408 research outputs found

    Procesamiento intraoracional de pronombres personales en ninos con trastorno especifico del lenguaje

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    62 p.Los niños con trastorno específico del lenguaje (TEL) suelen presentar dificultades a nivel de la morfosintaxis. Entre otros aspectos, manifiestan problemas en el procesamiento de los pronombres. El presente estudio está dirigido a estudiar este aspecto en niños con TEL a través de la aplicación del Test de Referencia Pronominal Sintáctica. Estudios previos sobre este tema en el habla inglesa utilizando esta misma prueba indican que los niños con TEL presentan un desempeño inferior en el procesamiento de los pronombres personales que sus controles. El propósito de este estudio fue conocer el rendimiento de los niños con TEL de lengua española en el procesamiento de pronombres personales. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que los niños con TEL de habla española también presentan un rendimiento inferior en el procesamiento intraoracional de pronombres personales, lo que se podría relacionar con un déficit representacional para las relaciones de dependencia sintáctica

    Comparacion del tiempo de reaccion en el reconocimiento de palabras bisilabicas y trisilabicas, a traves de tareas de priming semantico en ninos con tel y ninos normales pareados por edad cronologica.

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    99 p.Los niños con trastorno específico del lenguaje (TEL) presentan un enlentecimiento en los tiempos de reacción al momento de procesar palabras. Si bien, no existen investigaciones que demuestren que la longitud de una palabra afecte el tiempo de reacción en el procesamiento de ésta. Por lo tanto el propósito de este trabajo es comparar el tiempo de reacción de palabras bisilábicas y trisilábicas entre niños con TEL y niños normales pareados por edad cronológica frente a 4 condiciones de priming semántico. Para esto, se comparó el tiempo de reacción de palabras bisilábicas y trisilábicas entre niños con TEL (grupo en estudio) y niños normales (grupo control) por medio de un análisis intragrupal. Del mismo modo se hizo un análisis intergrupal entre niños con TEL. Los resultados demostraron que no existen diferencias significativas en el tiempo de reacción de palabras bisilábicas y trisilábicas en las 4 condiciones de priming semántico entre los niños con TEL y los niños normales pareados por edad cronológica. Los resultados del análisis intergrupal demostraron que los niños con TEL se demoran más tiempo en procesar palabras bisilábicas que palabras trisilábicas, solamente cuando las palabras no estaban precedidas por un priming semántico. En las 3 condiciones restantes de priming semántico no hubo diferencias significativas en el procesamiento de palabras bisilábicas y trisilábicas entre niños con TEL. Se discuten los resultados obtenidos

    Taking Advantage of Students’ Passion for Apps in Sustainability and CSR Teaching

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    779The main aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of using mobile apps combined with traditional methods for teaching sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) to undergraduate students. Although previous papers stated the importance of apps, they showed no conclusive results, and there are few studies analyzing their importance in management training, and particularly in sustainability management. To achieve our main goal, drawing upon the action learning system, we designed and implemented several training sessions combining traditional methods and apps. The effectiveness of teaching methods was assessed with two surveys (pre- and post-training) with questions about sustainable consumption, lifestyle, and CSR management. The results demonstrate that students found this type of learning beneficial, showing an increase in their commitment to social and environmental issues. These findings underline the potential for apps in teaching sustainability at undergraduate levels in combination with more traditional methods.S

    Estudio y Estrategias de diseño para amplificadores de doble banda de alto rendimiento. Estructuras con líneas CRLH y ECRLH.

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    In this paper two methods to design dual band and high efficiency power amplifiers using Composite Right/Left Hand (CRLH) and Extended Composite Right/Left Hand (ECRLH) transmission lines are described. The CRLH and ECRLH transmission lines, design procedure and design equations are presented. As example of application the design of an CE class amplifier appears. The non-linear phase response of a CRLH and ECRLH transmission line has been utilized to design arbitrary dual-band amplifiers. The simulations results are presented at the end of the paper, demonstrating the validity of the use of this type of lines in the design of amplifiers

    Amplificadores clase CE de doble banda con estructuras basadas en líneas CRLH y ECRLH.

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    In this paper the use of Composite Right/Left Hand (CRLH) and Extended Composite Right/Left Hand (ECRLH) transmission lines in dual band power amplifiers is proposed. The CE class power amplifier presents advantages over conventional amplifier such as larger efficiency and low bias supply and what it is more, the fact that it is the fundamental class in bipolar transistor. The design procedure and the design equations are presented. The non-linear phase response of a CRLH and ECRLH transmission line has been utilized to design arbitrary dual-band amplifiers. A design in dual-band CE class power amplifier illustrates the synthesis procedure

    Estudio de la distribución de hidrógeno en una contención PWR con códigos CFD

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    Durante el desarrollo de un accidente severo en un reactor PWR, se pueden generar grandes cantidades de hidrógeno por la oxidación de los metales presentes en el núcleo, principalmente el zirconio de las vainas del combustible. Este hidrógeno, junto con vapor y otros gases, puede ser liberado a la atmósfera de la contención por una fuga o rotura en el circuito primario y alcanzar condiciones en las que pueda darse combustión. La combustión provoca cargas térmicas y de presión que pueden dañar los sistemas de seguridad y la integridad del edificio de contención, última barrera de confinamiento de los materiales radiactivos. La principal condición que define las características de la combustión es la concentración de especies, por lo que el conocimiento detallado de la distribución de hidrógeno resulta muy importante para predecir correctamente los posibles daños en la contención en el caso de que se produjera combustión

    Efectos del priming semantico en ninos con trastorno especifico del lenguaje.

