1,425 research outputs found


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    AbstrakNegara Indonesia adalah Negara yang berdasarkan prinsip kedaulatan rakyat dalam kerangka demokrasi pancasila. Dimana untuk mewujudkan pola sistem kedaulatan rakyat yang demokratis tersebut adalah melalui pemilihan. Pemilihan umum sebagai sarana demokrasi telah digunakan disebagian besar Negara di dunia termasuk Indonesia, yang notabene memiliki masyarakat yang heterogen. Melalui pemilu memungkinkan semua pihak bisa terakomodasi apa yang diinginkan dan yang dicita-citakan sehingga terwujud kehidupan yang lebih baik. Masyarakat (Warga Negara) adalah komponen penentu berhasil atau tidaknya pelaksanaan pemilu. Karena pada dasarnya hanya kekuatan pemilih masyarakatlah yang bisa menentukan nasib Negara dan bangsa ke depan. Kesadaran politik warga Negara menjadi faktor determinan dalam partisipasi politik masyarakat, artinya sebagai hal yang berhubungan dengan pengetahuan dan kesadaran akan hak dan kewajiban yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan masyarakat dan kegiatan politik menjadi ukuran dan kadar seseorang terlibat dalam proses partisipasi politik.meningkatnya jumlah pemilih yang tidak menggunakan hak pilihnya di kabupaten SITARO menurut pengamatan saya disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor diantaranya adalah pertama, sejak pemilukada tahun 2015,2010 sampai dengan tahun 2015, merupakan pemilihan yang dilakukan dengan sistem yang lebih demokratis dan terbuka namun pemahaman masyarakat terhadap politik praktis yang masih rendah sehingga tidak berpikir rasional dan kepentingan jangka panjang tentang tatanan membangun kepentingan bangsa dan daerah kedepan dan lebih memikirkan kepentingan jangka pendek yang bersifat prakmatis.Kata Kunci: Partisipasi Politik Masyarakat Dalam Pemilihan Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur

    Multiple Imputation to Correct for Measurement Error in Admixture Estimates in Genetic Structured Association Testing

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    Objectives: Structured association tests ( SAT), like any statistical model, assumes that all variables are measured without error. Measurement error can bias parameter estimates and confound residual variance in linear models. It has been shown that admixture estimates can be contaminated with measurement error causing SAT models to suffer from the same afflictions. Multiple imputation (MI) is presented as a viable tool for correcting measurement error problems in SAT linear models with emphasis on correcting measurement error contaminated admixture estimates. Methods: Several MI methods are presented and compared, via simulation, in terms of controlling Type I error rates for both non-additive and additive genotype coding. Results: Results indicate that MI using the Rubin or Cole method can be used to correct for measurement error in admixture estimates in SAT linear models. Conclusion: Although MI can be used to correct for admixture measurement error in SAT linear models, the data should be of reasonable quality, in terms of marker informativeness, because the method uses the existing data to borrow information in which to make the measurement error corrections. If the data are of poor quality there is little information to borrow to make measurement error corrections. Copyright © 2009 S. Karger AG, Base

    Recyclable NHC catalyst for the development of a generalized approach to continuous Buchwald-Hartwig reaction and work-up

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    A generalized approach to the optimization and implementation of Buchwald-Hartwig reactions in flow is reported, through the combination of three key factors: a highly active palladium catalyst; a universal approach for continuous work-up and purification, and a methodology for catalyst recycling and reuse. The palladium N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) pre-catalyst [Pd(IPr*)(cin)Cl] 4 (IPr* = 1,3-bis(2,6-bis(diphenylmethyl)-4-methylphenyl)imidazol-2-ylidene; cin = η3-cinnamyl) is an excellent choice for continuous Buchwald-Hartwig reactions, due to its inherent high activity and stability. In preparation for running this reaction in flow (published concurrently), a detailed study has been carried out into its water stability, ultimately allowing the recycling of the catalyst in the organic phase up to 3 times in batch mode. A “right-first-time” work-up methodology has also been developed, resulting in a universal protocol that allows the selective extraction of the Buchwald-Hartwig product into the aqueous stream as a salt, while retaining the aryl bromide starting material in the organic stream with the catalyst, thus negating the requirement for further purification. It is therefore envisaged that this approach will particularly amenable to exploitation in the Pharmaceutical industry. An optimized, scalable synthesis of [Pd(IPr*)(cin)Cl] is also reported on multi-hundred gram scale

