944 research outputs found

    Implementing Multisensory Techniques when Teaching Letter Knowledge

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    Small-group interventions involving multisensory techniques when teaching letter knowledge to Kindergarten students in the English language have not been researched. It is important to research the use of multisensory techniques in small-group instructional efforts when teaching letter knowledge because letter knowledge contributes to students’ gaining reading abilities; and, reading abilities, in turn, contribute to students’ academic success (Gellert & Elbro, 2017; Huang & Konold, 2014; Musti-Rao & Cartledge, 2007). The purpose of this quantitative quasi-experimental study was to determine whether small group instruction involving multisensory techniques had an impact on Kindergarten students’ letter knowledge. The study divided 30 Kindergarten students into two groups: a treatment group, who received the small-group intervention using multimodal methods when teaching letter names, and a control group who received standard of care. Data were analyzed by conducting both independent and paired samples t-tests. The results indicated that the treatment group made a small gain in their mean score (i.e., an increase in the treatment group’s mean score from 30.07 to 31.47), showing that the intervention had a positive impact; however, this impact was not statistically significant. Based on the results, teachers can see the potential impact that the small-group instruction involving multisensory techniques can have on their students’ letter knowledge. Therefore, the small-group instruction can supplement the regular literacy instruction. Additionally, the intervention could lead to research into interventions using multisensory techniques for the other early reading skills (i.e., phonological awareness and phonemic awareness)

    The Rise of Soviet Power

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    The rise of Soviet power in Russia is not merely an historical question. As I see it, the circumstances under which the Soviet pow­er appeared in Russia have a very direct bearing on the difficulties that we are experiencing today in our relations with the repre­sentatives of that government

    Energetics of hibernation in the Arctic ground squirrel (Spermophilus parryii kenicotti)

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    Thesis (M.S.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2002Arctic ground squirrels (Spermophilus parryii kenicotti) hibernate underground; experiencing burrows temperatures of -5 to -25C̊. Hibernation consists of 7-9 months of torpor interrupted every 2-3 weeks by 10-20 h arousal episodes with high body temperatures and metabolic rates. Metabolic rates and body temperatures were measured during arousal episodes under temperate and arctic conditions. No difference in cost of arousal episodes was detected. Yet, when the cost of thermogenesis during torpor was included, proportional cost of arousal episodes decreased from 86 to 27% comparing temperate to arctic conditions. The relationship between metabolic rate and body temperature was examined during the recooling phase of hibernation. As animals entered torpor, body temperature was allowed to either decrease naturally or was experimentally altered at different points along the recooling curve. The changes in metabolic rate can be explained by changes in body temperature and no sign of temperature-independent metabolic suppression was detected.Introduction -- Hibernation in Arctic ground squirrels -- Arousal episodes -- Recooling phase -- Ch. 1. Energetics of hibernation under Arctic conditions -- Ch. 2. Metabolic suppression during the recooling phase of hibernation in the Arctic ground squirrel -- Conclusions

    Russia in the Reign of Aleksei Mikhailovich

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    The book presents the first English edition of “On Russia in the Reign of Aleksei Mikhailovich” by Grigorii Kotoshikhin. This is the only native source describing the character of the seventeenth-century Russian state and society. It offers a unique and detailed picture of the nature of Russian “autocracy”, the life at the tsar’s court, social mores of the nobles and commoners of those times, military affairs, diplomatic relations, etc. The book is a veritable ethnographic encyclopedia of early Russian life. With broad commentaries and supporting materials provided by the translator, Benjamin Uroff, and the editor, Marshall Poe, it provides an invaluable source for understanding XVII-century Muscovite Russia


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    The article characterizes and experimentally substantiates the criteria, indicators and levels of methodical competence of future teachers; illustrated by didactic means propaedeutic training of students for the instructional activities in primary school. The influence of metaprofessional (universal) instrumental competences formed by future teachers at Nature Science lectures on the unconscious, on the intuitive level, through the "insight", their acquisition of the methodological experience is proved. 

