204 research outputs found

    Globalization and Arabic language

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    اتٟمد لله الذم خلق الإنساف من ذكر كأنثى، كجعل اللغة نعمة من نعمو على الناس كالصلاة كالسلا على سيدنا ت٤مد كعلى آلو كأصحابو كمن تبعهم بإحساف إلذ يو الدين أما بعد: فاللغة ىي كعاء الثقافة، كأداة الاتصاؿ بتُ ات١اضي كاتٟاضر كلا يستطيع الإنساف مهما كاف أف يقف على كنوز الفكر الإنساني من تاريخ كشعر كنثر بدكف اللغة . فاللغة ت٢ا كظائف للفرد ككظائف للمجتمع . كىي جزء لا يتجزأ من السيادة، كاتٟفاظ على اللغة ىو تٛاية ت٢ذه السيادة . أما اللغة العربية اليو، باعتبارىا كعاء للثقافة العربية كللحضارة الإسلامية، تواجو عدة تٖديات. كمن أىم تٖدياتها ىي العوت١ة. تسعي ىذه الدراسة الذ تْث كاقع اللغة العربية اليو بُ ظل العوت١ة كما تهدؼ ىذه الدراسة أف تكشف عن التحديات التي تواجهها اللغة العربية بُ ىذه الأيا، كأف تٖدد التأثتَات التي تظهر بُ اللغة العربية بُ العصر اتٟديث كما تهدؼ ت١واجهة ىذه التحديات ا كلتأثتَات بُ إطار كضع منهج قوم. كلتحقيق ىذا ات٢دؼ استخد الباحثاف ات١نهج الوصفي كذلك بوصف ظاىرة العوت١ة كبياف علاقتها باللغة كمدل تٖدياتها كتأثتَاتها على اللغة العربية بوصفها لغة التعايش كالتعليم الأكاديدي. كمن أىم نتائج التي توصل اليها الباحثاف ىو تطوير الاتٕاىات اتٟالية بُ تعليم اللغة العربية ت٨و ما يحافظ على طبيعتها كلغة القرآف كاتٟديث كالشريعة الإسلامية كالثقافة الإسلامية من جانب كيثبت كجوديتها أما تٖديات العوت١ة من جانب آخر. كمن التوصيات التي يراىا الباحثاف ىو إعداد ات١ناىج الدراسية ات١ناسبة ت١واجهة التحديات كمراعاة ات١ؤلفات بُ المجالات النفسية، كالتًبوية، كالثقافية كاللغوية، تْيث تتناسب مع البيئة، كالثقافية. ا كلاعتماد بُ تدريس اللغة العربية على الوسائل السمعية كالبصرية اتٟديثة، كأجهزة الاستماع، كالأشرطة ات١رئية، كالشرائح ات١صورة، كأقراص اتٟاسوب

    Islamic Law on Animal Rights and Welfare in the Sri Lankan Context: An Islamic Analysis on the Animal Welfare Bill of 2006

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    The almighty Allah (SWT) has created all living beings, humans, birds, animals and insects.  He is who strongly asks people to treat animals with compassion and not to abuse them which are worthy of consideration and respect. In Sri Lanka, varying concepts are followed among different communities: Buddhists and Hindus consider slaughtering quadrupeds as a cruel act. Meanwhile, Muslims consider the similar act as a divine obligation (Qurbani and Uluhiyya). This study compares the Animal Welfare Bill, initiated by the Commission of Law of Sri Lanka on 2006, with the tenets of Islamic Law (Shariah) through a review of literature and thematic content analysis to identify areas where the right of the animal is violated. According to Animal Welfare Bill of 2006, these areas refer to the slaughter of animals for meals, transport of animals, use of live animals for scientific purposes, and cruelty relating to animals. These identified areas coincide with the identified areas espoused by the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH), and a solution produced to prevent such violation with the instruction of almighty Allah around 1400 years ago

