12,256 research outputs found

    Infrastructure Improvement and Its Impact on Indonesian Economic Performance

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    Indonesian government shows big commitment on the improvement of infrastructure which is reflected in some regulations and policies. It is supported by many empirical evidences that show the importance of infrastructure improvement on economic performance. In this paper, we develop a CGE model to analyze the impact of infrastructure on Indonesian economy by introducing several types of infrastructure and also discuss the impact of infrastructure on the poverty level. The results suggest that improvement on any types of infrastructure is expected will increase economic growth, raise government revenue, raise factorā€™s income and reduce the poverty level. Improvement on public work of agriculture, land transportation and telecommunication are still preferable option relative to others. Interestingly, even though public work of agriculture usually is located in rural areas, but the model suggest that public work of agriculture improvement will result higher impact on urban household relative to rural household.CGE

    Pembuatan Aplikasi Pemesanan Mobil Rental Dengan Layanan Web Berbasis Php & Mysql

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    Semakin bertambahnya popularitas internet, banyak bidang usaha terutama yang berskala besar sudah menyediakan pelayanan online, tetapi tidak demikian bagi usaha-usaha yang berskala kecil menengah seperti bidang usaha rental mobil, dengan memanfaatkan layanan web yang berisi informasi dan aplikasi pemesanan diharapkan akan menjadi media promosi dan akan memperlanjar proses pemesanan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam membangun aplikasi pemesanan mobil rental dengan layanan web adalah dengan cara analisa kebutuhan, perancangan sistem, desain database, dan desain dialog layar. Hasil penelitian menjadi tujuan akhir dari pembuatan aplikasi pemesanan mobil rental dengan layanan web berbasis php dan mysql, dimana hasil penelitian tersebut akan diimplementasikan dan diuji coba oleh pihak yang bersangkutan. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan quisioner yang telah diisi oleh pihak admin rental mobil dan beberapa member

    Advocacy Strategies of Civil Society Organisations in Decentralised Indonesia: an Exploration Using a Policy Window Framework

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    This article examines the advocacy strategies employed by civil society organizations (CSOs) within the framework of decentralized governance. Using the policy window framework and the concept of an opportunity stream, the analysis investigates the extent to which decentralized governance influences the strategies adopted by CSOs. The research was conducted in Indonesia, a newly democratized developing country, and focused on two case studies involving local government efforts to improve public services with the goal of poverty alleviation, as part of the country's bureaucratic reform initiatives. This article addresses two key research questions: What strategies did CSOs employ to seize opportunities for advocating policy changes, and how has decentralized governance impacted CSOs? The findings indicate that CSOs utilized a strategy that involved opening political, problem, and policy windows, which included elements of decentralized governance and bureaucratic reform, as well as challenges related to citizens' ability to voice complaints about poor services and resistance from local governments regarding reform efforts. The article contributes to the literature on decentralized governance and policy windows, offering insights into lessons learned and potential areas for future researc


