91 research outputs found

    Economía de esfuerzos para la presencia de las bibliotecas en las redes sociales

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    The proliferation of social networking tools brings new challenges to make visible and effective library services in the virtual fields. One difficulty stems from not less than the multiplicity of existing channels, its volatility and constant renewal, which may demand a volume of exertion for the real capacity of the library and end returns it can get. Our experience is going through the selection of tools to use in terms of the stability, popularity and friendliness (Web, Facebook, Twitter, Netvibes ...), and interconnection of all or any of its elements, so that the maintenance Information and services offered by these channels does not distract our human resources from other tasks that are still badly needed

    La externalización del servicio de biblioteca pública, ¿tiene justificación?

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    The hyperliberalization of public services reaches public libraries, causing precarious employment of their workers and putting at risk the free public library services. Only in certain circumstances is it possible to use service companies to fill some jobs in public libraries

    Servicios bibliotecarios para refugiados

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    In view of the increasing migration problems, library services have emerged in different places to alleviate the social, informational and leisure needs of displaced persons held in refugee camps

    La externalización del servicio de biblioteca pública, ¿tiene justificación?

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    The hyperliberalization of public services reaches public libraries, causing precarious employment of their workers and putting at risk the free public library services. Only in certain circumstances is it possible to use service companies to fill some jobs in public libraries

    Manifiesto 'Soy joven, soy lector'

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    Young Mexicans publish a manifesto claiming their character as readers and demanding more attention from the agents of the publishing and book industry

    Del Préstamo Interbibliotecario al Préstamo Consorcial

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    The Interlibrary Loan is based on the temporary transfer of a document from the lending library to the borrowing library. The creation of large automated networks of libraries enabled the Network Loan, which makes all the documents available to all participating libraries available to all users of the same Network. But the real advance in this area is found in the NCIP protocol, which makes possible the direct loan to users not belonging to our library through the interaction between different Library Management Systems through the exchange of circulation data

    La familia católica obrera durante la Segunda República : el Círculo Católico de Obreros de Burgos

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    El Circulo Católico de Obreros de Burgos, la principal institución del movimiento social católico en la ciudad, alcanza su quincuagésimo aniversario durante el período de la Segunda república con las mismas estructuras definidas en la Restauración. La inmunidad de la ciudad de Burgos a las sacudidas sociales y ala conflictividad sindical del período, así como el peso de los patronos y de la jerarquía eclesiástica en estas estructuras, impedirán el crecimiento del Círculo, supuestamente apolítico, y de los sindicatos católicos, supuestamente aconfesionales.The Catholic Workers Cicle of Burgos, the principal institutíon of the catholic social movement in the town, reached its fiftieth anniversary during the period of the Second republic with the same organizational structures defined in the Restauration time. The inmunity of Burgos to the social upheavals and to the trade-unionist conflict ot the period, as well as the weigth of the employers and the ecclesiastic hierarchy in these structures, wíl prevent the growth of the Circle, purportedly apolitical, and the Catholic Uníons, formally aconfessional

    Ciberseguridad y bibliotecas: apuntes para una propuesta de formación sobre riesgo tecnológico en bibliotecas

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    A proposal for training for workers in public libraries on basic aspects of cybersecurity and privacy is presented, through a list of elements to consider and a commitment to distance education. In advance, the most significant terms are delimited to avoid any possible ambiguity, and a new technology risk forecast is made in the short and medium term

    Cybersecurity and libraries notes for a training proposal on technological risk in libraries

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    [ES] Se presenta una propuesta de formación para trabajadores en bibliotecas públicas sobre aspectos básicos de ciberseguridad y privacidad, mediante un listado de elementos a considerar y una apuesta por su impartición a distancia. De forma previa se delimitan los términos más significativos para evitar toda posible ambigüedad. Así mismo, se hace una previsión de nuevos riesgos tecnológicos a un corto y medio plazo.[EN] A proposal for training for workers in public libraries on basic aspects of cybersecurity and privacy is presented, through a list of elements to consider and a commitment to distance education. In advance, the most significant terms are delimited to avoid any possible ambiguity, and a new technology risk forecast is made in the short and medium term.Oltra Gutiérrez, JV.; Ibáñez-Hernández, R. (2019). Ciberseguridad y bibliotecas: apuntes para una propuesta de formación sobre riesgo tecnológico en bibliotecas. Métodos de informacion. 10(19):75-126. https://doi.org/10.5557/IIMEI10-N19-075126S75126101

    Efecto de distintas fertilizaciones de fósforo en la resistencia de brinzales de encina y alcornoque a "Phytophthora cinnamomi" Rands

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    El factor de contribución más virulento en el proceso de decaimiento forestal en el sur de la península ibérica es el Oomiceto Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands. Recientes investigaciones avalan el uso de fertilizaciones fosfóricas y fosfitos como fungicida contra Phytophthora cinnamomi. El objetivo general de este trabajo es estudiar el efecto de la fertilización fosfórica en brinzales de Quercus ilex y Q. suber sobre la resistencia a la podredumbre radical producida por P. cinnamomi. Se realizó un ensayo con brinzales de encina y alcornoque que previamente habían sido cultivados con un programa de fertilización fosfórica, dando lugar a cuatro tratamientos: Fosfato-A (3 mg P2O5 por planta), Fosfato-B (6 mg de P2O5 por planta), Fosfito (0,15 mg de P2O5 por planta) y no fertilizado. El ensayo se realizó en invernadero y tuvo una duración de 7 meses. Consistió en inocular las plantas de los distintos tratamientos con Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands. y estudiar la evolución de sus atributos morfológicos (altura, diámetro del cuello de la raíz y biomasa de raíz secundaria) y fisiológicos (contenido foliar de nutrientes). Los resultados mostraron que la fertilización con fosfatos no había mejorado la resistencia a la podredumbre radical causada por P. cinnamomi, mientras que el fosfito logró controlar totalmente la infección del patógeno, dando resultados negativos el reaislamiento de la especie fúngica inoculada en este tratamiento. Las plantas tratadas con fosfito presentaron un estado morfológico y fisiológico igual, y en algunos aspectos mejor, que el Control no inoculado. Se puede concluir que sería posible lograr una acción protectora frente a P. cinnamomi mediante el tratamiento con fosfitos durante el cultivo en vivero.The oomycete Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands is the mean responsible for oak decline in southern Spain. This paper investigates the relationship between phosphoric fertilization of Quercus ilex and Q. suber seedlings and resistance to the disease caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi. The study was conducted on holm oak and cork oak seedlings previously submitted to a phosphoric fertilization programme involving four different treatments, namely: Phosphate-A (3 mg P2O5 seedling), Phosphate-B (6 mg P2O5 seedling), Phosphite (0.15 mg de P2O5 seedling) and No Fertilization. Tests were conducted in greenhouse over a period of 7 months and a number of treatments to plants inoculated with Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands. were applied, assessing the changes in their morphological (viz. height, root and collar diameter, and secondary root biomass) and physiological characteristics (viz. leaf nutrient contents). Based on the results, phosphate failed to improve plant resistance to P. cinnamomi; by contrast, phosphite successfully avoided infection by this pathogen. In fact, the phosphitetreated plants exhibited a morphological and physiological status similar to or even better than that of the non-inoculated controls. The protective effect of phosphite against P. cinnamomi can be achieved by applying it during seedling cultivation in nurseries