    Method and means of monitoring the condition of the cardiovascular system of the person by the reographic signals

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    Проект виконано на кафедрі біотехнічних систем Тернопільського національного технічного університету імені Івана ПулюяРоботу присвячено питанням обгрунтування методу та засобів контролю стану серцево-судинної системи людини за реографічними сигналами. Проаналізовано методику проведення реографічних досліджень. Проаналізовано технічні засоби, що використовуються при реографічних дослідженнях. Показано недоліки таких методів та систем і запропоновано шляхи їх усунення.The work is devoted to the questions of substantiation of the method and means of control of the condition of the cardiovascular system of the person by rheographic signals. Methods of conducting reographic studies are analyzed. The technical means used in the rheographic studies are analyzed. The disadvantages of such methods and systems are shown and the ways of their elimination are suggested.ЗМІСТ ВСТУП 9 РОЗДІЛ 1. ДІАГНОСТИЧНА ЦІННІСТЬ РЕОГРАФІЧНИХ СИГНАЛІВ В МЕДИЦИНІ 11 1.1 Генезис реографічних сигналів 11 1.2 Біофізичні основи реографії 11 1.3 Загальні принципи реографії 20 1.4 Висновки до розділу 22 РОЗДІЛ 2. ТЕХНІКА ВІДБОРУ РЕОГРАФІЧНИХ СИГНАЛІВ 23 2.1 Методи відбору реографічних сигналів 23 2.2 Морфологічні параметри реографічних сигналів 24 2.3 Висновки до розділу 2 29 РОЗДІЛ 3. ОЦІНЮВАННЯ СТАНУ СЕРЦЕВО-СУДИННОЇ СИСТЕМИ ЗА РЕОСИГНАЛОМ 30 3.1 Оцінка рівня кровонаповнення артерій 30 3.2 Оцінка тонусу магістральних артерій 30 3.3 Оцінка тонусу великих артеріальних судин 31 3.4 Оцінка тонусу середніх і дрібних артеріальних судин 31 3.5 Оцінка величини периферичного опору 32 3.6 Оцінка ступеня утруднення венозного відтоку 33 3.7 Висновки до розділу 3 34 РОЗДІЛ 4. ПРОВЕДЕННЯ ЕКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНИХ ДОСЛІДЖЕНЬ 35 4.1 Експериментальний відбір реографічних сигналів 35 4.2 Опрацювання експериментально відібраних реографічних сигналів 36 4.3 Інтерпретація отриманих результатів 40 4.5 Висновки до розділу 4 41 РОЗДІЛ 5. СПЕЦІАЛЬНА ЧАСТИНА 42 5.1 Методика проведення медико-біологічних досліджень 42 5.2 Обґрунтування вибору УДК напряму наукового дослідження 45 РОЗДІЛ 6. ОБҐРУНТУВАННЯ ЕКОНОМІЧНОЇ ЕФЕКТИВНОСТІ 48 6.1 Науково-технічна актуальність науково-дослідної роботи 48 6.2 Розрахунок витрат на проведення науково-дослідної роботи 49 6.3. Науково-технічна ефективність науково-дослідної роботи 55 6.4 Висновки до розділу 6 59 РОЗДІЛ 7. ОХОРОНА ПРАЦІ ТА БЕЗПЕКА В НАДЗВИЧАЙНИХ СИТУАЦІЯХ 60 7.1 Охорона праці 60 7.2 Безпека в надзвичайних ситуаціях 63 РОЗДІЛ 8. ЕКОЛОГІЯ 77 8.1 Актуальність екологічних проблем 77 8.2 Шкідливий вплив на довкілля при виготовленні приладу 79 8.3 Заходи по охороні навколишнього середовища при промислових процесах виготовлення даного приладу 80 ЗАГАЛЬНІ ВИСНОВКИ 82 Бібліографія 83 ДОДАТКИ 8

