161 research outputs found

    "Don't expect me to repair in four years what you have destroyed in four hundred years": On the ethos in (inter)action of Lula and Alckmin in an election TV debate

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    This paper analyzes the discursive strategies employed by InĂĄcio Lula da Silva and Geraldo Alckmin during the first presidential election TV debate in Brazilian history between a president in office (Lula) and an opposition candidate (Alckmin) in 2006. Special attention is paid to those discursive strategies which were used by the candidates in their attempts to create a positive image of themselves (i.e., the discursive ethos). The paper shows that the social divisions in Brazilian society, which are rooted in the colonial period, are extremely relevant for the construction of the discursive ethos despite nearly two hundred years of Brazilian independence

    Les religions abrahamites dans le discours du Front National dans le contexte d’extrĂȘmes droites populistes europĂ©ennes

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    Cet article analyse l’image des trois religions abrahamites dans les programmes politiques rĂ©cents du Front National en la comparant avec celle crĂ©Ă©e par d’autres partis d’extrĂȘme droite populiste de pays de l’Union EuropĂ©enne appartenant Ă  l’Europe occidentale continentale et Ă  la Scandinavie qui ont Ă©tĂ© couronnĂ©s d’un certain succĂšs lors des Ă©lections rĂ©centes. Il sera montrĂ© que, mĂȘme si l’on peut constater une convergence quant Ă  l’image nĂ©gative crĂ©Ă©e de l’islam ainsi que dans la tendance d’éviter un antisĂ©mitisme ouvert, il y a, toutefois, des diffĂ©rences en ce qui concerne le judaĂŻsme et/ou IsraĂ«l et le poids attribuĂ© au christianisme dans la culture nationale et/ou europĂ©enne. On y peut observer des parallĂšles intĂ©ressants avec les traditions discursives nationales ainsi que l’histoire de ces partis d’extrĂȘme droite.This article analyses the image of the three abrahamic religions in the recent political programs of the French Front National (2012 und 2017) in a comparative perspective with other successful populist radical right-wing parties in EU-Countries of continental Western and Northern Europe. It will be shown that even if there is a common tendency of representing Islam negatively and avoiding overt antisemitism, there are differences with regard to Judaism and/or Israel as well as to the weight of Christianity for the national and/or European culture, which have interesting parallels with the national discourse traditions and the particular radical right-wing history of these parties.Dieser Beitrag analysiert das Bild der abrahamitischen Religionen in den PrĂ€sidentschaftswahlprogrammen des Front National (2012 und 2017) im Vergleich zu anderen erfolgreichen rechtsextremen populistischen Parteien in EU-LĂ€ndern Nord- und Westeuropas. Die Analyse zeigt einerseits eine gemeinsame Tendenz, den Islam negativ darzustellen, andereseits auch Unterschiede zwischen den einzelnen Parteien in bezug auf die Darstellung des Judemtums und/oder Israel sowie der Bedeutung, die dem Christentum fĂŒr die nationale oder europĂ€ische IdentitĂ€t zugemessen wird, die jeweils interessante Parallelen zu den nationalen diskursiven Traditionen und der Geschichte der jeweiligen Partei aufweisen

    Zur Herausbildung der Kategorie "Modalverb" in der Grammatikographie des Deutschen (und des Portugiesischen)

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    This study outlines the formation of the category of "modal verb" within the grammaticography of German from the beginnings in the 16th century up to its "canonization" in the first half of the 20th century, also showing certain parallels to the treatment of modal verbs in the grammaticography of Portuguese. It also describes the influence German grammaticography had on the formation of this category in the grammaticography of Portuguese.Este estudo analisa a formação da categoria de "verbo modal" na gramaticografia do alemĂŁo, desde as primeiras gramĂĄticas do sĂ©culo XVI atĂ© a sua "canonização" na primeira metade do sĂ©culo XX, apontando tambĂ©m para alguns paralelos com o tratamento dos verbos modais na gramaticografia do portuguĂȘs, bem como as influĂȘncias da gramaticografia do alemĂŁo sobre a formação desta categoria na gramaticografia do portuguĂȘs

    Programa eleitoral em formato de Power Point: A proposta do programa de governo de Bolsonaro nas eleiçÔes presidenciais brasileiras de 2018