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    Perda K3 Kota Bandung merupakan Peraturan regional yang memiliki sifat sapu jagad, dimana dalam Perda K3 ini termuat segala aspek-aspek kehidupan masyarakat yang secara mendalam diatur demi terselenggaranya Ketertiban, Kebersihan dan Keindahan. Latar belakang dibuatnya Perda K3 ini dikarenakan adanya suatu kebutuhan peraturan yang dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan kehidupan yang sangat berkenaan dengan aktivitas masyarakat setiap waktu. Adapun tujuan diimplementasikannya Perda K3 ini adalah agar masyarakat lebih memahami bagaimana sikap serta tindak yang sesuai dengan nilai-nilai kebersamaan akan mewujudkan lingkungan yang terjaga, dan juga tertanamnya kesadaran hukum lingkungan masyarakat yang akan menghasilkan budaya peduli lingkungan. Bertitik tolak pada uraian tersebut, maka penulis merumuskan beberapa rumusan masalah sebagai berikut: (1) Bagaimana kesadaran hukum lingkungan masyarakat Kota Bandung untuk melaksanakan Perda K3 Kota Bandung?; (2) Faktor apa yang mempengaruhi efektivitas penerapan Perda K3 Kota Bandung?; (3) Upaya apa yang dilakukan pemerintah dalam penerapan Perda K3 Kota Bandung dari awal dikeluarkan hingga pengawasan pelaksanaan di lapangan?. Agar memudahkan dalam mengungkap fenomena atas rumusan masalah tersebut, dalam penelitian ini digunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi deskriptif, hal ini bertujuan agar dari penelitian ini dapat tergambar bagaimana kondisi di lapangan baik melalui wawancara, observasi, studi dokumentasi dan studi litaratur. Adapaun subjek dalam penelitisn ini adalah pihak Satpol PP Kota Bandung, Dinas Pemakaman dan Pertamanan Kota Bandung, Petugas Kebersihan, dan juga Masyarakat pengguna fasilitas umum. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) Kondisi kesadaran hukum lingkungan pada masyarakat Kota Bandung yang peneliti temukan di Kawasan Tujuh Titik ini secara umum dipandang masih kurang, karena masyarakat masih mementingkan kepentingan pribadi dibandingkan kepentingan bersama saat berada di tempat umum; (2) Faktor pendukung utama adalah mulai terlihat secara nyata kinerja aparat pemerintah sehingga masyarakat secara tidak langsung memahami bagaimana sikap dan tindak yang boleh dan tidak boleh dilakukan, sedangkan faktor penghambat utama adalah kurangnya sosialisasi secara menyeluruh ke semua lapisan masyarakat, kinerja aparat yang masih kurang keberlanjutannya, dan juga fasilitas pendukung yang kurang memdai; (3) Upaya penanggulangan permasalahan di lapangan masih secara terus menerus dilakukan untuk memberikan pemahaman tentang Perda K3 ini, peningkatan kinerja agar tercapainya konsistensi dari tindakan aparat, serta menindaklanjuti kekurangan yang di temukan dari hasil evaluasi.; Perda K3 Bandung is a regional regulation which has the sapu jagad nature, Which is contained in the Perda K3 all aspects of community life, which deeply regulated for the implementation of Order, Hygiene and Beauty. Background made regulation of K3 is because there is a need for regulations to resolve the problems with regard to a life of community activities each time. The purpose of the implementation of this regulation of K3 is so that more people understand how attitudes and acts in accordance with the values of togetherness will realize sustainable environmental, and also embedded awareness of environmental law that will produce cultural communities concerned about the environment. Focused on the description, the authors formulate some formulation of the problem as follows: (1) How is the public awareness of environmental law for implementing a Bandung decision of K3 ?; (2) What factors influence the effectiveness of the application of Bandung regulation of K3?; (3) What efforts made by the government in implementing a law Bandung of K3 from the initial issue up to supervise the implementation on the ground ?. In order to facilitate the formulation of a phenomenon in exposing the problem, in this study used a qualitative approach with descriptive study method, it is intended that this research can be illustrated how the conditions in the field either through interviews, observation, documentation studies and studies litaratur. The subject in this penelitisn is the Bandung municipal police, the Department of Cemeteries and Landscaping Bandung, Officer Hygiene, as well as the user community public facilities. The results showed that: (1) Condition community awareness of environmental law in Bandung, which researchers found in Region Seven This point is generally regarded as still lacking, because people are still concerned with personal interests than the common interest while in public places; (2) Factors supporting the primary is starting to look a real performance of government officials so that people indirectly understand how attitudes and acts that can and can not do, while the limiting factor is the lack of socialization thoroughly into all levels of society, the performance of officials still lacking sustainability, and also less memdai support facilities; (3) The efforts the problems on the ground are continuously carried out to provide an understanding of regulation K3, improved performance in order to achieve consistency of the actions of officials, as well as follow up on deficiencies which were found from the evaluation


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    Career management is one part discussion of human resources management. Human resources reform is a crucial element for the effectiveness of the performance of the bureaucracy. Especially for the Ministry for administrative and Bureaucratic reform of the State apparatus who have the authority to organize community resources bureaucratic apparatus. The challenge to organize community resources the apparatus must first be answered by the Ministry for administrative reform of the State apparatus and bureaucracy by making internal improvements, including revamping the management of careers. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the management career in the Ministry of utilization of State apparatus and reform the bureaucracy. This study used a qualitative approach. The data collected through the study of literature, interviews and observation. The data were analyzed using qualitative data analysis techniques, Miles and Huberman model consisting of data reduction, data display, and data verification. This research concluded that the Ministry for administrative and bureaucratic State apparatus reform (1) hiring employees through the process of recruitment of prospective civil servants abbreviated as (CPNS) and selection of high leadership position open and cannot be released from the problems in the recruitment process, two (2) places employees according the required position or desires, even though there are problems in the analysis of the position and workload analysis, (3) developing employees through learning and a learning permit, and (4) lay off employees appropriate conditions


