107 research outputs found

    Role of Fibroblast Growth Factor Signaling in Epicardial Development and Function

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    In this thesis I examined the function of Fibroblast Growth Factor: FGF) signaling in epicardial cells. Epicardial cells serve as the outer layer of the heart and as a signaling center for the growing myocardium. In addition, during development, epicardial cells differentiate into vascular smooth muscle cells: vsmc) and interstitial fibroblasts. Epicardial cells undergo an epicardial to mesenchymal transition: EMT) to give rise to these various cell types, which are termed epicardial derived cells: EPDCs). Epicardial-derived vsmc are an essential component of the arterial network in the myocardium, and the interstitial fibroblasts become part of the fibrous skeleton of the myocardium. To populate the myocardium, EPDCs must migrate through the subepicardial space and into the compact myocardium. Very little is known about how this migration is initiated, maintained and guided. Although, FGF7 and FGF10 are expressed in the myocardium their function was not known. Biochemically, these FGFs activate the b splice variants of FGFR1 and FGFR2. Here, I show that FGF10 siganls to the epicardium in vivo to induce migration of EPDCs. Furthermore, I found that FGF10 promotes migration of EPDCs that are fated to become interstitial fibroblasts. Embryonic cardiac fibroblasts are important during late heart gestation because they induce proliferation of cardiac myocytes. In hearts in which the FGF10/FGFR2b signaling pathway is disrupted, cardiac fibroblasts fail to migrate into the myocardium. I posit that fewer interstitial cardiac fibroblasts results in decreased cardiac myocyte proliferation and a smaller heart. Other growth factors like PDGFβ had been identified to activate migration of epicardial-derived vsmc but not cardiac fibroblast. Thus it appears that specific extracellular signaling pathways are required to control the migration of EPDC-lineages into the myocardium. These findings are an important contribution to the understanding of epicardial development. Epicardial and EPDC are not only important for heart development, but are thought to be essential for heart repair and regeneration due to the potential of these cells to differentiate in various cell types

    The Elaborate Postural Display of Courting Drosophila persimilis Flies Produces Substrate-Borne Vibratory Signals.

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    Sexual selection has led to the evolution of extraordinary and elaborate male courtship behaviors across taxa, including mammals and birds, as well as some species of flies. Drosophila persimilis flies perform complex courtship behaviors found in most Drosophila species, which consist of visual, air-borne, gustatory and olfactory cues. In addition, Drosophila persimilis courting males also perform an elaborate postural display that is not found in most other Drosophila species. This postural display includes an upwards contortion of their abdomen, specialized movements of the head and forelegs, raising both wings into a "wing-posture" and, most remarkably, the males proffer the female a regurgitated droplet. Here, we use high-resolution imaging, laser vibrometry and air-borne acoustic recordings to analyse this postural display to ask which signals may promote copulation. Surprisingly, we find that no air-borne signals are generated during the display. We show, however, that the abdomen tremulates to generate substrate-borne vibratory signals, which correlate with the female's immobility before she feeds onto the droplet and accepts copulation.This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust Investigator Awards to P. A. Lawrence WT096645MA and WT107060AIA.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Springer at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10905-016-9579-8

    Triggers of the Postural Display of Courtship in Drosophila persimilis Flies.

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    D. persimilis courtship shows some flexibility and courting males sometimes perform an elaborate postural display in addition to the standard courtship behaviours shared by most Drosophila species. This postural display includes the acrobatic contortion and tremulation of their abdomen, accompanied by the generation of substrate-borne vibrations, and they proffer a nutritional droplet to the female. Here, we use courtship and choice assays to ask what triggers this display and what advantages males may gain from it during courtship. In pair assays, we found no differences in the courtship duration and copulation success between displaying and non-displaying males. In trio assays, however, the female always mated with the male who performed the display. To investigate what promotes the male display, we varied the level of receptivity of the female and studied the impact of a second male. We found that rejection by the female does not induce the male to display, contrary to what was previously suggested. We present evidence that the male display is in fact promoted by the presence of an attentive and sexually receptive female and the absence of male competition, with the greatest exhibition rate obtained if the courted female is starved. These findings provide valuable information about the social ecology of flies, and how internal and external cues influence sexual behaviours and mate choice

