34 research outputs found
Physical and Mechanical Properties of Palm Oil Frond and Stem Bunch for Developing Pruner and Harvester Machinery Design
A development of oil palm pruner and harvester machinery design implemented in the field still faces a problem due to the lack of effective and efficient design which is need to be solved. It was noted that in order to develop the design, an early data and information of physical and mechanical properties of palm oil frond and stem fruits is critically important. The objective of the research was to obtain the physical and mechanical properties of palm oil frond and stem in order to develop the design of pruner and harvester machinery. The result showed that tool machinery was been advantageous by the physical properties of the plant i.e. the total weight of frond and leaf which enable to support the cutting process. The average of total weight of frond and leaf was 16.8 kg. The diagonal cutting trajectory was been more advantageous because of total weight and frond shape toward to the different of the plant tissue area. The measurement result shows that cutting curve follows the time required for cutting. The comparison among cutting curve shows differences in cutting thickness or length. In this case, the thickness is linear with cutting time. Besides, those curves show differences at the height which determine the maximum value of tested material cutting resistance. Alternative solution for machinery development design is pruner-harvester for height plant below 6 m and among 6 to 12 m. For below 6 m, pruner-harvester was designed by incorporating motor as power source and cutter-disc as the knife cutter. That condition was relied on that estate which was maintenance intensively commonly used cutter-disc. Pruner-harvester above 6 m and up to 12 m was improved based on manual egrek-designed by adding fresh fruit bunch alley supply glide in order to keep the fruits still in intact form. The consideration was based on affectivity and efficiency. It also considers homogenous ecological of palm oil plant which should be maintained to reduce global warming effect. Information obtained in this research could become positive consideration and alternative solution to provide problem solvingat early development design of palm oil pruner and harvester machinery
The objective of this researchis identification local low land rice cultivars explored based on morphological and agronomical character from East Kalimantan. This research used single plot and single plant method. The data were then analyzed by computerized Cluster Analysis. Research result showed identification stalk and plant heightwas found that most cultivar were medium height ( 130 cm), medium stalk diameter (5-7 mm), large amount of tillerand productive tiller ( 25 tillers). Identification on morphological character or traits of ligule and leaf showed that all cultivars had colorless or white and split-shaped ligules, light green collars, and light green auricles. Most of them had ligules of medium length ( 20 mm), leaves of medium length ( 61-80 cm), narrow leaf width (1-2 cm), smooth leaf surface, and green colored leaves.The results of identification on morphological traits of panicle and grain showed that any cultivar have axis of panicle floppy and that a greater part of the cultivars had long panicles (25 cm), compact and straggle or dense panicles, relatively large amount of secondary branches, panicle position is a little above the flag leaf, rice grain most of which were tilled with yellow strawcolor, stigma of rice with yellow strawcolor, head pistil with white color, palea lemma with yellow strawcolor, lemma sterile turn yellow straw color with sterile length of lemma in short criterion.The result of cluster analysis combination of all existing traits or character indicated that 26 local low land rice cultivar of East Kalimantan identified there were not found cultivarsof 100 % similar.Keywords: identification, local cultivar, low land rice, Agronomy, Morpholog
Pengendalian Mutu Selai Kecombrang Melalui Perbaikan Pengolahan Pada Koperasi Perempuan Pelestari Hutan (KPPH) di Rejang Lebong
Target community of this activity was forest conservative women who produced various food products including jam, syrup, “dodol” cake, and sticks whose qualities needed to be improved. It was observed that the “kecombrang” jam and syrup brought up different colors for each production run. The unpleasant taste was identified in the dodol cake. The jackfruit stick lacked crunchiness which might be due to improper drying. The objective of this community service activity was a technology transfer consisting of three topics: (1) Quality control in material handling to avoid browning of raw material (2) Quality control of food processing to improve the quality of resulting products, and (3) Introduction of food drying utilizing a YSD-UNIB12 solar dryer. The activity included: meeting coordination and material preparation, counseling, and interactive dialogue. The result indicated that 70% mastered the delivery topics and 30% understood some parts of them. Participants were very enthusiastic in participating in the counseling conducted by the team.Target community of this activity was forest conservative women who produced various food products including jam, syrup, “dodol” cake, and sticks whose qualities needed to be improved. It was observed that the “kecombrang” jam and syrup brought up different colors for each production run. The unpleasant taste was identified in the dodol cake. The jackfruit stick lacked crunchiness which might be due to improper drying. The objective of this community service activity was a technology transfer consisting of three topics: (1) Quality control in material handling to avoid browning of raw material (2) Quality control of food processing to improve the quality of resulting products, and (3) Introduction of food drying utilizing a YSD-UNIB12 solar dryer. The activity included: meeting coordination and material preparation, counseling, and interactive dialogue. The result indicated that 70% mastered the delivery topics and 30% understood some parts of them. Participants were very enthusiastic in participating in the counseling conducted by the team
