331 research outputs found

    A CFH12k lensing survey of X-ray luminous galaxy clusters. II. Weak lensing analysis and global correlations

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    Aims. We present a wide-field multi-color survey of a homogeneous sample of eleven clusters of galaxies for which we measure total masses and mass distributions from weak lensing. This sample, spanning a small range in both X-ray luminosity and redshift, is ideally suited to determining the normalisation of scaling relations between X-ray properties of clusters and their masses (the M − T_X and the M − L_X relations) and also estimating the scatter in these relations at a fixed luminosity. Methods. The eleven clusters in our sample are all X-ray luminous and span a narrow redshift range at z = 0.21 ± 0.04. The weak lensing analysis of the sample is based on ground-based wide-field imaging obtained with the CFH12k camera on CFHT. We use the methodology developed and applied previously on the massive cluster Abell 1689. A Bayesian method, implemented in the Im2shape software, is used to fit the shape parameters of the faint background galaxies and to correct for PSF smearing. A multi-color selection of the background galaxies is applied to retrieve the weak lensing signal, resulting in a background density of sources of ~10 galaxies per square arc minute. With the present data, shear profiles are measured in all clusters out to at least 2 Mpc (more than 15 from the center) with high confidence. The radial shear profiles are fitted with different parametric mass profiles and the virial mass M_(200) is estimated for each cluster and then compared to other physical properties. Results. Scaling relations between mass and optical luminosity indicate an increase of the M/L ratio with luminosity (M/L ∝ L^(0.8)) and a LX−M_(200) relation scaling as L_X ∝ M^(0.83±0.11)_(200) while the normalization of the M_(200) ∝ T^(3/2)_X relation is close to the one expected from hydrodynamical simulations of cluster formation as well as previous X-ray analyses. We suggest that the dispersion in the M_(200) − T_X and M_(200) − L_X relations reflects the different merging and dynamical histories for clusters of similar X-ray luminosities and intrinsic variations in their measured masses. Improved statistics of clusters over a wider mass range are required for a better control of the intrinsic scatter in scaling relations

    Spectroscopy of brown dwarf candidates in IC 348 and the determination of its substellar IMF down to planetary masses

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    Context. Brown dwarfs represent a sizable fraction of the stellar content of our Galaxy and populate the transition between the stellar and planetary mass regime. There is however no agreement on the processes responsible for their formation. Aims. We have conducted a large survey of the young, nearby cluster IC 348, to uncover its low-mass brown dwarf population and study the cluster properties in the substellar regime. Methods. Deep optical and near-IR images taken with MegaCam and WIRCam at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) were used to select photometric candidate members. A spectroscopic follow-up of a large fraction of the candidates was conducted to assess their youth and membership. Results. We confirmed spectroscopically 16 new members of the IC 348 cluster, including 13 brown dwarfs, contributing significantly to the substellar census of the cluster, where only 30 brown dwarfs were previously known. Five of the new members have a L0 spectral type, the latest-type objects found to date in this cluster. At 3 Myr, evolutionary models estimate these brown dwarfs to have a mass of ~13 Jupiter masses. Combining the new members with previous census of the cluster, we constructed the IMF complete down to 13 Jupiter masses. Conclusions. The IMF of IC 348 is well fitted by a log-normal function, and we do not see evidence for variations of the mass function down to planetary masses when compared to other young clusters.Comment: Accepted to A&A (8 November 2012

    Evolution of hierarchical clustering in the CFHTLS-Wide since z~1

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    We present measurements of higher order clustering of galaxies from the latest release of the Canada-France-Hawaii-Telescope Legacy Survey (CFHTLS) Wide. We construct a volume-limited sample of galaxies that contains more than one million galaxies in the redshift range 0.2<z<1 distributed over the four independent fields of the CFHTLS. We use a counts in cells technique to measure the variance and the hierarchical moments S_n = /^(n-1) (3<n<5) as a function of redshift and angular scale.The robustness of our measurements if thoroughly tested, and the field-to-field scatter is in very good agreement with analytical predictions. At small scales, corresponding to the highly non-linear regime, we find a suggestion that the hierarchical moments increase with redshift. At large scales, corresponding to the weakly non-linear regime, measurements are fully consistent with perturbation theory predictions for standard LambdaCDM cosmology with a simple linear bias.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures, submitted to MNRA

