Agrovigor: Jurnal Agroekoteknologi
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    312 research outputs found

    Effectiveness rabbitt's manure liquid organic fertilizer dosage and time of aplication on purple sweet corn

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    Purple corn is a commodity that is not been widely cultivated in Indonesia. The nutritional value of purple corn is higher than yellow and white corn. Purple corn contains anthocyanin components that act as antioxidant compounds in the prevention of several diseases such as cancer, diabetes, cholesterol, and coronary heart disease. Purple corn can also be used as a raw material for making additional food. The objective of this study was to investigate the interaction effect of rabbit manure liquid fertilizer (LOF) concentration and application time on the growth and yield of purple sweet corn. The research was carried out at the Integrated Field Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Kadiri Islamic University from September to November 2021. This factorial experiment was arranged in a randomized block design consisting of 2 factors. The first factor was the concentration of LOF (U) which consisted of 4 levels, namely U0 is 0 mL/plant, U1 is 20 mL/plant, U2 is 30 mL/plant, and U3 is 40 mL/plant. The second factor was the application time of rabbit LOF (A) involving 2 levels, namely A1 is 1 week before planting and A2 is 1 week after planting.  The combination of both factors resulted in 8 treatment combinations.  Each treatment was replicated 3 times. The results showed that there was no interaction between the concentration of rabbit’s manure LOF and application time on the growth and yield of purple sweet corn. The concentration of LOF had a significant effect on cob weight, while the time of application had a significant effect on cob weight without cob and sweetness levels

    Study of yellow leaf virus disease on eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) in West Sumatra

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    Yellow leaf virus disease, accompanied by vector insect attacks, was the leading cause of the current decline in eggplant production. Yellow leaf virus disease spreads more quickly due to the influence of insect vectors. The research aims to determine the type of insect vector that spreads yellow leaf virus disease and the incidence and severity of yellow leaf virus disease on eggplants in West Sumatra. This research method uses a survey method for five months in 2023. The sample was taken diagonally with five observation points. At each point, five plant samples were taken randomly. Observations were carried out three times at four locations representing the centers of eggplant production areas in West Sumatra, namely in Kuranji District, Pauh District, Batang Anai District, and Sitoga District. Five different vector insect species were discovered, along with their corresponding population sizes, according to the observations: Bemisia tabaci (5846 individuals), Amrasca sp. (1199 individuals), Thrips sp. (176 individuals), Paracoccus sp. (43 individuals), and Aphids gosypii (34 individuals). The incidence of the disease reached 90% with the severity of the disease being 42.45% in Sitoga District. The highest disease severity was 43.94% in Kuranji District, with an incidence of the disease of 70%. This research helps implement strategies to control yellow leaf virus disease by determining the threshold for the influence of the number of vector insect populations in increasing the incidence and severity of yellow leaf virus disease in eggplants

    Study of land potential based on soil characteristics using interpolation and scoring methods for non agricultural uses: a case study in Wonosalam, Jombang District, East Java

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    The state asset land managed by UPN "Veteran" East Java is located in the Wonosalam District based on land certificate data issued by the Jombang BPN covering 13.5 hectares. Currently more than 50% of the land has not been used optimally to support learning, research and community service. The problems that arise in utilizing land assets to support learning, research and community service are 1) the legal boundaries of land ownership are not yet clear, 2) there is no land use master plan to support the learning process, 3) there is no potential data that can be used. prepare use and development plans. Against the background of the problems above, this research aims to map the potential of state land assets by "spatial interpolation, scoring and weight overlay" of land characteristics. Interpolation is a way of calculating the area of several representative measurement points, while scoring and "Weight Overlay" is a facility provided by ArcMap GIS which combines input spatial data with weighting (weight factor) and scoring. Land unit maps are obtained from overlaying relief, geology, slope and land use maps. Interpolation, Scoring and Weight Overlay of the nine land characteristics yielded a potential land asset for buildings, good category 16.61% (44,130.38 m2); moderate 25.66% (67,382.75 m2) and bad 7.523% (19,784.88 m2). Playing field potential, good category 54.73% (71,865.05 m2) and medium 45.27% (59,432.62 m2). Potential for road infrastructure development in the good category 32.38% (42513.74 m2); Moderate 42.68% (56035.24 m2) and Bad 24.94% (32748.69 m2), and all of these potentials are in Slightly Flat topography (Slope, 0-3%) to hilly (Slope, 15-25%)

    Variation and clustering analysis of several species of soursop family (Annonaceae) based on vegetative morphology characters