The need for electrical energy is increasing in every area and year. However, not all sites can be fulfilled - incredibly outlandish locations. At the same time, the natural potential in there, such as river irrigation flows, can be used as an additional source of electricity for the area. This paper describes the science and technology-based community service activities by applying appropriate micro-hydro technology to produce electrical energy. This service aims to optimize natural potential in the form of rice field irrigation channels as street lighting in Rindu Hati Village, Central Bengkulu Regency. The methods are socialization and design of micro hydro systems with service participants. The service implementation consists of equipment preparation, socialization, and installation of a micro-hydro system with service participants from members of a group ‘Pokdarwis’ of the Rindu Hati Village. The involvement of participants with the service team made this activity possible to carry out properly so that street lighting with energy sources from irrigation channels could be realized. Monitoring the condition of the sustainability of the micro-hydro system was still carried out by appointing one of the service participants as the person in charge of the micro-hydro system. --- Kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap energi listrik setiap tahun terus meningkat. Namun tidak semua daerah dapat tercukupi kebutuhan listriknya, terutama untuk daerah yang terpencil, sedangkan potensi alam di daerah terpencil seperti aliran irigasi sungai dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber listrik tambahan bagi daerah tersebut . Tulisan ini memaparkan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat berbasis iptek melalui penerapan teknologi tepat guna mikrohidro dalam upaya menghasilkan energi listrik. Tujuan pengabdian ini untuk mengoptimalkan potensi alam berupa saluran irigasi sawah sebagai penerangan jalan Desa Rindu Hati, Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah. Metode yang digunakan adalah sosialisasi dan rancang bangun sistem mikrohidro dengan peserta pengabdian. Pelaksanaan pengabdian terdiri dari tahapan persiapan perangkat, sosialisasi dan instalasi skistem mikrohidro dengan peserta pengabdian yang berasal dari anggota Pokdarwis Desa Rindu Hati. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah terbentuknya sistem mikrohidro yang memanfaatkan aliran irigasi sungai sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber penerangan lampu jalan di lokasi tersebut.Pemantauan kondisi keberlangsungan sistem mikrohidro tetap dilakukan dengan penunjukkan salah seorang peserta pengabdian sebagai penanggung jawab sistem mikrohidro
Kajian Pengeringan pada Pengering Tipe Rak dengan Konveksi Panas dari Pipa yang Dialiri Air Panas Geothermal
This research aims to obtain the temperature performance of heat convection from hot water flow in pipes in the drying chamber during the drying process. This research method descriptively examines the drying function and the hot air flow process in the drying system. The results obtained from the research show that the average temperature in the drying room is 37oC while the temperature outside the dryer (environmental temperature) is 22oC. To dry 2 mm thick cassava slices from an ingredient weight of 23 g to 8 g, it takes 8-10 hours. The longer the drying time, the lower the moisture ratio value. An increase in temperature affects a decrease in the moisture ratio in geothermal hot water flow dryer. The decrease in the moisture ratio value was influenced by the decrease in the water content of the material during the drying process. The distribution of temperature movements that occur in the drying room at the beginning of the drying process where the room temperature moves turbulensitly from 30.8 - 35.1oC. During the drying process, the movement of heat distribution shows the active phenomenon of a convection heat source from the side of the drying chamber which is a spiral-shaped heating design around the drying chamber. The constant temperature is 36 – 38oC which is the hottest temperature that is almost uniform in the drying room. The use of hot water energy from geothermal hot springs can be an alternative continuous and hygienic drying proces
Pohon kelapa merupakan salah satu tanaman yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat
di Indonesia. Pada tahun 2018 tiap bulannya di Pantai Panjang rata-rata limbah kelapa muda
yang dihasilkan mencapai 15 ton, dan untuk daerah Kota Bengkulu tiap bulannya rata rata
limbah kelapa muda yang dihasilkan sebanyak 7 ton. Jika dijumlahkan hasil limbah kelapa
muda yang berada di Kota Bengkulu yaitu sebanyak 22 ton, hasil ini serupa dengan hasil
limbah suatu industri. Jika dikelola dengan baik hasil pembakaran ini dapat menghasilkan
produk yang bermanfaat sebagai asap cair. Asap cair merupakan suatu hasil kondensasi dari
uap hasil pembakaran secara langsung maupun tidak langsung dari bahan-bahan yang banyak
mengandung lignin, selulosa, hemiselulosa serta senyawa karbon lainnya.
