1,288 research outputs found

    The Effect of Negative Allosteric Modifiers on mGluR5 Activity

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    From the Washington University Office of Undergraduate Research Digest (WUURD), Vol. 12, 05-01-2017. Published by the Office of Undergraduate Research. Joy Zalis Kiefer, Director of Undergraduate Research and Associate Dean in the College of Arts & Sciences; Lindsey Paunovich, Editor; Helen Human, Programs Manager and Assistant Dean in the College of Arts and Sciences Mentor: Karen O\u27Malle

    Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for Adolescents with Public Speaking Anxiety

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    Bakgrunn: Presentasjonsangst er en av de vanligste fryktene blant ungdom. Angsten innebærer en redsel for å bli negativt evaluert, etterfulgt av en følelse av å bli flau eller ydmyket når man snakker foran andre. Eksponeringsterapi for presentasjonsangst er utfordrende å gjennomføre, da en trenger et reelt publikum som kan fungere som det fryktede stimuli. Virtual Reality (VR) kan være løsningen, da teknologien er i stand til å skape et virtuelt publikum, som kan oppleves som ekte. For voksne med presentasjonsangt finnes det flere randomiserte kontrollerte VR-studier som viser gode kliniske effekter, men en vet lite om effekten relatert til ungdom. Ingen studier har tidligere evaluert effekten av selvveiledet, automatiserte og spillbaserte VR-intervensjoner for ungdom med presentasjonsangst. Mål: Denne oppgaven adresserte aktuelle kunnskapshull ved å kartlegge den kliniske effekten og gjennomførbarheten av to VR-intervensjoner for ungdom med presentasjonsangst: en terapeutveiledet og en selvveiledet, automatisert og spillbasert intervensjon. Målet med Artikkel I var å undersøke gjennomførbarheten og den kliniske effekten av en terapeutveiledet, enkelt-sesjons VR-intervensjon for ungdom med presentasjonsangst. Hovedmålet med Artikkel II var å undersøke den kliniske effekten av en selvveiledet, automatisert og spillbasert VR-intervensjon sammenlignet med venteliste og en selvveiledet nettbasert intervensjon. Et sekundært mål var å undersøke om VR-intervensjonen førte til en økning i påfølgende eksponeringsøvelser under det nettbaserte eksponeringsprogrammet, sammenlignet med de som mottok nettbasert psykoedukasjons- og eksponeringsprogram. Målet med Artikkel III var å undersøke om intervensjonene rettet mot presentasjonsangst også førte til en reduksjon i symptomer på perfeksjonisme og om symptomer på perfeksjonisme modererte den kliniske effekten av intervensjonene for presentasjonsangst. Metode: To kliniske studier ga data for tre studier: en ikke-randomisert gjennomførbarhet- og pilotstudie (papir I) og en to-faset, firearmet randomisert kontrollert studie (papir II og III). Begge studiene undersøkte effekter og moderatorer av behandling: symptomer på generalisert sosial angst ved baseline og tilstedeværelse i det virtuelle miljøet (artikkel I) og om perfeksjonisme modererte behandlingsresultatet (artikkel III). Selvrapporterte symptomer på presentasjonsangst ble innhentet under intervensjons- og oppfølgingsperioden i begge studiene, i tillegg til hjertefrekvensmålinger under VR-eksponeringen i Artikkel I, selvrapporterte symptomer på generalisert sosial angst i Artikkel II og III, og perfeksjonisme i Artikkel III. Gjennomførbarhets- og pilotstudien i Artikkel I inkluderte N=27 ungdommer som deltok i en terapeutveiledet, 90-minutters VR-intervensjon på én sesjon ved klinikken. To-faset, firearmede randomiserte kontrollerte studien i Artikkel II og III inkluderte N=100 ungdommer som deltok i et seks ukers digitalt selvveiledet intervensjonsprogram. Ungdommene ble randomisert i fire grupper, med følgende fase én + fase to intervensjon; 1) Kun VR, 2) VR + nettbasert eksponeringsprogram, 3) Nettbasert psykoedukasjon + eksponeringsprogram, 4) Venteliste + nettbasert psykoedukasjonsprogram. Resultater: Resultater fra Artikkel I viste en signifikant reduksjon i presentasjonsangstsymptomer fra pre til post, og symptomene holdt seg stabile ved en og tre måneders oppfølging. Basert på tilbakemeldinger fra ungdommene, ble gjennomførbarheten av intervensjonen økt i løpet av studien, noe som resulterte i ingen manglende besvarelser ved oppfølging. Symptomer på generalisert sosial angst ved baseline og tilstedeværelse modererte ikke de kliniske effektene. Det var en liten økning i hjertefrekvensen under VR-eksponeringsoppgavene. Resultater fra Artikkel II viste en signifikant større reduksjon i presentasjonsangstsymptomer blant ungdommene som mottok VR-intervensjonen sammenlignet med ventelistegruppen. Resultatene viste også at VR + nettbasert eksponeringsprogram var like effektivt sammenlignet med kun VR og nettbasert psykoedukasjon + eksponeringsprogram. I tillegg hadde alle fire grupper en signifikant reduksjon i presentasjonsangstsymptomer. I motsetning til hypotesen fullførte ikke ungdommer som mottok VR-intervensjon et høyere antall in-vivo-eksponeringsoppgaver i løpet av nettbasert eksponeringsprogram sammenlignet med de som mottok nettbasert psykoedukasjon og eksponeringsprogram. De kliniske effektene holdt seg stabile ved tre måneders oppfølging. Resultater fra Artikkel III viste at intervensjonene ikke reduserte perfeksjonisme på gruppenivå, men det var signifikante individuelle forskjeller i endringer over tid. En nedgang i perfeksjonisme var assosiert med en større reduksjon på alle utfallsmål fra post til oppfølging. Det var ingen signifikante interaksjonseffekter mellom presentasjonsangstsymptomer og nivået av perfeksjonisme før behandling. Høye nivåer av perfeksjonisme før behandling var assosiert med dårligere langsiktige resultater for begge gruppene som mottok det nettbaserte eksponeringsprogrammet. Konklusjon: Denne oppgaven bidrar til det voksende evidensgrunnlaget for VR-eksponeringsterapi, og den første som demonstrerer potensialet til både terapeutveiledet og selvveiledet VR-behandling for ungdom generelt, og spesielt for de med presentasjonsangst. Resultatene indikerer at VR-behandling kan fungere som et indisert forebyggingsprogram for ungdom med PSA. Studiene som inngår i oppgaven er gjennomført ved hjelp av et solid design. Gjennomførbarhet og pilotering var første trinn, før man for første gang med denne målgruppen evaluerte de kliniske effektene i en randomisert kontrollert studie. I tillegg har oppgaven undersøkt relevante moderatorer av