49 research outputs found

    Training Future Physical Education Teachers for Professional Activities under the Conditions of Inclusive Education

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    According to the concept of developing inclusive education, the process of introducing inclusion in schools has been intensified. This is due to the training of physical education teachers to work with children with special educational needs during specially organized courses, whose fragmentation has not greatly increased the level of teachers’ qualifications. The research aims to scientifically justify theoretical and methodological foundations, develop and experimentally verify the methodology of training future physical education teachers for professional activities under the conditions of inclusive education, taking into account the specifics of their psychological, theoretical and practical readiness for it. Pedagogical conditions for training future physical education teachers for professional activities under the conditions of inclusive education are defined as follows: prioritizing the content of programmes and teaching methodology; improving the content, forms, methods and means required to master normative, psychological, pedagogical and correctional theoretical and practical and scientific foundations of inclusive education, as well as didactic and correctional and developmental technologies during the classes dedicated to professional teaching methodologies; consolidating professional knowledge and practical skills of students based on the simulation modelling and reflection on pedagogical experience of future physical education teachers under the conditions of inclusive education with the relevant update of the content of teaching placements. The experimental work involved 444 students majoring in physical education and sport (222 students in the experimental and the control groups). Given the summarized data of final tests, it becomes clear that the students in the EG tend to have a high level of such readiness (at the ascertaining stage – 28.6%, at the formative stage – 47.0%, the difference being 18.4%). The results of the experiment prove the effectiveness of introducing the developed methodology of training future physical education teachers for professional activities under the conditions of inclusive education.</p

    The psychological and pedagogical aspect of the life quality of citizens with disabilities

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    Today, with the existing trends of society's humanization and democratization, there is a need to find ways to improve the life quality of people with disabilities for their full and harmonious development. Furthermore, in the current conditions of a challenging economic, social, and political world situation, it is crucial to effectively organize the process of psycho-pedagogical support for the social and psychological development of people, including children, with disabilities. Nowadays, state and public authorities all over the world try to direct their social policy and public activity toward the creation of a complex of legal, economic, psychological, educational, medical, rehabilitation, and other measures aimed at improvement of the quality of services, social adaptation and return to a full-quality life of people with disabilities. The article aims to reveal the main tendencies of scientific works in psychological and pedagogical support for the life quality of people with disabilities. Also, we should clarify practical aspects and perspectives of psychological and pedagogical support for this category of people, including, during extreme situations, martial law. Methodology. To write the article, we analyzed the works of scientists carrying out theoretical and practical research on the effectiveness of work with disabled persons. Also, we studied the results of a questionnaire poll of specialists in social services and disabled persons. Results. According to the research results, the tendencies of modern teachers and scientists studying the psychological and pedagogical support of the life quality of people with disabilities, as well as the results of the questionnaire survey on the factors influencing the success of psychological and pedagogical work to improve the life quality of persons with disabilities are traced and outlined promising work directions with these people


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    The necessity of special training of future teachers to work with gifted children is substantiated. In the article defined innovative approaches to improving the educational process in a pedagogical university have been determined in order to create conditions for students to acquire the qualities necessary for the identification of gifted children and to create favorable conditions for their creative self-realization. The importance of reflective abilities in the structure of future teacher’s readiness to work with gifted children is shown. The results of diagnostics of students reflexive abilities are presented, the insufficient level of their formation is revealed. The importance of training in the development of future teachers of the reflective component of readiness to work with children is shown. The experience of conducting trainings, which were developed and tested within the framework of the international project «Development of a culture of democracy in teacher education in Norway, Ukraine and Palestine», is presented. Examples of reflexive training exercises are given, the implementation of which will contribute to the development of future teachers ability to professional self-examination and self-esteem.


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    The necessity and main directions of preparation of future teachers for work with gifted children of preschool and primary school age are shown. The author's definition and structure of readiness of future educators to work with gifted children are presented. The signs of giftedness are analyzed and the characteristics of different types of giftedness are presented. The importance of identifying talented individuals in an educational institution and creating a developmental environment for the development of their abilities and creative self-realization is substantiated. The importance of theatrical activity for the development of general and special abilities, creativity, talent and the formation of non-cognitive qualities of preschool and primary school children is shown. The results of diagnostics of awareness of future teachers with the theoretical and methodological principles of using theatrical activities as a means of developing children's talents are presented. The main directions of training future teachers in the educational process of higher education institutions, aimed at mastering students' special knowledge, development of professional qualities, skills and abilities necessary for the use of dramatization in working with different categories of potentially gifted children

    Peculiarities Of Triazoloazepinium Bromides Effect On Steel Microbial Corrosion

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    Triazoloazepinium bromides act as biocides against sulfate-reducing bacteria and can produce an effect on mild steel microbial corrosion.  It has been established that under the competing adsorption, the compounds with the properties of corrosion inhibitors can form a film, which protects the steel surface, before it is settled by corrosively active microorganisms.The protective film ensures the inhibition efficiency of up to 98.7%. With triazoloazepinium bromides of the 2nd group, corrosively active microorganisms colonize the steel surface before the inhibitor creates the protective layer. In this case, the biocorrosion accelerates by up to 6.25 times. Different effect of triazoloazepinium bromides on steel biocorrosion rate is explained by the molecular structure


