Implementasi Basel Iii Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Pada Perusahaan Perbankan Di Negara Asean Tahun 2013-2017


This aim of this study is to examine and analyze Basel 3 Regulatory framework influence financial performance . The independent variable that use in this study is Net Stable Funding Ratio, Liquidity Coverage Ratio, Capital Adequacy Ratio and Net Profit Margin. The dependent variabel that use in this study is financial performance which measured by Return on Assets (ROA). Sample of this study is Banking Company in Shouteast Asia which published that financial report or annual report audited in 2013-2017. The technique of data analysis that use in this study is Multiple regression analysis with SPSS 23.00 for windows. The result of this study explain that Net Stable Funding Ratio has significant on Return on Assets at Shouteast Asia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and Kamboja. Liquidity Coverage Ratio has significant on Return on Assets at Singapore, Thailand, and Indonesia. Capital Adequacy Ratio has significant on Return on Assets at Kamboja. Net Profit Margin has significant on Return on Assets at Singapore, Thailand, Filiphine, and Malaysia. Keywords: Basel III, Net Stable Funding Ratio, Liquidity Coverage Ratio, Capital Adequacy Ratio, Net Profit Margin and financial performance

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