270 research outputs found

    A Proposal of a Synthetic Indicator to Measure Poverty Intensity, With an Application to EU-15 Countries

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    This paper deals with the proposal of a synthetic indicator to measure intensity of poverty. So, whereas incidence of poverty can be clearly measured using the headcount ratio indicator, according to Sen (1976) dimensions of poverty, the choice of a better intensity poverty measure is still an open question to resolve. Thus, in this paper, a new procedure to obtain a synthetic indicator from a set of well-performed poverty intensity indices as a start is proposed, using an adaptation of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Conditions needed to make longitudinal comparisons possible are studied and properties of these synthetic indicators will also be analyzed, connected to TIP curves as well. As an illustration, this paper analyzes the evolution of poverty in the 15 countries of E.U., whose household income data are available through the information contained in the European Community Household Panel (ECPH). This analysis allows static and dynamic comparisons, related to the period from 1993 to 2000. Furthermore, the determination of groups of countries according to their characteristics in poverty will be accomplished.Economic Poverty, TIP’s poverty curves, Poverty in EU countries, PHOGUE.

    Recent evolution of poverty in the European countries

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the evolution of poverty in the 15 countries of E.U., whose household income data is available through the information contained in the European Community Household Panel (ECHP). Several indicators have been proposed in economic literature for measuring poverty, but they may produce different orderings when cases are compared. In this work, a set of poverty one-dimensional indicators are chosen, which best verify some desirable properties. A modification of the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is proposed to calculate synthetic cross-sectional measures of poverty using this set of indicators. In order to obtain comparable values throughout time, in addition to cross-sectional sense, joint consideration of single poverty indicators is proposed, independently of their temporary period of reference. Therefore, applying common space analysis to these cross-sectional synthetic measures, a common frame of comparison and a homogeneous weighting structure are obtained, which are stable throughout time. This powerful tool allows static as well as dynamic comparisons, among the EU countries. Furthermore, the determination of groups of countries according to their characteristics in poverty will be accomplished.

    Recent evolution of poverty in the European countries

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the evolution of poverty in the 15 countries of E.U., whose household income data is available through the information contained in the European Community Household Panel (ECHP). Several indicators have been proposed in economic literature for measuring poverty, but they may produce different orderings when cases are compared. In this work, a set of poverty one-dimensional indicators are chosen, which best verify some desirable properties. A modification of the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is proposed to calculate synthetic cross-sectional measures of poverty using this set of indicators. In order to obtain comparable values throughout time, in addition to cross-sectional sense, joint consideration of single poverty indicators is proposed, independently of their temporary period of reference. Therefore, applying common space analysis to these cross-sectional synthetic measures, a common frame of comparison and a homogeneous weighting structure are obtained, which are stable throughout time. This powerful tool allows static as well as dynamic comparisons, among the EU countries. Furthermore, the determination of groups of countries according to their characteristics in poverty will be accomplished

    Transformaciones postadrianeas del ámbito doméstico en la Nova Urbs de Itálica. Una aproximación a partir de la terra sigillata africana

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    En el presente artículo mostramos los resultados obtenidos en el trabajo de investigación, del mismo título, realizado dentro del Máster Arqueología y Patrimonio: Ciencia y Profesión. En él se ha efectuado la recopilación, así como la puesta al día de los diferentes estudios llevados a cabo hasta el momento, referidos al ámbito doméstico de la ciudad de Itálica en su fase postadrianea. El trabajo se ha completado con el análisis de la terra sigillata africana, hasta el momento sin publicar, procedente de los diferentes espacios de ocupación doméstica localizados en la Nova Urbs, con el fin de aclarar la posible evolución que experimentó la ocupación de esta zona tras la muerte de Adriano. ---------------------------------------------------------------------In this paper, we show the results in the research work, with the same title, done within the Máster Arqueología y Patrimonio: Ciencia y Profesión. It has made a collection, as well as an updating of the various studies so far, referring to the domestic realm of the city of Italica in its postadrianean phase; this work has been completed with the analysis of the African terra sigillata, so far without studying, from the different spaces of domestic occupation located in the Nova Urbs, with the aim to clarify the possible developments that has this area after the death of Adrian emperor