    Investigación de neuromarketing: la influencia de la densidad de personas en la actividad neuronal en el costumer journey en centros comerciales

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    17 páginasNo es difícil llegar a entender la importancia de diversos artículos académicos referentes a la importancia de la biofilia y la influencia del entorno, en la construcción de un nuevo modelo y evolución del marketing, donde lo social y lo natural adquieren cada vez mayor relevancia frente a lo comercial y lo transaccional, y de cuyo entendimiento, esmero y aplicabilidad responsable, se fortalecen los hábitos de consumo de las personas que asisten a los centros de comercio y afines. Es por eso que algunos autores (Contreras, Rivera, &.Rosenbaum, 2018) y (Rosenbaum, Kelleher, Friman, Kristensson, & Scherer, 2017) han realizado investigaciones, concluyendo que los lugares comerciales ya no son concebidos como lugares estrictamente físicos sino como espacios con valor agregado para sus visitantes y consumidores. En ese sentido, se realizó este proyecto cuyo objetivo fue evaluar la actividad neuronal de personas y/o consumidores que visitan habitualmente los centros comerciales, mediante la realización de tres experimentos y el apoyo de un equipo de electroencefalografia (EEG) llamado Emotiv EPOC, el cual utiliza un auricular inalambrico que monitorea 14 canales de dates EEG que proporciona mediciones en tiempo real de quienes lo usan, en seis dimensiones emocionales, subconscientes y expresiones faciales.It is not difficult to understand the importance of various academic articles concerning the importance of biophilia and the influence of the environment, in the construction of a new model and the evolution of marketing, where the social and natural entities acquire more and more importance in front of the commercial and the transactional, and whose understanding, dedication and responsible applicability, strengthen the habits of consumption of people who attend the trade centers and such. That is why authors like (Contreras, Rivera, & Rosenbaum, 2018) and (Rosenbaum, Kelleher, Friman, Kristensson, & Scherer, 2017) have conducted research, concluding that commercial places are no longer conceived as strictly physical places but rather as spaces with added value for its visitors and consumers. That is why this project was created, it is proposed to evaluate the neuronal activity of the participants that are habitual consumers of the shopping centers. By carrying out three experiments and with the support of an electroencephalography (EEG) team, using particularly Emotiv EPOC, a wireless headset that monitors 14 channels of EEG data and provides real­time measurements of those who use it, in six emotional dimensions, subconscious and facial expressions.Magíster en MercadeoMaestrí

    Characterization of bicycle mobility on the campus Rodrigo Facio, University of Costa Rica

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    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo caracterizar a las personas que viajan en bicicleta hacia la Universidad de Costa Rica por medio de un análisis de los resultados de la Encuesta de Transporte realizada por el Programa de Infraestructura del Transporte (PITRA) del Laboratorio Nacional de Materiales y Modelos Estructurales de la Universidad de Costa Rica en el 2013. Con los datos de los viajes en bicicleta se determinó que un 42 % de los usuarios encuestados que asisten a la universidad en bicicleta lo hacen desde distancias que se ubican entre los dos y los cinco kilómetros. Además, un 62 % de quienes utilizan este medio de transporte tarda 30 minutos o menos en realizar el recorrido diario hacia la Universidad. Existe una diferencia por sexo respecto al uso de la bicicleta dado que el 81 % de las personas ciclistas corresponde a hombres y el 19 % a mujeres. La ausencia de espacio exclusivo para bicicletas es uno de los principales problemas experimentados por los ciclistas y las ciclistas. Vehículos transitando a altas velocidades, la presencia de vehículos pesados y la conducción nocturna sin presencia de iluminación en la vía son factores que influyen en la percepción de seguridad que tienen las personas ciclistas en sus itinerarios. Finalmente, la existencia de infraestructura exclusiva para ciclistas en la vía, la implementación de espacios de parqueo y educación para los conductores y las conductoras se consideran como las principales incentivos para el uso de la bicicleta.This paper aims at characterizing bicyclists commuting to the University of Costa Rica, by analyzing the results of the Transportation Survey conducted in 2013 by the Transport Infrastructure Program (PITRA) of the National Laboratory of Structural Models and Materials of the University of Costa Rica. The collected data determined that 42% of respondents commute between two and five kilometers. In addition, 62% take 30 minutes or less to get to the university every day. There is a difference on bicycle use per sex given that 81% of cyclists are men and 19% are women. The lack of exclusive spaces for bicycles is one of the main problems experienced by cyclists. Vehicles at high speed, heavy vehicles on the road, and the lack of road lighting at night are some of the factors that influence the perception of cyclist safety. Finally, exclusive cycling infrastructure, bicycle parking spaces and driving education are considered the main incentives to ride a bicycle.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ingeniería::Laboratorio Nacional de Materiales y Modelos Estructurales (LanammeUCR