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    The Annonaceae family exhibited a high level of diversity and is spread over many regions. The designation of the names of several species of the Annonaceae family varies in each region.  Therefore, characterization is needed to confirm and classify the taxonomy position of the species. This study aims to characterize the variation and analyze the clustering pattern of several species of the Annonaceae based on vegetative morphology characters. The type of method used in this research is exploratory descriptive, with seventeen specimen species consisting of ten Annonaceae studied in this research. Characters observed include tree age, stem diameter, plant height, stem color, type of sapling, type of branching, leaf shape, leaf tip shape, leaf base shape, leaf width, leaf length, leaf thickness, petiole length and thickness, leaf hairs , color of young and mature leaves, type of leaf edge, number of leaf veins, color of young branches, leaf hairs on young branches, and number of nodes on the stem per meter. These qualitative and quantitative characters were observed using Descriptors for Cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.) from Bioversity International and CHERLA. Data analysis was conducted in the Paleontological Statistics program with cluster analysis method (Bray-curtis similarity index) to produce a dendrogram topology. Results showed that there were variations in vegetative morphological characteristics among the ten species examined. Dendrogram topology was divided into 3 groups relatively following the tribe division, with similarity index 0.64 to 0.96. Xylopia sp. was separated from the others in Group 1 (Xylopiae). Group 2 (Uvariae) consisted of Fissistigma sp., Desmos chinensis, Artabotrys suaveolens, Uvaria purpurea, and Desmos sp. Group 3 (Annoneae) consisted of Annona muricata, Annona montana, Stelechocarpus burahol, and Annona glabra. Vegetative morphological characters have proven to be useful and effective in differentiating species in the Annonaceae family; it is recommended for initial identification of species, especially in the Annonoideae subfamily

    The effect of mycorrhizal biofertilizer with the addition of rice washing water and eggshells on the growth of cayenne pepper plant (Capsicum frutescens L.)

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    Cayenne pepper is a leading horticultural commodity in Indonesia. The need for cayenne pepper is constantly increasing, but it is not balanced with its production because there are obstacles, especially in areas that are less fertile or have low nutrients. This study aims to find out the effect of applying mycorrhizal biological fertilizer by adding rice washing water and eggshells on the growth of cayenne pepper plants. This study used the Complete Randomized Design method. The data were analyzed using One Way Anova (significant level of 5%) and an alternative test Kruskal-Wallis H. The results showed mycorrhizal biological fertilizer 5 gr + rice washing water 200 ml and eggshells 20 gr optimally affecting the number of leaves, branches, and roots, dry weight of the crown. Mycorrhizal biofertilizer 10 gr + rice washing water 150 ml and eggshell 15 gr have an optimal effect on wet weight of the crown and the roots. Mycorrhizal biofertilizer 15 gr + rice washing water 200 ml and eggshell 20 gr have an optimal effect on root length. Mycorrhizal biofertilizer 2 gr + rice washing water 150 ml and eggshell 15 gr have an optimal effect on dry weight of roots

    Growth response of cocoa seedlings (Theobroma cacao L.) ICCRI 06 clone with application of manure and Trichoderma sp.

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    The growth of cocoa seedlings (Theobroma cacao L.) is influenced by the use of the type of planting medium and the presence of supporting microorganisms, such as the Trichoderma sp. This research aims to determine the effect of giving Trichoderma sp. and manure on the growth of cocoa seedlings. The research used a factorial randomized block design (RBD) method consisting of 9 treatments which were repeated 3 times, so there were 27 experimental units. Factor 1 is chicken manure by 200, 300 and 400 g/polybag, factor 2 is Trichoderma sp. with different level of mixing. The parameters observed were plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter, wet weight of the crown, wet weight of the roots, dry weight of the crown, dry weight of the roots. The research results showed that M3 (400 g/polybag) gave the best results for the parameters of stem diameter, crown wet weight, root wet weight and root dry weight of cocoa plants. Giving Trichoderma sp. at a level of 10 mL L-1 gave the best results for stem diameter, root wet weight and root dry weight. The research results provide a positive contribution to the application of a combination of chicken manure (M1:200 g/polybag) with Trichoderma sp. (P2: 10 mL L-1) on stem diameter and root wet weight.

