492 research outputs found

    Concentrations and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface coastal sediments of the northern Gulf of Mexico

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    Zucheng Wang is with the Department of Geography, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China. -- Zucheng Wang and Zhanfei Liu are with the Marine Science Institute, The University of Texas at Austin, Port Aransas, TX, USA. -- Kehui Xu is with the Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA – and – the Coastal Studies Institute, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA. -- Lawrence M Mayer is with the School of Marine Sciences, University of Maine, Walpole, ME, USA. -- Zulin Zhang is with The James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, UK. -- Alexander S. Kolker is with Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, Chauvin, LA, USA. -- Wei Wu is with the Department of Coastal Sciences, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, The University of Southern Mississippi, Ocean Springs, MS, USA.Background: Coastal sediments in the northern Gulf of Mexico have a high potential of being contaminated by petroleum hydrocarbons, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), due to extensive petroleum exploration and transportation activities. In this study we evaluated the spatial distribution and contamination sources of PAHs, as well as the bioavailable fraction in the bulk PAH pool, in surface marsh and shelf sediments (top 5 cm) of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Results: PAH concentrations in this region ranged from 100 to 856 ng g−1, with the highest concentrations in Mississippi River mouth sediments followed by marsh sediments and then the lowest concentrations in shelf sediments. The PAH concentrations correlated positively with atomic C/N ratios of sedimentary organic matter (OM), suggesting that terrestrial OM preferentially sorbs PAHs relative to marine OM. PAHs with 2 rings were more abundant than those with 5–6 rings in continental shelf sediments, while the opposite was found in marsh sediments. This distribution pattern suggests different contamination sources between shelf and marsh sediments. Based on diagnostic ratios of PAH isomers and principal component analysis, shelf sediment PAHs were petrogenic and those from marsh sediments were pyrogenic. The proportions of bioavailable PAHs in total PAHs were low, ranging from 0.02% to 0.06%, with higher fractions found in marsh than shelf sediments. Conclusion: PAH distribution and composition differences between marsh and shelf sediments were influenced by grain size, contamination sources, and the types of organic matter associated with PAHs. Concentrations of PAHs in the study area were below effects low-range, suggesting a low risk to organisms and limited transfer of PAHs into food web. From the source analysis, PAHs in shelf sediments mainly originated from direct petroleum contamination, while those in marsh sediments were from combustion of fossil fuels.Marine [email protected]

    Acid-sensing ion channel 3 decreases phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases and induces synoviocyte cell death by increasing intracellular calcium.

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    IntroductionAcid-sensing ion channel 3 (ASIC3) is expressed in synoviocytes, activated by decreases in pH, and reduces inflammation in animal models of inflammatory arthritis. The purpose of the current study was to characterize potential mechanisms underlying the control of inflammation by ASIC3 in fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS).MethodsExperiments were performed in cultured FLS from wild-type (WT) and ASIC3-/- mice, ASIC1-/- mice, and people with rheumatoid arthritis. We assessed the effects of acidic pH with and without interleukin-1β on FLS and the role of ASICs in modulating intracellular calcium [Ca(2+)](i), mitogen activated kinase (MAP kinase) expression, and cell death. [Ca(2+)](i) was assessed by fluorescent calcium imaging, MAP kinases were measured by Western Blots; ASIC, cytokine and protease mRNA expression were measured by quantitative PCR and cell death was measured with a LIVE/DEAD assay.ResultsAcidic pH increased [Ca(2+)](i) and decreased p-ERK expression in WT FLS; these effects were significantly smaller in ASIC3-/- FLS and were prevented by blockade of [Ca(2+)]i. Blockade of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) prevented the pH-induced decreases in p-ERK. In WT FLS, IL-1β increases ASIC3 mRNA, and when combined with acidic pH enhances [Ca(2+)](i), p-ERK, IL-6 and metalloprotienase mRNA, and cell death. Inhibitors of [Ca(2+)](i) and ERK prevented cell death induced by pH 6.0 in combination with IL-1β in WT FLS.ConclusionsDecreased pH activates ASIC3 resulting in increased [Ca(2+)](i), and decreased p-ERK. Under inflammatory conditions, acidic pH results in enhanced [Ca(2+)](i) and phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase that leads to cell death. Thus, activation of ASIC3 on FLS by acidic pH from an inflamed joint could limit synovial proliferation resulting in reduced accumulation of inflammatory mediators and subsequent joint damage

    LiGaSe2 optical parametric oscillator pumped by a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser

