170 research outputs found

    ‘Who’s left holding the baby?’ Exploring couples’ decision-making to have a biological baby following a woman’s diagnosis of Marfan syndrome

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    Research into the psychological effects of reproductive decision-making when an individual has a diagnosis of Marfan syndrome, a genetically inherited and potentially life-threatening condition, is rare and mainly quantitative in nature. In response, this study has investigated the experience of couples’ decisionmaking to have a baby when a woman has been diagnosed with Marfan syndrome. The study was conducted using unstructured interview data, analysed using the qualitative methodology of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). The participants were six couples with a female diagnosis of Marfan syndrome. Five couples with children provided retrospective data and one couple making the decision to have a baby provided live data. Four superordinate themes emerged: her decision is already made; creating an informed decision; finding psychosocial support; existing with the fallout of the decision. The experience of decision-making was complex and multidimensional for the males, females and couples. The women demonstrated a strong drive to have a baby despite the 50/50 odds of having a child with Marfan syndrome, whereas the men described the tension between wanting a child and coping with the potentially life-threatening risks for a woman in pregnancy and childbirth. A compelling account of the couples’ difficulties in exploring their options and assessing the risks with medical professionals emerged. It is argued that this research provides important insights for counselling psychologists and other professionals when working with individuals and couples affected by Marfan syndrome and other genetically inherited conditions at the critical time of coping with reproductive decision-making

    Data compression and regression based on local principal curves.

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    Frequently the predictor space of a multivariate regression problem of the type y = m(x_1, …, x_p ) + ε is intrinsically one-dimensional, or at least of far lower dimension than p. Usual modeling attempts such as the additive model y = m_1(x_1) + … + m_p (x_p ) + ε, which try to reduce the complexity of the regression problem by making additional structural assumptions, are then inefficient as they ignore the inherent structure of the predictor space and involve complicated model and variable selection stages. In a fundamentally different approach, one may consider first approximating the predictor space by a (usually nonlinear) curve passing through it, and then regressing the response only against the one-dimensional projections onto this curve. This entails the reduction from a p- to a one-dimensional regression problem. As a tool for the compression of the predictor space we apply local principal curves. Taking things on from the results presented in Einbeck et al. (Classification – The Ubiquitous Challenge. Springer, Heidelberg, 2005, pp. 256–263), we show how local principal curves can be parametrized and how the projections are obtained. The regression step can then be carried out using any nonparametric smoother. We illustrate the technique using data from the physical sciences

    Relationship intimacy, sexual distress, and help-seeking for sexual problems among older European couples : a hybrid dyadic approach

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    There is evidence that emotional intimacy can buffer the distress associated with sexual difficulties. Considering that older adults are at an increased risk of chronic illness, many of which (including their medical treatment) can impact their sexual well-being, the link between intimacy and sexual distress may be particularly relevant for older couples. To start bridging the gap in our understanding of the links between older couples’ emotional intimacy, distress about sexual function, and seeking professional help for sexuality-related issues, the current study used a 4-country sample with 218 Norwegian, 207 Danish, 135 Belgian, and 117 Portuguese couples aged 60-75 years. Two hypotheses were explored with a hybrid dyadic analysis: (1) a couple’s emotional intimacy is negatively related to partner’s distress about sexual function, but (2) positively associated with their help-seeking for sexual health issues. Less than 10% of participants in the current study reported seeking professional help, with the majority reporting their primary care physician as the contacted person. Couples’ emotional intimacy was consistently (and negatively) associated with female partners’ sexual distress across countries, but was unrelated to help-seeking for sexual problems. The findings illustrate the role of shared emotional intimacy in older women’s distress about sexual function, but also indicate that older couples characterized by high intimacy should not be assumed to seek professional help for sexually-related issues more readily than other couples

