86 research outputs found

    Evolutionary algorithms for the selection of single nucleotide polymorphisms

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    BACKGROUND: Large databases of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are available for use in genomics studies. Typically, investigators must choose a subset of SNPs from these databases to employ in their studies. The choice of subset is influenced by many factors, including estimated or known reliability of the SNP, biochemical factors, intellectual property, cost, and effectiveness of the subset for mapping genes or identifying disease loci. We present an evolutionary algorithm for multiobjective SNP selection. RESULTS: We implemented a modified version of the Strength-Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA2) in Java. Our implementation, Multiobjective Analyzer for Genetic Marker Acquisition (MAGMA), approximates the set of optimal trade-off solutions for large problems in minutes. This set is very useful for the design of large studies, including those oriented towards disease identification, genetic mapping, population studies, and haplotype-block elucidation. CONCLUSION: Evolutionary algorithms are particularly suited for optimization problems that involve multiple objectives and a complex search space on which exact methods such as exhaustive enumeration cannot be applied. They provide flexibility with respect to the problem formulation if a problem description evolves or changes. Results are produced as a trade-off front, allowing the user to make informed decisions when prioritizing factors. MAGMA is open source and available at . Evolutionary algorithms are well suited for many other applications in genomics

    The Dfam community resource of transposable element families, sequence models, and genome annotations.

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    Dfam is an open access database of repetitive DNA families, sequence models, and genome annotations. The 3.0-3.3 releases of Dfam ( https://dfam.org ) represent an evolution from a proof-of-principle collection of transposable element families in model organisms into a community resource for a broad range of species, and for both curated and uncurated datasets. In addition, releases since Dfam 3.0 provide auxiliary consensus sequence models, transposable element protein alignments, and a formalized classification system to support the growing diversity of organisms represented in the resource. The latest release includes 266,740 new de novo generated transposable element families from 336 species contributed by the EBI. This expansion demonstrates the utility of many of Dfam\u27s new features and provides insight into the long term challenges ahead for improving de novo generated transposable element datasets

    PiggyBac-ing on a Primate Genome: Novel Elements, Recent Activity and Horizontal Transfer

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    To better understand the extent of Class II transposable element activity in mammals, we investigated the mouse lemur, Microcebus murinus, whole genome shotgun (2X) draft assembly. Analysis of this strepsirrhine primate extended previous research that targeted anthropoid primates and found no activity within the last 37 Myr. We tested the hypothesis that members of the piggyBac Class II superfamily have been inactive in the strepsirrhine lineage of primates during the same period. Evidence against this hypothesis was discovered in the form of three nonautonomous piggyBac elements with activity periods within the past 40 Myr and possibly into the very recent past. In addition, a novel family of piggyBac transposons was identified, suggesting introduction via horizontal transfer. A second autonomous element was also found with high similarity to an element recently described from the little brown bat, Myotis lucifugus, further implicating horizontal transfer in the evolution of this genome. These findings indicate a more complex history of transposon activity in mammals rather than a uniform shutdown of Class II transposition, which had been suggested by analyses of more common model organisms

    Discovery of a new repeat family in the Callithrix jacchus genome

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    We identified a novel repeat family, termed Platy-1, in the Callithrix jacchus (common marmoset) genome that arose around the time of the divergence of platyrrhines and catarrhines and established itself as a repeat family in New World monkeys (NWMs). A full-length Platy-1 element is ∼100 bp in length, making it the shortest known short interspersed element (SINE) in primates, and harbors features characteristic of non-LTR retrotransposons. We identified 2268 full-length Platy-1 elements across 62 subfamilies in the common marmoset genome. Our subfamily reconstruction and phylogenetic analyses support Platy-1 propagation throughout the evolution of NWMs in the lineage leading to C. jacchus. Platy-1 appears to have reached its amplification peak in the common ancestor of current day marmosets and has since moderately declined. However, identification of more than 200 Platy-1 elements identical to their respective consensus sequence, and the presence of polymorphic elements within common marmoset populations, suggests ongoing retrotransposition activity. Platy-1, a SINE, appears to have originated from an Alu element, and hence is likely derived from 7SL RNA. Our analyses illustrate the birth of a new repeat family and its propagation dynamics in the lineage leading to the common marmoset over the last 40 million years

    TE Hub: A community-oriented space for sharing and connecting tools, data, resources, and methods for transposable element annotation

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    Transposable elements (TEs) play powerful and varied evolutionary and functional roles, and are widespread in most eukaryotic genomes. Research into their unique biology has driven the creation of a large collection of databases, software, classification systems, and annotation guidelines. The diversity of available TE-related methods and resources raises compatibility concerns and can be overwhelming to researchers and communicators seeking straightforward guidance or materials. To address these challenges, we have initiated a new resource, TE Hub, that provides a space where members of the TE community can collaborate to document and create resources and methods. The space consists of (1) a website organized with an open wiki framework, https://tehub.org, (2) a conversation framework via a Twitter account and a Slack channel, and (3) bi-monthly Hub Update video chats on the platform’s development. In addition to serving as a centralized repository and communication platform, TE Hub lays the foundation for improved integration, standardization, and effectiveness of diverse tools and protocols. We invite the TE community, both novices and experts in TE identification and analysis, to join us in expanding our community-oriented resource

    Mobile DNA in Old World monkeys: A glimpse through the rhesus macaque genome

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    The completion of the draft sequence of the rhesus macaque genome allowed us to study the genomic composition and evolution of transposable elements in this representative of the Old World monkey lineage, a group of diverse primates closely related to humans. The L1 family of long interspersed elements appears to have evolved as a single lineage, and Alu elements have evolved into four currently active lineages. We also found evidence of elevated horizontal transmissions of retroviruses and the absence of DNA transposon activity in the Old World monkey lineage. In addition, ∼100 precursors of composite SVA (short interspersed element, variable number of tandem repeat, and Alu) elements were identified, with the majority being shared by the common ancestor of humans and rhesus macaques. Mobile elements compose roughly 50% of primate genomes, and our findings illustrate their diversity and strong influence on genome evolution between closely related species

    A call for benchmarking transposable element annotation methods.

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    International audienceDNA derived from transposable elements (TEs) constitutes large parts of the genomes of complex eukaryotes, with major impacts not only on genomic research but also on how organisms evolve and function. Although a variety of methods and tools have been developed to detect and annotate TEs, there are as yet no standard benchmarks-that is, no standard way to measure or compare their accuracy. This lack of accuracy assessment calls into question conclusions from a wide range of research that depends explicitly or implicitly on TE annotation. In the absence of standard benchmarks, toolmakers are impeded in improving their tools, annotators cannot properly assess which tools might best suit their needs, and downstream researchers cannot judge how accuracy limitations might impact their studies. We therefore propose that the TE research community create and adopt standard TE annotation benchmarks, and we call for other researchers to join the authors in making this long-overdue effort a success
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