22 research outputs found

    Ratlarda siklofosfamid ile indüklenen hemorajik sistitisde glycyrrhizinin koruyucu etkilerinin patolojik olarak incelenmesi

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    Cyclophosphamide (CP) is a widely used anti-neoplastic agent in humans and small animals and also has some adverse effects in them. The most common adverse effect of CP is hemorrhagic cystitis (HS). The use of Mesna may prevent HS, but is insufficient for some side effects. In this study, the effect of glycyrrhizin (GLY), which is one of the active substances of licorice root, was examined against CP-related side effects. The experiment was designed with 49 male Sprague Dawley rats. The Control group received only physiological saline and the CP group only CP. CP+Mesna group received CP and also three dose of Mesna. The animals in the CP+GLY100 and CP+GLY200 groups were received three doses of GLY, 100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg dose, respectively. The previous protocol was applied to the CP+Mesna+GLY100 and CP+Mesna+GLY200 groups and only the first GLY application was replaced with Mesna. In this study, it was recorded that bladder macroscopy and histopathology were better preserved in GLY applicated groups compared to CP group. However, it was observed that this protection was slightly weaker than the Mesna and GLY-Mesna combinations. From this point of view, it was observed that GLY could be preventive in CP-related HS, in addition it could also support to Mesna applications.Siklofosfamid (CP) yaygın olarak kullanılan bir anti-neoplastik ajandır ve bazı yan etkilere sahiptir. Siklofosfamidin en belirgin yan etkisi hemorajik sistitistir (HS). Mesna kullanımı HS’yi önleyebilmekte ancak diğer bazı yan etkiler için yetersiz kalmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, CP ilişkili HS’ye karşı, meyan kökünün aktif içeriklerinden olan glycyrrhizinin (GLY) etkisi incelenmiştir. Çalışma, 49 adet, erkek Sprague Dawley rat ile dizayn edilmiştir. Kontrol grubuna sadece fizyolojik tuzlu su, CP grubuna ise sadece CP verilmiştir. CP+Mesna grubuna CP ve ayrıca 3 doz Mesna uygulanmıştır. CP+GLY100 ve CP+GLY200 gruplarına; CP ve sırasıyla 100 mg/kg ile 200 mg/kg olmak üzere üç doz GLY uygulanmıştır. Bir önceki protokol CP+Mesna+GLY100 ve CP+Mesna+GLY200 gruplarınada uygulanmış olup sadece ilk GLY uygulaması Mesna ile değiştirilmiştir. Çalışmada GLY uygulanan gruplarda CP grubuna kıyasla mesane makroskobisi ve histopatolojisinin daha iyi bir şekilde korunmuş olduğu kaydedilmiştir. Ancak, bu korumanın Mesna ve GLY-Mesna kombinasyonlarına kıyasla biraz daha zayıf kaldığı izlenmiştir. Buradan yola çıkılarak GLY’in CP ilişkili HS’de önleyici olabileceği aynı zamanda Mesna uygulamalarına destek verebileceği kanaatine varılmıştır

    A Therapeutic Approach for Wound Healing by Using Essential Oils of Cupressus and Juniperus Species Growing in Turkey

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    Juniperus and Cupressus genera are mainly used as diuretic, stimulant, and antiseptic, for common cold and wound healing in Turkish folk medicine. In the present study, essential oils obtained from cones of Cupressus and berries of Juniperus were evaluated for their wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects. In vivo wound healing activity was evaluated by linear incision and circular excision experimental wound models, assessment of hydroxyproline content, and subsequently histopathological analysis. The healing potential was comparatively assessed with a reference ointment Madecassol. Additionally acetic-acid-induced capillary permeability test was used for the oils' anti-inflammatory activity. The essential oils of J. oxycedrus subsp. oxycedrus and J. phoenicea demonstrated the highest activities, while the rest of the species did not show any significant wound healing effect. The experimental study revealed that J. oxycedrus subsp. oxycedrus and J. phoenicea display remarkable wound healing and anti-inflammatory activities, which support the folkloric use of the plants

    Original Article Wound Healing Activity of Rubus sanctus Schreber (Rosaceae): Preclinical Study in Animal Models

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    Young shoots of Rubus species have been used for healing of wounds, infected insect bites and pimples in folk medicine for ages. In order to evaluate the wound healing activity of Rubus sanctus, four different extracts were prepared from the whole aerial parts of the plant by using n-hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol, respectively. Incision wound healing model by using tensiometer on rats and excision model on mice were employed to assess the activity. Remarkable wound healing activity was observed with the ointment formulation of the methanol extract at 1% concentration on the mentioned models. The results of histopathological examination also supported the outcome of both incision and excision wound models. The wound healing effect was comparatively evaluated with a reference ointment Madecassol. The experimental data confirmed the ethnobotanical usage of R. sanctus