    Data compression and regression based on local principal curves

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    Frequently the predictor space of a multivariate regression problem of the type y = m(x_1, …, x_p ) + ε is intrinsically one-dimensional, or at least of far lower dimension than p. Usual modeling attempts such as the additive model y = m_1(x_1) + … + m_p (x_p ) + ε, which try to reduce the complexity of the regression problem by making additional structural assumptions, are then inefficient as they ignore the inherent structure of the predictor space and involve complicated model and variable selection stages. In a fundamentally different approach, one may consider first approximating the predictor space by a (usually nonlinear) curve passing through it, and then regressing the response only against the one-dimensional projections onto this curve. This entails the reduction from a p- to a one-dimensional regression problem. As a tool for the compression of the predictor space we apply local principal curves. Taking things on from the results presented in Einbeck et al. (Classification – The Ubiquitous Challenge. Springer, Heidelberg, 2005, pp. 256–263), we show how local principal curves can be parametrized and how the projections are obtained. The regression step can then be carried out using any nonparametric smoother. We illustrate the technique using data from the physical sciences

    Safer sex in later life: Qualitative interviews with older Australians on their understandings and practices of safer sex

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    Rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are increasing in older cohorts in Western countries such as Australia, the U.K. and the U.S., suggesting a need to examine the safer sex knowledge and practices of older people. This article presents findings from 53 qualitative interviews from the study “Sex, Age & Me: a National Study of Sex and Relationships Among Australians aged 60+.” Participants were recruited through an online national survey. We consider how participants understood “safer sex,” the importance of safer sex to them, the safer sex practices they used (and the contexts in which they used them), and the barriers to using safer sex. Older adults had diverse understandings, knowledge, and use of safer sex practices, although participants tended to focus most strongly on condom use. Having safer sex was strongly mediated by relationship context, trust, perceived risk of contracting an STI, concern for personal health, and stigma. Common barriers to safer sex included erectile difficulties, embarrassment, stigma, reduced pleasure, and the lack of a safer sex culture among older people. The data presented has important implications for sexual health policy, practice, and education and health promotion campaigns aimed at improving the sexual health and wellbeing of older cohorts

    Sexually active older Australian's knowledge of sexually transmitted infections and safer sexual practices.

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    OBJECTIVE: Rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are rising among older Australians. We conducted a large survey of older people's knowledge of STIs and safer sexual practices. METHODS: A total of 2,137 Australians aged 60 years and older completed the survey, which included 15 questions assessing knowledge of STIs and safer sexual practices. We examined both levels of knowledge and factors associated with an overall knowledge score. RESULTS: In total, 1,652 respondents reported having sex in the past five years and answered all knowledge questions. This group had good general knowledge but poorer knowledge in areas such as the protection offered by condoms and potential transmission modes for specific STIs. Women had better knowledge than men. Men in their 60s, men with higher education levels, and men who thought they were at risk of STIs reported better knowledge than other men. Knowledge was also better among men and women who had been tested for STIs or reported 'other' sources of knowledge on STIs. CONCLUSIONS: Many older Australians lack knowledge of STIs and safer sexual practices. Implications for public health: To reverse current trends toward increasing STI diagnoses in this population, policies and education campaigns aimed at improving knowledge levels may need to be considered

    Self-reported testing and treatment histories among older Australian men and women who may be at risk of a sexually transmissible infection

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    Background: Rates of sexually transmissible infections (STIs) are increasing among older adults in many countries. Little is known about the testing and treatment histories of these populations. Correlates of testing in the past 5 years among older adults who may be at risk of a STI were examined. Methods: A cross-sectional survey of 2137 Australians aged 60+ years that involved questions on STIs and STI testing was conducted in 2015. To help inform potential education campaigns, analyses focused on those who may have been at risk of a STI (n = 805, 38%). Results: Less than one in three reported a STI test in the past 5 years (n = 241, 30%) while 6% (n = 51) reported a STI diagnosis. Those diagnosed typically received treatment from a family doctor or general practitioner. Among men, lower testing rates were associated with older age, identifying as heterosexual, lower educational attainment, not using online dating and reporting one partner in the past 5 years. For women, lower rates of testing were found among those who did not use a condom at their most recent sexual encounter and those with one partner in the past 5 years. Conclusions: STI testing rates were low. This study indicates that consideration should be given to the way targeted education campaigns are formulated, such as emphasising the importance of STI testing to older people who are at risk, as well as encouraging healthcare professionals to discuss sexual health with their older patients

    The Importance of Sex and the Meaning of Sex and Sexual Pleasure for Men Aged 60 and Older Who Engage in Heterosexual Relationships: Findings from a Qualitative Interview Study

