399 research outputs found

    Economic valuation of natural resource management: a case study of the Benuaq Dayak tribe in Kalimantan, Indonesia

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    The unavailability of total economic values of indigenous people in Indonesia, both in the short and long term, has created the rejection of their existences in the forest area. The purpose of this study is to estimate the total economic value of sustainable forest management conducted by indigenous tribes in Indonesia using total economic value concepts. The tribe’s total economic value is expressed by estimating the use value, indirect use value and non-use value. The study used benefit transfer and survey methods using questionnaires to estimate the tribe’s total economic value. The estimated total economic value of the Benuaq Dayak of U.S. 6,025.88perhectareperyearwascalculatedbysummingthedirectusevalue(U.S. 6,025.88 per hectare per year was calculated by summing the direct use value (U.S. 0.028 per hectare per year), indirect use value (U.S. 3,156perhectareperyear),andnonusevalue(U.S.3,156 per hectare per year), and non-use value (U.S. 2,870 per hectare per year). The research hypothesis that the Benuaq Dayak’s sustainable resource management has economic value is supported. The research predicted that the estimated total economic value of the Benuaq Dayak’s management might create a new perception of the tribe, the private companies, and the government

    The role of village community empowerment institution in Galanti village development of Buton district

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    The village plays an important role in national development not only because most of the people of Indonesia reside in the village, but the village contributes greatly in creating national stability. The purpose of this study was to determine how the role of social institutions and to find out what factors hampered the role of social institutions in developing Galanti Village. The method in this study is juridical empirical, which clearly distinguishes facts from norms, views legal phenomena must be purely empirical, namely social facts, using empirical science methods (qualitative methods or quantitative methods and value-free. The results of the study indicate that the development of villages in Galanti Village can run well according to the Village Medium Term Development Plan. As for the factors that hamper the role of the Galanti Village Community Empowerment Institution is the lack of human resources in developing productive businesses, the lack of knowledge of business groups that have formed in the villages in developing his group's activities and lack of understanding in carrying out their tasks and functions, besides the lack of public knowledge in utilizing various potential local economic development as an alternative effort to increase their income and welfare

    Trash management policy based on participation of the society

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    The trash problem that is currently happening certainly requires special handling by both the government and the community. If the trash management is not in accordance with the methods and techniques of trash management that are environmentally sound, it is feared that it will get negative impacts such as a decrease in the quality of the environment which will also have an impact on public health. The purpose of this study was to determine how to identify trash management problems in Napa Village, Mawasangka District, Central Buton Regency and to find out how the concept of trash management in Napa Village, Mawasngka District, Central Buton Regency. This type of research is empirical juridical research. The results showed the identification of trash management problems in Napa Village including identification of trash problems in Napa Village, concept of 3 (three) R trash and trash processing methods in Napa Village. The concept of regulating trash management in Napa Village, namely analysis of laws and regulations on trash, philosophical studies of trash in Napa Village, juridical studies of trash in Napa Village, sociological studies of trash in Napa Village, study of direction and scope of trash management arrangements in Napa Village , Academic Manuscripts of Village Regulations on Trash Management in Napa Village and Draft Village Regulations on Trash Management in Napa Village


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    The community should be more aware of managing waste by sorting organic and non-organic waste and understanding how to manage Reuse Reduce Recycle (3R) Waste so that the waste problem in Napa Village can be overcome. The objectives to be achieved through community service and outreach activities are as follows: (1) To increase public awareness about the importance of waste management in Napa Village; (2) to find out the factors that become obstacles in waste management in napa village; (3) Increased understanding, community development efforts on the importance of preserving the environment; (4) Increased understanding of the community in efforts to foster institutions and professional societies in the face of modernization in their lives. The results obtained from the community service activities are: (1) Organizing waste in Napa Village is identification of problems related to waste management in Napa Village, socialization of the concept of 3R Trash, counseling on how to treat waste, surveying the location of waste disposal sites and identification of waste management institutions; (2) The concept of the implementation of waste management, namely the construction of temporary landfills/waste bins, the creation of the final landfill site for Napa Village, the establishment of the Napa Village Waste Management Institute, the provision of garbage transport equipment, the separation of waste with the 3R concept and the use of the 3R Waste Technology, with this activity the people of Napa Village no longer throw garbage in the sea, but in the place that has been provided