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    Optical parametric oscillation is demonstrated for the first time with the chalcogenide nonlinear crystal LiGaSe2 pumped by a nanosecond Nd:YAG laser. Angle tuning provides coverage of the 4.8–9.9 μm spectral range in the mid-IR by idler pulses

    CariesCare practice guide : consensus on evidence into practice

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    This CariesCare practice guide is derived from the International Caries Classification and Management System (ICCMS) and provides a structured update for dentists to help them deliver optimal caries care and outcomes for their patients. This '4D cycle' is a practice-building format, which both prevents and controls caries and can engage patients as long-term health partners with their practice. CariesCare International (CCI™) promotes a patient-centred, risk-based approach to caries management designed for dental practice. This comprises a health outcomes-focused system that aims to maintain oral health and preserve tooth structure in the long-term. It guides the dental team through a four-step process (4D system), leading to personalised interventions: 1st D: Determine Caries Risk; 2nd D: Detect lesions, stage their severity and assess their activity status; 3rd D: Decide on the most appropriate care plan for the specific patient at that time; and then, finally, 4th D: Do the preventive and tooth-preserving care which is needed (including risk-appropriate preventive care; control of initial non-cavitated lesions; and conservative restorative treatment of deep dentinal and cavitated caries lesions). CariesCare International has designed this practice-friendly consensus guide to summarise best practice as informed by the best available evidence. Following the guide should also increase patient satisfaction, involvement, wellbeing and value, by being less invasive and more health-focused. For the dentist it should also provide benefits at the professional and practice levels including improved medico-legal protection

    Interactions between interfaces dictate stimuli-responsive emulsion behaviour

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    Stimuli-responsive emulsions offer a dual advantage, combining long-term storage with controlled release triggered by external cues such as pH or temperature changes. This study establishes that thermo-responsive emulsion behaviour is primarily determined by interactions between, rather than within, interfaces. Consequently, the stability of these emulsions is intricately tied to the nature of the stabilizing microgel particles - whether they are more polymeric or colloidal, and the morphology they assume at the liquid interface. The colloidal properties of the microgels provide the foundation for the long-term stability of Pickering emulsions. However, limited deformability can lead to non-responsive emulsions. Conversely, the polymeric properties of the microgels enable them to spread and flatten at the liquid interface, enabling stimuli-responsive behaviour. Furthermore, microgels shared between two emulsion droplets in flocculated emulsions facilitate stimuli-responsiveness, regardless of their internal architecture. This underscores the pivotal role of microgel morphology and the forces they exert on liquid interfaces in the control and design of stimuli-responsive emulsions and interfaces.ISSN:2041-172

    Searching for new genes associated with the familial hypercholesterolemia phenotype using whole-genome sequencing and machine learning

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    One of the most common congenital metabolic disorders is familial hypercholesterolemia. Familial hyper-cholesterolemia is a condition caused by a type of genetic defect leading to a decreased rate of removal of low-density lipoproteins from the bloodstream and a pronounced increase in the blood level of total cholesterol. This disease leads to the early development of cardiovascular diseases of atherosclerotic etiology. Familial hypercholesterolemia is a monogenic disease that is predominantly autosomal dominant. Rare pathogenic variants in the LDLR gene are present in 75–85 % of cases with an identified molecular genetic cause of the disease, and variants in other genes (APOB, PCSK9, LDLRAP1, ABCG5, ABCG8, and others) occur at a frequency of < 5 % in this group of patients. A negative result of genetic screening for pathogenic variants in genes of the low-density lipoprotein receptor and its ligands does not rule out a diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolemia. In 20–40 % of cases, molecular genetic testing fails to detect changes in the above genes. The aim of this work was to search for new genes associated with the familial hypercholesterolemia phenotype by modern high-tech methods of sequencing and machine learning. On the basis of a group of patients with familial hypercholesterolemia (enrolled according to the Dutch Lipid Clinic Network Criteria and including cases confirmed by molecular genetic analysis), decision trees were constructed, which made it possible to identify cases in the study population that require additional molecular genetic analysis. Five probands were identified as having the severest familial hypercholesterolemia without pathogenic variants in the studied genes and were analyzed by whole-genome sequencing on the HiSeq 1500 platform (Illumina). The whole-genome sequencing revealed rare variants in three out of five analyzed patients: a heterozygous variant (rs760657350) located in a splicing acceptor site in the PLD1 gene (c.2430-1G>A), a previously undescribed single-nucleotide deletion in the SIDT1 gene [c.2426del (p.Leu809CysfsTer2)], new missense variant c.10313C>G (p.Pro3438Arg) in the LRP1B gene, and single-nucleotide deletion variant rs753876598 [c.165del (p.Ser56AlafsTer11)] in the CETP gene. All these variants were found for the first time in patients with a clinical diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolemia. Variants were identified that may influence the formation of the familial hypercholesterolemia phenotype