    Tight Glycemic Control After Pediatric Cardiac Surgery in High-Risk Patient Populations

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    Background—Our previous randomized, clinical trial showed that postoperative tight glycemic control (TGC) for children undergoing cardiac surgery did not reduce the rate of health care–associated infections compared with standard care (STD). Heterogeneity of treatment effect may exist within this population. Methods and Results—We performed a post hoc exploratory analysis of 980 children from birth to 36 months of age at the time of cardiac surgery who were randomized to postoperative TGC or STD in the intensive care unit. Significant interactions were observed between treatment group and both neonate (age ≤30 days; P=0.03) and intraoperative glucocorticoid exposure (P=0.03) on the risk of infection. The rate and incidence of infections in subjects ≤60 days old were significantly increased in the TGC compared with the STD group (rate: 13.5 versus 3.7 infections per 1000 cardiac intensive care unit days, P=0.01; incidence: 13% versus 4%, P=0.02), whereas infections among those \u3e60 days of age were significantly reduced in the TGC compared with the STD group (rate: 5.0 versus 14.1 infections per 1000 cardiac intensive care unit days, P=0.02; incidence: 2% versus 5%, P=0.03); the interaction of treatment group by age subgroup was highly significant (P=0.001). Multivariable logistic regression controlling for the main effects revealed that previous cardiac surgery, chromosomal anomaly, and delayed sternal closure were independently associated with increased risk of infection. Conclusions—This exploratory analysis demonstrated that TGC may lower the risk of infection in children \u3e60 days of age at the time of cardiac surgery compared with children receiving STD. Meta-analyses of past and ongoing clinical trials are necessary to confirm these findings before clinical practice is altered

    Observations of the effect of earth tides on groundwater fluxes variations at the scale of a borehole

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    For a long time, characterization of aquifers has been mainly based on the monitoring of groundwater heads variations. This approach allowed to demonstrate that pressure changes induced by earth tides have a significant and measurable impact on groundwater heads monitored in confined aquifers. Nowadays efficient methods provide a direct estimation of groundwater fluxes. This is the case of the Finite Volume Point Dilution Method (FVPDM), a single-well tracer experiment that allows continuously monitoring and quantifying groundwater flux variations over time. Yet, the potential effect of earth tides on local groundwater flow has never been investigated. In this context, FVPDM tests have been performed in a confined aquifer in order to monitor groundwater fluxes over several tidal cycles. Results show significant groundwater flux variations over time (around 20% of the flux value), clearly correlated with pressure changes induced by earth tides. Subsurface heterogeneities could explain the fact that earth tides induce groundwater flow variations. Indeed, groundwater heads variations induced by earth tides depend on the local specific storage (in confined conditions) of aquifer. Any spatial variation of this parameter could induce variations of the hydraulic gradient and thus of groundwater fluxes. Therefore, these preliminary observations seem to open new perspectives for subsurface characterization by showing how groundwater flow variations measured in confined aquifer and induced by earth tides can be used as a marker of subsurface heterogeneities

    Heavy Quarks from QCD Spectral Sum Rules

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    This is a short review of the present status of the dynamics of the heavy quarks extracted from QCD spectral sum rules. We discuss the determination of the ``perturbative" quark mass, the decay constants of the DD and BB mesons, the form factors of the semileptonic and radiative decays of the BB mesons, the slope of the Isgur--Wise function and the emerged value of VcbV_{cb}. We mention shortly some properties of the hybrid and BcB_c mesons.Comment: CERN-TH 7277/94, Updated version. Latex file (run twice). Talk given at the {\it XXIXth Rencontre de Moriond on `` QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions"}, M\'eribel, Haute-Savoie, 19--26th March 1994 and at the {\it Rencontre entre experimentateurs et theoriciens sur ``la violation de CP"}, Orsay, 6--7th May 199

