143 research outputs found

    Nitric Oxide Synthase Is Not a Constituent of the Antimicrobial Armature of Human Mononuclear Phagocytes

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    Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) has received immense interest as an antimicrobial and antitumoral effector system of mononuclear phagocytes from rodents. Because there is increasing doubt that an analogous system exists in human macrophages, NOS was reexamined in these cells. Under tightly controlled conditions, with murine macrophages as positive controls, human macrophages failed to secrete nitric oxide <0.1µmol/106 cells/24 h), even after activation with endotoxin, intcrferon-γ, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, tumor necrosis factor- a, bacteria, or proliferating lymphocytes. The discrepancy between murine and human macrophages depended on neither the anatomic source (blood, peritoneum), the agent used for activation, nor the duration of activation. NOS activity was paralleled by metabolization of L-arginine to L-citrulline. Exogenous tetrahydrobiopterin, an essential cofactor of NOS not synthesized by human macrophages, did not support NOS activity in human macrophages. Also, no NOS activity was found in cellular subfractions of human macrophages. It appears that in humans, the inducible high-output NOS is not conserved as an antimicrobial system of macrophage

    Intravital Dynamic and Correlative Imaging of Mouse Livers Reveals Diffusion-Dominated Canalicular and Flow-Augmented Ductular Bile Flux

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    Background and Aims Small‐molecule flux in tissue microdomains is essential for organ function, but knowledge of this process is scant due to the lack of suitable methods. We developed two independent techniques that allow the quantification of advection (flow) and diffusion in individual bile canaliculi and in interlobular bile ducts of intact livers in living mice, namely fluorescence loss after photoactivation and intravital arbitrary region image correlation spectroscopy. Approach and Results The results challenge the prevailing “mechano‐osmotic” theory of canalicular bile flow. After active transport across hepatocyte membranes, bile acids are transported in the canaliculi primarily by diffusion. Only in the interlobular ducts is diffusion augmented by regulatable advection. Photoactivation of fluorescein bis‐(5‐carboxymethoxy‐2‐nitrobenzyl)‐ether in entire lobules demonstrated the establishment of diffusive gradients in the bile canalicular network and the sink function of interlobular ducts. In contrast to the bile canalicular network, vectorial transport was detected and quantified in the mesh of interlobular bile ducts. Conclusions The liver consists of a diffusion‐dominated canalicular domain, where hepatocytes secrete small molecules and generate a concentration gradient and a flow‐augmented ductular domain, where regulated water influx creates unidirectional advection that augments the diffusive flux

    High incidence of acquiring methicillin-resistant <i>Staphylococcus aureus</i> in Brazilian children with Atopic Dermatitis and associated risk factors

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    BACKGROUND: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) colonization in Atopic Dermatitis (AD) patients can contribute to worsening their clinical condition. OBJECTIVE: A cohort study was carried out to determine the incidence of MRSA acquisition and its risk factors in AD children. METHODS: Patients with AD (2 months-14 years old) were followed up for about 1 year at a reference center for AD treatment in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from September 2011 to February 2014. Nasal swabs from patients and contacts were collected every 2 months. The SCORAD system assessed the severity of the AD. S. aureus isolates were evaluated to determine the methicillin resistance and the clonal lineages. RESULTS: Among 117 AD patients, 97 (82.9%) were already colonized with S. aureus and 26 (22.2%) had MRSA at the first evaluation. The incidence of MRSA acquisition in the cohort study was 27.47% (n = 25). The SCORAD assessments were: mild (46.15%), moderate (37.36%) or severe (16.48%). Risk factors were: colonized MRSA contacts (HR = 2.27; 95% CI: 1.16-7.54), use of cyclosporine (HR = 5.84; 95% CI: 1.70-19.98), moderate or severe AD (HR = 3.26; 95% CI: 1.13-9.37). Protective factors were: availability of running water (HR = 0.21; 95% CI: 0.049-0.96) and use of antihistamines (HR = 0.21; 95% IC: 0.64-0.75). MRSA isolates carried the SCCmec type IV and most of them were typed as USA800/ST5. CONCLUSIONS: The high incidence of MRSA acquisition found among AD patients and the risk factors associated show that an effective surveillance of MRSA colonization in these patients is needed

    Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage in children with interstitial lung disease: Determine etiologies!

