448 research outputs found

    The Development of the Use of Electronic Items in the Dairy Industry of the Former GDR from 1970 until 1990

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    Die "Industrialisierung der Landwirtschaft" war eine herausgehobene Zielstellung der Parteiführung der SED und damit der Regierung der DDR. In dem Zusammenhang sind u.a. große Anlagen für die Tierproduktion errichtet worden. Darunter auch sogenannte industrielle Milchviehanlagen mit etwa 600-, 1200 - und 2000 Kuhplätzen. Diese großen Herden stellten eine Herausforderung an das Management dar (Dokumentation, leistungsgerechte Zuteilung des Futters, manuelle Steuerung des Melkablaufes). Zur Lösung der Probleme sind Forschungs- und Entwicklungszentren gebildet worden, die zwischen 1968 und 1990 u.a. elektronische Steuerungs- und Sensorsystem für die Milchviehhaltung entwickelt haben.The "industrialisation of the agriculture" was an outstanding aim of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany and with it also an aim of the government of the former GDR. In this connection has been established big operations for animal production. Among to be called "industrial dairy operations" with about 600 -, 1200 - and 2000 animal places. These big herds showed a challenge to the management (documentation, demand driven feed supply, manual control of milking). To solve the problems research and developing centres have been developed. They have done research and transfer activities regarding electronic devises for dairy opera-tions between 1970 and 1990

    "Minderjährig", "männlich" - "stark"? Bedeutungsaushandlungen der Selbst- und Fremdzuschreibung junger Geflüchteter in Malta: eine intersektionelle Leseweise ethnografischer Forschungsausschnitte

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    Der Beitrag zeigt, inwiefern männliche* junge Geflüchtete in Malta entlang sozial konstruierter Kategorien eingeteilt, markiert und repräsentiert werden. Dafür wird eine intersektionelle Leseweise, orientiert an den Critical Diversity Studies, für ethnografische Forschungsausschnitte erarbeitet. Deutlich wird, wie gesellschaftliche Normalitätsvorstellungen in Interaktionen zwischen geflüchteten und nicht-geflüchteten Akteur*innen wirkmächtig bzw. (re)produziert werden. Herausgestellt werden demgegenüber Uneindeutigkeiten und Praktiken der Differenzproduktion, die aus normativen/kategorialen Rahmensetzungen herausfallen.The article shows to what extent young male* refugees in Malta are marked, represented and grouped along socially constructed categories. We develop an intersectional way of reading ethnographic descriptions based on critical diversity studies. We illustrate how normative notions of these categories become efficacious in interactions between refugee and non-refugee actors. Based on this analysis, assumed, normalized clarities are not re-pro-duced, but ambiguities as well as the practices of producing differences beyond the legal framework are analyzed

    Zum Verhältnis von Sozialpolitik und Sozialarbeit

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    Kaufmann F-X. Zum Verhältnis von Sozialpolitik und Sozialarbeit. In: Otto HU, Schneider S, eds. Gesellschaftliche Perspektiven der Sozialarbeit. Vol 1. Neuwied: Luchterhand; 1973: 87-104

    Ökonomische, ökologische und Tierwohlaspekte der Weidehaltung von Hochleistungskühen

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    Dieses Projekt zielte darauf ab, die Grünlandnutzung durch Weidehaltung für Milchkühe mit zu untersuchen. Vor dem Hintergrund, dass der Energiebedarf durch alleinige Weidehaltung in den Sommermonaten nicht gedeckt werden kann und Weidehaltung mit einem höheren Arbeits-aufwand verbunden sein kann, jedoch gleichwohl positive Effekte auf die Tiergesundheit dokumentiert wurden, war es das Ziel zu untersuchen, ob ein ökonomisch messbarer Weideeffekt besteht und welche Rolle das Tierwohl sowie die ökologischen Landschaftsfunktionen des Grünlandes spielen. Die Ergebnisse der on-farm Analyse zeigten, dass bei kombinierter Stall- und Weidehaltung ähnlich hohe Milchleistungen wie bei ganzjähriger Stallhaltung möglich sind. Auffälligkeiten am Integument der Tiere resultieren hauptsächlich aus Mängeln in der Haltungsumwelt und können das Tierwohl erheblich beeinträchtigen. Die Haltung auf der Weide bringt unter diesem Aspekt deutliche Vorteile, allerdings werden die Regenerationseffekte im folgenden Winter größtenteils wieder neutralisiert. Die Berücksichtigung dieser Aspekte in der Effizienzmessung zeigte, dass das mitunter größte Einsparpotential im Sinne einer Verbesserung der technischen Effizienz bei den Lahmheiten liegt. Es lässt sich kein Arbeitsmehraufwand bei den Weidebe-trieben im Saisonwechsel feststellen, da durch Einsparungen bei anderen Arbeitsvorgängen der Mehraufwand der Weidearbeiten ausgeglichen wurde. Das größte Potenzial bietet die Futterversorgung über die Weide. Hierfür ist ein eng aufeinander abgestimmtes Weide- und Herdemanagement essentiell, da unangepasstes Weidemanagement zu unterschiedlich ausgeprägten Trittschäden und in der Konsequenz zu Ertragsausfällen und Veränderungen der Futterqualität infolge von Verschieben der Artenzusammensetzung führt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten weiterhin, dass Grünlandnutzung als Weide zu einer erhöhten Humusspeicherung und somit zu einer echten klimawirksamen Kohlenstoffsequestrierung führt

    Regional myocardial ischemia in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: Impact of myectomy

