686 research outputs found

    The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Corporate Value; Case Study in LQ45 Company

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    This study aims to determine motorization innovation in increasing the income of fishermen in the Liukang Kalmas Subdistrict of Pangkep Regency and to determine the supporting factors and inhibiting factors of the innovation. This type of research is qualitative descriptive, data collection is done using interviews by selecting informants through probability sampling. Data is collected from observations, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that boats with motor engines are important to be used by fishermen who are specifically used to search for Torani or flying fish that have high economic value, through motorization innovations fishermen's income is much more increased not only limited to the needs of fishermen families but can provide additional on income. Then the supporting factor is government assistance in the form of facilities for fishermen who are poor and less able in the form of engines or motorboats. While the inhibiting factors are natural conditions that do not support and the cost of repair and operation of the ship resulting in fishermen's income cut

    Termination of architect's engagement

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    Issuance of Certificate Completion and Compliance (CCC) by Professional Architect has made the role of Professional Architect become more important. Professional Architect is required to become Prinsipal Submitting Person to the Local Authority. Certificate of Completion and Compliance will be issued after getting clearance from all the respective department of Local Authority. Therefore termination of Architect’s Engagement will create a lot of problem to the construction contract. Problem that may arise is withholding of Letter of Release by the Professional Architect whereby the client may have problem in appointing a new Professional Architect to proceed with the works. Is Professional Architect allowed to withholding the Letter of Release? Therefore the aim of this research is to ensure whether a Professional Architect can with holding the Letter of Release or not. The research scope will be limited to the Contract of Services between the Professional Architect and the Client in Malaysia. The research methodology is by analyzing cases regarding issue on Letter of Release, Interview with Professional Architect, Developer and Lawyers and the most important is by referring to the Architect Act 1967 (Act 117) & Architect Rules 1996. After analyzing the information, it shows that Professional Architect cannot with holding Letter of Release because that the architect can hold the client for ransom. From the research it can be concluded that Client have to comply with their obligation under the contract between the Professional Architect especially when matter on payment of consultant fees and if dispute arise it must be referred to Arbitration, Mediation or Court


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    Penelitian  ini bertujuan  untuk  menemukan dan  mendeskripsikan  strategi yang  dilakukan  kepala  sekolah  dalam mengembangkan sistem manajemen kegiatan  ekstrakurikuler  Pramuka  di Madrasah  Ibtidaiyah  Negeri 02  Pagar Dewa Kota Bengkulu serta mendeskripsikan  pengembangan sistem manajemen kegiatan ekstrakurikuler Pramuka di Madrasah  Ibtidaiyah  Negeri 02 Pagar  Dewa Kota Bengkulu. Penelitian  ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Sedangkan jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan  (field research). Data- data  penelitian  dikumpulkan  dengan  menggunakan metode  observasi,  wawancara dan  dokumentasi. Data yang terkumpul  dari teknik tersebut  dianalisis dengan  menggunakan reduksi data,  penyajian  data  dan  verifikasi data, keabsahan data diperoleh  dengan  menggunakan triangulasi data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa  strategi kepala  sekolah telah menggunakan prinsip-prinsip dari sistem manajemen. Adapun  prinsip yang dimaksud  yaitu perbaikan  terus menerus  dan berkelanjutan, fokus pada  kegiatan dan keterlibatan total. Adapun indikatornya  yaitu berkaitan  dengan  perbaikan  terus menerus  meliputi perbaikan  kualitas dan kompetensi.  Untuk kegiatan ekstrakuri- kuler Pramuka  terlaksana  sesuai dengan  sistem manajemen mulai dari, Planning,  Organizing, Actuating dan Con- trolling

    Pengaruh Kemampuan Manajemen Terhadap Kualitas Informasi Akuntansi dengan Kompleksitas Sistem sebagai Variabel Moderating

