435 research outputs found

    Las emociones a través de la historia de la música

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    La música ha acompañado al ser humano desde el origen de su existencia. Nace a la vez que el lenguaje oral como forma especial de comunicación y expresión de lo más íntimo y, con ese propósito, es capaz de llegar hasta donde la palabra, a veces, no alcanza. Esta capacidad convierte a la música en un vehículo privilegiado a lo largo de la Historia tanto para quien compone, como para quien ejecuta o escucha una pieza musical. Se produce una experiencia personal en relación con la melodía que envuelve, re-mueve por dentro, e-mociona. Sobre esa relación entre la música y la expresión emocional a lo largo de la historia versa esta comunicación – audición que más que una exposición teórica propone la escucha activa de una serie de piezas musicales escogidas a tal propósito

    El Instituto Universitario de Urbanística (1991-2021): construcción de una cultura de investigación

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    [EN] The Instituto Universitario de Urbanística (IUU) (University Institute of Urban Planning) of the Universidad de Valladolid was founded in 1991 and it is the only one of its kind in the Spanish territory. Throughout those three decades of existence, the research group Planificación territorial y urbanística (IUU_Lab) (Territorial and Urban Planning) has developed, as the driving force of the institute, a very diversified activity that this article seeks to analyse and show synthetically, inserted in the urban development in Spain since the 1980s. The study of the scientific production that has marked the group s trajectory as well as the disciplinary influences it has received, allows the authors to characterise four main fields of knowledge construction and disciplinary reflection: reformist urban planning, urban-territorial planning, urban regeneration, and rural environment. The whole analysis developed reveals, on the one hand, some links established between certain problems of Spanish urbanism and research in Urban and Territorial Planning; and, on the other hand, the validity of an epistemological vision of Urban Planning understood as a knowledge of interdisciplinary nature and practical orientation, nurtured by a historical conscience.[ES] El Instituto Universitario de Urbanística (IUU) de la Universidad de Valladolid, único en su género en el territorio español, fue fundado en 1991. En esas tres décadas de existencia, el grupo de investigación Planificación territorial y urbanística (IUU_Lab) ha desarrollado, como motor del instituto, una actividad muy diversificada que este artículo busca analizar y mostrar sintéticamente, inserta en el devenir urbanístico en España desde la década de 1980. El estudio de la producción científica que ha jalonado la trayectoria del grupo y de las influencias disciplinares que ha recibido permite a los autores caracterizar cuatro campos principales de construcción de conocimiento y reflexión disciplinar: la Urbanística reformista, la planificación urbanoterritorial,la regeneración urbana, y el medio rural. Del conjunto del análisis desarrollado se desprenden, por un lado, algunos vínculos establecidos entre determinados problemas del urbanismo español y la investigación en Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio; y, por otro lado, la vigencia de una visión epistemológica de la Urbanística entendida como un saber de naturaleza interdisciplinar y orientación práctica, nutrida por una consciencia histórica.Castrillo Romón, MA.; Jiménez Jiménez, M.; De Las Rivas Sanz, JL. (2022). The Instituto Universitario de Urbanística (1991-2021): building a research culture. VLC arquitectura. Research Journal. 9(2):217-248. https://doi.org/10.4995/vlc.2022.177642172489

    Disintegrability under composting conditions of plasticized PLA-PHB blends

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    The disintegration under composting conditions of films based on poly(lactic acid) poly(hydroxybutyrate) (PLA-PHB) blends and intended for food packaging was studied. Two different plasticizers, poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) and acetyl-tri-n-butyl citrate (ATBC), were used to limit the inherent brittleness of both biopolymers. Neat PLA, plasticized PLA and PLA-PHB films were processed by melt-blending and compression molding and they were further treated under composting conditions in a laboratory-scale test at 58 +/- 2 degrees C. Disintegration levels were evaluated by monitoring their weight loss at different times: 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. Morphological changes in all formulations were followed by optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The influence of plasticizers on the disintegration of PLA and PLA-PHB blends was studied by evaluating their thermal and nanomechanical properties by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and the nanoindentation technique, respectively. Meanwhile, structural changes were followed by Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The ability of PHB to act as nucleating agent in PLA-PHB blends slowed down the PLA disintegration, while plasticizers speeded it up. The relationship between the mesolactide to lactide forms of PLA was calculated with a Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry device (Py-GC/MS), revealing that the mesolactide form increased during composting. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Authors thank Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness by financial support (MAT2011-28468-C02-01 and MAT2011-28468-C02-02). M.P. Arrieta thanks Generalitat Valenciana for Santiago Grisolia Fellowship (2011/007). Authors gratefully acknowledge Prof. Ma Dolores Salvador (Polytechnic University of Valencia) for her assistance with nanomechanical and optical microscope analysis.Arrieta, MP.; López Martínez, J.; Rayón Encinas, E.; Jiménez, A. (2014). Disintegrability under composting conditions of plasticized PLA-PHB blends. Polymer Degradation and Stability. 108:307-318. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2014.01.034S30731810