Bahan yang digunakan berupa limbah kelapa yang sudah tidak terpakai, didapat dari
penjual es kelapa muda yang berada di pesisir Pantai Panjang , Rancangan yang digunakan
adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 6 taraf perlakuan 3 pengulangan sehingga
diperoleh 18 kombinasi perlakuan. Perlakuan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut K1
(Kadar air 16%), K2 (Kadar air 20%), K3 (Kadar air 24%), K4 (Kadar air 28%), K5 (Kadar
air 32%), K6 (Kadar air 36%). Proses pembuatan asap cair mengacu pada Karima (2014),
Persiapan bahan baku yaitu bahan pembakar dengan menyiapkan limbah kelapa muda yang
didapat dari Pantai Panjang Kota Bengkulu. Pengukuran kadar air limbah kelapa menurut SNI
01-2891-1992 yaitu dengan memotong kecil-kecil limbah kelapa menggunakan golok dengan
ukuran 5-8 cm. Kemudian ditimbang limbah kelapa untuk diketahui berat awal lalu
dikeringkan menggunakan tenaga cahaya matahari. Selanjutnya diambil sampel limbah kelapa
dan ditimbang 10 gram, kemudian diletakan dalam wadah cawan penguap, dan dimasukan ke
dalam oven dengan suhu 105oC selama 3-5 jam. Selanjutnya dimasukan sampel ke dalam
desikator untuk didinginkan sampel, kemudian dihitung berat keringnya dan disiapkan setiap
kelompok perlakuan kadar air yaitu 16%, 20%, 24%, 28%, 32% dan 36% dan dihentikan
pengeringan ketika berat sampel sudah lebih kecil dari berat basah dan siap di angkat.
Pembuatan asap cair dimulai dengan cara limbah kelapa muda dengan kadar air sesuai
perlakuan dimasukan ke dalam reaktor pirolisis. Setiap kali pembakaran bahan sabut kelapa
muda sebanyak 1500 g dimasukkan ke dalam tabung reaktor, Kemudian tabung ditutup
dengan rapat. Selanjutnya rangkaian alat kondensasi dipasang dan tabung pendingin dialiri
dengan air dingin. Api dinyalakan untuk membakar tabung reaktor. Bahan di dalam tabung
reaktor akan panas dan akan mengalami pirolisis. Asap akan keluar dari wadah dan masuk ke
dalam kondensor yang akhirnya mengeluarkan cairan hasil kondensasi ditampung di dalam
botol. Pemanasan diakhiri sampai tidak ada asap cair yang menetes dalam wadah penampung.
Parameter-yang diamati pada penelitian ini antara lain yaitu rendemen,kadar asam, kadar
fenol dan pH. Data dianalisi menggunakan ANOVA dengan taraf 5% dan dilanjutkan dengan
uji DMRT.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik fisik limbah kelapa muda tidak
memiliki banyak perbedaan, hal ini disebabkan karena nilai kadar air bahan limbah kelapa
muda memiliki nilai kadar air dengan jarak yang tidak cukup jauh yaitu dengan nilai interval
4%, akan tetapi berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat dikatakan bahwa nilai kadar air bahan baku
pada proses pembuatan asap cair memberi pengaruh terhadap rendemen dan mutu asap cair
yang dihasilkan secara pirolisis. Hasil analisis kimia asap cair limbah kelapa muda terpilih
adalah asap cair limbah kelapa muda kadar air 16% (KA1), karena memiliki rendemen
sebesar 9,06%. Total asam tertitrasi 5,2% dan kadar fenol 4,52% lebih tinggi dibandingkan
dengan perlakuan yang lain. Total asam tertitrasi 5,2% yang dihasilkan sudah memenuhi
standar mutu asap cair yaitu sekitar 4,5-15,0%. Kadar fenol yang dihasilkan pada penelitian
ini masih belum memenuhi standar mutu asap cair yaitu sekitar 4,6-15,0%. Nilai pH yang
rendah akan mempengaruhi terhadap tingginya total asam tertitrasi dan kadar fenol. Karena
pH, total asam tertitrasi dan kadar fenol saling berkaitan satu dengan yang lainya. pH 2,6 yang
terdapat pada asap cair limbah kelapa muda sudah memenuhi setandar mutu asap cair yaitu
sekitar 1,5-3,0
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui: interaksi antara jumlah daun dan konsentrasi Rootone-F; pengaruh jumlah daun; dan pengaruh Rootone-F terhadap pertumbuhan bibit jeruk nipis lemon asal stek pucuk secara tunggal. Penelitian dilaksanakan sejak bulan November 2017 sampai Februari 2018 di Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mulawarman. Percobaan faktorial disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan lima ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah jumlah daun, terdiri atas: 5, 7 dan 9 helai daun, sedangkan faktor kedua adalah konsentrasi Rootone-F, terdiri atas: 0,00; 0,05; 0,10 dan 0,15 g mL-1. Variabel yang diamati meliputi: