35 research outputs found

    Unos L-alanil-L-glutamina tijekom kratkotrajne visokointenzivne vježbe u uvjetima blagoga hidracijskoga stresa

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    The effect of acute L-alanyl-L-glutamine (AG) ingestion on selected hormonal and electrolyte measures was examined during repetitive, short duration, high intensity exercise with mild hypohydration. Subjects (20.3±1.1 yrs; 180.3±10.4 cm; 83.1±14.0 kg; 11.6±3.6% body fat) reported to the Human Performance Laboratory on four occasions. During each trial subjects were hypohydrated to -2.5% of their baseline body mass. During one trial (DHY) subjects rested in a recumbent position for 45 minutes before commencing the exercise session. During the other three trials subjects were rehydrated to 1.5% of their baseline body mass, before exercise, by drinking water only (W), or with two different doses of AG – a low dose (LDAG: 0.05 g�kg-1) and a high dose (HDAG: 0.2 g�kg-1). The exercise protocol consisted of ten 10-second sprints on a cycle ergometer with a 1-min rest between each sprint. Blood draws were collected once the subject achieved the desired level of hypohydration, immediately pre-exercise, immediately post-exercise, and 24 hrs postexercise. Blood samples were analyzed for glutamine, potassium, sodium, aldosterone, arginine vasopressin, C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, malondialdehyde, testosterone, cortisol, ACTH, and growth hormone. The area under the curve (AUC) analysis demonstrated significantly greater sodium concentrations for DHY compared to all other trials. The AUC analysis for aldosterone showed significantly lower concentrations at LDAG compared to DHY. No other differences between trials were observed in any other hormonal or biochemical responses. AG ingestion during a short duration, anaerobic exercise and mild hypohydration stress had a limited effect on selected hormonal and biochemical measures.Učinci akutnoga, trenutačnoga uzimanja L-alanil-L-glutamina (AG) na odabrane hormonske i elektrolitne pokazatelje ispitani su tijekom ponavljajuće kratkotrajne visokointenzivne aktivnosti u uvjetima blage hipohidracije ispitanika. Ispitanici (20,3±1,1 godina; 180,3±10,4 cm; 83,1±14,0 kg; 11,6±3,6% tjelesne masti) bili su testirani u Human Performance Laboratory u četiri navrata. Tijekom svakoga pojedinačnoga mjerenja ispitanici su bili hipohidrirani do -2,5% svoje početne, osnovne tjelesne mase. Tijekom prvoga testiranja (DHY) ispitanici su se odmarali ležeći 45 minuta prije no što su počeli provoditi protokol vježbanja. Tijekom sljedeća tri mjerenja ispitanici su rehidrirani do 1,5% njihove početne tjelesne mase prije vježbanja, i to: pijenjem samo vode (W) te unosom dviju različitih doza AG - male doze (LDAG: 0,05 g∙kg-1) i velike doze (HDAG: 0,2 g∙kg-1). Protokol vježbanja sastojao se od po deset sprintova na bicikl-ergometru u trajanju od 10 sekunda s jednominutnim odmorom između svakoga sprinta. Uzorci krvi vađeni su odmah nakon što je ispitanik dosegao željenu razinu hipohidracije, neposredno prije početka vježbanja, neposredno nakon završetka vježbanja i 24 sata nakon vježbanja. U uzorcima krvi analizirana je koncentracija glutamina, kalija, natrija, aldosterona, arginin vazopresina, C-reaktivnoga proteina, interleukina-6, malondialdehida, testosterona, kortizola, ACTH-a i hormona rasta. Analiza površine ispod krivulje pokazala je statistički značajno veću razinu koncentracije natrija u ispitanika u prvom testu (DHY) u odnosu na sva ostala mjerenja. Analiza površine ispod krivulje za aldosteron je pokazala značajno nižu koncentraciju u testu LDAG u odnosu na test DHY. Nisu zapažene značajne razlike između pojedinih mjerenja ni u jednoj drugoj hormonskoj i biokemijskoj reakciji na protokol vježbanja. Uzimanje AG tijekom kratkotrajne anaerobne aktivnosti i u stanju blagoga hipohidracijskoga stresa pokazalo je ograničene učinke na odabrane hormonske i biokemijske pokazatelje

    3D kinematics of local galaxies and Fabry-Perot data base

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    Les marais à poissons du littoral atlantique

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    AutresCe fascicule est destiné à faire connaître l'évolution récente, les enjeux et la gestion des marais à poissons et à mettre en avant le rôle prépondérant des particuliers, des propriétaires et des usagers de ces espaces dans la qualité de ces territoires

    Seismically induced shale diapirism : the Mine d'Or section, Vilaine estuary, Southern Brittany

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    International audienceThe Pénestin section (southern Brittany) presents large regular undulations, commonly interpreted as evidence of periglacial pingos. It is an upper Neogene palaeoestuary of the Vilaine River reactivated during the middle Quaternary (middle terrace). It is incised into a thick kaolinitic saprolite and deformed by saprolite diapirs. This paper presents the arguments leading to a mechanistic interpretation of the deformations at Pénestin. Neither recent transpressive tectonics nor diagnostic evidence of periglacial pingo have been found despite evidence for a late paleo-permafrost. The major deformational process is shale diapirism, initially triggered by co-seismic water supply, with further loading and lateral spreading on an already deformed and deeply weathered basement, which allowed the shale diapirism to develop. Deformations are favoured by the liquefaction of the saprolite and a seaward mass movement and recorded, rather distant, effects of an earthquake (c. 280 ka B.P.) resulting from the progressive subsidence of the southern Armorican margin. These deformations triggered by an earthquake are similar to those induced by classical shale diapirism. They are probably common in tectonically active continental environments with shallow water table