    A CFH12k lensing survey of X-ray luminous galaxy clusters II : weak lensing analysis and global correlations

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    Aims: We present a wide-field multi-color survey of a homogeneous sample of eleven clusters of galaxies for which we measure total masses and mass distributions from weak lensing. This sample, spanning a small range in both X-ray luminosity and redshift, is ideally suited to determining the normalisation of scaling relations between X-ray properties of clusters and their masses (the M-TX and the M-LX relations) and also estimating the scatter in these relations at a fixed luminosity. Methods: The eleven clusters in our sample are all X-ray luminous and span a narrow redshift range at z = 0.21 ± 0.04. The weak lensing analysis of the sample is based on ground-based wide-field imaging obtained with the CFH12k camera on CFHT. We use the methodology developed and applied previously on the massive cluster Abell 1689. A Bayesian method, implemented in the Im2shape software, is used to fit the shape parameters of the faint background galaxies and to correct for PSF smearing. A multi-color selection of the background galaxies is applied to retrieve the weak lensing signal, resulting in a background density of sources of ~10 galaxies per square arc minute. With the present data, shear profiles are measured in all clusters out to at least 2 Mpc (more than 15ÂŽ from the center) with high confidence. The radial shear profiles are fitted with different parametric mass profiles and the virial mass M200 is estimated for each cluster and then compared to other physical properties. Results: Scaling relations between mass and optical luminosity indicate an increase of the M/L ratio with luminosity (M/L ∝ L0.8) and a LX-M200 relation scaling as LX ∝ M2000.83 ± 0.11 while the normalization of the M200 ∝ TX3/2 relation is close to the one expected from hydrodynamical simulations of cluster formation as well as previous X-ray analyses. We suggest that the dispersion in the M200-TX and M200-LX relations reflects the different merging and dynamical histories for clusters of similar X-ray luminosities and intrinsic variations in their measured masses. Improved statistics of clusters over a wider mass range are required for a better control of the intrinsic scatter in scaling relations

    Optimization of CABRI power transients with the SPARTE code and the URANIE uncertainty platform

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    International audienceIn a Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR), the rod ejection is a design basis accident for uncontrolled evolution of the nuclear reaction.In case of failure of a rod mechanism, the rod ejection is caused by the pressure differential between the primary loop (155 bar) and the confinement-s enclosure (atmospheric pressure).It leads to a local power transient and a fast fuel temperature increase.The power transient is limited by the reactivity feedbacks before the automatic reactor shutdown.The CABRI experimental pulsed reactor is funded by the French Nuclear Safety and Radioprotection Institute (IRSN) and is operated by CEA at the Cadarache research center.It is designed to study fuel rods behavior under Reactivity Initiated Accident (RIA) conditions.The tested fuel rod is placed at the center of the CABRI core, inside a pressurized water loop reproducing PWR conditions.CABRI is a pool type reactor, made of 1487 UO2_2 fuel rods and controlled by 6 Hafnium control rods.A specific device allows the fast depressurization of 3^3He contained in 4 transient rods to reproduce control rods ejection conditions.Based on a BEPU approach, we developed a tool, named SPARTE, for CABRI power transients calculation.This tool is based on point kinetics, simplified thermal-hydraulics and thermal-mechanics.It computes the global behavior of the core by the calculation of a mean fuel rod. It includes models of reactivity insertion specific to the CABRI transient rods system, variable kinetics parameters and variable Doppler coefficient.This code is validated on the basis of 66 CABRI start-up power transients realized during the first quarter of 2017. One goal of the SPARTE code is to be used for the prediction of future CABRI power transients.This paper focuses on methods for optimizing a specific CABRI power transient (FWHM ≃\simeq 30 ms, Deposited energy ≃\simeq 130 MJMJ) using the target characteristics of the pulse. The selection of a method may help the experimentalists and the operation team to minimize the number of white- power transients to perform before the final test with the fuel sample. The optimization can lead to different results, that can be ranked according to their projected uncertainties. Different optimization methods are tested and compared in this paper. The Subplex method based on reiterations of the Nelder-Mead algorithm (simplex method) was selected for its high precision. Indeed, the CABRI power transients are not completely reproducible and present some uncertainties linked to the test parameters. This article focuses on the uncertainties propagation in order to identify and select the parameters that minimize the output uncertainties. The results are very satisfactory and lead to several optimized scenarios that will be tested during the next qualification test campaign