    Post-war Tension between the Buddhists and the Muslims in Sri Lanka

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    Sri Lanka is a multi religious, multi lingual and multi cultural environment, and the members of all communities lived in peace and harmony with good social integration with one another. Since the arrival of Arab-Muslims in Sri Lanka in the early period the Buddhists and the Muslims have been maintaining a cordial relationship between them for more than ten centuries. However, in recent past years, particularly aftermath of ethnic war (1983-2009) in Sri Lanka, considerably from 2011 to later part of 2014, the unsteadiness of the relationship-a kind of tension- between the above two communities has come to be observed. In the case of Sri Lanka, the Muslims are most privileged society in terms of religious rights comparing to other minorities. Because of this reason, a few Buddhist nationalist groups posed questions on socio-cultural practices of the Muslims such as religious beliefs and practices, dressing culture and social customs. In fact, these factors have been transformed into issues and brought them out by mentioned groups on the mindset of Buddhist public as a threat against the Sinhalese and their religion-Buddhism. On the above backdrop, therefore, this paper is going to review the existing literature on post-war tension between the Buddhists and the Muslims as well as the acts of the Buddhist nationalist groups against the socio-cultural practices of the Muslims in Sri Lanka. Key words: post-war, tension, Buddhists, Muslims, Sri Lank

    Bissu on Contesting Indigeneity with Islamic Puritanism in the Sacred Arena

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    The presence of Islam in the Bugis Bone tribe not only changes people's beliefs but also traditional activities such as wedding rituals, mappalili (traditional ceremonies before planting rice), guarding arajang (heirlooms). The positions of Bissu, who is an indigenous leader, are very influential in the Bugis Bone community, but nowadays, its existence is discredited by the presence of Islamic hegemony. This research focuses on the transformation of the perseverance of Bissu in the leadership of traditional rituals in the Bugis Bone Tribe, before and after interacting with Islamic religious values. This study uses a descriptive method that describes the social conditions in the life of Bissu, by observation and interview techniques to the Bissu, Muslim leaders, and cultural actor. This study found the fact that the existence of Islam had a dominant influence on the social status of Bissu, which resulted in their role as leaders of traditional rituals being less respected by the community. The role of Bissu in daily activities has become less involved because it has been replaced by the values of religious puritanism. The government needs to educate the history of Bissu and the cultural traditions of Bone to the public and young generation.

    A study on religious interaction among the sinhala-buddhists and the muslims in Sri Lanka

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    In Sri Lanka, the religions such as Islam, Hinduism, Christianity are practicing, although it is a predominantly Buddhist country. However, since recent past years onward, it has been proliferated the various misinterpretations about the religions among the societies by a few nationalist groups in Sri Lanka. This effort poses a suspicious situation on the religious interaction among the Sinhala-Buddhists and the Muslims, and the same situation could be observable even in Moneragala district as well. On the above backdrop, the main objective of this paper is to examine the religious interaction through measuring the religious understanding between the Sinhala-Buddhists and the Muslims in Moneragala, one of the 25 administrative districts in Sri Lanka. There are followers of two major religions, Buddhism and Islam, forming two religious communities living side by side in a few traditional villages namely Bakinigahawela, Godigamuwa, Kanulwela and Medagama which are located in Moneragala district. This is an ethno-religious study of the religious interaction among the Sinhala-Buddhists and the Muslims in said location, and the religious understanding has been selected as an indicator in order to measure the religious interaction among them. This was measured through a questionnaire survey on a total of one hundred respondents drawn from the Sinhala-Buddhists and the Muslims in selected villages. The samples together with the above mentioned indicator proved that the negative religious interaction among the Sinhala-Buddhists and the Muslims in Moneragala district, and also the lack of understanding of other religious teachings was the determinant factor to hinder their positive religious interaction

    An obscure cause of gastrointestinal bleeding: Renal cell carcinoma metastasis to the small bowel