behandlinger; rollen til perfeksjonisme og hvordan den kan hindre bedring. Disse resultatene kan være veiledende for hvordan optimalisere fremtidige intervensjoner for ungdom med presentasjonsangst. Fremtidige studier bør undersøke om VR-terapi har en langsiktig forebyggende effekt på utvikling av generalisert sosial angst da dette fortsatt er uklart for denne aldersgruppen.Background: Public Speaking Anxiety (PSA) is one of the most common fears reported by adolescents. PSA involves the fear of being negatively evaluated, followed by a feeling of being embarrassed or humiliated when speaking in front of others. Providing state-of-the-art in-vivo exposure therapy for PSA is difficult due to the logistics of recruiting an actual audience trained to act as the feared stimuli. An attractive way of resolving this obstacle is through Virtual Reality (VR) technology, which is capable of creating an immersive experience of being in front of a virtual audience, as if it was real. Although there are several randomized controlled trials demonstrating the clinical efficacy of VR exposure therapy for adults with PSA, little is known about its clinical effects on adolescents. Moreover, no past study has evaluated self-guided and automated VR interventions for adolescents with PSA. Aims: This thesis addressed these key knowledge gaps by exploring the clinical effects and feasibility of both therapist-guided and self-guided, and automated VR interventions for adolescents with PSA. The aim of Paper I was to investigate the feasibility and the clinical effects of a therapist-guided, single-session VR-intervention for adolescents with PSA, using low-cost consumer VR hardware. The primary aim of Paper II was to investigate the clinical efficacy of a self-guided, automated, and gamified VR intervention compared with waitlist and self-guided online programs. A secondary aim was to explore whether the VR intervention led to an increase in subsequent exposure tasks during the online exposure program compared to those receiving the online psychoeducation and exposure program. The aim of Paper III was to investigate whether interventions targeting PSA also led to a reduction in symptoms of perfectionism and whether symptoms of perfectionism moderated the clinical efficacy of self-guided interventions for PSA. Methods: Two clinical trials provided data for three studies: one non-randomized feasibility and pilot study (Paper I) and a two-phased, four-armed randomized controlled study (Paper II and III). Both trials investigated effects and moderators of treatment: baseline generalized social anxiety symptoms and presence in the virtual environment (Paper I) and whether perfectionism moderated treatment outcome (Paper III). Self-reported PSA were assessed during the intervention and follow-up period in both studies, in addition to heart rate measurements during the VR exposure in Paper I, self-reported symptoms of generalized SAD in Paper II and III, and perfectionism in Paper III. The non-randomized feasibility and pilot study in Paper I included N=27 adolescents who participated in a therapist-guided, 90-minutes single-session VR intervention at the clinic. The two-phased, four-armed randomized controlled study in Paper II and III included N=100 adolescents who participated in a six weeks digital self-guided interventions program. The adolescents were randomized into four groups, with the following phase one + phase two intervention; 1) VR only, 2) VR + online exposure program, 3) Online psychoeducation + exposure program, 4) Waitlist + online psychoeducation program. Results: Results from Paper I revealed a significant decrease in PSA symptoms from pre to post, and symptoms remained stable at one- and three-month follow-up. Based on feedback from the adolescents, the feasibility of the intervention was increased during the trial, resulting in no missing data. Baseline generalized social anxiety symptoms and presence did not moderate the clinical effects. There was a small increase in heart rate during the VR exposure tasks. Results from Paper II revealed a significantly greater reduction in PSA symptoms among the adolescents who received the VR intervention compared to the the waitlist group. The results also demonstrated that VR + online exposure program was as equally effective as compared to VR only and online psychoeducation + exposure program. Moreover, all groups had a significant reduction in PSA symptoms. Contrary to the hypothesis, adolescents who received VR training did not complete a higher number of in-vivo-exposure tasks during the online exposure program compared to those receiving online psychoeducation and exposure program. The clinical effects remained stable at three-month follow-up. Results from Paper III revealed that the interventions did not reduce perfectionism at a group level, however, there were significant individual differences in changes over time. A decrease in perfectionism was associated with a larger reduction on all outcome measures from post to follow-up. There were no significant interaction effects between PSA symptoms and the pre-treatment level of perfectionism. High pre-treatment levels of perfectionism was associated with poorer long-term outcomes for both groups receiving the online exposure program. Conclusions: In sum, this thesis contributes to the growing evidence base for VR exposure therapy, and is among the first to demonstrate the potential of both therapist-guided and self-guided, VR interventions for adolescents in general and with PSA in particular. The results indicate that VR may serve as an indicated prevention program for adolescents with PSA. The studies included in the thesis is conducted through a strong design with feasibility and piloting as a first step before evaluating, for the first time with this target group, the clinical effects in a randomized controlled trial. Moreover, the thesis has investigated relevant moderators of treatments, specifically the role of perfectionism and how it may hinder treatment improvement. These results can provide guidance on how to optimize future interventions for the large group of adolescents with PSA. Future studies should investigate whether VR interventions have a long-term preventive effect on the development of generalized social anxiety as this remains unclear for this age group.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Analysis of genetic improvement for soybean from 1950-2000

