201 research outputs found

    Anatomi makalah Jurnal Geoaplika dan hal unik lainnya

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    Makalah ini menjelaskan anatomi makalah dan beberapa hal baru terkait prinsip sains terbuka yang dianut oleh Jurnal Geoaplika, yaitu: open access, open review, dan open data. Ini tercermin dari anatomi makalah yang kami sampaikan dalam Undangan Pengiriman Makalah


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    Di Daerah Pangalengan terdapat banyak mata air yang telah dimanfaatkan untuk kegiatan perkebunan dan pemenuhan kebutuhan domestik.  Dari penelitian terdahulu, diketahui ada beberapa mata air yang telah dimanfaatkan penduduk dan layak untuk digunakan sebagai air baku, diantaranya adalah mata air Cidurugdug. Di daerah studi terdapat sekitar 300 KK yang memanfaatkan air dari sumber mata air.  Namun demikian kondisi distribusi yang ada secara teknis memiliki banyak kekurangan, antara lain memiliki kehilangan energi yang cukup tinggi.  Karena debit aliran yang menuju ke pengguna sangat kecil maka pengguna cenderung membuka secara menerus sambungan mereka. Hal ini mengakibatkan kehilangan air yang relatif besar. Debit yang tersedia berdasarkan hasil pengamatan lapangan adalah 2 l/s. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk memperoleh sistem distribusi air secara gravitasi yang sesuai dengan topografi serta sebaran populasi, sehingga dapat mencukupi kebutuhan masyarakat.  Selain itu pemanfaatan air bisa lebih efektif dan tidak banyak air yang terbuang, serta sistem ini dapat dikelola secara berkelanjutan. Metodologi dalam pelaksanaan studi ini adalah dengan melakukan pengumpulan data, survei lapangan, analisis kebutuhan air domestik, evaluasi kondisi eksisting, dan pemodelan sistim distribusi dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak EPANET.  Dari data dan hasil pemodelan diperoleh sistem yang ideal, untuk kemudian akan disesuaikan dengan kondisi lapangan dalam hal penerapannya. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa skema jaringan transmisi dan distribusi air baku yang saat ini telah diterapkan di kawasan penelitian (RW 13 dan 14, Desa Pangalengan). Dengan adanya jaringan distribusi melalui Pengelolaan Air Minum Pedesaan (PAMDES) maka nilai manfaat air di Desa Pangalengan dapat ditingkatkan secara merata dan berkelanjutan.

    Pembangunan sistem informasi pengelolaan air tanah di Kota Bandung

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    Kebutuhan akan sistem informasi pengelolaan air tanah di Kota Bandung sudah sangat mendesak. Pemompaan air tanah yang terus-menerus tanpa batasan yang jelas memperburuk kondisi tersebut. Saat ini aplikasi pengelolaan air tanah di Badan Pengelola Lingkungan Hidup Kota Bandung masih sangat terbatas. Aplikasi pemantauan muka air tanah dan perhitungan pajak air tanah telah dijalankan, tetapi belum terintegrasi dalam satu sistem informasi pengelolaan air tanah. Untuk itu tim mengusulkan program penelitian skema ipteks ini untuk membantu lembaga tersebut serta lembaga lain yang terkait agar dapat memiliki dan mengoperasikan sistem informasi agar dapat mengelola air tanah secara lebih berkelanjutan. Saat ini kab/kota di Indonesia masih belum memiliki standar baku sisfo pengelolaan air tanah yang sesuai dengan prinsip pengelolaan lingkungan keberlanjutan. Untuk itu prototip hasil penelitian ini dapat memiliki dampak yang sangat luas

    Decreasing groundwater quality at Cisadane riverbanks: groundwater-surface water approach