    Orthoparamyxovirinae C Proteins Have a Common Origin and a Common Structural Organization

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    The protein C is a small viral protein encoded in an overlapping frame of the P gene in the subfamily Orthoparamyxovirinae. This protein, expressed by alternative translation initiation, is a virulence factor that regulates viral transcription, replication, and production of defective interfering RNA, interferes with the host-cell innate immunity systems and supports the assembly of viral particles and budding. We expressed and purified full-length and an N-terminally truncated C protein from Tupaia paramyxovirus (TupV) C protein (genus Narmovirus). We solved the crystal structure of the C-terminal part of TupV C protein at a resolution of 2.4 Å and found that it is structurally similar to Sendai virus C protein, suggesting that despite undetectable sequence conservation, these proteins are homologous. We characterized both truncated and full-length proteins by SEC-MALLS and SEC-SAXS and described their solution structures by ensemble models. We established a mini-replicon assay for the related Nipah virus (NiV) and showed that TupV C inhibited the expression of NiV minigenome in a concentration-dependent manner as efficiently as the NiV C protein. A previous study found that the Orthoparamyxovirinae C proteins form two clusters without detectable sequence similarity, raising the question of whether they were homologous or instead had originated independently. Since TupV C and SeV C are representatives of these two clusters, our discovery that they have a similar structure indicates that all Orthoparamyxovirine C proteins are homologous. Our results also imply that, strikingly, a STAT1-binding site is encoded by exactly the same RNA region of the P/C gene across Paramyxovirinae, but in different reading frames (P or C), depending on which cluster they belong to.French Agence Nationale de la RechercheFond de la Recherche Médicale (FRM)Grenoble Instruct-ERIC centerFRISBIUniversity Grenoble Alpes graduate school (Ecoles Universitaires de Recherche)Peer Reviewe

    Financing Direct Democracy: Revisiting the Research on Campaign Spending and Citizen Initiatives

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    The conventional view in the direct democracy literature is that spending against a measure is more effective than spending in favor of a measure, but the empirical results underlying this conclusion have been questioned by recent research. We argue that the conventional finding is driven by the endogenous nature of campaign spending: initiative proponents spend more when their ballot measure is likely to fail. We address this endogeneity by using an instrumental variables approach to analyze a comprehensive dataset of ballot propositions in California from 1976 to 2004. We find that both support and opposition spending on citizen initiatives have strong, statistically significant, and countervailing effects. We confirm this finding by looking at time series data from early polling on a subset of these measures. Both analyses show that spending in favor of citizen initiatives substantially increases their chances of passage, just as opposition spending decreases this likelihood

    QCD Analysis of Hadronic τ\tau Decays Revisited

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    The calculation of perturbative corrections to the spectral moments observable in hadronic τ\tau decays is reconsidered. The exact order-αs3\alpha_s^3 results and the resummation procedure of Le~Diberder and Pich are compared with a partial resummation of the perturbative series based on the analysis of so-called renormalon chains. The perturbative analysis is complemented by a model-independent description of power corrections. For the contributions of dimension four and six in the OPE, it is demonstrated how infrared renormalon ambiguities in the definition of perturbation theory can be absorbed by a redefinition of nonperturbative parameters. We find that previous determinations of QCD parameters from a measurement of spectral moments in τ\tau decays have underestimated the theoretical uncertainties. Given the present understanding of the asymptotic behaviour of perturbation theory, the running coupling constant can be measured at best with a theoretical uncertainty δαs(mτ2)0.05\delta\alpha_s(m_\tau^2)\simeq 0.05, and the gluon condensate with an uncertainty of order its magnitude. Two weighted integrals of the hadronic spectral function are constructed, which can be used to test the absence of dimension-two operators and to measure directly the gluon condensate.Comment: 36 pages LaTeX, uses epsf, 5 figures contained in separate file figures.u