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    Reasons for the gradual genetic yield improvement (21-31 kg ha-1yr-1) reported for soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] during decades of cultivar development are not clearly understood. Identification of mechanisms for the yield improvement would aid in providing indirect selection criteria for streamlining cultivar development. Our objective was to identify yield components, growth parameters, phenological data, and/or other agronomic data responsible for yield improvement in 18 public southern cultivars released between 1952 and 2000. The study was done at the Ben Hur research farm near Baton Rouge, LA (300N Lat) during 2007 and 2008. Experimental design was a randomized complete block with four replications and one factor (cultivar). Data were obtained on yield, seed per area, seed size, seed per pod, pod per area, pod per reproductive node, reproductive node number per area, percent reproductive nodes, node number per area, total dry matter (TDM) at R7 and harvest index (HI). Data were analyzed sequentially at primary (seed number per area and seed size affecting yield), secondary (pod number per area and seed per pod effecting seed number per area), tertiary (pods per reproductive node and reproductive node number per area affecting pod number per area) and quaternary levels (node number per area and percent reproductive nodes affecting reproductive node number per area). Yield improvement among these cultivars was not related to length of the seed filling period, or days from emergence to R5 or R7. Neither was lodging resistance involved. Greater yield in new vs. old cultivars was mainly due to greater TDM (R7) (71%) and secondarily to higher HI (29%). Yield components responding to greater dry matter accumulation to create more yield in new vs. old cultivars were node and reproductive node number per area, pod number per area and seed number per area. A possible indirect selection criterion for yield during cultivar development is reproductive node number per area