    Management effort of mottle virus by leaf extract of moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.) and bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd.) on peanut

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    Peanut mottle virus is one of peanut production constrain worldwide. It is transmitted by aphid vectors and by seeds. One of the efforts to manage viruses is by using plant extracts. This study aims to test the potency of moringa and bougainvillea leaf extract to suppress mottle virus infection in peanuts. The test consisted of four treatments: healthy control, untreated control infected by the virus, moringa, and bougainvillea leaf extracts treatment infected by the virus. The disease assessment and agronomic parameters were observed weekly. The results showed that the spray application of moringa and bougainvillea leaf extract showed lower disease incidence, significantly able to prolong the incubation period, decreased disease severity, and as well as virus titer significantly in comparison to the control. The area under the disease progress curve among leaf extract treatments was significantly different but was significantly lower in comparison to untreated control infected by the virus. The germination percentage, vigor index, and plant height were not significantly different among treated plants and control, except for the leaf numbers. In addition, the growth vigor of treated plants was better than the control. These indicate that both plant leaf extracts have antiviral activity and the ability to improve plant growth

    Pollinating insects on bitter melon plant flowers (Momordica charantia L.)

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    Bitter melon plant (Momordica charantia L.) is a potential commercial plant if intensively cultivated in agribusiness, this plant can be very beneficial if it produces high levels of fruit production, it cannot be separated from insect pollination activities. Insects that visit bitter melon plant flowers are actually beneficial and can be harmful. This field practice aims to determine the relationship of visitor insects associated with bitter melon flowers (M. charantia L.), by using the scan sampling method (direct observation) in the field, which counts the number of species and individual insect’s visitors then will be identified in the Plant Pest Entomology Laboratory. Observations were carried out for 5 weeks. Every week took 2 days of observation, and in those 2 days there were observations on the same day and time which was on Tuesday and Thursday at 06:00: 30 - 08:30 AM (morning) and 04:00 - 05:30 PM (afternoon). What was observed s the insects who visited the bitter melon flowers of 6 orders including Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, Thysanoptera, Lepidoptera, Hemiptera, and Araneae as well as 8 families and 12 species of the orders. Insect visitors associated with bitter melon flowers have different roles including pollinators, predators, visitors and pests. The behavior also varies, especially in taking nectar or pollen as a source of nutrition. Insect visitors associated with bitter melon flowers have different roles including pollinators, predators, visitors and pests. The behavior also varies, especially in taking nectar or pollen as a source of nutrition. Insect visitors associated with bitter melon flowers have different roles including pollinators, predators, visitors and pests. The behavior also varies, especially in taking nectar or pollen as a source of nutrition

    Seed priming application to increase sorghum vigor and viability of Sorghum bicolor

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    Sorghum is one of developed plants for food diversification because it caontains nutrients and has the potential to be an alternative crop. This is also supported by the advantages of sorghum such as adaptive, drought tolerant, salinity tolerant, wide adaptabiliti and lower water requirements for season compared to other commodities. Behind its advantages, soghum has low vigor and viability. Low vigor and viability cause low growth simultaneously. The uneven growth of sorghum makes fertilizer application and harvesting more difficult. It also increases labor costs because maintenance and harvesting cannot be done at the sam time. This can be overcome by seed priming. The purpose of seed priming is to increase the germination rate, percentage of gemination, simultaneity of growth and germination speed. This research was conducted in a controlled temperature room using a factorial randomized block design. First factor is 3 sorghum varieties and the second factor is kind of solvent (Water, Hot water, KNO3, and Ascorbic acid). The result showed that there was an interaction between sorghum varieties and kind of solvent. KNO3 gives optimal results in all sorghum varieties compared to other ingredients

    Symptom variation and disease severity of Sweet potato leaf curl virus on sweet potato in Gianyar

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    Sweet potato production fluctuates every year, one of the factors causing the decline in production is the presence of pests and diseases. Sweet potato leaf curl virus (SPLCV) has been reported to infect sweet potatoes in Indonesia in 2022. Until now, there is no information regarding the variation in symptoms and severity of SPLCV disease in sweet potatoes. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the variation in symptoms and severity of SPLCV disease in Gianyar, Bali. The research was carried out directly in the field with observational parameters such as symptoms variation, incidence and disease severity. Observations were made every week when the plants were 63 to 91 days after planting (DAP). The results showed that SPLCV causes a variety of symptoms in the form of mild vein clearing, severe vein clearing, upward vein clearing, and downward vein clearing. The incidence and severity of the disease has increased every week. The incidence and severity of the disease were highest when the plants were 91 DAP, namely 73.33% and 40%, respectively. The high incidence and severity of the disease in the field is due to the use of stem cuttings from previous plants which may have been infected with SPLCV and whitefly vectors are always found in the field


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