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    Keywords: speech act, apology strategies, Perahu Kertas novel Apology is a part of human communication to maintain good relations between people or to restore harmony. The writer conducted a research on apology strategies in Bahasa Indonesia, by analyzing a novel entitled Perahu Kertas. In this study, there are two problems to be solved: (1) What apology strategies are performed by main characters in Perahu Kertas novel, and (2) How is the act of apologizing upgraded by main characters in Perahu Kertas novel.This study used qualitative approach because the analysis is in the form of description rather than number. Then, this research is categorized as document analysis because the writer analyzed the novel entitled Perahu Kertas.The result of this study shows that apology strategies are divided into two main groups that are direct and indirect strategy. Direct strategy is represented into 11 strategies: minimizing the offense, explicit apology, explicit apology followed by explanation, explicit explanation followed by minimizing the offense, recantation, regret, request for forgiveness, concern for hearer, being honest, hiding something and cancellation. Indirect strategy is represented into 4 strategies: attacking the complainer, blaming someone else, implicit apology and implicit apology followed by explanation. Besides, this study suggests that the act of apologizing can be upgraded directly and indirectly. Direct strategy is represented into 5 strategies: explanation, reiteration, lexical intensification, supplication, and promise. Indirect strategy is represented into 2 strategies: explanation and confirmation.The writer suggests  that future researchers use more objects in Bahasa Indonesia in order to complete the taxonomy of apology strategy in it. The writer also suggests that Study Program of English at Universitas Brawijaya add more references related to this topic so that future researchers could present rich literature review that is able to support the analysis of their study


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh rendahnya nilai tes pembelajaran matematika materi bilangan loncat  pada siswa kelas I SD Kristen Terang Bangsa Kecamatan Semarang Barat Kota Semarang. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana meningkatkan hasil belajar dan minat siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika materi bilangan loncat melalui teknik loncat angka dengan media jump board. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar dan minat siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika materi bilangan loncat melalui teknik loncat angka dengan media jump board. Hasil pembelajaran pra siklus menujukkan dari jumlah 32 siswa yang memiliki nilai tuntas sebanyak 15 siswa (47%) dan 17 siswa (53%) belum tuntas, hasil perbaikan pembelajaran siklus I menunjukkan dari 32 siswa mengalami peningkatan hasil belajar dengan nilai ketuntasan belajar sebanyak 24 siswa (75%) dan 8 siswa (25%) belum tuntas,hasil pembelajaran pada siklus II dari 32 semua sudah tuntas (100%). Sedangkan minat siswa pada pembelajaran pra siklus menunjukkan dari 32 siswa yang aktif bertanya 5 siswa (16%), aktif menjawab 10 siswa (31%), melaksanakan perintah 31 siswa (97%), tidak aktif 18 siswa (56%), dan tidak memperhatikan pelajaran 4 siswa (13%). Pada siklus I minat siswa yang aktif bertanya 8 siswa (25%), aktif menjawab 14 siswa (44%), melaksanakan perintah 31 siswa (97%), tidak aktif 13 siswa (41%), dan tidak memperhatikan pelajaran 2 siswa (6%). Pada siklus II  minat siswa yang aktif bertanya 11 siswa (34%), aktif menjawab 15 siswa (47%), melaksanakan perintah 32 siswa (100%), sudah  tidak ada siswa yang tidak aktif atau tidak memperhatikan pelajaran. Simpulan pada penelitian ini bahwa metode teknik loncat angka dengan media jump board  dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar dan minat siswa pada pembelajaran matematika materi bilangan loncat.Sehingga disarankan pada pembelajaran matematika materi bilangan loncat menggunakan teknik loncat angka dengan media jump board.     


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    In accordance with the successfulness of school examination, every school has its own way to pass the completion. Additional program is added to be the solution in preparing students become more ready to face the school examination. The provided book in this program is only consist of some exercises without summary or brief theory about each material. Another problem is that students are forced to learn the material independently because of the limited time in each session. It is difficult for them to understand the material by using only exercise book. From those problems, it is important to develop product which support the provided book in English course program. The development of this product is based on students’ need and interest and it is categorized as Research and Development (R&D) since the objective of this study is to develop a product which can be applied for an educational program in English learning and teaching. The final product of this development is supplementary reading materials entitled “Smart Reading. Question Bank”. The material is about types of text. This product is designed colourfully with attractive pictures illustration in order to make students become more interested in doing the exercises.Keywords: developing, supplementary reading materials, English course progra