    The XXL Survey X: K-band luminosity - weak-lensing mass relation for groups and clusters of galaxies

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    We present the K-band luminosity-halo mass relation, LK,500−M500,WLL_{K,500}-M_{500,WL}, for a subsample of 20 of the 100 brightest clusters in the XXL Survey observed with WIRCam at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). For the first time, we have measured this relation via weak-lensing analysis down to M500,WL=3.5×1013 M⊙M_{500,WL} =3.5 \times 10^{13}\,M_\odot. This allows us to investigate whether the slope of the LK−ML_K-M relation is different for groups and clusters, as seen in other works. The clusters in our sample span a wide range in mass, M500,WL=0.35−12.10×1014 M⊙M_{500,WL} =0.35-12.10 \times 10^{14}\,M_\odot, at 0<z<0.60<z<0.6. The K-band luminosity scales as log⁥10(LK,500/1012L⊙)∝ÎČlog10(M500,WL/1014M⊙)\log_{10}(L_{K,500}/10^{12}L_\odot) \propto \beta log_{10}(M_{500,WL}/10^{14}M_\odot) with ÎČ=0.85−0.27+0.35\beta = 0.85^{+0.35}_{-0.27} and an intrinsic scatter of σlnLK∣M=0.37−0.17+0.19\sigma_{lnL_K|M} =0.37^{+0.19}_{-0.17}. Combining our sample with some clusters in the Local Cluster Substructure Survey (LoCuSS) present in the literature, we obtain a slope of 1.05−0.14+0.161.05^{+0.16}_{-0.14} and an intrinsic scatter of 0.14−0.07+0.090.14^{+0.09}_{-0.07}. The flattening in the LK−ML_K-M seen in previous works is not seen here and might be a result of a bias in the mass measurement due to assumptions on the dynamical state of the systems. We also study the richness-mass relation and find that group-sized halos have more galaxies per unit halo mass than massive clusters. However, the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) in low-mass systems contributes a greater fraction to the total cluster light than BCGs do in massive clusters; the luminosity gap between the two brightest galaxies is more prominent for group-sized halos. This result is a natural outcome of the hierarchical growth of structures, where massive galaxies form and gain mass within low-mass groups and are ultimately accreted into more massive clusters to become either part of the BCG or one of the brighter galaxies. [Abridged]Comment: A&A, in pres

    The VIPERS Multi-Lambda Survey. II. Diving with massive galaxies in 22 square degrees since z = 1.5

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    We investigate the evolution of the galaxy stellar mass function (SMF) and stellar mass density from redshift z=0.2 to z=1.5 of a KABK_{AB}<22-selected sample with highly reliable photometric redshifts and over an unprecedentedly large area. Our study is based on NIR observations carried out with WIRCam at CFHT over the footprint of the VIPERS spectroscopic survey and benefits from the high quality optical photometry from the CFHTLS and UV observations with the GALEX satellite. The accuracy of our photometric redshifts is σz\sigma_z < 0.03 and 0.05 for the bright (iABi_{AB}22.5) samples, respectively. The SMF is measured with ~760,000 galaxies down to KsK_s=22 and over an effective area of ~22.4 deg2^2, the latter of which drastically reduces the statistical uncertainties (i.e. Poissonian error & cosmic variance). We point out the importance of a careful control of the photometric calibration, whose impact becomes quickly dominant when statistical uncertainties are reduced, which will be a major issue for future generation of cosmological surveys with, e.g. EUCLID or LSST. By exploring the rest-frame (NUV-r) vs (r-KsK_s) color-color diagram separating star-forming and quiescent galaxies, (1) we find that the density of very massive log(M∗/M⊙M_*/ M_{\odot}) > 11.5 galaxies is largely dominated by quiescent galaxies and increases by a factor 2 from z~1 to z~0.2, which allows for additional mass assembly via dry mergers, (2) we confirm a scenario where star formation activity is impeded above a stellar mass log(MSF∗/M⊙M^*_{SF} / M_{\odot}) = 10.64±\pm0.01, a value that is found to be very stable at 0.2 < z < 1.5, (3) we discuss the existence of a main quenching channel that is followed by massive star-forming galaxies, and finally (4) we characterise another quenching mechanism required to explain the clear excess of low-mass quiescent galaxies observed at low redshift.Comment: 22 pages, 20 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A. Version to be publishe

