927 research outputs found

    A world without surroundings

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    Otra ciencia económica

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    El autor hace una crítica a la pretensión de la ciencia económica de constituirse como un saber exacto e hiperespecializado al considerar que esta pretensión se ha traducido en una pérdida de la capacidad que es necesaria para comprender la complejidad social de las realidades económicas. Seducida por el objetivo de la exactitud, la economía parece haber olvidado su carácter de construcción social. Además, la economía ha olvidado que es una más entre las ciencias sociales y el largo periodo en el que se ha separado de ellas reivindicando su plena autonomía no ha sido satisfactorio ni para ella ni para el resto de las ciencias sociales. Según el autor la crítica al capitalismo contemporáneo, si quiere ser más radical que moralizante, debe dirigirse a combatir el supuesto realismo de la ciencia económica dominante.The author criticizes the pretension of economic sciences of being an exact science and its tendency to specialization. The consequences of those pretensions are a loss of its capacity to understand the social complexity of the economic realities. The economy, seduced by its aim of exactitude, seems to forget that it is a social construction. Moreover, economy seems to forget that it is just a social science, and for a long period of time economy evolved as a separated and autonomous science; that time was not good neither for economic science neither for social sciences in general. According to the author, if we want to build a more radical and not only moralizing critique to contemporary capitalism, we must criticize the hypothetical realism of the economic science

    Entre les cultures

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    En el món actual, caracteritzat per la paradoxa que una creixent globalització va acompanyada de noves diferenciacions, cal flexibilitzar la comprensió de les identitats des de la consciència que la distinció entre nosaltres i ells és contingent. L’expressió societat multicultural designa precisament un sistema sociocultural convençut de la pròpia contingència, que accepta el pluralisme dins d’allò que es creia un bloc compacte. En aquesta societat, la liberalitat –la virtut que no requereix abandonar allò propi, sinó que renuncia a atribuir-li un significat absolut– està cridada a exercir una funció clau

    Letters of John Innerarity: The Seizure of Pensacola by Andrew Jackson, November 7, 1814

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    These letters are a part of the series of documents, survivals of the records of Panton, Leslie and Company and its successor, John Forbes and Company, the publication of which was begun in a late issue of the QUARTERLY. The originals are in the possession of Mrs. John W. Greenslade, a greatgranddaughter of John Innerarity, who has transcribed them. The series will be continued in the following issues

    EU democracy should be based on the principle of respecting diverse identities, not uniting through the creation of a European demos

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    Is the development of a European ‘demos’ necessary for the EU to be democratic? Daniel Innerarity writes that while a shared demos is often put forward as a fundamental aspect of democracy, it also entails certain negative developments, such as a tendency toward excluding those from outside of the group. He argues that the EU should be seen as an opportunity to build a community based on respecting the complex nature of European identification, rather than producing a single identity shared by all EU citizens

    Politics after Indignation. Possibilities and limits of direct democracy

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    The year 2011 may go down in history as the year of the indignation; this word sums up a movement that has become a widespread disaffection with politics in a new kind of protest. Is this a new version of the popular revolutionary practice? How is the relationship between the institutions and the street in a disintermediated world? Is the political mistrust an advertisement of the next crisis of democracy or another stage of their settlement? In any case, the very idea of representation is challenged from a claim that can lead to populism in so far as it does not seem to understand the limitations of democratic self-determination and the nature of our political condition

    El giro interpretativo

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    1. El Trasfondo De La Finitud. 2. La Verdad Como Experiencia Interpretativa. 3.La Perspectiva Culturalista. 4. Por Una Hermenéutica Del Universo

    El islam y la República. Un conflicto entre dos identidades

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    El trabajo analiza la relación existente entre las explosiones identitarias neotribales violentas, recientemente acaecidas en Francia, protagonizadas por musulmanes franceses de segunda generación, y el fracaso del proceso de integración social, más bien de inclusión social, en el rol de trabajador de franceses de segunda o tercera generación que viven en el gueto.The paper analyzes the existent relationship betwen the violent neotribal identitarian explosions that recently took place in France, most of them starred by second generation french muslims of, and the defeat of the process of social integration, of social inclusion in the role of worker of second and third generation French who live in the ghetto

    Democracia sin política ¿Por qué la democracia puede perjudicar seriamente a la democracia?

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    El artículo examina los efectos apolíticos de la democracia directa y del nuevo activismo. Según el autor, no vivimos en una era posdemocrática, sino en una era pospolítica, de democracia sin política: lo que falta en esta configuración política es la representación, mediación institucional que articula las demandas sociales en programas públicos. El artículo concluye con una defensa de la democracia indirecta y de sus autoridades reguladoras y judiciales, que equilibran la deriva plebiscitaria del populismo actual y activan la dimensión de la delegación necesaria en política.The article explores the apolitical effects of direct democracy and new activism. According to the author, we do not live in a post-democratic era, but in a post-political one, an era of democracy without politics: what is missing from this political configuration is representation, the institutional mediation through which social demands are turned into public programmes. The article concludes with a defence of indirect democracy and its regulative and judicial authorities which balance the plebiscitary drift of current populism, thus activating the dimension of delegation which is necessary in politics

    Letters of John Innerarity and A. H. Gordon

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    These letters are in continuation of the series of documents, survivals of the records of Panton, Leslie & Co., the publication of which has been continuous in the Quarterly. They are in the possession of Mrs. John W. Greenslade, who has transcribed them
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