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    Ziel dieses Beitrags ist die Analyse der folgenden Fragen an das Wahlprogramm Bolsonaros fĂŒr die brasilianischen PrĂ€sidentschaftswahlen 2018: Was sind die Folgen bezĂŒglich des Inhalts und des Ethos des Kandidaten dessen, dass sein Wahlprogramm in Form einer Power Point-PrĂ€sentation publiziert wird? Welche Funktion haben die religiösen Textteile fĂŒr das Ethos des Kandidaten? Welche explizite und implizite Hierarchie der sittlichen GĂŒter und Werte lĂ€sst sich aus diesem Programm rekonstruieren? Unter anderem wird die KohĂ€renz zwischen der Hierarchie der sittlichen GĂŒter, die Privateigentum und nicht das menschliche Leben als höchstes sittliches Gut betrachtet, und der wĂ€hrend seiner Regierung verfolgten Nekroplitik aufgewiesen.This chapter aims at analyzing the following questions about Bolsonaro’s 2018 election program: Which are the consequences for the presentation of its content and the candidate’s ethos of presenting an electoral program in form of a power point? What are the functions of the religious text parts for the candidate’s ethos? Which hierarchy of explicit and implicit moral goods and values can be reconstructed in the program? Among others, it is noticed the coherence between the analyzed hierarchy (which considers private property and not human life as the supreme moral good) and the necropolitics pursued by Bolsonaro during his administration

    L'implicite dans les programmes politiques de l'extrĂȘme droite

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    L'objectif de cette contribution est d’analyser Ă  travers des exemples de programmes politiques de partis d’extrĂȘme d’droite d’Allemagne (Afd et NPD), de l’Autriche (FPÖ), de la Belgique (Vlaams Belang), du Danmark (Dans Folkeparti), de la France (FN), des Pays-Bas (PVV) et de la SuĂšde (Sverigedemokraterna) des annĂ©es 2010 Ă  2017, comment ces partis se servent de l’implicite dans leurs programmes politiques pour soutenir la stratĂ©gie de "normalisation" sans renoncer Ă  leur noyau idĂ©ologique d’extrĂȘme droite qui est essentiel pour leur Ă©lectorat traditionnel. Dans cette perspective, il importe aussi d'examiner quelles sont les valeurs et les messages subjacents transportĂ©s par l'implicite au service de leurs stratĂ©gies. Nous en analyserons deux types de stratĂ©gies: les stratĂ©gies centrĂ©es sur une analyse de la rĂ©alitĂ© dĂ©finie par le prĂ©supposĂ© et les stratĂ©gies centrĂ©es sur le sous-entendu. Il est montrĂ© comment ces stratĂ©gies contribuent Ă  une resĂ©mantisation des concepts clĂ©s des sociĂ©tĂ©s dĂ©mocratiques et sont Ă  mĂȘme de mettre en pĂ©ril le consensus dĂ©mocratique de nos sociĂ©tĂ©s.Dieser Beitrag geht der Frage nach, wie sich rechtsextreme Parteien aus verschiedenen europĂ€ischen LĂ€ndern (Belgien: Vlaams Belang; DĂ€nemark: Dansk Folkeparti; Deutschland: AfD und NPD; Frankreich: Front National; Niederlande: PVV; Schweden: Sverigedemokraterna) in ihren Parteiprogrammen aus den Jahren 2010-2017 des lediglich implizit Mitausgesagten bedienen, um sich in diesen Programmen als normale, gemĂ€ĂŸigte Parteien zu prĂ€sentieren, ohne in Wirklichkeit den rechtsextremen Kern ihrer Ideologie aufzugeben, der fĂŒr ihre traditionelle WĂ€hlerschaft essentiell ist. Dabei wird auch untersucht, welche Werte und Botschaften durch das so lediglich implizit Bleibende vermittelt werden. Es werden hauptsĂ€chlich zwei Strategien untersucht: Strategien, die auf eine Analyse der (durch implizit bleibende PrĂ€suppositionen definierten) Wirklichkeit fokussieren, und Strategien, die das implizit Mitzuverstehengegebene fokussieren. Im Ergebnis wird aufgezeigt, dass diese Strategien zu einer Resemantisierung von SchlĂŒsselbegriffen der demokratischen Gesellschaften beitragen, die geeignet ist, deren demokratischen Konsens zu gefĂ€hrden

    Assessment of Confounding Factors Affecting the Tumor Markers SMRP, CA125, and CYFRA21-1 in Serum

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    The purpose of this analysis was to evaluate if serum levels of potential tumor markers for the diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma and lung cancer are affected by confounding factors in a surveillance cohort of workers formerly exposed to asbestos. SMRP, CA125, and CYFRA21-1 concentrations were determined in about 1,700 serum samples from 627 workers formerly exposed to asbestos. The impact of factors that could modify the concentrations of the tumor markers was examined with linear mixed models. SMRP values increased with age 1.02-fold (95% CI 1.01–1.03) and serum creatinine concentration 1.32-fold (95% CI 1.20–1.45). Levels differed by study centers and were higher after 40 years of asbestos exposure. CA125 levels increased with longer storage of the samples. CYFRA21-1 values correlated with age 1.02-fold (95% CI 1.01–1.02), serum creatinine 1.21-fold (95% CI 1.14–1.30) and varied by study centers due to differences in sample handling. Tumor marker concentrations are influenced by subject-related factors, sample handling, and storage. These factors need to be taken into account in screening routine