    Obesidad como estado proinflamatorio y cirugía bariátrica. Novedades.

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    Introduction: Are customarily defined obesity according to the index of body mass (IMC) results regardless of the pathogenesis of this, causing difficulties to when deciding treatment. Objectives: Perform a theoretical review on obesity surgery, from the newest concepts and proinflamatorio State. Material and methods: was an article of systematic review of the literature of the period 2013-2018 on obesity and Bariatric Surgery, with an emphasis on diagnostic and therapeutic conduct. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used. The method of combining results, where we compared studies with positive effect; ˂ 0.05 p, against the number of studies with negative effect; p ˃ 0.05, to determine the direction of the effect. Results: The literatureconcerns diseases that cause overweight or obese, with only 2-3% of cases, such as Cushing's syndrome, congenital Hypogonadism, hypothyroidism, celiac disease and gluten sensitivity not celiac between otros.7, 8. Certain psychiatric illnesses including schizophrenia, eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa, binge eating or food addiction, as well as the use of antipsychotics atypical, can cause obesity. Conclusions: The theoretical foundations analyzed on obesity allow to determine the significance of the diagnosis of obesity, by a good anamnesis that includes age at onset of overweight and obesity, family history of overweight and obesity, medical and surgical previous treatments, evolution of weight, food registration in 24 hours, regular physical activity and frequency, Comorbidities, a physical control of vital signs, the Association of anthropometric data, including weight, size as well as the IMC.Introducción: Habitualmente se define obesidad atendiendo a resultados del Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) sin tener en cuenta la etiopatogenia de esta, ocasionando dificultades al momento de decidir el tratamiento. Objetivos: Realizar una revisión teórica sobre la obesidad como estado proinflamatorio y cirugía bariátrica, desde las concepciones más novedosas. Material y métodos: Se realizó un artículode revisión sistemática de la literatura del periodo 2013-2018 sobre obesidad y cirugía bariátrica, haciendo énfasis en el diagnóstico y conducta terapéutica. Se utilizaron métodos estadísticos descriptivos e inferenciales. Se utilizó el método de combinación de resultados, donde se compararon estudios con efecto positivo; p ˂ 0,05, contra el numero de estudios con efecto negativo; p ˃ 0,05, para determinar la dirección del efecto. Resultados: La literatura refiere enfermedades que causan sobrepeso u obesidad, correspondiendo únicamente a 2 a 3% de los casos, como son Síndrome de Cushing, Hipogonadismo congénito, Hipotiroidismo, Celiaquía y sensibilidad al gluten no celiaca entre otros.7,8. Ciertas enfermedades psiquiátricas entre ellas esquizofrenia, trastornos alimenticios como bulimia nerviosa, ingesta compulsiva y/o adicción a los alimentos, así como el usode antipsicóticos atípicos, pueden provocar obesidad. Conclusiones: Los fundamentos teóricos analizados sobre la obesidad permiten determinar la importancia del diagnóstico de obesidad, mediante una buena anamnesis que incluya edad de inicio del sobrepeso y obesidad, antecedentes familiares de sobrepeso y obesidad, tratamientos previos médicos y quirúrgicos, evolución del peso, registro alimentario de 24 horas, actividad física habitual y frecuencia, comorbilidades, un examen físico que control de signos vitales, la asociación de datos antropométricos, entre ellos peso, talla, así como el IMC

    Obesidad como estado proinflamatorio y cirugía bariátrica. Novedades.