    Morphology and molecular phylogeny of Hyalosynedra lanceolata sp. nov. and an extended description of Hyalosynedra (Bacillariophyta)

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    The araphid diatom genus Hyalosynedra is a very common component of marine benthic communities, occurring as an epiphyte or colonizing hard substrata, and has a worldwide distribution. The hyaline appearance of the valve and the high striation density, which is indiscernible under a light microscope, makes the identification of most species difficult and very few studies have investigated their morphology, phylogeny or ecology in detail. In an extensive study of diatom communities from the hypersaline Mar Menor coastal lagoon (SE Spain), several new taxa were found. Herein we propose Hyalosynedra lanceolata sp. nov. based on morphological observations (light and electron microscopy) and molecular data (phylogenetic and sequence divergence analyses). The species has distinctive morphological characters (radiate colony, biseriate striation, lanceolate sternum and two long laminar lobed chloroplasts) that are new for the genus and have been included in a proposal to extend the genus description. Our results also show that H. toxoneides does not belong to Hyalosynedra, but appears to be more closely related to Thalassionema and Thalassiothrix. However, further molecular and morphological research is needed to clarify its taxonomic position.Departamento de Ecología de la Universidad de Murci

    La fortificación de Pesquera (Algarinejo, Granada):: De torre de alquería a fortificación auxiliar en la frontera del emirato nazarí de Granada

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    Through the paramental stratigraphic study of the fortification, the spatial analysis and its integration within the border defensive system of the Nasrid emirate of Granada, a series of conclusions have been drawn regarding constructive dating, as well as highlighting strategies of the Nasrid State: the visual control of the territory, resources and access to the kingdom. Through new technics like photogrammetry and the use of GIS software, a fresh approach to the spatial reality of this fortification has been possible, clearly establishing a relationship between the geomorphology that sorrounds it and its location at a particular time when this space became the first line of defense of the kingdom of Granada.A través del estudio estratigráfico paramental de la fortificación de Pesquera, del análisis espacial y de su integración dentro del sistema defensivo fronterizo del emirato nazarí de Granada, se extrae una serie de conclusiones acerca de su evolución y datación constructiva, además de poner de manifiesto estrategias del Estado nazarí: el control visual del territorio, de los recursos y de los accesos al reino. A través de técnicas como la fotogrametría y el uso de software SIG se ha podido realizar un primer acercamiento a la realidad espacial de esta fortificación, estableciéndose claramente una relación entre la geomorfología que la rodea y su emplazamiento en un momento particular en el que este espacio se transforma en la primera línea de defensa del reino de Granada. Mediante nuevas técnicas como la fotogrametría y el uso de software SIG se ha podido realizar un primer acercamiento a la realidad espacial de esta fortaleza, estableciéndose claramente una relación entre la geomorfología que la rodea y su emplazamiento en un momento particular en el que este espacio se transforma en la primera línea de defensa del reino de Granada

    Lung Volume Calculation in Preclinical MicroCT: A Fast Geometrical Approach

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    Lung; Preclinical imaging; VolumePulmón; Imágenes preclínicas; VolumenPulmó; Imatges preclíniques; VolumIn this study, we present a time-efficient protocol for thoracic volume calculation as a proxy for total lung volume. We hypothesize that lung volume can be calculated indirectly from this thoracic volume. We compared the measured thoracic volume with manually segmented and automatically thresholded lung volumes, with manual segmentation as the gold standard. A linear regression formula was obtained and used for calculating the theoretical lung volume. This volume was compared with the gold standard volumes. In healthy animals, thoracic volume was 887.45 mm3, manually delineated lung volume 554.33 mm3 and thresholded aerated lung volume 495.38 mm3 on average. Theoretical lung volume was 554.30 mm3. Finally, the protocol was applied to three animal models of lung pathology (lung metastasis and transgenic primary lung tumor and fungal infection). In confirmed pathologic animals, thoracic volumes were: 893.20 mm3, 860.12 and 1027.28 mm3. Manually delineated volumes were 640.58, 503.91 and 882.42 mm3, respectively. Thresholded lung volumes were 315.92 mm3, 408.72 and 236 mm3, respectively. Theoretical lung volume resulted in 635.28, 524.30 and 863.10.42 mm3. No significant differences were observed between volumes. This confirmed the potential use of this protocol for lung volume calculation in pathologic models

    Ecos de Olmsted en Europa. El sistema de parques y los orígenes del urbanismo europeo contemporáneo