    Assessment of mRNA and microRNA Stabilization in Peripheral Human Blood for Multicenter Studies and Biobanks

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    In this study we evaluate the suitability of two methods of RNA conservation in blood samples, PAXgene and RNAlater, in combination with variable shipping conditions for their application in multicenter studies and biobanking. RNA yield, integrity, and purity as well as levels of selected mRNA and microRNA species were analyzed in peripheral human blood samples stabilized by PAXgene or RNAlater and shipped on dry ice or at ambient temperatures from the study centers to the central analysis laboratory. Both examined systems were clearly appropriate for RNA stabilization in human blood independently of the shipping conditions. The isolated RNA is characterized by good quantity and quality and well suited for downstream applications like quantitative RT-PCR analysis of mRNA and microRNA. Superior yield and integrity values were received using RNAlater. It would be reasonable to consider the production and approval of blood collection tubes prefilled with RNAlater to facilitate the use of this excellent RNA stabilization system in large studies

    A multicomponent exercise intervention to improve physical functioning, cognition and psychosocial well-being in elderly nursing home residents: a study protocol of a randomized controlled trial in the PROCARE (prevention and occupational health in long-term care) project

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    Background Older adults, who are living in nursing homes that provide a high level of long-term nursing care, are characterized by multimorbidity and a high prevalence of dependency in activities of daily living. Results of recent studies indicate positive effects of structured exercise programs during long-term care for physical functioning, cognition, and psychosocial well-being. However, for frail elderly the evidence remains inconsistent. There are no evidence-based guidelines for exercises for nursing home residents that consider their individual deficits and capacities. Therefore, high-quality studies are required to examine the efficacy of exercise interventions for this multimorbid target group. The purpose of this study is to determine the feasibility and efficacy of a multicomponent exercise intervention for nursing home residents that aims to improve physical and cognitive functioning as well as quality of life. Methods A two-arm single-blinded multicenter randomized controlled trial will be conducted, including 48 nursing homes in eight regions of Germany with an estimated sample size of 1120 individuals. Participants will be randomly assigned to either a training or a waiting time control group. For a period of 16 weeks the training group will meet twice a week for group-based sessions (45–60 min each), which will contain exercises to improve physical functioning (strength, endurance, balance, flexibility) and cognitive-motor skills (dual-task). The intervention is organized as a progressive challenge which is successively adapted to the residents’ capacities. Physical functioning, cognitive performance, and quality of life will be assessed in both study groups at baseline (pre-test), after 16-weeks (post-treatment), and after 32-weeks (retention test, intervention group only). Discussion This study will provide information about the efficacy of a multicomponent exercise program in nursing homes (performance, recruitment). Results from this trial will contribute to the evidence of multicomponent exercises, which specifically focus on cognitive-motor approaches in the maintenance of mental and physical functioning. In addition, it will help to encourage older adults to actively engage in social life. Furthermore, the findings will lead to recommendations for health promotion interventions for frail nursing home residents. Trial registration The trial was prospectively registered at DRKS.de with the registration number DRKS00014957 on October 9, 2018

    Probing short-term face memory in developmental prosopagnosia

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    It has recently been proposed that the face recognition deficits seen in neurodevelopmental disorders may reflect impaired short-term face memory. For example, introducing a brief delay between the presentation of target and test faces seems to disproportionately impair matching or recognition performance on individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders. The present study sought to determine whether deficits of short-term face memory contribute to impaired face recognition seen in Developmental Prosopagnosia. To determine whether developmental prosopagnosics exhibit impaired short-term face memory, the present study used a six-alternative-forced-choice match-to-sample procedure. Memory demand was manipulated by employing a short or long delay between the presentation of the target face, and the six test faces. Crucially, the perceptual demands were identical in both conditions, thereby allowing the independent contribution of short-term face memory to be assessed. Prosopagnostics showed clear evidence of a category-specific impairment for face-matching in both conditions; they were both slower and less accurate than matched controls. Crucially however, the prosopagnosics showed no evidence of disproportionate face recognition impairment in the long-interval condition. While individuals with developmental prosopagnosia may have problems with the perceptual encoding of faces, it appears that their representations are stable over short durations. These results suggest that the face recognition difficulties seen in developmental prosopagnosia and autism may be qualitatively different, attributable to deficits of perceptual encoding and perceptual maintenance, respectively
