92 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan analitik peserta didik kelas V pada mata pelajaran IPA melalui model pembelajaran POE (Predict, Observe, Explain). Jenis penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas, subjek penelitian adalah peserta didik kelas V MI Asasul Muttaqin, teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah tes dan non tes, teknik analisis data menggunakan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwasannya kemampuan analitik peserta didik pada mata pelajaran IPA dapat ditingkatkan dengan cara menggunakan model pembelajaran POE (Predict, Observe, Explain). Hal ini dapat dilihat pada hasil siklus I sebesar 74,5% dan pada siklus II sebesar 86,73%

    Analisis perubahan kedalaman bidang batas dengan metode power spektrum data gravity

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    Aktivitas bawah permukaan merupakan salah satu bagian penting pada proses pembentukan muka bumi. Dengan mengetahui model dan struktur bawah permukaan dapat diamati bagaimana bumi berdinamika. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perubahan bidang batas pada 2 periode pengukuran. Data penelitian yang digunakan terdiri data sekunder gravitasi yang terdiri data medan gravitasi  periode 1 dan  2 di lokasi yang sama,  data topografi, GPS, pasut dll. Data tersebut digunakan untuk memperoleh anomali gravitasi Bouguer lengkap. Pemprosesan data menggunakan beberapa perangkat lunak seperti Geosoft, xcel dan pemprograman komputasi power spectrum menggunakan Matlab. Hasil penelitian adalah nilai dan grafik  power spectrum  2 periode. Periode 2 menghasilkan nilai kedalaman bidang batas dengan rata – rata 6928,712 m  untuk arah SN dan 8248,644 m untuk yang berarah EW. Rata – rata kedalaman lintasan EW lebih dalam dari pada yang berarah SN. Data periode 1  mempunyai nilai kedalaman yang lebih dangkal dibandingan dengan lintasan yang sama Data periode 2. Perubahan nilai kedalaman sebesar 1300 m s.d. 2000 m kemungkinan disebabkan oleh adanya aktivitas bawah permukaan yang terjadi diantara 2 periode tersebut dengan dugaan adanya massa yang berkurang dan dapat pula di duga sebagai perubahan jenis massa

    Implementasi Basel Iii Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Pada Perusahaan Perbankan Di Negara Asean Tahun 2013-2017

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    This aim of this study is to examine and analyze Basel 3 Regulatory framework influence financial performance . The independent variable that use in this study is Net Stable Funding Ratio, Liquidity Coverage Ratio, Capital Adequacy Ratio and Net Profit Margin. The dependent variabel that use in this study is financial performance which measured by Return on Assets (ROA). Sample of this study is Banking Company in Shouteast Asia which published that financial report or annual report audited in 2013-2017. The technique of data analysis that use in this study is Multiple regression analysis with SPSS 23.00 for windows. The result of this study explain that Net Stable Funding Ratio has significant on Return on Assets at Shouteast Asia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and Kamboja. Liquidity Coverage Ratio has significant on Return on Assets at Singapore, Thailand, and Indonesia. Capital Adequacy Ratio has significant on Return on Assets at Kamboja. Net Profit Margin has significant on Return on Assets at Singapore, Thailand, Filiphine, and Malaysia. Keywords: Basel III, Net Stable Funding Ratio, Liquidity Coverage Ratio, Capital Adequacy Ratio, Net Profit Margin and financial performance

    Subsurface Model Of Mt. Sinabung Using The GGM-Plus Satellite Gravity Data And Deconvolution Euler

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    Mt. Sinabung in Karo Regency, North Sumatra Province, with an altitude of 2450 meters above sea level, became active again in 2010 after a break in volcanic activity for ± 300 years. Since the eruption in 2010 until now, eruptions are still ongoing periodically. The aim of this research is to obtain a model of the subsurface density distribution of Mt. Sinabung. Modeling was carried out using GGM-Plus 2013 satellite gravity data and ERTM2160 topographical data. Bouguer correction and terrain processing use an average density of 2.67 g/cc. After that, the anomaly was separated by using the moving average. Residual anomalies were then analyzed using Euler deconvolution. The results obtained are the existence of a fault structure on the west and three layers of rock obtained which consist of the basement with a density of 2.8 g/cc 3 – 3.3 g/cc, then Toba pyroclastic deposits with a density 1.8 g/cc – 2.3 g/cc and limestone deposits with a density of 2.4 g/cc – 2.7 g/cc

    Analisis Metode Routing terhadap Hidrograf Banjir Sungai Way Sekampung di Way Kunyir Menggunakan HEC-HMS

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    Flood events often occur in Indonesia so that quite a lot of people researched about the movement of floods and flood monitoring in the Watershed. The location of the study was carried out by the Way Sekampung river in Way Kunyir located in the Pringsewu district, Lampung province and is located downstream of the Batutegi dam. Flood tracing is intended to analyze the chances of a flood in the form of a flood hydrograph with or without using the Routing method and find out the results of some Routing methods in the watershed. The Routing method used in this study is Lag, Lag and K and Muskingum. The HEC-HMS modeling results state that peak discharge data when without Routing is greater than entering the Routing parameter. This is because entering the Routing parameter in modeling is very influential at peak times so that it affects the peak discharge at the watershed outlet. As a result of Muskingum Routing, the peak discharge is lower than before entering the flow routing, this is due to the occurrence of reservoirs along the river so that the peak discharge becomes lower than without Routing. The results of Lag Routing and Lag and K Routing are peak discharge decreased compared to before entering the Routing parameter. what should have happened to the peak discharge with Routing and without Routing remains the same, however, only peak discharge tranlations occur and there is travel time. This happens because there is no debit data at the station being reviewed so it uses rain data instead of HEC-HMS modeling