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    Con el diseño y la construcción del Emerald Necklace de Boston de Frederick Law Olmsted (1822-1903) tomaba forma una nueva herramienta urbanística directamente dirigida a adaptar el paisaje natural en el interior de la ciudad, concebida como sistema de parques, fusionando estructura urbana y diseño del paisaje. La idea sigue siendo esencial para pensar en una simbiosis entre ciudad y naturaleza. Sin ser exhaustivos, comprobamos como la idea se introduce en Europa de manera diversa y con logros dispares. A través de tres ‘paisajistas’ de generaciones que se suceden en el siglo XX, arraigados en contextos y lugares diferentes, queremos mostrar cómo el sistema de parques se consolida en Europa con perspectivas distintas aunque complementarias y que contribuyen a construir en la cultura urbano arquitectónica un camino de interacción entre ciudad y naturaleza, precedente directo de lo que hoy denominamos Green infrastructure.With the design and construction of the Emerald Necklace in Boston by Frederick Law Olmsted (1822-1903), a new urban tool took shape directly targeted at adapting natural landscapes to the interior of a city, conceptualized as a system of parks fused within an urban structure and landscape design. This idea continues to be key to the development process of creating symbiosis between city and nature. Without claiming to be exhaustive, this paper reviews how this idea was introduced to Europe in a variety of ways and through diverse achievements. Through three 20th century “landscapers” rooted in different contexts and places, this paper aims to show how systems of parks have consolidated in Europe with distinctive yet complimentary points-of-views, all contributing to the development of the interaction between city and nature in urban architectural culture, laying the foundation of what is presently called Green Infrastructure

    Medios de comunicación, representaciones y percepciones. El caso de la mujer política.

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    Este trabajo trata de comparar, por un lado, la representación de la mujer en los medios de comunicación y, por otro, su percepción por parte de la sociedad. En concreto, se analiza, por su relevancia social y mediática, la mujer política, a través de dos métodos de trabajo: un análisis de contenido sobre las noticias de diversos medios de comunicación y una encuesta que tiene como objetivo detectar los discursos sociales referidos a la mujer en el contexto político. Por último, se establece una comparación entre los resultados de ambos aspectos.This study seeks to compare the one hand, women’s representation in the media and, secondly, their perception by society. In particular, it examines, for its social and mediatic relevance, the case of the politic woman, through two working methods: a content analysis of various media and a poll that aims to detect speeches relating to social women in the political context. Finally, it provides a comparison between the results of both aspects

    Dosimetría de haces clínicos y comisionado de un sistema de planificación de tratamientos de radioterapia externa.

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    La puesta en marcha de un LINAC de uso clínico implica entre otras etapas la dosimetría física y el comisionado del sistema de planificación asociado al LINAC. La dosimetría física consiste en la medida de la dosis absorbida en todas las condiciones de funcionamiento del acelerador. A partir de estas medidas se establece una relación de calibración para la regulación de la dosis impartida por el acelerador en cada haz. Estas medidas son la base para la modelización del LINAC en el sistema de planificación de tratamientos. En los próximos meses se modificará la instalación radiactiva del Hospital de Día Quironsalud de Zaragoza con la inclusión de un nuevo LINAC. Se trata de un Elekta Versa HD con los últimos avances tecnológicos. Este nuevo LINAC se ha de comisionar en el nuevo sistema de planificación de tratamientos.En este trabajo se han analizado las principales características de los detectores y equipamiento disponibles, los modos de operación existentes y los distintos factores que afectan a las medidas dosimétricas. Se ha establecido un procedimiento óptimo (instrumentación, parámetros a utilizar, modo de operación y verificación del procediento) y con él, se ha realizado con éxito la caracterización del LINAC y comisionado del planificador.<br /

    Public Perceptions of the Role of Lifestyle Factors in Cancer Development: Results from the Spanish Onco-Barometer 2020

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    The European Code against Cancer recommends not to smoke, to avoid alcohol consumption, to eat a healthy diet, and maintain a healthy weight to prevent cancer. To what extent is the public aware of the influence of these lifestyle factors on cancer development? The goal of the current study was to describe the perceived influence of four lifestyle factors (tobacco, alcohol, diet, and weight) on cancer development in the general population and identify factors related to low perceptions of influence. We analyzed data from the 2020 Onco-barometer (n = 4769), a representative population-based survey conducted in Spain. With the exception of smoking, lifestyle factors were among those with the least perceived influence, more so among the demographic groups at higher risk from cancer including men and older individuals (65+ years). Individuals from lower socio-economic groups were more likely to report not knowing what influence lifestyle factors have on cancer. Lower perceived influence was also consistently related to perceiving very low risk from cancer. Overall, although there is variation in perceptions regarding the different lifestyle factors, low perceived influence clusters among those at higher risk for cancer. These results signal the need for public health campaigns and messages informing the public about the preventive potential of lifestyle factors beyond avoiding tobacco consumption.Cancer Observatory of the Spanish Association against CancerCancer Epidemiological Surveillance Subprogram (VICA) of the CIBERESP, Health Institute Carlos III, Madrid, SpainHealth Institute Carlos III (Expde: CD19/00203)Juan de la Cierva Fellowship from the Ministry of Science and the National Research Agency (MCIN/AEI, JC2019- 039691-I, http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100011033, 3 October 2021)