108 research outputs found

    Astrocyte pathology in the prefrontal cortex impairs the cognitive function of rats

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    Interest in astroglial cells is rising due to recent findings supporting dynamic neuron-astrocyte interactions. There is increasing evidence of astrocytic dysfunction in several brain disorders such as depression, schizophrenia or bipolar disorder; importantly these pathologies are characterized by the involvement of the prefrontal cortex and by significant cognitive impairments. Here, to model astrocyte pathology, we injected animals with the astrocyte specific toxin L-a-aminoadipate (L-AA) in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC); a behavioral and structural characterization two and six days after the injection was performed. Behavioral data shows that the astrocyte pathology in the mPFC affects the attentional set-shifting, the working memory and the reversal learning functions. Histological analysis of brain sections of the L-AA-injected animals revealed a pronounced loss of astrocytes in the targeted region. Interestingly, analysis of neurons in the lesion sites showed a progressive neuronal loss that was accompanied with dendritic atrophy in the surviving neurons. These results suggest that the L-AA-induced astrocytic loss in the mPFC triggers subsequent neuronal damage leading to cognitive impairment in tasks depending on the integrity of this brain region. These findings are of relevance to better understand the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying disorders that involve astrocytic loss/dysfunction in the PFC.This work was supported by the Marie Curie Fellowship FP7-PEOPLE-2010-IEF 273936, BIAL Foundation Grants 138/2008 and 61/2010, FEDER funds through Operational program for competitiveness factors-COMPETE -, ON2 Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (ON.2-O Novo Norte), QREN/FEDER, and by national funds through FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology-project (PTDC/SAU-NSC/118194/2010) and fellowships (SFRH/BPD/66151/2009 and SFRH/BD/89714/2012)

    The role of a firm's absorptive capacity and the technology transfer process in clusters: How effective are technology centres in low-tech clusters?

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    This paper analyses how the internal resources of small- and medium-sized enterprises determine access (learning processes) to technology centres (TCs) or industrial research institutes (innovation infrastructure) in traditional low-tech clusters. These interactions basically represent traded (market-based) transactions, which constitute important sources of knowledge in clusters. The paper addresses the role of TCs in low-tech clusters, and uses semi-structured interviews with 80 firms in a manufacturing cluster. The results point out that producer–user interactions are the most frequent; thus, the higher the sector knowledge-intensive base, the more likely the utilization of the available research infrastructure becomes. Conversely, the sectors with less knowledge-intensive structures, i.e. less absorptive capacity (AC), present weak linkages to TCs, as they frequently prefer to interact with suppliers, who act as transceivers of knowledge. Therefore, not all the firms in a cluster can fully exploit the available research infrastructure, and their AC moderates this engagement. In addition, the existence of TCs is not sufficient since the active role of a firm's search strategies to undertake interactions and conduct openness to available sources of knowledge is also needed. The study has implications for policymakers and academia

    Increased hippocampal CA1 density of serotonergic terminals in a triple transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer's disease: an ultrastructural study

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative pathology that deteriorates mnesic functions and associated brain regions including the hippocampus. Serotonin (5-HT) has an important role in cognition. We recently demonstrated an increase in 5-HT transporter (SERT) fibre density in the hippocampal CA1 in an AD triple transgenic mouse model (3xTg-AD). Here, we analyse the ultrastructural localisation, distribution and numerical density (Nv) of hippocampal SERT axons (SERT-Ax) and terminals (SERT-Te) and their relationship with SERT fibre sprouting and altered synaptic Nv in 3xTg-AD compared with non-transgenic control mice. 3xTg-AD animals showed a significant increase in SERT-Te Nv in CA1 at both, 3 (95%) and 18 months of age (144%), being restricted to the CA1 stratum moleculare (S. Mol; 227% at 3 and 180% at 18 months). 3xTg-AD animals also exhibit reduced Nv of perforated axospinous synapses (PS) in CA1 S. Mol (56% at 3 and 52% at 18 months). No changes were observed in the Nv of symmetric and asymmetrical synapses or SERT-Ax. Our results suggest that concomitant SERT-Te Nv increase and PS reduction in 3xTg-AD mice may act as a compensatory mechanism maintaining synaptic efficacy as a response to the AD cognitive impairment