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    Introduction: Are customarily defined obesity according to the index of body mass (IMC) results regardless of the pathogenesis of this, causing difficulties to when deciding treatment. Objectives: Perform a theoretical review on obesity surgery, from the newest concepts and proinflamatorio State. Material and methods: was an article of systematic review of the literature of the period 2013-2018 on obesity and Bariatric Surgery, with an emphasis on diagnostic and therapeutic conduct. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used. The method of combining results, where we compared studies with positive effect; ? 0.05 p, against the number of studies with negative effect; p ? 0.05, to determine the direction of the effect. Results: The literatureconcerns diseases that cause overweight or obese, with only 2-3% of cases, such as Cushing's syndrome, congenital Hypogonadism, hypothyroidism, celiac disease and gluten sensitivity not celiac between otros.7, 8. Certain psychiatric illnesses including schizophrenia, eating disorders such as bulimia nervosa, binge eating or food addiction, as well as the use of antipsychotics atypical, can cause obesity. Conclusions: The theoretical foundations analyzed on obesity allow to determine the significance of the diagnosis of obesity, by a good anamnesis that includes age at onset of overweight and obesity, family history of overweight and obesity, medical and surgical previous treatments, evolution of weight, food registration in 24 hours, regular physical activity and frequency, Comorbidities, a physical control of vital signs, the Association of anthropometric data, including weight, size as well as the IMC.Introducción: Habitualmente se define obesidad atendiendo a resultados del Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) sin tener en cuenta la etiopatogenia de esta, ocasionando dificultades al momento de decidir el tratamiento. Objetivos: Realizar una revisión teórica sobre la obesidad como estado proinflamatorio y cirugía bariátrica, desde las concepciones más novedosas. Material y métodos: Se realizó un artículode revisión sistemática de la literatura del periodo 2013-2018 sobre obesidad y cirugía bariátrica, haciendo énfasis en el diagnóstico y conducta terapéutica. Se utilizaron métodos estadísticos descriptivos e inferenciales. Se utilizó el método de combinación de resultados, donde se compararon estudios con efecto positivo; p ? 0,05, contra el numero de estudios con efecto negativo; p ? 0,05, para determinar la dirección del efecto. Resultados: La literatura refiere enfermedades que causan sobrepeso u obesidad, correspondiendo únicamente a 2 a 3% de los casos, como son Síndrome de Cushing, Hipogonadismo congénito, Hipotiroidismo, Celiaquía y sensibilidad al gluten no celiaca entre otros.7,8. Ciertas enfermedades psiquiátricas entre ellas esquizofrenia, trastornos alimenticios como bulimia nerviosa, ingesta compulsiva y/o adicción a los alimentos, así como el usode antipsicóticos atípicos, pueden provocar obesidad. Conclusiones: Los fundamentos teóricos analizados sobre la obesidad permiten determinar la importancia del diagnóstico de obesidad, mediante una buena anamnesis que incluya edad de inicio del sobrepeso y obesidad, antecedentes familiares de sobrepeso y obesidad, tratamientos previos médicos y quirúrgicos, evolución del peso, registro alimentario de 24 horas, actividad física habitual y frecuencia, comorbilidades, un examen físico que control de signos vitales, la asociación de datos antropométricos, entre ellos peso, talla, así como el IMC

    Effect of a dietary intervention based on the mediterranean diet on the quality of life of patients recovered from depression: analysis of the PREDIDEP randomized trial