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    AbstractRenal cell carcinoma metastasis to the small intestine is a rare condition. It usually results in gastrointestinal bleeding and it could happen many years after the diagnosis with renal cell cancer. Treatment includes surgery as well as targeted agents such as tyrosine kinases. We report here the case of an 82-year-old man with a past medical history of high-grade renal cell carcinoma and right nephrectomy 6 years earlier, who presented with recurrent episodes of syncope and black stools. He underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) and colonoscopy without evident source of bleeding. Video capsule endoscopy (VCE) showed three bleeding lesions in the jejunum and ileum. Push enteroscopy revealed a proximal jejunum bleeding mass that was suspicious for malignancy. Histopathology demonstrated poorly differentiated carcinoma. Given the patient’s history of high-grade renal cell carcinoma, and similarity of histologic changes to the old renal cell cancer specimen, metastatic renal cell carcinoma was felt to be the responsible etiology

    iRefScape. A Cytoscape plug-in for visualization and data mining of protein interaction data from iRefIndex

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The iRefIndex consolidates protein interaction data from ten databases in a rigorous manner using sequence-based hash keys. Working with consolidated interaction data comes with distinct challenges: data are redundant, overlapping, highly interconnected and may be collected and represented using different curation practices. These phenomena were quantified in our previous studies.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The iRefScape plug-in for the Cytoscape graphical viewer addresses these challenges. We show how these factors impact on data-mining tasks and how our solutions resolve them in a simple and efficient manner. A uniform accession space is used to limit redundancy and support search expansion and searching on multiple accession types. Multiple node and edge features support data filtering and mining. Node colours and features supply information about search result provenance. Overlapping evidence is presented using a multi-graph and a bi-partite representation is used to distinguish binary and n-ary source data. Searching for interactions between sets of proteins is supported and specifically includes searches on disease-related genes found in OMIM. Finally, a synchronized adjacency-matrix view facilitates visualization of relationships between sets of user defined groups.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The iRefScape plug-in will be of interest to advanced users of interaction data. The plug-in provides access to a consolidated data set in a uniform accession space while remaining faithful to the underlying source data. Tools are provided to facilitate a range of tasks from a simple search to knowledge discovery. The plug-in uses a number of strategies that will be of interest to other plug-in developers.</p

    Post-Tension Relationship between Buddhists and Muslims in Sri Lanka

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    Sri Lanka is a multi religious, multi cultural, multi lingual and multi ethnic country and Buddhists are the predominant ethnic group, constitutes 70.19%  of total population and the Muslims are second largest minority in this country. There are enormous records in the history to prove well the cordial relationship, longer than 1200 years, between the Buddhists and the Muslims since historical times onward. However, in recent past years, particularly, during the aftermath of civil war (1983-2009) it could be observable a tension on the relationship between these two societies. This is because of campaigns undertaken by a few Buddhist nationalist groups with the purpose of making a division between the respective societies. So these groups have been carrying protests against the Muslims’ social, cultural and religious aspects such as issuing Halal certification, slaughtering animals for meals, worship places and prayer services and so on. Also, they have disseminated the misinterpretations about the Muslims and their religion-Islam with derogatory speeches among the Buddhist public. Based on the above backdrop, this paper attempts to find the post-tension Buddhists’ relationship with the Muslims through the Buddhists’ point of view with a measure social interaction. According to the result, there is not remarkable fluctuation on the relationship line between the Buddhists and the Muslims, and the Buddhists did not concern the number of social, cultural and religious practices of the Muslims as the barriers of maintaining a better interaction among them. However, almost all of the Buddhists have pointed out here that the animal slaughtering is a mere problematic factor from the Muslims side in maintaining a better interaction with them due to having prohibition according to Buddhism philosophy. Keywords: Post-tension, relationship, Buddhists, Muslims, Sri Lanka

