525 research outputs found

    "La mort de Teddy" : una experiència per a gaudir i aprendre

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    Mitjançant aquesta experiència demostrarem el què si l'atmosfera només fora 100% oxigen, al respirar ens cremaríem els pulmons, no obstant això, gràcies a què només té un 21% d'oxigen podem respirar sense cap problema. Amb aquest exemple de reacció també podem conèixer quina quantitat d'oxigen han d'aportar les nostres cèl·lules per a cremar la quantitat de sacarosa que ingerim diàriament

    Percepción de los riesgos en la red por los adolescentes en España: usos problemáticos y formas de control

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    El propòsit d'aquest estudi és analitzar, des d'una perspectiva qualitativa, les percepcions dels menors entorn dels riscos que suposa l'ús d'Internet i les xarxes socials a Espanya. Es van realitzar vuit focus group durant el curs acadèmic 2010-11 en col·legis públics i concertats de diferents instituts i col·legis de diferents ciutats d'Espanya amb individus de 12-14 anys (nens) i de 15-17 (adolescents). Entre les conclusions es destaquen que els menors no detecten els riscos de la xarxa en contrast amb els seus majors; tenen una gran preocupació per la seva imatge davant el seu grup d'iguals i; mostren una imperiosa necessitat d'estar connectats a la xarxa.El propósito de este estudio es analizar, desde una perspectiva cualitativa, las percepciones de los menores en torno a los riesgos que supone el uso de internet y las redes sociales en España. Se realizaron ocho focus group durante el curso académico 2010-11 en colegios públicos y concertados de diferentes institutos y colegios de diferentes ciudades de España con individuos de 12-14 años (niños) y de 15-17 (adolescentes). Entre las conclusiones se destacan que los menores no detectan los riesgos de la red frente a sus mayores; tienen una gran preocupación por su imagen ante su grupo de iguales y muestran una imperiosa necesidad de estar conectados a la red.The purpose of this study is to analyze, from a qualitative perspective, perceptions of children about the risks of using the Internet and social networks in Spain. Eight focus groups were undertaken during the course 2010-11 in public and private secondary education centers as well as high schools, throughout different cities of Spain with individuals aged 12-14 (children) and 15-17 (adolescents). Among the main findings it is highlighted that children do not realize the risks of the network in front of their elders; they have a great concern for their image within their peer group; and they show a strong need to be connected to the Internet

    Occupational Safety and Health Training for Undergraduates Nursing Students: A Spanish Pilot

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    Most of blood borne and airborne pathogens are highly contagious, harmful and have prevalence among healthcare workers. In this group, healthcare students, especially nursing undergraduates, have even higher risk to be exposed and suffered a contagious accident. One of the main pillars to prevent exposure to such pathogens and decrease accidents seems to be through education. A prospective observational educational research focused on quantifying the students’ knowledge, and prevention culture was carried out. The educational approach based on the development of a technological tool, its integration in the students’ education, and posterior assessment. The Chi-square, ANOVA, Kruskal–Wallis, Man–Whitney U, and Spearman correlations were used to determine the effect of such educational methodology. The results, previous to the integration of the educational approach, showed differences between the elementary and proficient knowledge and correct procedure in each academic year (p < 0.05), being the best year the third academic year. The mean of elementary knowledge among second year students after the inclusion of the educational methodology improved for 2017/2018 with a mean of 7.5 (1.11) and in 2018/2019 with 7.87 (1.34). This study argued that the educational approach proposed could improve the prevention culture and knowledge among students and future healthcare professionals

    Comparative study of the strategies carried out by future teachers in development of educational audiovisual

