50 research outputs found

    School teachers: Motivation direction and strategies of behavior in the conflict situation

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    It is no secret that high pedagogical results are achieved by teachers with high professional motivation. It is very important that the teachers get pleasure from working with children, strive for personal and professional growth, have motivation for success and flexible motivational sphere.It is also important for them to have conflictological training, to be able to manage school conflicts, using constructive methods and techniques. Study objective: to study what strategies of behavior in conflict situations are chosen by teachers with different motivational orientation? The study was attended by teachers from the schools of Kazan. We used the questionnaire "Motivation for Success and Fear of Failure" (A.A. Rean), questionnaire "Diagnosis of Partial Orientation of the Teacher's Personality", questionnaire "Diagnostics of Motivational Tendencies in the Self-Concept of Personality" (S.M. Petrov) as the diagnostic material. In order to evaluate the statistical significance of difference between the sample arithmetic mean of two data distributions, we used the statistical Student's t-test in our study. We obtained the following results. The teachers focused on success often use the tactics of "cooperation" and "compromise" in a conflict situation. The strategy of "competition" is the least used by the teachers. A typical strategy of teachers focused on avoiding failures is the strategy of "avoidance", the second position is occupied by the "adaptation" strategy. The teachers with a motivation for success are labor-oriented, they try to overcome difficulties in their work, they are guided in their work by accomplishing their tasks through overcoming difficulties, treat people positively and appreciate kindness in people. The teachers with motivation to avoid failures do not believe in well-being in life, adhere to pessimistic fatalism, do not seek self-development and self-improvement. With a high degree of probability, we can argue that the respondents of the second group tend to avoid trouble with the outside environment, threats, dangers, think always about themselves

    The development of teenagers’ responsible and creative attitude to learning activity

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    © 2016 Drozdikova-Zaripova and Kalatskaya.Social reality in education of present day youth capable to think independently and creatively, to implement their plans, to aware and be responsible for the results of their activity provides the relevance of the paper. The objective of the research is to verify experimentally psychology-pedagogical conditions aimed to develop teenagers’ responsible and creative attitude to learning activity. Pedagogical experiment in a parallel variant is applied as the leading method in the research of this problem. 60 teenagers (aged between 12-13 years) studying at comprehensive schools of the Republic of Tatarstan (Russia) took part in the empirical research. The complex of diagnostic techniques to identify cognitive-informative, emotional-motivational and effective-volitional components of teenagers’ responsible and creative attitude to learning activity is used in the work. The paper suggests results of experimental work testifying to the efficiency of psychology-pedagogical conditions aimed to develop teenagers’ responsible and creative attitude to learning activity. The following conditions are treated as necessary in training and educational process: introduction of a set of programs aimed to form learners’ ideas of responsibility and creativity, to develop motives of duty and responsibility within the frames of academic subjects, motives of creative self-expression and their interrelation, formation of an adequate self-assessment, and emotional, volitional and communicative qualities of the personality necessary for implementation of successful creative and social-responsible activity; initiation of school students’ creative and responsible attitude through their independent educational creative activity; encouragement of teenagers to use their competences in school educational environment (including extra-curricular time, e.g. work with underachievers, patronage of primary school children, etc.). Statistical processing of empirical research data was carried out by means of standard methods of mathematical statistics (Student t-criterion, methods of correlation data analysis). Materials from the paper are of practical value for teachers and psychologists of educational institutions

    Ways to help the child cope with anxiety?

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    Š 2016 Kalatskaya and Drozdikova-Zaripova.The relevance of the chosen topic is determined by the fact that the number of children experiencing restlessness, uncertainty and emotional instability is increasing; such children are considered anxious. Therefore the relevance of issues covered in the paper is apparent. The paper provides experimental data to confirm the necessity to prevent and correct school anxiety in primary school children. The purpose of the research was to study anxiety in primary school children and render correctional and preventive help at an early stage of school training in due time. Results were collected before and after the developing program was realized. Batteries of tests were applied for diagnostics. According to the goal of the research the following methods were used: theoretical (analysis, comparison, generalization); empirical (pedagogical experiment, testing). By means of the developing program we could help children to overcome increased restlessness, uncertainty and emotional instability. Reliability of obtained results is statistically proved. Materials from the article are of practical value for psychologists in the sphere of education, high school teachers and teachers working with anxious children and their parents

    The research of educational motivation of working and nonworking Russian students

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    © 2015 by the authors. The modern society has established high standards for the system of higher education responsible for the training of highly qualified, competitive specialists. The improvement of the educational process in a higher educational institution, the formation of students’ vocational competence is possible through the realization of students’ educational activity the important component of which is motivation. Such issues as levels of educational motivation, hierarchy and dynamics of educational motives in the course of mastering a profession peculiar to Russian working and nonworking full-time students seeking a bachelor’s degree in the sphere of psychology and pedagogics have been studied in the article. There have been revealed systemic motives in the structure of educational motivation of working and nonworking students at each year of studies. There have been defined problem areas of students’ educational activity, and there have been designated tendencies for further development of students’ educational motivation. The following techniques have been applied as psycho diagnostic tools: “Definition of students’ motivation for studies”, “Diagnostics of students’ educational motivation”. New opportunities for psychological and pedagogical approaches to solve the issues of students’ educational cognitive activity optimization, extra curricular activity within the frames of higher educational institution and outside have been revealed due to the of research of the structure and specificity of educational motivation of students seeking a bachelor’s degree with their secondary employment in view