    Meteorological Drought Analysis Using The Theory Of Run Method In Lusi Watershed, Central Java

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    Reduced water reserves can be caused by decreased rainfall. During the dry season along the Lusi River, Central Java, water quantity decreased, so that the area along the Lusi River passes in drought conditions. This study aims to determine the longest duration of drought and the largest cumulative number of droughts, in the Lusi watershed for a ten-year period. The level of drought in the Lusi watershed was analyzed using the Theory of Run method. The results obtained were the longest drought duration of 9 months and the largest cumulative drought amount of -486 mm and the Lusi watershed was classified as a meteorological drought

    Upaya Peningkatan Jumlah Nasabah Tabungan Britama Edisi Anak Muda Pada Pt Bank Rakyat Indonesia Cabang Waru Sidoarjo

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    Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Waru Sidoarjo Branch Office is a governmentowned bank. Bank BRI is a business in the field of services, fund products owned by Bank BRI Branch Waru include Savings, Giro and Deposito. Products of savings funds are third party funds to Banks withdrawals may be made at any time with terms and conditions determined by each Bank. BRI Britama Savings Edisi Anak Muda is one type of savings product from Bank BRI Branch Waru Sidoarjo. BRI Britama Edisi Anak Muda is a product created specifically for young people who provide a variety of ease in conducting transactions. This writing aims to find out how the efforts of Bank BRI Branch Waru Sidoarjo increase the number of customers through savings BRI Britama Edisi Anak Muda. This research is done through observasia things happened to the object of research and done interview part custumer service and documentation of supporting data for this research. It can be seen from the results of this study that BRI Branch Waru Sidoarjo has made various efforts in increasing the number of customers for example, by following the exhibition or bazaar that is done in the mall or SMA / SMK / Higher Education in the hope people can know more about savings BRI Britama Edisi Anak Muda. By making more intrinsive socialization efforts can make people more understanding about the benefits and savings facilities BRI Britama Edisi Anak Muda. Keywords: BRI Britama Edisi Anak Muda Savings, Bank Rakyat Indonesia

    Determination of Vertical Deflection Based on Terestrial Gravity Disturbance Data (A Case Study in Semarang City)

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    Vertical deflection can be determined by geometrical and physical measurement. In geometrical way, vertical deflection is obtained by comparing astronomical coordinate and geodetical coordinate. In physical way, vertical deflection can be computed from gravity measurement. In the past, vertical deflection was computed from gravity anomaly data. Gravity anomaly data measurement is difficult because it need reduction of gravity from surface of the earth to the geoid using orthometric height from spirit level measurement. In modern era, gravity anomaly data may be replaced by gravity disturbance data whose only required gravity and GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) measurement. This research aims to determine vertical deflection in Semarang City from terrestrial gravity disturbance data. The gravity data were measured in March of 2016. Formula of Vening Meinesz that usually used for vertical deflection was replaced by new formula that generated from derivation of function of Hotine. Applying gravity disturbance gave vertical deflection of east-west component that were vary from -1.2” to 12.2” while north-south component were vary from -4.2” to 4.2”. Comparing vertical deflection as computed from terrestrial data to as computed from EGM2008 coefficients showed conformity in shape and values. It was concluded that derivation of function of Hotine could be applied for vertical deflection determination from gravity disturbance

    Data validation of gravity field and satellite data using correlation and coherence method

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    Satellite data is frequently used as an initial study of a research area for its easy to access feature as well as its improving quality. One of the available satellite data is geopotential data. Satellite data is commonly used to be correlated to the topography data. In this research, satellite data is used as the database of validation in a research area. Valid measuring data is highly required, so that the qualified data is obtained for further process. To identify the validity, additional other QC is required than the existing QC which in 1D. The validation method which applied are correlation and coherence method. The distribution of correlation and coherence values show  asimilirity or compatibility of field data with satellite data. The correlation method was calculate in 2D and the coherence in 1D. Correlation calculation of field data produces high correlation and coherence value to satellite data as much as 0.7 to 0.95 so that it could be identified that acquisition and data processing have been carried out correctly


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami bagaimana gambaran orientasi masa depan remaja yatim piatu. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu kualitatif dengan metode fenomenologis dan menggunakan teknik analisis eksplikasi data. Teknik analisis eksplikasi data deskripsi fenomena individual membagi pengalaman menjadi tiga episode yaitu, episode sebelum kematian kedua orangtua, episode setelah kematian kedua orangtua, dan episode orientasi masa depan. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara semi terstruktur. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melibatkan tiga orang subjek yang dipilih melalui teknik purposive dengan kriteria remaja tengah yang berusia 15-18 tahun yang masih menempuh pendidikan dan sudah tidak memiliki kedua orangtua dengan rentang waktu minimal 2 tahun. Hasil dari penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa dua subjek memiliki orientasi masa depan akan pekerjaan dan satu subjek berorientasi pada pendidikan. Akan tetapi, setelah kematian kedua orangtuanya yang mana kehilangan sumber financial mamilih untuk bekerja dan juga sudah tidak ada semangat untuk melanjutkan pendidikan karena tidak adanya kedua orangtua untuk dibahagiakan. Terdapat juga keraguan ketiga subjek akan masa depan seperti ragu untuk bermimpi tinggi karena ketiadaan kedua orangtua, sehingga mereka pasrah dengan keadaan yang ada. Kata kunci: orientasi masa depan, remaja, yatim piat
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