    Voluntary exercise can strengthen the circadian system in aged mice

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    Consistent daily rhythms are important to healthy aging according to studies linking disrupted circadian rhythms with negative health impacts. We studied the effects of age and exercise on baseline circadian rhythms and on the circadian system's ability to respond to the perturbation induced by an 8 h advance of the light:dark (LD) cycle as a test of the system's robustness. Mice (male, mPer2luc/C57BL/6) were studied at one of two ages: 3.5 months (n = 39) and >18 months (n = 72). We examined activity records of these mice under entrained and shifted conditions as well as mPER2::LUC measures ex vivo to assess circadian function in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) and important target organs. Age was associated with reduced running wheel use, fragmentation of activity, and slowed resetting in both behavioral and molecular measures. Furthermore, we observed that for aged mice, the presence of a running wheel altered the amplitude of the spontaneous firing rate rhythm in the SCN in vitro. Following a shift of the LD cycle, both young and aged mice showed a change in rhythmicity properties of the mPER2::LUC oscillation of the SCN in vitro, and aged mice exhibited longer lasting internal desynchrony. Access to a running wheel alleviated some age-related changes in the circadian system. In an additional experiment, we replicated the effect of the running wheel, comparing behavioral and in vitro results from aged mice housed with or without a running wheel (>21 months, n = 8 per group, all examined 4 days after the shift). The impact of voluntary exercise on circadian rhythm properties in an aged animal is a novel finding and has implications for the health of older people living with environmentally induced circadian disruption

    The United States of America and Scientific Research

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    To gauge the current commitment to scientific research in the United States of America (US), we compared federal research funding (FRF) with the US gross domestic product (GDP) and industry research spending during the past six decades. In order to address the recent globalization of scientific research, we also focused on four key indicators of research activities: research and development (R&D) funding, total science and engineering doctoral degrees, patents, and scientific publications. We compared these indicators across three major population and economic regions: the US, the European Union (EU) and the People's Republic of China (China) over the past decade. We discovered a number of interesting trends with direct relevance for science policy. The level of US FRF has varied between 0.2% and 0.6% of the GDP during the last six decades. Since the 1960s, the US FRF contribution has fallen from twice that of industrial research funding to roughly equal. Also, in the last two decades, the portion of the US government R&D spending devoted to research has increased. Although well below the US and the EU in overall funding, the current growth rate for R&D funding in China greatly exceeds that of both. Finally, the EU currently produces more science and engineering doctoral graduates and scientific publications than the US in absolute terms, but not per capita. This study's aim is to facilitate a serious discussion of key questions by the research community and federal policy makers. In particular, our results raise two questions with respect to: a) the increasing globalization of science: “What role is the US playing now, and what role will it play in the future of international science?”; and b) the ability to produce beneficial innovations for society: “How will the US continue to foster its strengths?

    A pilot study to evaluate the application of a generic protein standard panel for quality control of biomarker detection technologies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Protein biomarker studies are currently hampered by a lack of measurement standards to demonstrate quality, reliability and comparability across multiple assay platforms. This is especially pertinent for immunoassays where multiple formats for detecting target analytes are commonly used.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>In this pilot study a generic panel of six non-human protein standards (50 - 10^7 pg/mL) of varying abundance was prepared as a quality control (QC) material. Simulated "normal" and "diseased" panels of proteins were prepared in pooled human plasma and incorporated into immunoassays using the Meso Scale Discovery<sup>® </sup>(MSD<sup>®</sup>) platform to illustrate reliable detection of the component proteins. The protein panel was also evaluated as a spike-in material for a model immunoassay involving detection of ovarian cancer biomarkers within individual human plasma samples. Our selected platform could discriminate between two panels of the proteins exhibiting small differences in abundance. Across distinct experiments, all component proteins exhibited reproducible signal outputs in pooled human plasma. When individual donor samples were used, half the proteins produced signals independent of matrix effects. These proteins may serve as a generic indicator of platform reliability.</p> <p>Each of the remaining proteins exhibit differential signals across the distinct samples, indicative of sample matrix effects, with the three proteins following the same trend. This subset of proteins may be useful for characterising the degree of matrix effects associated with the sample which may impact on the reliability of quantifying target diagnostic biomarkers.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We have demonstrated the potential utility of this panel of standards to act as a generic QC tool for evaluating the reproducibility of the platform for protein biomarker detection independent of serum matrix effects.</p