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    En el presente trabajo describimos una propuesta educativa dirigida a estudiantes del Máster de Secundaria (51 alumnos) y del Grado en Educación Primaria (49 alumnos) en la que los futuros docentes se enfrentaron a la creación de un documental educativo de contenido científico. Los estudiantes llevaron a cabo todas las etapas de la creación de un vídeo documental. En concreto, tuvieron que estructurar y organizar los grupos de trabajo, recopilar y gestionar información, elaborar un guion, grabar y, por último, montar y editar el material audiovisual. El enfoque de la propuesta apuesta por un cambio en los modos de enseñanza teniendo en cuenta los audiovisuales como una nueva forma de comunicarse demandada por nuestra sociedad y el aprendizaje por proyectos como el modo natural en el que experimentar este lenguaje. Para analizar los diferentes pasos del proyecto se realizó una entrevista semiestructurada al finalizar el trabajo. El análisis de contenidos resultante mostró cómo la formación previa era determinante para enfrentarse a las distintas etapas. Además, pudimos observar varios aspectos interesantes como el considerable uso que hicieron de la información en formato audiovisual o los diferentes tipos de estructuras organizativas dentro de los grupos de trabajo.In this paper we describe an educational project aimed at students of the Master's Degree in Secondary School (51 students) and Bachelor’s degree in Primary Education (49 students), in which the future teachers faced the creation of a scientific content educational documentary. Students carried out all the steps for the creation of a documentary video. To do so, they had to structure and organize the work team, collect and manage the information, develop a script, film and finally edit the audiovisual material. The approach of this paper advocates a change in the ways of teaching, taking into account that the society demands the audiovisual as a new way to communicate, and the project-based learning like the means in which the future teachers would experience this teaching-learning process. A semi-structured interview was made to the future teachers to analyze the different project steps. The later content analysis showed how the previous academic training was decisive to face the different stages. In addition, we could see several interesting aspects as the considerable use made of the audiovisual information or the different kinds of organizational structures inside work team

    esources and services available to address gender-based violence. The case of the province of Malaga

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    [ES] Las conductas que atentan contra la dignidad, integridad física y psicológica de la mujer, plantean nuevos retos y superación de obstáculos. Siendo necesario disponer de recursos/servicios, destinados a la atención y prevención. El objetivo que se pretende con este artículo, es conocer los recursos y servicios destinados a mujeres víctimas de violencia de género en la provincia de Málaga. Para ello, se analiza la evolución histórica institucional de las diferentes medidas puestas en práctica, haciendo uso de una metodología cualitativa, con un planteamiento científico fenomenológico, centrado en aspectos no cuantificables. Los resultados aportan una clasificación novedosa de los recursos y servicios disponibles en la provincia de Málaga, a nivel local, autonómico y nacional.[EN] The behaviors that threaten the dignity, physical and psychological integrity of women pose new challenges and obstacles to overcome. It is necessary to have resources/services available for attention and prevention. The objective of this article is to know the resources andservices for women victims of gender violence in the province of Malaga. For this purpose, the historical institutional evolution of the different measures put into practice is analysed, using a qualitative methodology, with a phenomenological scientific approach, focused on non-quantifiable aspects. The results provide a novel classification of the resources and services available in the province of Malaga, at a local, a regional and a national level

    Is possible to train health professionals in prevention of high-risk pathogens like the Ebola by using the mobile phone?

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    Health professionals are a concerning risk population because of the high prevalence of exposure to biological, especially during training that involves procedures implying direct contact with bodily fluids. Notwithstanding, the considerable advance of information and communication technologies (ICTs) during the last decades has provided with the divergence of new paths of research applied to training in the health field, allowing it integration in the field of biological risk prevention. The objectives of this study are: firstly, to estimate the level of knowledge about risk situations and the immediate response capacity of future professionals, prepare health professionals before different scenarios that can be presented in health care, and contribute to the appropriate decision making in possible scenarios. Secondly, to design and develop a mobile web application that, in a fast and ever-present manner, allows the healthcare professional, to have a quick response system that is clear and concise; and to evaluate by health students’ and professionals’ opinions the effectiveness of the technology developed. This study has been structured in two phases: first, to determine the degree of knowledge and compliance of biosecurity measures; and second, to perform a dual evaluation of the application. The survey of graduating students concerning practices has shown that the knowledge of risk prevention is adequate; meanwhile, a dynamic and efficient platform has been obtained, and its double assessment is satisfactory. It has been shown that the incidence of biological accidents is in the mean of the results of previous studies. An upgradeable web platform, ubiquitous and capable of being used in any electronic device available in the market, was obtaine

    Relación existente entre el tamaño y forma de las vértebras cervicales con los estadios de maduración ósea carpal. Parte II