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    Every language in the world has its own unique features, which distinguishes it from others. Indonesia, for example, consists of many Islands and each has its own language or dialect. This it is not surprising that Indonesia has many local languages with their own characteristics, habits and custom. Among the local languages, the writer chose Madurese language in thesis especially on Madurese Terms of address spoken by Situbondo people. Most of Situbondo use Madurese dialect but since many people who are not natives of Madurese often do not know the right ways to use the terms of address when they communicate with native speakers. The problem discussed in this study are: what terms of address are used in Madurese Situbondo dialect, what are the function and the meaning of those terms of address, how are the terms of address related to age and status, and who uses those terms and in what situation are the terms used. In other words, the writer analyzes the problems from sociolinguistic theory. The objective of the study is to answer the problems clearly by describing the kinds of terms of address based on the family terms, the second person functions including pronoun, and name of person. The data of this study were obtained from five native speakers of Madurese Situbondo dialect. The writer limits native speakers for this thesis to only Situbondo native speakers without making any differentiation. However the adults here are those who know well the social structure of their society. The writer decided to select only adult of around twenty-five years old or more data use collected through interviews and observations. This study used descriptive research design. The collected data were classified and analyzed based on terms of address in Madurese society, namely family terms, the second person function including pronouns, and name of person. The family terms which are used for addressing a person are: (1) Kae or jai, (2) nyai or nyi, (3) Eppaā€™ or mamaā€™, (4) embuā€™ or ebuā€™, (5) Bapak, (6) Ibu, (7) Oba or waā€™, (8) obaā€™ bineā€™ or baā€™, (9) paman or anom, (10) bibbiā€™, (11) Kakang, (12) embhug or baā€™ayu, (13) aleā€™ or adhiā€™, (14) cebbing, (15) kacong, (16) cong enneā€™ or bing enneā€™, (17) jujuā€™. The first personal pronouns which are used for addressing a person are (1) Sengkoā€™ or Engkoā€™, (2) Badan kaula and (3) Abdina. The second personal pronouns which are used for addressing a person are (1) Baā€™na, (2) Sampeyan or empeyan (3) Panjhenengan. Name of person, is divided into three ways: the first name shortened the name and using nickname. Finally, the writer hope that this thesis can be the source of knowledge and information of Madurese terms of address used in Situbondo and people can use this when they communicate with Situbondo Madurese people

    Hate Speech di Indonesia

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    This article aims to explain hate speech in Indonesia and its solution. The theory used in this article is Critical Race Theory which is initiated by Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic. This Critical Race Theory is also sustained by an Islamic perspective so as to be found the causes of hate speech and solutions that must be done. This paper concludes that: First, hate speech in Indonesia is verbally and non-verbally done which is delivered both directly and indirectly (social media). Second, hate speech in Indonesia causes social inequality, non-respectful attitudes, and national decline. Third, hate speech does not reflect the character of the Indonesian people who uphold ethics and the values of nationalism. Fourth, hate speech triggers violence and intolerance of religions, ethnicities, races, and groups. Hate speech must be jointly solved by government, religious leaders and society


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    Under regional autonomy/decentralisation regime at city level that has been just implemented in Indonesia for about four years, city governments are likely tempted to pursue some sorts of territorial competition policy to affect firms' location decisions. By investigating the spatial pattern of manufacturing industries, there is evidence that the location decisions of industrial activities in East Java is subject to some sorts of agglomeration forces, most notably natural advantages and spillovers (due to both intra and inter-industry linkages). The finding suggests that such policy, especially the short-term, ad hoc, fiscal and financial-based, and politically driven one, that intends to intervene the observed spatial pattern may appear to be useless and/or costly Therefore, it implies that public resources might be better allocated onto measures that are deemed to have more strategic impact for sustainable local economic development (in the case of "eriphery" cities) or to deliver better public services for businesses (in the case of "core" cities)

    Revisiting Interreligious Relationship and Minority Groups in Indonesia

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    Indonesia is a democratic country. Every believer is free to worship according to their beliefs. But in fact, it is still found disharmonious relationship and violence acts between Islamic minority groups or other minority adherents and Islamic majority groups. Based on Setara Institute, there are still 201 violations (2017) and 208 (2016) in this country. Then, bom terrors to minorities groups still happen (On May 13, 2018 in Surabaya). This article aims to describe the meaning of interreligious relationship, the portrait of interreligious relationship in Indonesia, and how to foster tolerance and defend minority groups in the context of Indonesian Islam. This article is analyzed by using ā€œthe theory of interreligious relationship perspectiveā€. This paper concluded that: the first, to avoid religious conflict and violent acts, everyone must return to the motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity). The second, Islamic minority groups or minority religious adherents are not allowed to be oppressed by any other groups because of different belief. The violent acts are contrary to the 1945 Constitution and Pancasila. Everyone has right to live in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). The third, imams, ulamas, and religious leaders can function to be deterrent in religion conflict and violent acts by doing dialogue or win-win solution while referring to Islamic traditions. This study is hoped to be researched and explored more comprehensive in the future in order harmonious religious life in Indonesia will be better
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