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    OBJECTIVE: Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage (DAH) in children is a rare condition resulting from different underlying diseases. This study aimed at describing characteristics and diagnostic measures in children with ILD (children\u27s interstitial lung disease, chILD) and DAH to improve the diagnostic approach by increasing clinician\u27s awareness of diagnostic shortcomings. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A retrospective data analysis of patients with ILD and DAH treated in our own or collaborating centers between 01/07/1997 and 31/12/2020 was performed. Data on clinical courses and diagnostic measures were systematically retrieved as case-vignettes and investigated. To assess suitability of diagnostic software-algorithms, the Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) was revised and expanded to optimize conditions of its associated tool the Phenomizer. RESULTS: For 97 (74%) of 131 patients, etiology of pulmonary hemorrhage was clarified. For 34 patients (26%), no underlying condition was found (termed as idiopathic pulmonary hemorrhage, IPH). Based on laboratory findings or clinical phenotype/comorbidities, 20 of these patients were assigned to descriptive clusters: IPH associated with autoimmune features (9), eosinophilia (5), renal disease (3) or multiorgan involvement (3). For 14 patients, no further differentiation was possible. CONCLUSION: Complete and sometimes repeated diagnostics are essential for establishing the correct diagnosis in children with DAH. We suggest assignment of patients with IPH to descriptive clusters, which may also guide further research. Digital tools such as the Phenomizer/HPO are promising, but need to be extended to increase diagnostic accuracy

    Reaction Mechanism and Substrate Specificity of Iso-orotate Decarboxylase: A Combined Theoretical and Experimental Study

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    The C-C bond cleavage catalyzed by metal-dependent iso-orotate decarboxylase (IDCase) from the thymidine salvage pathway is of interest for the elucidation of a (hypothetical) DNA demethylation pathway. IDCase appears also as a promising candidate for the synthetic regioselective carboxylation of N-heteroaromatics. Herein, we report a joint experimental-theoretical study to gain insights into the metal identity, reaction mechanism, and substrate specificity of IDCase. In contrast to previous assumptions, the enzyme is demonstrated by ICPMS/MS measurements to contain a catalytically relevant Mn2+ rather than Zn2+. Quantum chemical calculations revealed that decarboxylation of the natural substrate (5-carboxyuracil) proceeds via a (reverse) electrophilic aromatic substitution with formation of CO2. The occurrence of previously proposed tetrahedral carboxylate intermediates with concomitant formation of HCO3- could be ruled out on the basis of prohibitively high energy barriers. In contrast to related o-benzoic acid decarboxylases, such as γ-resorcylate decarboxylase and 5-carboxyvanillate decarboxylase, which exhibit a relaxed substrate tolerance for phenolic acids, IDCase shows high substrate fidelity. Structural and energy comparisons suggest that this is caused by a unique hydrogen bonding of the heterocyclic natural substrate (5-carboxyuracil) to the surrounding residues. Analysis of calculated energies also shows that the reverse carboxylation of uracil is impeded by a strongly disfavored uphill reaction

    Search for the standard model Higgs boson at LEP

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    Perspectives on ethnic and racial disparities in Alzheimer\u27s disease and related dementias: Update and areas of immediate need

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    Alzheimer\u27s disease and related dementias (ADRDs) are a global crisis facing the aging population and society as a whole. With the numbers of people with ADRDs predicted to rise dramatically across the world, the scientific community can no longer neglect the need for research focusing on ADRDs among underrepresented ethnoracial diverse groups. The Alzheimer\u27s Association International Society to Advance Alzheimer\u27s Research and Treatment (ISTAART; alz.org/ISTAART) comprises a number of professional interest areas (PIAs), each focusing on a major scientific area associated with ADRDs. We leverage the expertise of the existing international cadre of ISTAART scientists and experts to synthesize a cross-PIA white paper that provides both a concise “state-of-the-science” report of ethnoracial factors across PIA foci and updated recommendations to address immediate needs to advance ADRD science across ethnoracial populations. © 2018 The Author

    The primary headaches: genetics, epigenetics and a behavioural genetic model

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    The primary headaches, migraine with (MA) and without aura (MO) and cluster headache, all carry a substantial genetic liability. Familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM), an autosomal dominant mendelian disorder classified as a subtype of MA, is due to mutations in genes encoding neural channel subunits. MA/MO are considered multifactorial genetic disorders, and FHM has been proposed as a model for migraine aetiology. However, a review of the genetic studies suggests that the FHM genes are not involved in the typical migraines and that FHM should be considered as a syndromic migraine rather than a subtype of MA. Adopting the concept of syndromic migraine could be useful in understanding migraine pathogenesis. We hypothesise that epigenetic mechanisms play an important role in headache pathogenesis. A behavioural model is proposed, whereby the primary headaches are construed as behaviours, not symptoms, evolutionarily conserved for their adaptive value and engendered out of a genetic repertoire by a network of pattern generators present in the brain and signalling homeostatic imbalance. This behavioural model could be incorporated into migraine genetic research