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    Partisipasi warga negara dalam masyarakat yang demokratis, harus didasarkan pada pengetahuan, refleksi kritis dan pemahaman serta penerimaan akan hak-hak dan tanggung jawab. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (a) Untuk membuktikan secara empiris apakah tingkat pendidikan pemilih dan pengaruh positif signifikant pada partisipasi politik masyarakat dengan Peraturan Komisi Nomor 11 Tahun 2010 tentang TPS 1 dan TPS 2 Desa Kadolo Kota Baubau; (B) Untuk membuktikan secara empiris apakah frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi dan signifikant efek positif pada partisipasi politik masyarakat dengan Peraturan Komisi Nomor 11 Tahun 2010 tentang TPS 1 dan TPS 2 Desa Kadolo Kota Baubau; (C) Untuk membuktikan secara empiris apakah tingkat pendidikan pemilih dan frekuensi mengikuti sosialisasi bersama-sama dan signifikant pengaruh positif pada partisipasi politik masyarakat dengan Peraturan Komisi Nomor 11 Tahun 2010 tentang TPS 1 dan TPS 2 Desa Kadolo Kota Baubau. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesis pertama menunjukkan bahwa tingkat (X1) berpengaruh Pendidikan Pemilih tapi arah negatif dan signifikan terhadap Partisipasi Politik Masyarakat (Y) berdasarkan Peraturan Komisi Nomor 11 Tahun 2010 tentang TPS 1 dan TPS 2 desa Kadolo Kota Baubau karena memberikan t bernilai - 3109 sedangkan kolom signifikansi 0,002 atau lebih kecil dari probabilitas kesalahan 0,05, sehingga H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima. Hasil pengujian hipotesis kedua menunjukkan bahwa Frekuensi Mengikuti Sosialisasi (X2) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Partisipasi Politik Masyarakat (Y) berdasarkan Peraturan Komisi Nomor 11 Tahun 2010 tentang TPS 1 dan TPS 2 Desa Kadolo Kota Baubau, karena memberikan nilai t adalah 15,728, sedangkan kolom signifikansi 0,000 atau lebih kecil dari probabilitas kesalahan 0,05, sehingga H0 ditolak dan diterima H2. dan hasil pengujian hipotesis ketiga menunjukkan bahwa Tingkat Pendidikan Pemilih (X1) dan Frekuensi Mengikuti Sosialisasi (X2) dampak secara simultan positif dan signifikan terhadap partisipasi politik masyarakat berdasarkan Peraturan KPU Nomor 11 Tahun 2010 tentang TPS 1 dan TPS 2 Desa Kadolo Baubau kota, kar ena memberi F hitung yaitu192,290 sedangkan kolom signifikansi 0,000 atau lebih kecil dari probabilitas kesalahan 0,05, sehingga H0 ditolak dan H3 diterima. Sedangkan berdasarkan nilai koefisien determinasi R square 0,591, hasilnya disebut koefisien determinasi, yang dalam hal ini berarti bahwa 59,1% dari variasi Politik Masyarakat Partisipasi dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel tingkat Pendidikan Pemilih (X1) dan frekuensi Mengikuti Sosialisasi (X2) sedangkan sisanya 100% - 59,1% = 40,9% dijelaskan oleh sebab-sebab lain yang berada di luar persamaan


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendiskripsikan kinerja guru penjas dalam sistem pembelajaran daring saat pandemi di SMA N 2 Demak dan SMA N 1 Dempet.Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara random sampling, populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh guru non penjas yang ada di SMAN 1 Dempet dan SMAN Instrumen berupa angket mengadopsi dari skripsi Nurochim (2009) dengan judul “Persepsi Guru NonPenjasorkes Terhadap Kinerja Guru Penjasorkes‟ Hasil penelitian ini di SMA N 1 Dempet Demak berada pada kategori “baik” sebesar 92,3% (24 guru), “sedang”sebesar 7,7% (2 guru), “rendah” sebesar 0% (0 guru) dan “sangat rendah” sebesar 0% (0 guru) sedangkan di SMA N 2 Demak Demak berada pada kategori “baik” sebesar 100% (26 guru), “sedang” sebesar 0% (0 guru), “rendah” sebesar 0% (0 guru) dan “sangat rendah” sebesar 0% (0 guru). Berdasarkan nilai rata-rata analisa guru non penjas dalam kinerja guru penjas pada proses pembelajaran daring saat masapandemi di SMA N 1 DempetDemak sebesar 92,3 % dan SMA N 2 Demak sebesar 100 % berada pada kategori baik

    Legal Culture in the Management of Life Insurance Companies in Indonesia

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    In the last ten years, people have been made uneasy by various cases of life insurance companies that have failed to pay. Moreover, the involvement of prominent companies in these cases reduced public trust in them. In these cases, the influence of legal culture is apparent in the management of life insurance companies. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the factors that caused the life insurance companies to fail to pay, the legal culture underlying the management of these companies and the efforts that must be made to improve this culture. The research method employs normative legal research, supported by empirical legal research. The factors causing life insurance companies to default consist of fraud in the company’s financial statements, unreasonably high-interest rates on unit-linked insurance products, and a lack of optimal application of risk management in life insurance companies. The legal culture of their management has not developed in a better direction, leading to an inability to fulfill their obligations. Examples of steps to improve the legal culture include conducting education and training for life insurance company managers, making remuneration policies to encourage behavior that follows the prudential principle, and creating guidelines for managers on ethical business values and conduct. Keywords: legal culture, life insurance companie