    Prevention of student youth’s victim behavior

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    © 2015, Review of European Studies. All right reserved. New times put forward new tasks for teachers, psychologists, social workers. Prevention of student youth’s victim behavior is determined by social and practical importance of society democratization and humanization; by the necessity to develop physically and spiritually healthy, actively creating and socially adapted personality, by the increased demand for victimologic prevention and correction. The article substantiates the essence and motives of student youth’s victim behavior; it also reveals specific characteristics of student age: emotional immaturity, insufficient ability to control own behavior and other factors that increase the risk of becoming “a victim” due to adverse conditions of socialization. The research has resulted in defining pedagogical conditions aimed to prevent victim behavior: diagnostics to identify victim behavior among students; development and introduction of comprehensive prevention program “Life out of danger!”. The conducted research allowed to draw a conclusion that the approved program due to included various forms and methods offers an effective way to prevent student youth’s victim behavior

    Personal meanings of learning in the process of formation of students’ subjectivity

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    © 2016 by author/s.The urgency of the presented study is stipulated by the current situation in the education system: learning has lost its meaning for a significant number of students; knowledge is external in relation to their real life. However, a lot of specialists view education as a source of personal development of a student, finding for himself, disclosure of his subjectivity. The process of development of schoolchildren’s subjectivity is considered as the awareness of their needs for knowledge and transformation of themselves and the surrounding world, as well as the achievement of personal, learning and social goals. One of the objectives of the study is the identification and testing of pedagogical tools to facilitate the process of student acquisition of personal meanings of learning in the process of formation of his/her subjectivity. The leading research method is the experiment, which involves the innovative teaching of learning technologies to students of different ages. The main results of the study are the clarification of the concept of “personal meaning of learning”, the identification of personal meanings of learning before and after an innovative teaching, the evidence of influence of the personal meaning of learning on the increased level of schoolchildren’s subjectivity. The article will be useful for scientists researching problems of modern education, as well as practitioners seeking to improve the effectiveness of the educational process

    Students’ physical and mental disorders: How to avoid victim behavior through exercise and sport

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    The object of this paper is to study the negative impact of Internet sites on the psyche of young people, to identify the facts of unsafe use of the Internet by students leading to the development of cyber addiction and victim behavior. The article is aimed at studying the propensity for victim behavior among University students in Russia and Bulgaria and developing recommendations to shape the information security of students on the Internet in order to help reduce victim behavior. The methods of the research are: theoretical (study and analysis of psychological, pedagogical, and methodological literature on the research problem; analysis, synthesis, and generalization of empirical data; causal analysis of pedagogical experience data); empirical (questionnaire, testing, survey); methods of qualitative interpretation and data processing. The authors outlined three stages of creating a safe educational environment to prevent and correct victim behavior of students on the Internet - organizational, practical, and generalizing. The results of the research show that serious, systematic, substantial preventive and corrective work is needed to reduce student victimization, cyber addiction, and the formation of information security for students on the Internet. Teaching students to carefully perceive and critically evaluate information is one of the possible ways to create safe behavior on the Web, since ignorance of the rules of work and communication leads to rash, risky, frivolous actions on the Internet. The outlined in the research three stages of creating a safe educational environment can be used by university teachers, educational psychologists, psychologists of the rehabilitation centers and psychological and pedagogical assistance centers for prevention and correction victim behavior of students on the Internet. The data obtained and their analysis help identify students with an increased victimization background and predict their personal development, organization of prevention processes and correction of victim student behavior in the Internet. The results can be useful when developing programs for safe use of content and online sites by adolescents and youth

    Development of professionakl competences of students, future school psychologists

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    This article discusses different aspects of competence and professional competence. The structure of the pedagogue- psychologist’s professional competence is presented. Forms and methods of students’ methodological and emotional competence as components of the pedagogue-psychologist’s professional competence are proposed

    Reactome: a database of reactions, pathways and biological processes

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    Reactome (http://www.reactome.org) is a collaboration among groups at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York University School of Medicine and The European Bioinformatics Institute, to develop an open source curated bioinformatics database of human pathways and reactions. Recently, we developed a new web site with improved tools for pathway browsing and data analysis. The Pathway Browser is an Systems Biology Graphical Notation (SBGN)-based visualization system that supports zooming, scrolling and event highlighting. It exploits PSIQUIC web services to overlay our curated pathways with molecular interaction data from the Reactome Functional Interaction Network and external interaction databases such as IntAct, BioGRID, ChEMBL, iRefIndex, MINT and STRING. Our Pathway and Expression Analysis tools enable ID mapping, pathway assignment and overrepresentation analysis of user-supplied data sets. To support pathway annotation and analysis in other species, we continue to make orthology-based inferences of pathways in non-human species, applying Ensembl Compara to identify orthologs of curated human proteins in each of 20 other species. The resulting inferred pathway sets can be browsed and analyzed with our Species Comparison tool. Collaborations are also underway to create manually curated data sets on the Reactome framework for chicken, Drosophila and rice