17 research outputs found

    Current sources and active load in bipolar technology

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    Proudové zdroje s bipolárními tranzistory a jejich použití jako aktivní zátěže u zesilovačů.Current sources with bipolar transistors and their application as active load of amplifiers.

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    The study is focused on changes of Fe and Al behaviour in naturally developing fir–beech forest Razula (Western Carpathians) with respect to time – in the scope of pedogenic processes. Soil samples from 14 different windthrow sites, of known age (19–192 years), were tested. Samples were taken from five depths from three parts of the windthrow – pit, mound and undisturbed part as a control. Exchangeable (“ free”), oxalate extractable and dithionate-citrate extractable forms of Al and Fe were measured. It was found that contents of Fe and Al forms significantly differed with respect to age and location (pit, mound and control). Moreover, Fe and Al forms also significantly differed in disturbed and undisturbed parts of the windthrow

    Produktivní kultura vyučování a učení v didaktických kazuistikách

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    Title in English: Productive culture of teaching and learning in didactic case studies The book introduces the issue of productive culture of teaching and learning in broader didactical context. In the first part of the book, three areas of productive culture of teaching and learning are as theoretical framework presented: 1. clarity, structure, coherence, 2. cognitive activation, instrumentalization, semantization, 3. Supportive learning environment. The second part of the book presents 17 didactic case studies that have been developed by teams that consisted of researchers and teachers from schools. The aim of didactic case studies is to highlight key areas of productive culture of teaching and learning

    Modern Assembly for Microelectronic and Electronic Modules

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    Práce se zaměřuje na popis aktuálních způsobů montáže mikroelektronických a elektronických modulů v elektronických zařízeních. Smyslem práce je na základě zavedených technologií vyhodnotit jejich spolehlivost a nedostatky. Nedostatky nynějších technologií jsou podnětem k návrhu, realizaci a testování vlastního způsobu montáže elektronických modulů. Hlavními materiály, se kterými se tyto činnosti provádějí jsou elektrotechnická keramika a deska plošných spojů.Project is focused on describe modern assembly of microelectronic and electronic modules in electronic devices. Sense of the project is analyse reliability and inadequacies electronic devices assembled by modern technogies. Inadequacies modern technologies are impulse for design, implementation and testing new our way of assembly microelectronic modules. Main kind of materials which are used in this project are ceramics Al2O3 and printed circuit board FR4.

    On the Theory of Active Educational Content in a Transdisciplinary Perspective

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    Teoretická studie vychází z Fishermanova pojetí aktivního obsahu jako činitele kognitivní změny a Kvaszova teorému, že kognitivní změny na úrovni historické kulturní epistemologie a kognitivní změny na úrovni osobní epistemologie žáků lze vysvětlovat shodnou typologií. Studie hledá objasnění této shody prostřednictvím konstruktů „intencionalita“, „obsahová transformace“ a „instrumentalizace zkušenosti“. Edukační působnost aktivního obsahu mezi kulturní a osobní úrovní je vysvětlována s oporou v pojmu mem, který reprezentuje jak tvorbu aktivního obsahu v kulturní historii, tak distribuci aktivního obsahu ve společnosti a jeho vliv na jednotlivce. Nástrojem pro replikaci memů ve vzdělávacím prostředí jsou učební úlohy, jejichž vliv na kognitivní změny u žáků je podmíněný sémantickou a logickou strukturací kognitivních schémat. Na tomto explanačním základě je ve studii z transdidaktického hlediska interpretována Kvaszova typologie kognitivních změn vycházející z analýzy vědeckých revolucí v kulturní historii.This theoretical study builds on Fisherman‘s view of active content as an agent of cognitive change and on Kvasz’s theorem that cognitive changes on the level of historical cultural epistemology and cognitive changes on the level of student’s personal epistemology can be explain through the same typology. The paper looks for the clarification of this agreement through concepts like “intentionality”, “content transformation” and the “instrumentalization of experience”. The educational potential of active content between the cultural and the personal level is explained with reference to the concept of “meme”, which represents the creation of active content in cultural history as well as the distribution of active content within society and its influence upon an individual. The tools for meme replication in educational environment are learning tasks; they generate cognitive changes in students insomuch as they have sound semantic and logical structure of cognitive schemata. Upon this explanatory basis authors interpret Kvasz’s typology of cognitive changes that stems from the analysis of scientific revolutions in the cultural history

    Changes in lower extremity blood flow during advancing phases of pregnancy and the effects of special footwear

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    Abstract Background During pregnancy, a number of changes affecting venous blood flow occur in the circulatory system, such as reduced vein wall tension or increased exposure to collagen fibers. These factors may cause blood stagnation, swelling of the legs, or endothelial damage and consequently lead to development of venous disease. Objectives The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of special footwear designed to improve blood circulation in the feet on venous blood flow changes observed during advancing phases of pregnancy. Methods Thirty healthy pregnant women participated in this study at 25, 30, and 35 weeks of gestation. Participants were allocated at random to an experimental group (n = 15) which was provided with the special footwear, or a control group (n = 15). At each data collection session, Doppler measurements of peak systolic blood flow velocity and cross-sectional area of the right popliteal vein were performed using a MySonoU6 ultrasound machine with a linear transducer (Samsung Medison). The differences were compared using Cohen’s d test to calculate effect size. Results With advancing phases of pregnancy, peak systolic velocity in the popliteal vein decreased significantly in the control group, whereas it increased significantly in the experimental group. No significant change in cross-sectional area was observed in any of the groups. Conclusions Findings in the experimental group demonstrated that wearing the footwear tested may prevent venous blood velocity from reducing during advanced phases of pregnancy. Nevertheless, there is a need for further investigation of the beneficial effect on venous flow of the footwear tested and its application

    Záchrana genetické diverzity borovice blatky (Pinus uncinata subsp. uliginosa) subendemitu České republiky‚ v centru jejího areálu kombinovanou metodou biomonitorignu‚ kontrolovaného opylení a mikropropagace

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    Zpráva uvádí revizi fenotypové čistoty stávajícího semenného sadu borovice blatky vytvořeného z genofondu v PR Borkovická blata. Zachycuje prostorové a věkové struktury porostů borovice blatky. Uvádí doporučení pro záchranu genofondu borovice blatky a její udržení v lokalitě Borkovická blata. Projekt popisuje další postup při záchraně genofondu a zakládání kultur z osiva fenotypově čistých nehybridních jedinců