    Learning disabilities: Educational considerations

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    The purpose of this paper is to review the literature on learning disabilities so a more appropriate approach to the education of children with learning disabilities can be utilized in Ecuador. The term learning disabilities may be applied to any learner who fails to benefit from the curriculum in which he/she has been placed. Moreover, this paper presents many of the important facts for understanding children with leaning disabilities and dealing with these children in school. However, the information found in this paper represents just a portion of the knowledge base about learning disabilities

    Análisis de indicadores de desarrollo de la educación ambiental en la Institución Educativa Emblemática Leoncio Prado, Huánuco - 2015

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    El documento digital no refiere un asesorPublicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autorAnaliza la influencia del análisis de indicadores de desarrollo en la educación ambiental de la Institución Educativa Emblemática Leoncio Prado, Huánuco - 2015. Identifica indicadores de medios y recursos, de gestión ambiental e indicadores sobre las actitudes y motivaciones ambientales en los estudiantes y los ciudadanos en términos de desarrollo sostenible, se han combinado los datos ambientales con referentes educativos, sociales y económicos que ofrecen una visión panorámica del grado de maduración en el tema medio ambiental en nuestra localidad y región en el proceso de estructuración de actuaciones para el desarrollo de una educación ambiental de calidad. La actividad dinámica y cambiante como es el tema de la educación ambiental, permite ser necesario iniciar un periodo de análisis y reflexión que permita detectar carencias importantes y establecer líneas de actuación de cara al futuro. De esta forma se podrán ir dando pasos firmes y coherentes que faciliten una mayor eficacia de los recursos que se destinan a programas de sensibilización ambiental de la huanuqueña. Probablemente sea un objetivo mucho más realista en este momento, pensar en la posibilidad de definir y determinar los indicadores de educación ambiental, como los que se presentan en esta tesis de maestría, que permita identificar tendencias y caracterizar las relaciones más significativas que se dan entre ellos, y a partir de esta evidencia, sugerir incluso a las diferentes instituciones educativos y otras organizaciones, el diseño de actividades y estrategias ambientales cada vez más eficaces a nivel local y regional incluso nacional.Tesi

    Jornada - Taller de concienciación sobre la vacuna de la influenza dirigida a los trabajadores del Hospital Regional de Chepo

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    Objetivos Generales Capacitar al personal de Salud del Hospital Regional de Chepo en la importancia de la vacuna de la Influenza. Objetivos Específicos: <Identificar algunas barreras que influyen en el rechazo de la vacuna contra la Influenza. <Realizar Jornadas para Concienciación de la Vacuna de la Influenza. <Aumentar la cobertura de la Influenza en los trabajadores del Hospital Regional de Chepo

    Nuevos modos de leer en la era digital

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    La pobreza en Colombia, 2001-2005. Curvas globales, dominancia y aspectos inferenciales

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    Este artículo propone un método para analizar la pobreza mediante curvas TIP/IID. Analiza la dominancia estocástica de primero y segundo órdenes entre las curvas, incluyendo sus aspectos inferenciales, y propone un contraste de hipótesis adecuado. Empleando datos de la Encuesta Continua de Hogares de 2001 a 2005 demuestra que la pobreza en Colombia no depende de errores de las muestras sino que corresponde a las variaciones registradas en esos años

    Influence of dental malocclusion on body posture and foot posture in children: a cross-sectional study

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    The number of studies that investigate the correlations between the temporomandibular system and body posture, postural control, or the distribution of plantar pressure has recently been increasing. However, most of the existing information is not conclusive. Therefore, the study objective was to evaluate if the features of dental malocclusion are correlated with body posture alterations at the lower limb level. This is a multicentre cross-sectional study with 289 children (8–14 years). Angle’s molar relation was analysed at the dental level. The postural control and the plantar pressure distribution were recorded via a force platform. Correlation and inferential analysis between the Angle class and the foot’s biomechanics were tested. The centre of gravity is anteriorised in Angle’s Class II in both the molar class (p ≤ 0.001) and the canine class (p ≤ 0.001). Likewise, a relationship was observed between the contact surface and Angle’s classes, being higher in class III than in II (p ≤ 0.001). The plantigrade phase is shortened in Angle’s Class III. A relationship was found between Angle’s Class II and a forward movement of the centre of gravity. No relationship was found between the Foot Posture Index and the truncated scaphoid height and the dental classification. An evident relationship between the gait typology and dental malocclusion was not found