28 research outputs found

    The role of the state laboratories in multi-level climate policy research – considering India

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    The federal state of India is among the most vulnerable countries in the world with regard to climate change. Despite its low per capita emissions, India is the world’s third largest emitter of greenhouse gases. Accordingly, the country’s domestic climate policy requires substantial problem solving capacities to respond to these huge challenges involving different levels of government. This paper considers the question of whether comparative climate policy research should explore the role of India’s states in climate policy. Should state climate action in India be considered and even investigated through the “laboratories of experimentation” lens? By considering this question from a theoretical perspective, this paper aims at encouraging a more intense discussion of the topic. The paper presents a synopsis of the current state of research reviewing three strands of discussion: first, the laboratories of experimentation literature, second, comparative climate policy analysis dealing with the role of federal states in multi-level climate governance in the USA and Germany; and third, literature on the role of the Union states in India’s federal system. Moreover, to assess the scope for subnational state climate action, the institutional context of India’s multi- level climate governance structure is scrutinized. Using anecdotal examples of progress in Indian states, the paper calls attention to important areas of research which appear to hold key information but have not yet been adequately explored. It concludes that there are good reasons to include India’s states in comparative subnational climate policy research and, in particular, for considering interstate competition as a potential driver behind subnational climate action and energy policy in India. Keywords: climate change policies, multi-level governance, bottom-up approaches, India, innovation policy, industrial polic

    interdisziplinäres Studienangebot der Freien Universität Berlin ; Studienkonzeption und praktische Umsetzung

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    Seit Herbst 1996 bietet die Freie Universität Berlin das umweltwissenschaftliche Wahl- bzw. Nebenfach Umweltmanagement an. Umweltmanagement entstand in Kooperation von Vertretern der Politikwissenschaft, Rechtswissenschaft und Betriebswirtschaft und ist in mindestens einer Hinsicht bundesweit bislang noch einmalig: Es handelt sich um ein Lehrangebot von Sozial- und Rechtswissenschaft an Studierende naturwissenschaftlicher Diplomstudiengänge. Letztere haben an der FU Berlin jetzt die Möglichkeit zu einer berufsorientierten Qualifizierung im öffentlichen und betrieblichen Umweltmanagement. Die dabei verfolgten Ziele, das Studienkonzept des Wahl- bzw. Nebenfachs und die Durchführung sind Gegenstand des vorliegenden Berichts. Dieser wiederum ist Grundlage für die interne und externe Evaluation des Studienangebots im Herbst 1998, auf deren Basis über die Weiterführung und Ausweitung dieses Segments umweltwissenschaftlicher Lehre an der Freien Universität Berlin entschieden werden soll

    Tavanomaisen ja luomumaan välillä ei ole suuria eroja

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    Tavanomaisesti viljeltyjen ja pitkäaikaisesti luomuviljeltyjen vilja- tai nurmilohkojen maaperän kyntökerroksen ominaisuuksissa ei havaittu suuria eroja. MTT:n koordinoimassa tutkimuksessa vertailtin monipuolisesti maan kemiallisia, biologisia ja fysikaalisia ominaisuuksia. Selkeimmät erot saatiin liukoisten ravinteiden määrissä, joista erityisesti fosfori ja rikki olivat usein korkeampia tavanomaisessa viljelyssä. Maan rakenteessa ja eloperäisen aineksen määrässä ei eroja havaittu, mikä osaltaan selittää eliöstön vähäiset erot. Jos eroja löytyi, olivat ne yleensä luomuviljelyn eduksi. Paikkakohtaiset erot olivat viljelymenetelmää huomattavasti suurempia.vokmk

    The EU Horizon 2020 project GRACE : integrated oil spill response actions and environmental effects

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    This article introduces the EU Horizon 2020 research project GRACE (Integrated oil spill response actions and environmental effects), which focuses on a holistic approach towards investigating and understanding the hazardous impact of oil spills and the environmental impacts and benefits of a suite of marine oil spill response technologies in the cold climate and ice-infested areas of the North Atlantic and the Baltic Sea. The response methods considered include mechanical collection in water and below ice, in situ burning, use of chemical dispersants, natural biodegradation, and combinations of these. The impacts of naturally and chemically dispersed oil, residues resulting from in situ burning, and non-collected oil on fish, invertebrates (e.g. mussels, crustaceans) and macro-algae are assessed by using highly sensitive biomarker methods, and specific methods for the rapid detection of the effects of oil pollution on biota are developed. By observing, monitoring and predicting oil movements in the sea through the use of novel online sensors on vessels, fixed platforms including gliders and the so-called SmartBuoys together with real-time data transfer into operational systems that help to improve the information on the location of the oil spill, situational awareness of oil spill response can be improved. Methods and findings of the project are integrated into a strategic net environmental benefit analysis tool (environment and oil spill response, EOS) for oil spill response strategy decision making in cold climates and ice-infested areas

    Lung Emphysema & Cardiac Function

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    Patients with severe lung emphysema have poor quality of life because of impaired lung function and reduced exercise tolerance. Concomitant heart disease in severe emphysema is well recognised. The prevailing view is that mainly the right side of the heart is involved, while the issue of left ventricular (LV) involvement is less studied. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate cardiac performance and dimensions in patients with severe emphysema, using pulmonary artery thermodilution technique, transoesophageal echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging. The main findings were that patients with severe emphysema have impaired cardiac performance as reflected in subnormal values of stroke volume and cardiac output compared with patients/volunteers with normal lung function. This impaired cardiac performance is caused by inadequate diastolic filling (decreased preload) of the right and left ventricle. Myocardial contractility is not affected, but the left ventricle is hypovolemic and operates on a steeper portion of the LV function curve. One possible explanation for the decreased biventricular preload is a low intrathoracic blood volume caused by the hyperinflated lungs. In patients with severe emphysema, lung volume reduction surgery improves LV end-diastolic dimensions and filling and thereby performance, which at least partly could explain the improved exercise tolerance seen after the operation. Levosimendan has combined inotropic and vasodilatory effects and is used in the treatment of severe heart failure. The effect on diastolic function in humans is not entirely understood. Therefore, the aim was to evaluate whether levosimendan has lusitropic effect in patients with diastolic dysfunction, using pulmonary artery thermodilution technique and transoesophageal echocardiography. The main finding was that levosimendan shortens isovolumic relaxation time and improves LV early filling. In conclusion, patients with severe emphysema have compromised cardiac performance as reflected in impaired LV filling and low stroke volume. The decreased ventricular preload is explained by a low intrathoracic blood volume most likely caused by the hyperinflated lungs. Lung volume reduction surgery, improves LV function. Levosimendan exerts a direct positive lusitropic effect in patients with diastolic dysfunction

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