    Sığır İdrar Keselerindeki Non-neoplastik Lezyonların Patomorfolojik Özellikleri

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    Non-neoplastic epithelial and stromal changes might be prognostic in early phase of premalignant neoplastic developments of urinary bladder. In this regard, diagnosis and histological classification of these lesions give valuable knowledge for prevention and treatment in both human and veterinary medicine. In Turkey, bovine urinary bladder lesions have been encountered in great ratio even though the small numbers of cases have been observed in other animals. According to our great experiences and field-studies for years concentrating on the topic, inflammatory and neoplastic of pathologies in urinary bladders might be easily developed after long term Bracken fern-consuming cattle. In current study, non-neoplastic cases including mainly epithelial, stromal, vascular, and inflammatory characteristic lesions were identified and described separately. Degenerative, desquamative, cystic, hyperplastic, and metaplastic lesions were found prominently in urinary bladder epithelium. Consecutive lesions comprised stromal changes and vascular lesions characterized with circulatory problems. Accompanying those, remarkable mononuclear cell infiltrations were found in a lot of cases. In conclusion, such kind of non-neoplastic lesions at least should be considered as important as neoplastic lesions because the lesions can have a risk in course of premalignant neoplastic transformation.Non-neoplastik epitelyal ve stromal değişiklikler, idrar kesesinin premalign neoplastik gelişimlerinin erken evresinde prognostik olabilir. Bu lezyonların tanısı ve histolojik sınıflandırması, hem insan hem de veteriner hekimlikte önleme ve tedavi için değerli bilgiler vermektedir. Türkiye’de, diğer hayvanlarda az sayıda olgu görülmesine rağmen sığır idrar kesesi lezyonlarına yüksek oranlarda rastlanmaktadır. Yıllara dayalı yeterli deneyimlerimiz ve saha çalışmalarımıza göre, uzun vadede eğrelti otu tüketen büyükbaş hayvanların idrar keselerinde yangısal ve neoplastik patolojiler kolaylıkla gelişebilir. Bu çalışmada, başlıca epitelyal, stromal, damarsal ve yangısal karakterli lezyonları içeren non-neoplastik olgular tanımlanmış ve ayrı ayrı açıklanmıştır. İdrar kesesi epitelinde dejeneratif, deskuamatif, kistik, hiperplastik ve metaplastik lezyonlar belirgin olarak bulundu. Ardışık lezyonlar stromal değişiklikler ve dolaşım problemleri ile karakterize damarsal lezyonları da içeriyordu. Bunlara eşlik eden, dikkate değer mononükleer hücre infiltrasyonları çok sayıda vakada bulundu. Sonuç olarak, bu tür non-neoplastik lezyonların en azından neoplastik lezyonlar kadar önemli olduğu düşünülmelidir, çünkü lezyonlar premalign neoplastik transformasyon sırasında bir risk oluşturabilir

    Oropharyngeal tumors between 1977 to 2005 at dog and cats:A retrospective study

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı 1977-2005 yılları arasında Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Klinikleri ile Özel Kliniklerden Patoloji Anabilim Dalı’na tümör şüphesi ile gönderilen köpek (80 adet) ve kedilerin (13 adet) orofaringeal bölge biyopsi/operasyon örneklerinin değerlendirilmesidir. Bu tümörler köpeklerde sıklıkla 6-10 yaşlarında, Terrier, Melez, Boxer, Kangal ve Kurt ırklarında; kedilerde ise 1-5 yaşlarında, Tekir, Yerli ve Siyam ırklarında gözlendi. Köpeklerde saptanan tümörler çoğunlukla epulis ve papillomlar olup (%26.3) en fazla etkilenen bölgeler dişeti (%21.3), submandibular bölge (%17.5) ve dudaklardı (%15). Kedilerde saptanan tümörler ise epulis (% 23.1), plazmasitom (%15.4) ve diğer tümörler (%61.5) olup, sıklıkla submandibular bölge (%38.5), dişeti (%30.8) ve damakta (%23.1) lokalize olmuştu.The aim of the study was to evaluate dog (80 cases) and cat’s (13 cases) oropharyngeal biopsy/operation materials, which were sent as tumor suspicion from Ankara University Veterinary Faculty Clinics and Private Clinics to Pathology Department between the years of 1977 to 2005. These tumors were frequently seen in dogs between 6-10 years, at the Terrier, Mongrel, Boxer, Shepherds breeds (Kangal and German), while cats were between 1-5 years, at the Tekir, Mongrel and Siamese breeds. Most of the dog tumors were diagnosed as epulides and papillomas (26.3%) and mostly affected regions were the gingiva (21.3%), submandibular area (17.5%) and lips (15%). Cat tumors were diagnosed as epulides (23.1%), plasmacytomas (15.4%) and other tumors (61.5%) and they were frequently located at the submandibular area (38.5%), gingiva (30.8%) and palate (23.1%)

    Protective Effects of Ellagic Acid Against Chemotherapy-Induced Hepatotoxicity

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    Aim: Cyclophosphamide (CP) is a commonly used chemotherapeutic agent despite its toxicadverse effects, including hepatotoxicity. Ellagic acid (EA) is an antioxidant agent and exhibitsfree radical scavenging activities. In this experimental study, the effects of EA on CP-inducedliver injury were investigated.Material and Methods: Twenty-four Sprague-Dawley rats (180-220 gr) were separated intofour equal groups. A single dose of 150 mg/kg CP was given intraperitoneally to generatehepatotoxicity. Different doses (50 and 75 mg/kg) of EA were administered orally 20 minutesbefore, 4 and 8 hours after CP administration. The histopathological evaluation of kidneytissues and immunohistochemical evaluation for caspase-3 were conducted as well as theserum biochemical analyses.Results: CP treated group exhibited a significant increase in serum hepatic enzymes, aspartateaminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT), compared to the control group.Similarly, the total triglycerides (TG) and very-low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-C)levels increased significantly. Additionally, the high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C)levels decreased, which was not significant, compared to the control group. At both EA doses,VLDL-C, AST, ALT levels decreased significantly while HDL-C level revealed a significantincrease. 75 mg/kg EA treatment caused a non-significant elevation in total cholesterol (TC)concentration. Microscopic analysis showed a significant congestion, edema, degeneration andnecrosis in the livers of CP administered group. However, edema, degeneration, and necrosiswere significantly reduced in animals treated with EA-75. In addition, caspase-3 expressionsignificantly decreased in EA-75 group.Conclusion: These results indicate the protective effects of EA in CP-induced hepatotoxicity in rats