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    77 p.Las características lingüísticas de los niños con TEL son muy variadas, sin embargo podemos encontrar ciertos componentes que se ven afectados en la gran mayoría de estos niños. Uno de ellos es el tiempo de reacción en el procesamiento léxico, el cual sería más lento comparado al de los niños normales. Con el fin de dilucidar si los niños con TEL son más lentos en este tipo de procesamiento, este estudio sometió a tareas de decisión léxica a 34 sujetos de entre 7 años y 7 años 11 meses de los cuales 17 tienen diagnóstico de TEL expresivo y los 17 restantes son niños con un desarrollo comunicativo normal. A través de un software psicológico, se les presentaron estímulos visuales (targets) donde algunos de ellos fueron precedidos por un estímulo auditivo (primes relacionados y primes no relacionados) debiendo tomar la decisión de si la imagen mostrada correspondió a una palabra

    A cancer-associated point mutation disables the steric gate of human PrimPol

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    PrimPol is a human primase/polymerase specialized in re-starting stalled forks by repriming beyond lesions such as pyrimidine dimers, and replication-perturbing structures including G-quadruplexes and R-loops. Unlike most conventional primases, PrimPol proficiently discriminates against ribonucleotides (NTPs), being able to start synthesis using deoxynucleotides (dNTPs), yet the structural basis and physiological implications for this discrimination are not understood. In silico analyses based on the three-dimensional structure of human PrimPol and related enzymes enabled us to predict a single residue, Tyr100, as the main effector of sugar discrimination in human PrimPol and a change of Tyr100 to histidine to boost the efficiency of NTP incorporation. We show here that the Y100H mutation profoundly stimulates NTP incorporation by human PrimPol, with an efficiency similar to that for dNTP incorporation during both primase and polymerase reactions in vitro. As expected from the higher cellular concentration of NTPs relative to dNTPs, Y100H expression in mouse embryonic fibroblasts and U2OS osteosarcoma cells caused enhanced resistance to hydroxyurea, which decreases the dNTP pool levels in S-phase. Remarkably, the Y100H PrimPol mutation has been identified in cancer, suggesting that this mutation could be selected to promote survival at early stages of tumorigenesis, which is characterized by depleted dNTP pools.We are thankful to Professor Ian J. Holt (BioDonostia, San Sebastian, Spain), for critical reading of the manuscript. We thank Sara Rodriguez-Acebes (CNIO) for advice regarding the assays with stretched DNA fibers. This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO; BFU2012–3769, BFU2014– 51672-REDC and BFU2015–65880-P (co-funded with European Union FEDER funds) to L.B.; BFU2013– 49153-P and BFU2016–80402-R (co-funded with European Union FEDER funds) to J.M.). A.D.T., P.A.C. and D.G.A. are recipients of MINECO FPI-predoctoral fellowships. M.D. was the recipient of a FPI-predoctoral fellowship from Programa de Excelencia “Severo Ochoa” (CNIO-MINECO). G.S.M was the recipient of a JAE Predoctoral Fellowship from the Spanish Research Council (CSIC). Funding for open access charge: Spanish MINECO [BFU2015–65880-P]S

    Individual and environmental factors associated with death of cyclists involved in road crashes in Spain: a cohort study

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    Objective To quantify the magnitude of associations between cyclist fatalities and both cyclist and environment related characteristics in Spain during the first 24 hours after a crash. Results Non-use of a helmet was directly associated with death (IDR 1.43, 95% CI 1.25 to 1.64). Among other cyclist characteristics, age after the third decade of life was also directly associated with death, especially in older cyclists (‘over 74’ category, IDR 4.61, 95% CI 3.49 to 6.08). The association with death did not differ between work-related cycling and other reasons for cycling. There was an inverse association with death for crashes in urban areas and on community roads. Any adverse meteorological condition also showed a direct association with death, whereas altered road surfaces showed an inverse association. Crashes during nighttime were directly associated with death, with a peak between 3:00 and 5:59 am (IDR 1.58, 95% CI 1.03 to 2.41). Conclusions We found strong direct and inverse associations between several cyclist and environment related variables and death. These variables should be considered in efforts to prioritise public health measures aimed at reducing the number of cycling-related fatalities.This work was partially supported by the National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico [doctorate grant number 410668]

    Clinical and radiological characteristics and outcome of wake-up intracerebral hemorrhage

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    There is little information on the characteristics of patients with wake-up intracerebral hemorrhage (WU-ICH). We aimed to evaluate frequency and relevant differences between WU-ICH and while-awake (WA) ICH patients. This is a retrospective study of a prospective database of consecutive patients with spontaneous ICH, who were classified as WU-ICH, WA-ICH or UO-ICH (unclear onset). We collected demographic, clinical and radiological data, prognostic and therapeutic variables, and outcome [(neurological deterioration, mortality, functional outcome (favorable when modified Rankin scale score 0-2)]. From a total of 466 patients, 98 (25.8%) were classified as UO-ICH according to the type of onset and therefore excluded. We studied 368 patients (mean age 73.9 ± 13.8, 51.4% men), and compared 95 (25.8%) WU-ICH with 273 (74.2%) WA-ICH. Patients from the WU-ICH group were significantly older than WA-ICH (76.9 ± 14.3 vs 72.8 ± 13.6, p = 0.01) but the vascular risk factors were similar. Compared to the WA-ICH group, patients from the WU-ICH group had a lower GCS score or a higher NIHSS score and a higher ICH score, and were less often admitted to a stroke unit or intensive care unit. There were no differences between groups in location, volume, rate of hematoma growth, frequency of intraventricular hemorrhage and outcome. One in five patients with spontaneous ICH are WU-ICH patients. Other than age, there are no relevant differences between WU and WA groups. Although WU-ICH is associated with worse prognostic markers vital and functional outcome is similar to WA-ICH patients