    Assessment of Forest Resource Exploitation in the Rural Communities of District Jhelum, Pakistan

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    18 October, 2019 Accepted: 25 October, 2019Abstract: Forest resources are deteriorating and experiencing decline around the globe due to unsustainable use andover exploitation. The present study was an attempt to determine the relationship between human activities, forestresource utilization, extraction methods and practices of forest resource exploitation in the district Jhelum of Pakistan.For this purpose, primary sources of data were used which were collected from 8 villages through structuredquestionnaire and tabulated in Microsoft Excel 365 and SPSS 22 was used for multiple linear regression analysis. Theresults revealed that farming, wood cutting, animal husbandry and agro-forestry were the major occupations in thestudy area. Most commonly used resources included timber 26%, fuelwood 25% and fodder 19%. Methods used forresource extraction included gathering 49%, plucking 34% trapping 11% and cutting 6%. Population growth, increaseddemand of fuelwood and land conversion were the main reasons behind forest degradation. Results for multiple linearregression revealed that Forest based activities, sources of energy production, methods used for wood harvesting andresource extraction and use of fuelwood for energy production contributed significantly towards extensive forestresource exploitation with p value <0.5 within the study area. The study suggests that effective measures should betaken by forest department to control the unsustainable use of forest resources by stringent management interventionsand awareness campaigns in Jhelum district

    Effect of land management practices on soil moisture storage characteristics

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    A field study was conducted to evaluate moisture storage in soil profile under four tillage-residue management practices namely conventional tillage, no-tillage without residue, no-tillage with residue and deep tillage along with three irrigation regime based on IW/PAN-E ratio 1.2, 0.9 and 0.6 in maize with three replications in split plot design. Significant differences were observed in steady state infiltration rate and cumulative infiltration among different land management practices with maximum value in deep tillage (4.9 cm hr-1 and 33.1 cm) followed by no tillage with residue (4.1cm hr-1 and 28.6 cm), no tillage without residue (4.0 cm hr-1 and 23.0 cm) and conventional tillage (2.8 cm hr-1 and 19.4 cm), respectively. The highest mean weight diameter and water stable aggregates were found under no tillage with residue (0.64 mm and 49.7%) and lowest under deep tillage (0.3 mm and 21.8%), respectively. Higher volumetric soil water content and soil profile moisture storage were recorded under no tillage with residue at different days after sowing. Among different tillage-residue management practices, maximum leaf area index and relative leaf water content were observed in no-tillage with residue. Under moisture stress conditions, no-tillage with residue retention was suitable land management option for reducing evaporation losses and enhancing moisture storage in the soil profile

    Comparison between the lumbar infusion and CSF tap tests to predict outcome after shunt surgery in suspected normal pressure hydrocephalus.