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    That many older individuals continue to engage in various forms of sexual expression well into later life is now well established in the literature. To date, however, only a small body of qualitative research has examined older men’s experiences and understandings of sex in later life. Likewise, the ways in which older men’s discussions on sex may be used as an avenue for “doing” masculinity remain underexplored. Older men are particularly interesting in this regard, as they inhabit an increasingly subordinated position in relation to hegemonic masculine ideals because of their age. To what extent might this limit or, alternatively, open up the possibilities for sexual expression and subjectivity in later life? Drawing on a subset of findings from Sex, Age, and Me: A National Study with Australian Women and Men Aged 60 and Older, data from qualitative interviews with 27 Australian men were explored in this article. The first Australian study of its kind, we argue that older men who engage in heterosexual relationships draw on a diverse and complex array of discursive positions regarding sex, relationships, and masculinity in making sense of their experiences of sex in later life. Older men are a heterogeneous group, and their experiences and understandings of sex do not simplistically follow “decline” or “success” narratives of aging. The findings of this research build upon and extend emerging research illustrating the centrality of intimacy to older men’s sexual lives, while simultaneously highlighting the ways in which the body and discursive constructions of sex intersect to shape older men’s sexual subjectivities

    Successful aging and changes in sexual interest and enjoyment among older European men and women

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    Introduction Despite the popularity and analytical relevance of the concept of successful aging, little efforts have been made to address its relationship to sexuality in older individuals. Aim To explore the relationship between successful aging and the (retrospectively assessed) change in sexual interest and enjoyment in the past 10 years, using a new multidimensional model of successful aging. Methods The data for this study was collected in 2016 using national probability-based surveys in four European countries (Norway, Denmark, Belgium and Portugal). In total, information from 2,461 sexually active and inactive participants aged 60–75 years was used for analyses. Multigroup structural equation analysis was employed to address the associations between key constructs. Main Outcome Measure The dependent variable was a composite (two-item) indicator of change in sexual interest and enjoyment in the past 10 years; a multifaceted model of successful aging predicted the change by country and gender. Results Tested cross-culturally, the proposed model of successful aging demonstrated a good fit to the data. Furthermore, its metric characteristics enabled direct comparisons across gender and national cultures. Controlling for sociodemographic characteristics, higher successful aging scores were consistently related to lower reduction in sexual interest/enjoyment among men and women across the 4 countries. Clinical Implications Given an increased life-expectancy and focus on healthy aging in many countries, the findings about the associations between sexual expression, quality of life and aging well are valuable to professionals working in the area of healthy sexual aging. Strength & Limitations This is the first study to systematically address the relationship between successful aging and sexuality. Furthermore, it provides a multidimensional measure of successful aging for a wide range of sexologic studies. Among limitations, possible self-selection bias (toward more sexually permissive and sexually active participants) and the fact that the findings are restricted to older heterosexual individuals, should be considered. Conclusion Without stigmatizing the absence of sexual expression in aging individuals, the findings from this cross-cultural study point out that sustained sexual interest and sexual enjoyment are linked to successful aging in both genders

    Phylesystem: a git-based data store for community-curated phylogenetic estimates

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    Motivation: Phylogenetic estimates from published studies can be archived using general platforms like Dryad (Vision, 2010) or TreeBASE (Sanderson et al., 1994). Such services fulfill a crucial role in ensuring transparency and reproducibility in phylogenetic research. However, digital tree data files often require some editing (e.g. rerooting) to improve the accuracy and reusability of the phylogenetic statements. Furthermore, establishing the mapping between tip labels used in a tree and taxa in a single common taxonomy dramatically improves the ability of other researchers to reuse phylogenetic estimates. As the process of curating a published phylogenetic estimate is not error-free, retaining a full record of the provenance of edits to a tree is crucial for openness, allowing editors to receive credit for their work and making errors introduced during curation easier to correct. Results: Here, we report the development of software infrastructure to support the open curation of phylogenetic data by the community of biologists. The backend of the system provides an interface for the standard database operations of creating, reading, updating and deleting records by making commits to a git repository. The record of the history of edits to a tree is preserved by git’s version control features. Hosting this data store on GitHub (http://github.com/) provides open access to the data store using tools familiar to many developers. We have deployed a server running the ‘phylesystem-api’, which wraps the interactions with git and GitHub. The Open Tree of Life project has also developed and deployed a JavaScript application that uses the phylesystem-api and other web services to enable input and curation of published phylogenetic statements