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    Introduction: There is substantial evidence supporting that improving diet quality leads to improved healthrelated quality of life (HRQoL). Our major aim was to assess the effectiveness of a Mediterranean diet–based nutritional intervention to improve HRQoL in the context of a secondary prevention trial of depression. Secondarily to assess its effectiveness among adults aged 60 or more years. Methods: The PREDIDEP study is a 2-year multicentre, randomized, single-blinded nutritional trial. At baseline and at 1-year and 2-year follow-up, SF-36 health survey questionnaire was collected to evaluate participants' HRQoL (total and specific range for each of the 8 dimensions: 0 to 100 points). Mixed effect linear models were used to assess changes in HRQoL according to adherence to the Mediterranean diet. The trial was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03081065. Results: After 2 years of intervention, the Mediterranean Diet intervention group compared to control group (without nutritional intervention, only usual clinical care) showed an improvement in some dimensions of HRQoL such as Mental Health (7.22; 95 % CI = 2.22–12.22) (between-group difference: 6.79; 95 % CI − 0.14–13.73, p = 0.055); Vitality (9.51; 95 % CI = 4.00–15.03) (between-group difference: 9.00; 95 % CI 1.75–16.25, p = 0.020); Mental Summary Component (2.83; 95 % CI = 0.55–5.11) (between-group difference: 1.17; 95 % CI = − 1.96–4.30, p = 0.462); and General Health (10.70; 95 % CI = 5.58–15.81) (between-group difference: 6.20; 95 % CI = − 0.89–13.28, p = 0.086). Similar results were observed for participants aged 60 or more years. Conclusion: The intervention based on Mediterranean diet in patients with previous depression seems to be effective in improving HRQoL, especially the mental dimensions. This effect is also observed among participants aged 60 or more years.This study was externally funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Carlos III National Health Institute-ISCIII), PI16/01274

    An elastin-like recombinamer-based bioactive hydrogel embedded with mesenchymal stromal cells as an injectable scaffold for osteochondral repair

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate injectable, in situ cross-linkable elastin-like recombinamers (ELRs) for osteochondral repair. Both the ELR-based hydrogel alone and the ELR-based hydrogel embedded with rabbit mesenchymal stromal cells (rMSCs) were tested for the regeneration of critical subchondral defects in 10 New Zealand rabbits. Thus, cylindrical osteochondral defects were filled with an aqueous solution of ELRs and the animals sacrificed at 4 months for histological and gross evaluation of features of biomaterial performance, including integration, cellular infiltration, surrounding matrix quality and the new matrix in the defects. Although both approaches helped cartilage regeneration, the results suggest that the specific composition of the rMSC-containing hydrogel permitted adequate bone regeneration, whereas the ELR-based hydrogel alone led to an excellent regeneration of hyaline cartilage. In conclusion, the ELR cross-linker solution can be easily delivered and forms a stable well-integrated hydrogel that supports infiltration and de novo matrix synthesisThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 642687. The authors are grateful for the funding from the European Commission (NMP-2014-646075), the Spanish Government (PCIN-2015-010, MAT2015-68901-R, MAT2016-78903-R, MAT2016-79435-R), Junta de Castilla y León (VA015U16) and Centro en Red de Medicina Regenerativa y Terapia Celular de Castilla y León. The authors also wish to thank Maria Victoria Saez Velasco for her important contribution to cell culture experimentsS

    Sub-bandgap external quantum efficiency in Ti implanted Si heterojunction with intrinsic thin layer cells

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    In this work we present the manufacturing processes and results obtained from the characterization of heterojunction with intrinsic thin layer solar cells that include a heavily Ti ion implanted Si absorbing layer. The cells exhibit external circuit photocurrent at photon energies well below the Si bandgap. We discuss the origin of this below-bandgap photocurrent and the modifications in the hydrogenated amorphous intrinsic Si layer thickness to increase the open-circuit voltage. © 2013 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.This work has been supported by the Regional Government of Comunidad de Madrid within the project NUMANCIA II (S-2009/ENE-1477). J. Olea and D. Pastor would like to acknowledge a Juan de la Cierva fellowship from the Spanish Science Ministry (JCI-2011-10402, JCI-2011-11471). E. Antolín acknowledges a Marie Curie Fellowship from the European Commission (Project Siracusa, Grant PIEF-GA-2011-302489.S-2009/ENE-1477/NUMANCIA-IIPeer Reviewe