    Aberrant iPSC-derived human astrocytes in Alzheimer's disease

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    The pathological potential of human astroglia in Alzheimer's disease (AD) was analysed in vitro using induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technology. Here, we report development of a human iPSC-derived astrocyte model created from healthy individuals and patients with either early-onset familial AD (FAD) or the late-onset sporadic form of AD (SAD). Our chemically-defined and highly efficient model provides >95% homogeneous populations of human astrocytes within 30 days of differentiation from cortical neural progenitor cells (NPCs). All astrocytes expressed functional markers including; glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), excitatory amino acid transporter 1 (EAAT1), S100B and glutamine synthetase (GS) comparable to that of adult astrocytes in vivo. However, induced astrocytes derived from both SAD and FAD patients exhibit a pronounced pathological phenotype, with a significantly less complex morphological appearance, overall atrophic profiles, and abnormal localisation of key functional astroglial markers. Furthermore, NPCs derived from identical patients did not show any differences, therefore, validating that remodelled astroglia are not as a result of defective neuronal intermediates. This work not only presents a novel model to study the mechanisms of human astrocytes in vitro, but also provides an ideal platform for further interrogation of early astroglial cell-autonomous events in AD and the possibility of identification of novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of AD

    Abnormality in glutamine-glutamate cycle in the cerebrospinal fluid of cognitively intact elderly individuals with major depressive disorder: a 3-year follow-up study

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    Major depressive disorder (MDD), common in the elderly, is a risk factor for dementia. Abnormalities in glutamatergic neurotransmission via the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDA-R) have a key role in the pathophysiology of depression. This study examined whether depression was associated with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of NMDA-R neurotransmission-associated amino acids in cognitively intact elderly individuals with MDD and age- and gender-matched healthy controls. CSF was obtained from 47 volunteers (MDD group, N = 28; age- and gender-matched comparison group, N = 19) at baseline and 3-year follow-up (MDD group, N = 19; comparison group, N = 17). CSF levels of glutamine, glutamate, glycine, L-serine and D-serine were measured by highperformance liquid chromatography. CSF levels of amino acids did not differ across MDD and comparison groups. However, the ratio of glutamine to glutamate was significantly higher at baseline in subjects with MDD than in controls. The ratio decreased in individuals with MDD over the 3-year follow-up, and this decrease correlated with a decrease in the severity of depression. No correlations between absolute amino-acid levels and clinical variables were observed, nor were correlations between amino acids and other biomarkers (for example, amyloid-β42, amyloid-β40, and total and phosphorylated tau protein) detected. These results suggest that abnormalities in the glutamine–glutamate cycle in the communication between glia and neurons may have a role in the pathophysiology of depression in the elderly. Furthermore, the glutamine/glutamate ratio in CSF may be a state biomarker for depression

    Signaling pathways responsible for the rapid antidepressant-like effects of a GluN2A-preferring NMDA receptor antagonist

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    In a previous study we found that the preferring GluN2A receptor antagonist, NVP-AAM077, elicited rapid antidepressant-like effects in the forced swim test that was related to the release of glutamate and serotonin in the medial prefrontal cortex. In the present work we sought to examine the duration of this behavioral effect as well as the molecular readouts involved. Our results showed that NVP-AAM077 reduced the immobility in the forced swim test 30?min and 24?h after its administration. However, this effect waned 7 days later. The rapid antidepressant-like response seems to be associated with increases in the GluA1 subunit of ?-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors, mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling, glia markers such as glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and excitatory amino acid transporter 1 (EAAT1), and a rapid mobilization of intracellular stores of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the medial prefrontal cortex.Acknowledgements: M.G.-S. was recipient of a contract from the Sistema Nacional de Garantía Juvenil co-funded by the European Social Fund. We also thank Novartis for the generous gift of NVP-AAM077. This work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Subdirección General del Evaluación y Fomento de la Investigación (FIS Grants PI13/00038 and PI16/00217) that were co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (‘A way to build Europe’). Funding from the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Salud Mental (CIBERSAM), Instituto de Salud Carlos III is also acknowledged

    The fraction of activated N-methyl-d-Aspartate receptors during synaptic transmission remains constant in the presence of the glutamate release inhibitor riluzole

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    Excessive N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor activation is widely accepted to mediate calcium-dependent glutamate excitotoxicity. The uncompetitive, voltage-dependent NMDA receptor antagonist memantine has been successfully used clinically in the treatment of neurodegenerative dementia and is internationally registered for the treatment of moderate to severe Alzheimer′s disease. Glutamate release inhibitors (GRIs) may also be promising for the therapy of some neurodegenerative diseases. During the clinical use of GRIs, it could be questioned whether there would still be a sufficient number of active NMDA receptors to allow any additional effects of memantine or similar NMDA receptor antagonists. To address this question, we determined the fraction of NMDA receptors contributing to postsynaptic events in the presence of therapeutically relevant concentrations of the GRI riluzole (1 μM) using an in vitro hippocampal slice preparation. We measured the charge transfer of pharmacologically isolated excitatory synaptic responses before and after the application of the selective, competitive NMDA receptor antagonist D-AP5 (100 μM). The fraction of activated NMDA receptors under control conditions did not differ from those in the presence of riluzole. It is therefore likely that NMDA receptor antagonists would be able to exert additional therapeutic effects in combination therapy with GRIs