    A rare case of patient with severe thrombocytopenia associated with sarcoidosis: a case study

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    Thrombocytopenia is a problem causing drop in platelet counts through different mechanisms. Patients typically present with petechiae to systemic bleeding, which are indications of a low platelet count. A smaller percentage of drop may be asymptomatic. The major mechanisms include increased sequestration in the spleen, underproduction from the bone marrow, and peripheral destruction. Many etiological factors can cause this. Sarcoidosis is one of the most uncommon etiologies. A careful diagnosis is required because, if the condition is not treated, it can be fatal. Steroid therapy and platelet transfusions remain the mainstay of treatment. Here, we describe a patient who presented with signs and symptoms of severe thrombocytopenia, which further led to the diagnosis of sarcoidosis. An adult male presented to the emergency department with a rash that deteriorated throughout the day. Based on complaints and laboratory testing, severe thrombocytopenia was noted. After a detailed examination and history-taking, he was found to have sarcoidosis. In association with drug administration and sarcoidosis, this could have caused severe thrombocytopenia. Written consent was taken from the patient mentioned in the study. The study was approved by the hospital and institutional ethics committee. Thrombocytopenia is a disorder where platelet counts drop below 150×109/l due to many different mechanisms. Among different etiological factors, sarcoidosis is the rarest and may present with very severe thrombocytopenia and lead to fatal complications. Such patients require close monitoring and treatment. Corticosteroids and platelet transfusions can be used as treatments. In the presented case, the patient was successfully treated, and on subsequent follow-up, the patient’s condition improved. Manifestations of severe thrombocytopenia can be present even before the diagnosis of sarcoidosis. Further, the history of amoxicillin administration due to infection could have triggered the appearance of thrombocytopenia. Confirmation of sarcoidosis was made via biopsy. Multiple etiological factors that resulted in diagnostic ambiguity in our patient's presentation include the diagnosis of sarcoidosis, a history of infection, amoxicillin, and mild splenomegaly. The patient's treatment and recovery may indicate that corticosteroids, in conjunction with platelet transfusions, are beneficial. This is a novel case report of the presentation of severe thrombocytopenia, which was present even before the diagnosis of sarcoidosis

    Features of human capital in urban territories

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    The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the agglomeration processes in Russia that are associated with the transition from the industrial phase to the post-industrial phase of the urbanization. Comparative analysis of results of transition processes in Perm and Yekaterinburg areas is given. Special attention is paid to human capital agglomeration, which is regarded as a component of territorial capital. The calculations of human capital of agglomerated areas in general and of centers of agglomerated areas are carried out. The article contains conclusions on the relationship of human capital as a tangible asset of a big city with the development of specific social capital of the city, aimed at active policy of urbanization. As a theoretical framework it is proposed to use the territorial capital theory.Keywords: urbanization; agglomeration; human capital; territorial capita

    Solving the oscillating pipe flow problem by the boundary integral equations method

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    In the work, a solution to a problem of oscillatory flow of viscous incompressible liquid in a rectilinear pipe of circular section, completely filled with the liquid was presented. The way of solving flow generated by pressure pulsation and the pipe oscillation to the flow direction was also-discussed. The behaviour of the liquid for the selected spectrum of its frequency and viscosity-was further analysed

    Development of control system for automated manipulator

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    The paper is devoted to investigation of manipulators for plating lines and their modes of operation, as well as the development of a control system for gantry autooperator (LLC KTM-2000). The manipulator motion cyclograms for a given technological regulations were developed and presented. Article in English. Automatinio manipuliatoriaus valdymo sistema Santrauka  Analizuojama galvaninio padengimo linijos automatinio manipuliatoriaus valdymo sistema, apibendrinamos išvados. Pateiktos pagal nustatytą technologinio proceso aprašą sudarytos judėjimo ciklogramos bei loginės funkcijos. Reikšminiai žodžiai: valdymo sistema, automatinis manipuliatorius, ciklograma