    Anti-Muslim campaign in Sri Lanka and responses of the Buddhists

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    Sri Lanka is a country where multi ethnic, multi language, multi religious people live. Buddhist is the predominant religious group in Sri Lanka, while the Muslims formed second biggest religious group, next to Tamils. The Buddhist-Muslim relationship has been prevailing and everlastingly for centuries, sbut for a couple of years, a disturbing trend has wide spread, between them. This conflictual nature has come to appear aftermath of the anti-Muslim campaign by few Buddhist Nationalist Groups (BNGs) in Sri Lanka. The basic purpose of the anti-Muslim campaign in Sri Lanka is to propagate bad image of Islam and the Muslims of Sri Lanka, to create a negative perspective among Buddhist public about Islam and Muslims and to distort the good relationship of Buddhists and Muslims in Sri Lanka. In recent past years, few Buddhist Nationalist Groups, campaigned against Halal certification on consumer goods, Hijab of Muslim women, cattle slaughtering, worship places and prayer services in Sri Lanka. Furthermore, they have spread out the idea, that the latest Muslim developments within the country; especially in terms of religion; is a notable threat to Buddhism and to the Buddhist people. These wrong perceptions, ideas and point of views are major factors in Muslim-Buddhist bad relationship, in recent past years. This research attempts to analyze the point of views of few Buddhists, on recent campaigns, against the Muslims, undertaken by the BNGs, in recent past years, by conducting a semi structured interviews in 14 selected Buddhist majority districts of Sri Lanka. Based on the results, it is clearly affirmed that, the recent anti-Muslim campaign, by the BNGs, have created a suspicious nature Muslim stereotype among a group of Buddhists in the society, over a fact that a Buddhist-Muslim relationship in recent past years has damaged a lot. However, these campaigns have not changed the whole Buddhist’s mood and point of views, in terms of maintaining a good relationship with Muslims in Sri Lanka, without any break, as the majority know and respect Muslim citizens of Sri Lanka, because of the behavior and support of Muslims towards the Sri Lankan state, during the civil war (1984-2009) and pre-war time in Sri Lanka

    Factors that Present Obstacles to the Learning of Quran: A Study based on Polonnaruwa District in Sri Lanka

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    Al-Quran is the divine revelation to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), which started with the word "Iqra". Quranic education is an obligation to every Muslim. It is the responsibility of parents and teachers to help the new generation with Quranic learning so they become true Muslims and better humankind. Today, children and younger generations have more opportunities to learn the Quran properly, as compared to middle-aged people who do not have such opportunities even if they are interested in learning; Polonnaruwa district in Sri Lanka is no exception. In this study, we discovered the challenges that are faced by middle-aged people in learning the Holy Quran. This is a qualitative research. The key tool used in this study was a structured interview, which was participated by 40 middle aged people in Polonnaruwa. According to the results, it was found that the challenges faced by the participants include the lack of understanding on the importance of the Quran, the growing hatred toward Muslim “Alims”, inadequate teaching with a proper method to recite the Quran and the failure to teach the Quran with proper guidance. Such are the reasons for the middle-aged people not being able to recite the Quran properly at present, even though they had attended the madrassa at a young age. In terms of gender, it was found that females are more interested in Quranic learning than males. Factors namely the lack of formally trained teacher and the reluctance of middle-aged people in participating the Quranic lesson have been identified as the most critical challenges that hinder Quranic learning among the middle-aged people despite their desire to learn. Based on these findings, it is suggested that the training and courses related to Quranic learning specially for middle-aged people be made necessary for them by the local mosques and Sri Lankan Muslim Cultural and Religious Affairs Department. In addition, the “Alims” and “Alimahs”, who are graduated from Arabic colleges should come forward to teach the Quran to these middle-aged people. Keywords: Obstacle to learning the Quran, learningof Al Quran, Quran madrassa, Middle-aged People DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/11-13-04 Publication date:June 30th 202