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    AbstractObjectiveChest pain is a common finding in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and can be observed in 40% to 50% of all patients. However, the pathogenesis of these ischemia-like symptoms is still unclear.MethodsTwenty-two patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and 15 controls underwent positron emission tomography for evaluation of regional myocardial perfusion and coronary flow reserve (hyperemic/baseline myocardial blood flow). Myocardial perfusion (mL/min/g) was measured using [13N]ammonia at rest and during hyperemia with dipyridamole (0.56 mg/kg intravenously). Regional coronary flow reserve was assessed in 3 planes (apical, midventricular, basal) in 4 regions (septal, anterior, lateral, inferior). Patients were divided into 2 groups: group 1 consisted of 11 patients treated with surgical myectomy (age 56 ± 10 years) and group 2 consisted of 11 patients treated medically (age 53 ± 13 years).ResultsMean global coronary flow reserve was 3.87 ± 0.92 in controls but 2.31 ± 0.40 in operated (P < .001 vs controls) and 1.76 ± 0.58 in medically treated patients (P < .001 vs controls, P < .05 vs operated). Similarly, septal coronary flow reserve was 4.19 ± 1.22 in controls but significantly reduced in operated patients (2.26 ± 0.48, P < .001 vs controls) and in medically treated patients (1.76 ± 0.58; P < .001 vs controls). However, septal flow reserve was significantly higher in operated patients than in patients with medically treated hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (+37%, P < .05), mainly due to a reduced resting myocardial perfusion.ConclusionsGlobal and regional myocardial perfusion is reduced in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. However, myectomy may have a beneficial effect on septal perfusion and flow reserve. Thus, ischemia seems to play an important role in the symptomatology and pathophysiology of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

    Nonadiabatic Heating in Magnetic Reconnection

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    Plasma transport process as a fundamental problem in magnetospheric physics is often associated with strong nonadiabatic heating. At the magnetopause, observations show an increase of specific entropy (i.e., S = p/ργ) by 2 orders of magnitude from the magnetosheath into the magnetosphere. In the near‐Earth magnetotail, particle injection requires strongly entropy depleted plasma bubbles, and their evolution can be strongly modified in the presence of nonadiabatic heating. In this study, one of the critical plasma transport mechanisms, magnetic reconnection, is investigated as a nonadiabatic process in the framework of MHD. It is important to examine whether magnetic reconnection can provide sufficient nonadiabatic heating to explain the observed plasma properties and to identify plasma conditions that allow such strong nonadiabatic heating. We demonstrate that the entropy can indeed strongly increase associated with magnetic reconnection provided that the plasma beta (i.e., the ratio of thermal to magnetic energy density) is low in the inflow region of reconnection

    Combination of copanlisib with cetuximab improves tumor response in cetuximab-resistant patient-derived xenografts of head and neck cancer

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    Despite recent advances, the treatment of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) remains an area of high unmet medical need. HNSCC is frequently associated with either amplification or mutational changes in the PI3K pathway, making PI3K an attractive target particularly in cetuximab-resistant tumors. Here, we explored the antitumor activity of the selective, pan-class I PI3K inhibitor copanlisib with predominant activity towards PI3Kα and δ in monotherapy and in combination with cetuximab using a mouse clinical trial set-up with 33 patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models with known HPV and PI3K mutational status and available data on cetuximab sensitivity. Treatment with copanlisib alone resulted in moderate antitumor activity with 12/33 PDX models showing either tumor stabilization or regression. Combination treatment with copanlisib and cetuximab was superior to either of the monotherapies alone in the majority of the models (21/33), and the effect was particularly pronounced in cetuximab-resistant tumors (14/16). While no correlation was observed between PI3K mutation status and response to either cetuximab or copanlisib, increased PI3K signaling activity evaluated through gene expression profiling showed a positive correlation with response to copanlisib. Together, these data support further investigation of PI3K inhibition in HNSCC and suggests gene expression patterns associated with PI3K signaling as a potential biomarker for predicting treatment responses

    Cometary dust analogues for physics experiments

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    The CoPhyLab (Cometary Physics Laboratory) project is designed to study the physics of comets through a series of earth-based experiments. For these experiments, a dust analogue was created with physical properties comparable to those of the non-volatile dust found on comets. This "CoPhyLab dust" is planned to be mixed with water and CO2_2 ice and placed under cometary conditions in vacuum chambers to study the physical processes taking place on the nuclei of comets. In order to develop this dust analogue, we mixed two components representative for the non-volatile materials present in cometary nuclei. We chose silica dust as representative for the mineral phase and charcoal for the organic phase, which also acts as a darkening agent. In this paper, we provide an overview of known cometary analogues before presenting measurements of eight physical properties of different mixtures of the two materials and a comparison of these measurements with known cometary values. The physical properties of interest are: particle size, density, gas permeability, spectrophotometry, mechanical, thermal and electrical properties. We found that the analogue dust that matches the highest number of physical properties of cometary materials consists of a mixture of either 60\%/40\% or 70\%/30\% of silica dust/charcoal by mass. These best-fit dust analogue will be used in future CoPhyLab experiments

    Post-conflict women's movements in turmoil: the challenges of success in Liberia in the 2005-aftermath

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    AbstractIn Liberia, women's advocacy has been crucial in bringing peace after 14 years of conflict as well as in electing Africa's first female president. While the accomplishments of the women's movement have been widely praised, some authors have suggested that the once vibrant movement is crumbling. In this article we claim that one of the most important challenges for the Liberian women's movement comes precisely from its internationally proclaimed success, provoking four related outcomes: First, different women's organisations compete for the credit of the success story; second, the national government has tried to appropriate the movement and integrate it into governmental structures; third, the relationship between the movement and its international partners has evolved towards mutual disappointment due to a lack of sustainable funding and unmet expectations; and fourth, the movement seems stuck in the peacemaker label and unable to redefine itself to engage in new battles as international aid diminishes.</jats:p