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    This study aims to test and prove empirically the influence of management capabilities to the quality of accounting information systems with the complexity of the system as a moderating in the banking company in the city of Palembang which is expected to benefit the company and further research. In this study an entire population is used as a manager in corporate banking in the city of Palembang. The sample used is a manager or head of branch banking companies working in the city of Palembang. And techniques used for sampling is simple random sampling technique. The data used in this study is the primary data. Of the 60 questionnaires distributed, 54 questionnaires were returned. Conclusions can be drawn from this study is the first hypothesis (H1) have shown that the functions of management (FM) in the form, planning, organizing, leadership, and control has an influence on the quality of accounting information, the second hypothesis (H2) have shown that the complexity of the system (KS) is a moderately variable has no effect as a moderate on the Traffic management on the quality of accounting information

    Upaya Meningkatkan Minat dan Hasil Belajar Matematika Materi Luas Bangun Ruang dengan Media Bangun Ruang pada Siswa Kelas VI SD Negeri 002 Bengkong Semester 2 Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022

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    This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) which aims to find out how to increase interest and learning outcomes in mathematics on the subject of spatial construction using the media for the sixth grade students of SD Negeri 002 Bengkong in the second semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. The results showed that students who had learning outcomes in the high category increased from 20 students who completed to 30 who completed the second cycle. In addition, student learning outcomes also increased, where in the pre-cycle when learning was not implemented using spatial media from the first cycle, the average value was 71.34 to 78.95. The percentage of students who finished studying was 55.26% in the first cycle then in the second cycle rose to 78.95%. So with the acquisition of these numbers, the application of spatial media meets the successful category, because it has met the predetermined success rate, which is 75%

    The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Corporate Value; Case Study in LQ45 Company

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    This study aims to determine motorization innovation in increasing the income of fishermen in the Liukang Kalmas Subdistrict of Pangkep Regency and to determine the supporting factors and inhibiting factors of the innovation. This type of research is qualitative descriptive, data collection is done using interviews by selecting informants through probability sampling. Data is collected from observations, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that boats with motor engines are important to be used by fishermen who are specifically used to search for Torani or flying fish that have high economic value, through motorization innovations fishermen's income is much more increased not only limited to the needs of fishermen families but can provide additional on income. Then the supporting factor is government assistance in the form of facilities for fishermen who are poor and less able in the form of engines or motorboats. While the inhibiting factors are natural conditions that do not support and the cost of repair and operation of the ship resulting in fishermen's income cut

    Pengaruh Pengangguran dan Inflasi terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Sumatera Utara

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    Makro ekonomi adalah studi tentang kegiatan ekonomi di suatu negara. Indikator ekonomi makro adalah inflasi, pengangguran, dan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh antara pengangguran dan inflasi terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Sumatera Utara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode regresi berganda yang datanya diambil dari tahun 2011- 2015 per semester. Akhirnya penelitian ini hanya menunjukkan variabel pengangguran yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi, sedangkan inflasi tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Motivasi dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Prestasi Karyawan PT Asuransi Generalli YOGYAKARTA

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    Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menguji pengaruh Kepemimpinan terhadap Prestasi karyawan PT. Asuransi Generalli Yogyakarta. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh Motivasi terhadap prestasikaryawan PT. Asuransi Generalli Yogyakarta. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh Lingkungan kerja terhadap Prestasi karyawan PT. Asuransi Generalli Yogyakarta. Untuk mengetahui variabel yang paling dominan pengaruhnya terhadap prestasi karyawan PT. Asuransi Generalli Yogyakarta. Hasil pengujian persamaan Y hipotesis 1 menunjukkan bahwa Nilai signifikansi dari variabel kepemimpinan (X1) adalah 0,733 yang berarti bahwa model tidak signifikan karena signifikansi > 0,05. Dengan demikian Ha ditolak dan Ho diterima. Oleh karena itu, dapat diartikan bahwa kepemimpinan tidak berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap prestasi karyawan. Hipotesis 2 menunjukkan bahwa motivasi (X2) adalah sebesar .000 sehingga dapat dikatakan model ini signifikan karena signifikansi < 0,05. Dengan demikian, Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Hal ini dapat diartikan bahwa Motivasi kerja berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap prestasi karyawan. Hipotesis 3 lingkungan kerja (X3) sebesar 0,456 sehingga dapat dikatakan model ini tidak signifikan karena signifikansi < 0,05. Dengan demikian, Ho diterima dan Ha ditolak. Hal ini dapat diartikan bahwa lingkungan kerja berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap prestasi karyawan. Hasil uji F dengan sifnifikansi 0.0001 karena probabilitas lebih kecil dari 0.05 maka model regresi dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi prestasi kerja (Y). Ini menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh kepemimpinan, motivasi kerja, dan lingkungan kerja secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap prestasi karyawan PT. Asuransi Generalli Yogyakarta. Kata kunci : Kepemimpinan, motivasi, lingkungan kerja, prestasi karyawan