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    The decreasing of groundwater quality has been the major issue in Tangerang area. One of the key process is the interaction between groundwater and Cisadane river water, which flows over volcanic deposits of Bojongmanik Fm, Genteng Fm, Tuf Banten, and Alluvial Fan. The objective of this study is to unravel such interactions based on the potentiometric mapping in the riverbank. We had 60 stop sites along the riverbank for groundwater and river water level observations, and chemical measurements (TDS, EC, temp, and pH). Three river water gauge were also analyzed to see the fluctuations. We identified three types of hydrodynamic relationships with fairly low flow gradients: effluent flow at Segmen I (Kranggan - Batuceper) with 0.2-0.25 gradient, perched flow at Segmen II (Batuceper-Kalibaru) with gradient 0.2-0.25, and influent flow at Segmen III (Kalibaru-Tanjungburung) with gradient 0.15-0.20. Such low flow gradient is controlled by the moderate to low morphological slope in the area. The gaining and losing stream model were also supported by the river water fluctuation data. TDS and EC readings increased more than 40%\% from upstream to downstream. At some points the both measurements were two times higher than the permissible limits, along with the drops of pH values at those areas. This study shows the very close interaction between Cisadane river water and groundwater in the riverbank. Therefore the authorities need to be managed the areas with a very strict regulations related to the small and large scale industries located near by the river.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, have been presented in Asian Physics Symposium in Indonesia 2015 and will be published in IOP Conference Serie

    Eartharxiv: Today and Tomorrow

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    EarthArXiv is a preprint service for the Earth sciences — a web-based system that enables open access publishing of non peer-reviewed scholarly manuscripts before publication in a peer-reviewed journal. In this presentation, we provide analytics on the usage of EarthArXiv across a number of sub-disciplines of Earth science. Data indicate that the service in general is growing, but with submission rates varying amongst discipline. The trend of the preprint-to-postprint ratio for each discipline also provides insight into how the various Earth science communities are using the service. We investigate were preprints are published after submission to EarthArXiv and examine how many of these publication venues are listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals. Finally, we will discuss future opportunities we are exploring to make preprints more accepted and easier to use

    Comparison and Cost Analysis of Drinking Water Quality Monitoring Requirements versus Practice in Seven Developing Countries

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    Drinking water quality monitoring programs aim to support provision of safe drinking water by informing water quality management. Little evidence or guidance exists on best monitoring practices for low resource settings. Lack of financial, human, and technological resources reduce a country’s ability to monitor water supply. Monitoring activities were characterized in Cambodia, Colombia, India (three states), Jordan, Peru, South Africa, and Uganda according to water sector responsibilities, monitoring approaches, and marginal cost. The seven study countries were selected to represent a range of low resource settings. The focus was on monitoring of microbiological parameters, such as E. coli, coliforms, and H2S-producing microorganisms. Data collection involved qualitative and quantitative methods. Across seven study countries, few distinct approaches to monitoring were observed, and in all but one country all monitoring relied on fixed laboratories for sample analysis. Compliance with monitoring requirements was highest for operational monitoring of large water supplies in urban areas. Sample transport and labor for sample collection and analysis together constitute approximately 75% of marginal costs, which exclude capital costs. There is potential for substantive optimization of monitoring programs by considering field-based testing and by fundamentally reconsidering monitoring approaches for non-piped supplies. This is the first study to look quantitatively at water quality monitoring practices in multiple developing countries

    How to Extend your Data Lifetime: Research Data Management in Indonesia’s Context

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    Data is the basis of research. On the other side,the world has a problem of replication. The first problem is we don’t really know how to manage our own data to able to reanalyze it at some point after the research has been finished. The lifetime of data is very short, in only one or two fiscal years. In this article we will describe on how to write a research data management in order to extend the lifetime of data. There are seven basic components to remember before writing a proper research data management: (1) Data storage and software, (2) Metadata, (3) Structure, (4) Persistent link, (5) Licensing, (6) Data maintainer, (7) Indexing. In several fields, including medicine, an anomyzation strategy will be needed. We also need to put into account the Intellectual Property Rights and data ownership in to the equation, as Indonesian scientists are not properly exposed to those subjects. Keywords: Research data management, data sharing, open dat