saat muncul tunas, jumlah tunas, jumlah daun, panjang tunas, diameter tunas, jumlah akar dan panjang akar. Data dianalisis menggunakan sidik ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan Uji Beda Nyata Terkecil pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa interaksi antara jumlah daun dan konsentrasi Rootone-F berbeda tidak nyata pada semua variabel yang diamati, kecuali diameter tunas. Pengaruh jumlah daun berbeda nyata terhadap variabel yang diamati, kecuali jumlah tunas, jumlah daun, dan panjang tunas pada umur 12 minggu setelah tanam (MST). Pengaruh konsentrasi Rootone-F berbeda nyata pada semua variabel yang diamati, kecuali jumlah tunas dan jumlah daun pada 6 MST. Pertumbuhan bibit jeruk nipis lemon terbaik diperoleh pada perlakuan 9 helai daun dan dan konsentrasi Rootone-F 0,10 g mL-1 secara tunggal.
Pengaruh pemberian bahan organik pada tanah liat dan lempung berliat terhadap kemampuan mengikat air
Amount of water that obtained soil depend on soil ability to quick absorp and continue water accepted from soil surface. Water holding capacity of soil are influenced by soil texture and organic matter. The purpose of th is research was to study soil water holding capacity on two textures of soils l.e. clay, and clay loam by organic matter application of chicken manure and compost. Those treatments were control, combined of chicken manure different texture soils, and combined of compost different texture soil. Chicken manure and compost application consisted of two levels of 30 9 5 kg-l soil texture and 50 9 5 kg-l soil texture, respectively. Soil texture consisted of two kinds l.e, clay, and clay loam. The research was analyzed according to descriftive method. Result of this research indicated that the highest available water capacity of 17.352 % was given by combined t reatment of 50 9 compost of 5 kg clay textured soils. The lowest evaporation rate had occur at clay texture soils
Pengaruh pemberian bahan organik pada tanah liat dan lempung berliat terhadap kemampuan mengikat air
Amount of water that obtained soil depend on soil ability to quick absorp and continue water accepted from soil surface. Water holding capacity of soil are influenced by soil texture and organic matter. The purpose of th is research was to study soil water holding capacity on two textures of soils l.e. clay, and clay loam by organic matter application of chicken manure and compost. Those treatments were control, combined of chicken manure different texture soils, and combined of compost different texture soil. Chicken manure and compost application consisted of two levels of 30 9 5 kg-l soil texture and 50 9 5 kg-l soil texture, respectively. Soil texture consisted of two kinds l.e, clay, and clay loam. The research was analyzed according to descriftive method. Result of this research indicated that the highest available water capacity of 17.352 % was given by combined t reatment of 50 9 compost of 5 kg clay textured soils. The lowest evaporation rate had occur at clay texture soils
Result of Six Local Upland Rice Cultivars of East Kalimantan at Different Plant Spacing
The objective of this research was to evaluate the response of six upland rice cultivars from East Kalimantan over different plant spacing. The experiment was conducted at Kutai Kartanegara district in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The experimental design used was the factorial experiment in Randomized Completely Block Design (RCDB) with three replications. The first factor was six upland rice cultivars of East Kalimantan, i.e.: v1 (Mayas Pancing), v2 (Gedagai), v3 (Bogor Putih), v4 (Mayas Putih), v5 (Serai) and v6 (Kunyit). The second factor was plant spacing i.e.: j1 (20 x 20 cm) and j2 (30 x 30 cm). The results showed that among the six cultivars, Gedagai, Bogor Putih and Kunyit produced higher yield than other varieties. Gedagai and Bogor Putih cultivars produced higher yield of 2.99 ton ha-1 at plant spacing 20 x 20 cm, whereas Kunyit produced higher yield of 2.66 ton ha-1 at plant spacing 30 x 30 cm. The agronomic characters showed that plant height of the six cultivars differed significantly at harvest time. In addition, highly significant differences of harvest time were observed of the six cultivars