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the lumbar infusion test and the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) tap test for predicting the outcome of shunt surgery in patients with suspected normal pressure hydrocephalus. METHODS: 68 patients with suspected normal pressure hydrocephalus were studied. The absence of preceding history indicated idiopathic disease in 75% of these. All patients were assessed twice with walking and psychometric tests before lumbar infusion test and tap test assessments. The lumbar infusion test was done using a constant infusion rate (0.80 ml/min) and regarded as positive if the steady state CSF plateau pressure reached levels of > 22 mm Hg (resistance to outflow > 14 mm Hg/ml/min). The tap test was regarded as positive if two or more of four different test items improved after CSF removal. As the variability in baseline test results was large, the better of two evaluations was used in comparisons with the results after CSF removal, as well as to evaluate the outcome after shunt surgery. Only patients with a positive lumbar infusion test or a positive tap test had surgery. RESULTS: The results of the CSF tap test and the lumbar infusion test agreed in only 45% of the patients. Of the total cohort, 47 (69%) had positive test results and were operated on; 45 (96%) of these reported subjective improvement, and postoperative assessments verified the improvements in 38 (81%). Improvements were highly significant in walking, memory, and reaction time tests (p < 0.001). Most of the patients improved by surgery (84%) were selected by a positive lumbar infusion test, and only 42% by a positive tap test. Positive predictive values were 80% for lumbar infusion test and 94% for tap test. The false negative predictions in the operated group were much higher (58%) with the tap test than with the lumbar infusion test (16%). CONCLUSIONS: Both the lumbar infusion test and the tap test can predict a positive outcome of shunt operations in unselected patients with suspected normal pressure hydrocephalus. The two tests are complementary and should be used together for optimal patient selection

    Experiences of cognitive behavioural therapy formulation in clients with depression

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    AbstractWhile clinicians have described the benefits of using formulations within therapy, little is understood about the client's experience of the formulation process. Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is currently the treatment of choice for many adult mental health difficulties. However, research exploring clients’ experiences of CBT formulation is very limited. The present study set out to explore experiences of CBT formulation in clients with depression. Seven participants were interviewed and the data analysed using Thematic Analysis. The analysis identified key themes such as: ‘Feeling trapped or restricted by depression’, ‘The development of the formulation – from coming to my own conclusions to something the therapist developed’, ‘From negative to mixed feelings: emotional reactions to the formulation during the therapeutic process’ and ‘A new journey: towards making a new sense of oneself’. The results of the study highlight the personal and emotional challenge of the formulation process for clients.</jats:p


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    Carbon accretion in the atmosphere is having widespread climatic impacts on Pakistan like reduced agricultural productivity, water shortage, and coastal erosion, etc. Tormented with a poor economy, any abrupt scarcity of livelihood resources can breed violence, crime, communal tensions, and a threat to national security. Encumbered by the financial and technical deficit, Pakistan is facing considerable challenges for crafting a pragmatic climate security regime. Significant divergence in the public and academic opinion on the nature of this threat have attributed to a sluggish policy response so far. This paper, therefore, focuses on Pakistan’s Carbon dilemma and critically examines its treatment in national climate policies. It calls for an integrated approach across multiple sectors and mainstreaming of a national security policy with climate-smart infrastructure that assimilates core national security resources. It further calls for political discourses that encompass food, energy, agriculture, health, and even diplomacy to overcome this national threat. Towards the end, this paper proffers some recommendations to mitigate threats to our climate security.   Bibliography Entry Kahlon, Tahir-ul-Mulk, and Syed Ahmad Talal. 2020. "Climate Security of Pakistan: Dissecting the Carbon Dilemma." Margalla Papers 24 (1): 97-111