    LBQS 1429-0053: a binary quasar rather than a lensed quasar

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    Very deep ESO/VLT FORS1 and ISAAC images, as well as HST NICMOS2 data are used to infer the nature of the quasar pair LBQS 1429-0053 A and B, either a binary quasar or a doubly-imaged lensed quasar. Direct search of a putative lensing galaxy is unsuccessful . Moreover, no galaxy overdensity close to the quasar pair is found. A weak shear analysis of the field also fails at detecting any concentration of dark matter and weakens the hypothesis of a dark lens. The only sign of a possible lens consists in a group of 5 objects at z~1, within a radius of 5'', from the quasar pair. Considering this group as the lensing potential does not allow to reproduce the image position and flux ratio of the quasars. Our deep R-band image shows a blue, extended object at the position of quasar A, which is consistent with either being the lensed quasar A host, or being an intervening galaxy at lower redshift. Unless future very deep optical images demonstrate that this object is actually the lensed host of LBQS 1429-0053, we conclude that there is very little evidence for this quasar being lensed. Therefore, we are led to declare LBQS 1429-0053 A and B a genuine binary quasar.Comment: 9 pages, 6 jpg images, accepted for publication in A&

    The VIPERS Multi-Lambda Survey. I. UV and NIR Observations, multi-color catalogues and photometric redshifts

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    We present observations collected in the CFHTLS-VIPERS region in the ultraviolet (UV) with the GALEX satellite (far and near UV channels) and the near infrared with the CFHT/WIRCam camera (KsK_s-band) over an area of 22 and 27 deg2^2, respectively. The depth of the photometry was optimized to measure the physical properties (e.g., SFR, stellar masses) of all the galaxies in the VIPERS spectroscopic survey. The large volume explored by VIPERS will enable a unique investigation of the relationship between the galaxy properties and their environment (density field and cosmic web) at high redshift (0.5 < z < 1.2). In this paper, we present the observations, the data reductions and the build-up of the multi-color catalogues. The CFHTLS-T0007 (gri-{\chi}^2) images are used as reference to detect and measure the KsK_s-band photometry, while the T0007 u-selected sources are used as priors to perform the GALEX photometry based on a dedicated software (EMphot). Our final sample reaches NUVABNUV_{AB}~25 (at 5{\sigma}) and KABK_{AB}~22 (at 3{\sigma}). The large spectroscopic sample (~51,000 spectroscopic redshifts) allows us to highlight the robustness of our star/galaxy separation, and the reliability of our photometric redshifts with a typical accuracy σz≀\sigma_z \le 0.04 and a catastrophic failure rate {\eta} < 2% down to i~23. We present various tests on the KsK_s band completeness and photometric redshift accuracy by comparing with existing, overlapping deep photometric catalogues. Finally, we discuss the BzK sample of passive and active galaxies at high redshift and the evolution of galaxy morphology in the (NUV-r) vs (r-K_s) diagram at low redshift (z < 0.25) thanks to the high image quality of the CFHTLS. The images, catalogues and photometric redshifts for 1.5 million sources (down to NUV≀NUV \le 25 or Ks≀K_s \le 22) are released and available at this URL: http://cesam.lam.fr/vipers-mls/Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A. Version to be publishe