    A putative functional role for oligodendrocytes in mood regulation

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    Altered glial structure and function is implicated in several major mental illnesses and increasing evidence specifically links changes in oligodendrocytes with disrupted mood regulation. Low density and reduced expression of oligodendrocyte-specific gene transcripts in postmortem human subjects points toward decreased oligodendrocyte function in most of the major mental illnesses. Similar features are observed in rodent models of stress-induced depressive-like phenotypes, such as the unpredictable chronic mild stress and chronic corticosterone exposure, suggesting an effect downstream from stress. However, whether oligodendrocyte changes are a causal component of psychiatric phenotypes is not known. Traditional views that identify oligodendrocytes solely as nonfunctional support cells are being challenged, and recent studies suggest a more dynamic role for oligodendrocytes in neuronal functioning than previously considered, with the region adjacent to the node of Ranvier (i.e., paranode) considered a critical region of glial–neuronal interaction. Here, we briefly review the current knowledge regarding oligodendrocyte disruptions in psychiatric disorders and related animal models, with a focus on major depression. We then highlight several rodent studies, which suggest that alterations in oligodendrocyte structure and function can produce behavioral changes that are informative of mood regulatory mechanisms. Together, these studies suggest a model, whereby impaired oligodendrocyte and possibly paranode structure and function can impact neural circuitry, leading to downstream effects related to emotionality in rodents, and potentially to mood regulation in human psychiatric disorders

    Astrocytes: biology and pathology

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    Astrocytes are specialized glial cells that outnumber neurons by over fivefold. They contiguously tile the entire central nervous system (CNS) and exert many essential complex functions in the healthy CNS. Astrocytes respond to all forms of CNS insults through a process referred to as reactive astrogliosis, which has become a pathological hallmark of CNS structural lesions. Substantial progress has been made recently in determining functions and mechanisms of reactive astrogliosis and in identifying roles of astrocytes in CNS disorders and pathologies. A vast molecular arsenal at the disposal of reactive astrocytes is being defined. Transgenic mouse models are dissecting specific aspects of reactive astrocytosis and glial scar formation in vivo. Astrocyte involvement in specific clinicopathological entities is being defined. It is now clear that reactive astrogliosis is not a simple all-or-none phenomenon but is a finely gradated continuum of changes that occur in context-dependent manners regulated by specific signaling events. These changes range from reversible alterations in gene expression and cell hypertrophy with preservation of cellular domains and tissue structure, to long-lasting scar formation with rearrangement of tissue structure. Increasing evidence points towards the potential of reactive astrogliosis to play either primary or contributing roles in CNS disorders via loss of normal astrocyte functions or gain of abnormal effects. This article reviews (1) astrocyte functions in healthy CNS, (2) mechanisms and functions of reactive astrogliosis and glial scar formation, and (3) ways in which reactive astrocytes may cause or contribute to specific CNS disorders and lesions

    ECMO for COVID-19 patients in Europe and Israel

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    Since March 15th, 2020, 177 centres from Europe and Israel have joined the study, routinely reporting on the ECMO support they provide to COVID-19 patients. The mean annual number of cases treated with ECMO in the participating centres before the pandemic (2019) was 55. The number of COVID-19 patients has increased rapidly each week reaching 1531 treated patients as of September 14th. The greatest number of cases has been reported from France (n = 385), UK (n = 193), Germany (n = 176), Spain (n = 166), and Italy (n = 136) .The mean age of treated patients was 52.6 years (range 16–80), 79% were male. The ECMO configuration used was VV in 91% of cases, VA in 5% and other in 4%. The mean PaO2 before ECMO implantation was 65 mmHg. The mean duration of ECMO support thus far has been 18 days and the mean ICU length of stay of these patients was 33 days. As of the 14th September, overall 841 patients have been weaned from ECMO support, 601 died during ECMO support, 71 died after withdrawal of ECMO, 79 are still receiving ECMO support and for 10 patients status n.a. . Our preliminary data suggest that patients placed on ECMO with severe refractory respiratory or cardiac failure secondary to COVID-19 have a reasonable (55%) chance of survival. Further extensive data analysis is expected to provide invaluable information on the demographics, severity of illness, indications and different ECMO management strategies in these patients