2% with high mortality and morbidity rate. Loss of follow-up (LTFU) TB cases are also associated with worse prognosis, treatment failure, drug-resistant cases, decompensations, and complications. The objective of this study is to present a TBME case in LTFU patient as both conditions are correlated with worse outcomes for the patient. Case report: A 20-year-old man with a history of discontinued TB therapy presented to the emergency room (ER) with complaints of depressed consciousness, absence seizure, fever, shivers, nausea, vomiting, and holo-cranial headache.  The diagnosis of TBME was confirmed by contrast-enhanced radiological findings, detection of M. tuberculosis in sputum, and blood investigations. Early initiation of anti-tuberculous drugs was given and showed marked clinical improvement followed by complete relief after a month follow-up. Conclusion: TBME should be diagnosed in patients living in high-rate TB countries with presumptive symptoms and signs supported by laboratory investigations as well as radiological findings to initiate early treatment. LTFU patients should be monitored with family or social group support while improving TB regimens in healthcare facilities. Keywords: Tuberculosis, meningoencephalitis, loss-to-follow u


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    JAMBI MEDICAL JOURNAL "Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan"
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