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    The use of modern innovative technologies in vocational education is an important challenge of today through the prism of technological development. The aim of the article is to analyze the introduction of innovative technologies in vocational education under the conditions of informatization of society, to determine the problems and prospects of this process. The article is written through the prism of using comparative analysis, predictive method, modeling method. The empirical study involved 170 teachers from 28 to 74 years old and the corresponding difference in professional experience from 1 to 35 years. The results demonstrated the effectiveness and prevalence of the use of information technology in professional education. Based on the materials worked out, it was proved that only 2.28% of teachers had never used information technology in their work. The most widespread in the use of appropriate computer technology and software, electronic platforms, and online courses. As a result of the analytical material, the general problems that may arise in their use in professional education are highlighted. First of all, we are talking about the insufficient level of training of teachers, trainers, etc. lack of necessary facilities, lack of means to assess the effectiveness, low salaries of teachers. The conclusions also summarize the importance of addressing continuing education as an innovative educational technology that allows you to take into account the dynamics of digital technology in the training of specialists.A utilização de modernas tecnologias inovadoras na educação profissional é um importante desafio da atualidade sob o prisma do desenvolvimento tecnológico. O objetivo do artigo é analisar a introdução de tecnologias inovadoras na educação profissional nas condições de informatização da sociedade, para determinar os problemas e as perspectivas desse processo. O artigo é escrito através do prisma do uso de análise comparativa, método preditivo, método de modelagem. O estudo empírico envolveu 170 professores de 28 a 74 anos e a correspondente diferença de experiência profissional de 1 a 35 anos. Os resultados demonstraram a efetividade e prevalência do uso da tecnologia da informação na educação profissional. Com base nos materiais elaborados, constatou-se que apenas 2,28% dos professores nunca utilizaram a informática em seu trabalho. O mais difundido no uso de tecnologia e software de informática apropriados, plataformas eletrônicas e cursos online. Como resultado do material analítico, destacam-se os problemas gerais que podem surgir em seu uso na educação profissional. Em primeiro lugar, estamos a falar do nível insuficiente de formação de professores, formadores, etc. falta de instalações necessárias, falta de meios para avaliar a eficácia, baixos salários dos professores. As conclusões também resumem a importância de abordar a educação continuada como uma tecnologia educacional inovadora que permite levar em consideração a dinâmica da tecnologia digital na formação de especialistas

    Developing a Values-Based Attitude towards People in Adolescent Rehabilitation Centres: Neurophysiological Patterns

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    The article theoretically justifies, defines and experimentally verifies pedagogical conditions for developing a values-based attitude towards people in adolescents from rehabilitation centres, taking into account pedagogical, psychological and neurophysiological factors. According to the above-mentioned factors, such pedagogical conditions can be developed in the context of the following aspects: involving adolescents from rehabilitation centres in humane activity in terms of developing a values-based attitude towards people; making the “teacher-pupil” and “pupil-pupil” relationships more humanistic; increasing the readiness of rehabilitation centres teachers to develop a values-based attitude towards people in adolescents. Research methods are as follows: surveys, conversations, interviews; writing a mini-essay on the topic “Another Person in My Life”; the questionnaire on values-based orientations; the verbal associations method; discussions, tests, self-tests (assessing one’s behaviour in a conflict situation); the “eye to eye” adapted methodology; the story-role game “One Family”; pedagogical observations; an analysis of life and specially modelled situations. The international relevance of the article lies in the following: for the first time, pedagogical conditions for developing a values-based attitude towards other people in adolescents from rehabilitation institutions in Ukraine have been justified (elaborating and introducing the content, forms and methods; involving adolescents in humane activity; humanizing the relations in the teacher-pupil and pupil-pupil systems; enhancing the level of teachers’ readiness to develop a values-based attitude towards people in adolescents); relevant criteria with corresponding indicators have been determined. This can serve as an impetus to further research on the problem in question on the example of developing countries.</p

    Trends in the Development of the Pharmaceutical Market of Ukraine in the Conditions of Martial Law

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    The article identifies the problems and trends in the development of the pharmaceutical market under martial law. The influence of martial law on the development of the pharmaceutical market is studied. The dynamics of pharmacy sales of medicines and the structure of the related sales are determined. The problems that have arisen in the pharmaceutical industry in the current conditions are outline. The current state of the pharmaceutical market is analyzed, the factors that impede its development are identified. It is proved that in the context of the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, especially at the first stage, the problem of providing the population with medicines, medical devices and other types of parapharmaceutical products has significantly aggravated. The authors emphasize the peculiarities of marketing of pharmaceutical goods and services during martial law. The main directions of development of the pharmaceutical industry under martial law are defined. It is proved that at the beginning of the war, the purchase of medicines online was suspended due to the lack of courier delivery and supply of electricity in the regions where active military actions took place. However, despite the martial law situation, Ukrainian pharmaceutical companies continue to develop, create new medicines, provide jobs and, most importantly, provide the population with important medicines. The authors present the areas of the State support for the development of the pharmaceutical market. It is proved that the existing production and research facilities and qualified personnel allow rapid expansion of the range of medicines within the terms of public-private partnerships and government orders, which will increase the resilience of the health care system in the context of emergencies

    Psychological Factors Influencing on the Motivation to Study of Students of TEI

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    The importance of psychological factors is manifested in the ability of students to acquire knowledge, gaining skills, perception of educational information, attitude to others, mutual understanding with people around. Taking this into consideration, the purpose of the academic paper is to study the basic aspects of the development of teachers’ professional competence in the context of transformational processes in education. Such methods as: theoretical analysis, description, comparison, synthesis, grouping, measurement, observation and experiment, have been used in order to achieve the purpose and objectives outlined in the academic paper. It has been established that the motivation of students to carry out educational and professional activities is a set of psychological factors, through the influence of which the interconnection between the motivation and desire of the student to study is conducted. In the course of the investigation, it has been found that the influence of psychological factors is quite effective in the case of motivating students to study. It has been proven that increasing the motivation of students to study is possible through: a common learning environment in the students’ collective; students’ participation in discussions, conferences, competitions; work in groups; application of innovative technological methods of studying educational material