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    Penelitian ini meneliti tentang isi Pertanggungjawaban Notaris Terhadap Surat Kuasa Membebankan Hak Tanggungan Yang Dibuat Dihadapannya. Pada penelitian hukum ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum Noramatif. Dan menggunakan tipe pendekatan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan. Pada penelitian hukum ini menggunakan bahan hukum primer, yaitu : Peraturan Perundang-Undangan. Bahan hukum sekunder, yaitu : buku-buku hukum. Bahan hukum tersier, yaitu : buku-buku non hukum. Mengenai suatu pemasangan dan juga pendaftaran hak tanggungan, maka yang menjadi objek daripada hak tanggungan ialah tanah yang dalam kondisi yang tertentu, dimana dapat diperlukan suatu pembuatan SKMHT yang memiliki suatu kaitan dengan kondisi atas objek Hak Tanggungan, yang mana di dalam pemberian hak tanggungan, maka harus terlebih dahulu harus didaftarkan ke BPN, hal ini sebagaimana diatur di dalam ketentuan PerUU.Kata Kunci : Tanggung Jawab, SKMHT, Notari

    Integrated framework for quantity surveying practices for conservation projects / Umi Kalsum Zolkafli@Zulkifly

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    Majority of heritage buildings in Malaysia are deteriorating. Previous researchers observed that the deterioration affecting the structural and fabric of the heritage buildings. Continuous care and protection are needed through conservation to limit the deterioration. Conserving heritage buildings are difficult because conservation projects are ambiguous, unique and cannot be duplicated. The scope of work, specification, duration or cost of conservation works cannot be accurately predetermined at early stage. The tender documents can be complicated and lack of critical information due to failure in exploiting the integrated heritage documents by quantity surveyors. Therefore, the aim of this study is to develop an integrated documentation framework to overcome ambiguities in improving quantity surveyors’ basic services in building conservation projects. This aim is achieved through the four following objectives; (1) to measure the level of ambiguities of building conservation projects; (2) to measure the level of performance of quantity surveyors’ basic services in building conservation projects; (3) to measure the level of integration of documentation used by quantity surveyors’ in building conservation projects and; (4) to establish relationships between ambiguities in building conservation projects’, integrated documentation and performance of quantity surveyors’ basic services. The study was conducted using mixed-method research design. For qualitative method, eight (8) registered quantity surveyors were interviewed using semi-structured interview and the data were analyzed using content and template analysis. For quantitative method, thirty six (36) questionnaires were analyzed using Software Package for Statistical Analysis and Partial Least Square of Structured Equation Modeling. The findings show that the variables with the highest level of ambiguity in conservation projects are the uniqueness of the building, the building technology and the complexity of the project. The result also revealed that the lowest quantity surveyors performances in basic services are in the ‘preparing bills of quantities and other tender documents’ and the ‘preparation of preliminary estimates and cost plans’. The thesis also found that the documents used by quantity surveyor are moderately integrated. The results also show that there are significant relationships between ambiguities in building conservation projects and quantity surveyors’ basic services. The integrated document is found to be partially mediating the ambiguities in building conservation project to the quantity surveyors basic services