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    ResumenSe hizo un estudio descriptivo, comparativo y transversal en el Departamento de Estomatología del Hospital Infantil de México «Dr. Federico Gómez» para determinar si existe relación entre los estadios carpales de Björk con los estadios de las vértebras cervicales; según Lamparski. La muestra total fue de 213 pacientes, 105 mujeres y 108 hombres, todos fueron pacientes sanos entre los 6 y 17 años de edad. Se seleccionaron y analizaron las radiografías laterales de cráneo y carpales tomadas de los expedientes de los pacientes incluidos en la muestra. Se realizó un análisis estadístico para datos ordinales. En general, encontramos 66.61% de correlación para el sexo femenino y para el sexo masculino coinciden el 57.3% de los casos. El coeficiente de correlación fue de 0.727 para el sexo masculino y de 0.686 para el femenino.AbstractA transversal descriptive study was conducted at the Stomatology Department of the Mexico Children’s Hospital «Dr. Federico Gomez» to determine if there is a relationship between maturational indicators according to Björk in hand-wrist radiographs and cervical vertebrae indicators according to Lamparski. The total sample size was 213 patients, 105 females and 108 males, all were healthy and between the ages of 6 and 17 years old. Lateral head films and hand wrist radiographs were taken from each patient. A statistical analysis was applied for ordinal data. In general, 66.61% of the females had similarities between hand wrist and cervical vertebrae and 57.3% of the males. The correlation index was 0.727 for females and 0.686 for females

    Estudio de la eficacia analgésica del Dexketoprofeno Trometamol 25 mg. vs. Ibuprofeno 600 mg. tras su administración oral en pacientes sometidos a una intervención quirúrgica oral

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    -Objetivos: Comparar la eficacia analgésica de dos antiinflamatorios no esteroideos (AINES), pertenecientes a la familia de los ácidos propiónicos, tras intervenciones quirúrgicas orales con el fin de valorar cual de ellos es más efectivo con el mínimo de efectos secundarios y la menor dosis. Normalmente el dolor tras una intervención quirúrgica oral está considerado como moderado-intenso, siendo los AINES los fármacos de elección para este tipo de dolor. Como sabemos, el gran problema de estos fármacos reside en los efectos indeseables. Demostramos la eficacia del enantiómero-S(+) de estos fármacos ya que de ellos depende la analgesia y nos permiten utilizar una menor dosis del fármaco. -Diseño: Se entregan a los pacientes cuestionarios con tablas de valoración del dolor y se realizan distintas apreciaciones: dolor postquirúrgico, dolor en la primera hora tras la administración del analgésico, inflamación, hemorragia, hematoma, etc... . Valoramos el efecto de los distintos fármacos empleados en el estudio en función de las coordenadas eficacia-tiempo, así como el efecto anti-inflamatorio y sus efectos secundarios. -Resultados: Se comprueba que existe un dolor moderado tras una intervención quirúrgica oral, los fármacos empleados son eficaces en las dosis e intervalos indicados. Durante la primera hora tras la toma del analgésico, aquellos pacientes en tratamiento con DKT, presentaron menor dolor frente a los que estaban en tratamiento con Ibuprofeno (IBU). Se comprueba que existe inflamación en la mayoría de las intervenciones, las extracciones de cordales semi-incluidos (CSI) presentan mayor hemorragia el primer día y las extracciones de cordales incluidos (CI) presentan mayor hemorragia al tercer día, siendo estas intervenciones las que presentan hematoma. -Conclusiones: Demostramos la mayor eficacia analgésica del Dexketoprofeno Trometamol en la primera hora tras la intervención quirúrgica oral y su mayor efecto antiinflamatorio.-Objectives: Compare the analgesic efficacy of two nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) belonging to the family of propionic acids after oral surgery in order to assess which one is most effective with the minimum side effects and lowest dose. Normally, the pain after oral surgery is considered as moderate-intense and NSAIDs are the first choice when treating post-surgical dental pain. As we know, the great problem of these drugs is found in their undesirable effects. The enantiomer-S(+) component is known to be related with analgesia and need for lower dose of these drugs. -Design: The patients are given questionnaires with pain assessment tables and different observations are made: postsurgical pain, pain in the first hour after administration of the analgesic, inflammation, bleeding, hematoma, etc. We assess the effect of the different drugs used in the study based on the efficacy-time coordinates as well as the anti-inflammatory effect and their side effects. -Results: It is verified that there is moderate pain after oral surgery and the drugs used are effective in the doses and intervals indicated. During the first hour after taking the analgesic, those patients treated with Dexketoprofen Trometamol (DKT) presented less pain compared to those who were treated with Ibuprofen (IBU). It is verified that there is inflammation in most of the interventions, the extractions of the semi-impacted third molars (SITM) present greater bleeding on the first day and the extractions of impacted third molars (ITM) present more bleeding on the third day. These last two interventions (ITM also present hematoma. -Conclusions: We demonstrate the greater analgesic efficacy of Dexketoprofen Trometamol in the first hour after the oral surgical intervention and its greater anti-inflammatory effect