2,000 research outputs found

    Relocation of refuges - The Lisbon model

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    This report explores the EU emergency mechanisms in order to respond to the growing influxes of asylum seekers in the Mediterranean between 2014 and 2016. It seeks to explain the causes for the migratory movement, how the movement incorporates the historical European context and the endeavor to create solidarity amongst the member states. Therefore, the policy making process on the EU level, as well as the implementation efforts at the Portuguese level are presented. My internship at the reception center for asylum seekers and refugees led by the city council of Lisbon as well as the NGO Jesuit Refugee Service is then the bridge between the national and the local level. The most significant finding is the fact that the Portuguese government passed on the day-to-day integration work to civil society organizations. This decision is however consistent with expert opinions which argue that civil society might have a bigger influence on the integration of refugees than the state.Este relatório explora como os mecanismos de emergência da UE respondem ao aumento da chegada ao Mediterrâneo de requerentes de asilo entre 2014 e 2016. Procura explicar as causas deste movimento migratório, a forma como ele se incorpora no contexto histórico europeu e o esforço para criar solidariedade entre os Estados membro. Assim, o processo de tomada de decisão ao nível europeu, bem como a implementação de políticas no contexto português serão apresentados. O meu estágio no centro de receção para requerentes de asilo e refugiados da Câmara Municipal de Lisboa e da ONG Serviço Jesuíta aos Refugiados será a ponte entre a abordagem local e nacional. A evidência mais importante é o facto de o governo português ter delegado o trabalho quotidiano de integração destes migrantes a organizações da sociedade civil. Esta medida está, no entanto, de acordo com a opinião dos especialistas que argumentam que a sociedade civil poderá ter uma maior influência na integração dos refugiados em comparação com o Estado

    Dynamic point location in general subdivisions

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    The {\em dynamic planar point location problem} is the task of maintaining a dynamic set SS of nn non-intersecting, except possibly at endpoints, line segments in the plane under the following operations: \begin{itemize} \item Locate(qq: point): Report the segment immediately above qq, i.e., the first segment intersected by an upward vertical ray starting at qq; \item Insert(ss: segment): Add segment ss to the collection SS of segments; \item Delete(ss: segment): Remove segment ss from the collection SS of segments. \end{itemize} We present a solution which requires space O(n)O(n), has query and insertion time and deletion time. A query time was previously only known for monotone subdivisions and horizontal segments and required non-linear space

    "Italianità" als musikalisches Phänomen im barocken Europa : zu Opern und Kantaten in Frankreich und Deutschland

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    While the term "Italianità" is originated in the 19th century, it can also be applied to phenomena of Italian music in Europe during the baroque period. When the genres of opera and cantata began to be established in Italy, a remarkable export to other European countries started, especially to France and Germany. Some examples will be shown (L. Rossi, L. N. Clérambault, J. Ph. Rameau, G. Ph. Telemann) in order to discuss the application of subjects, forms and musical styles, and furthermore the development and redefinition. The Orpheus myth and its conversions in libretto and musical adaption will be spotlighted in particular

    Die Passion Christi als musikalische Meditation : Text, Bildgestalt und Symbolik bei Dieterich Buxtehude, Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber und Heinrich Schütz

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    The Passion of Christ has been oftentimes arranged and interpreted in literature, paintings and works of music. Since the end of the Middle Ages it is also an important phenomenon of medidation. An example is the Isenheim Altarpiece, sculpted by Grünewald from 1512 to 1516. On the other hand, there are four compositions of the 17th and 18th century: The cantata cycle Membra Jesu Nostri by Buxtehude (1680), Biber's violin cycle Rosary Sonatas (about 1674), the oratorio-like Seven Last Words by Schütz (about 1650) and Haydn's string quartet version of the Seven Last Words of Our Saviour on the Cross (1787). The respective source texts will be analyzed and interpreted, including the origin, the individual rhetoric and symbolism of the works, and additionally their functions in worship and devotions

    "Che farò senza Euridice": Geschichte und Geschichten um eine berühmt gewordenen Arie Chr. W. Glucks

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    Directly after the premiere of Glucks Orfeo ed Euridice in Vienna 1762, voices critical of the aria "Che farò senza Euridice" became audible. The aria would be too cheerful and would not be adequate to the dramatic situation of the second and final death of Orpheus' wife. Analyses of the Italian and the French versions (Paris 1774) will be presented, which characterize that aria as a musical masterpiece. Furthermore, documents of its reception in the 18th and 19th century (Rousseau, Rellstab, Heinse, Krause, Hanslick) and their formulated pros and cons will be commented. Finally there will be a reference to a citation of the aria by Haydn and to a parody by Offenbach

    Studies on Human Scar Tissue Proteoglycans

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    The proteoglycans (PGs) in pooled normal scars and pooled hypertrophic scars were extracted with 4 M guanidinium chloride and isolated by DEAE-cellulose chromatography. The PG samples were then fractionated further by dissociative CsCl density gradient sedimentation. Following cleavage of the density gradient PG fractions with alkaline NaB3H4, the glycosaminoglycan (GAG) constituents were isolated and analyzed by quantitative cellulose acetate electrophoresis. In addition, single samples of normal skin and a keloid scar were also analyzed.The results showed that the hypertrophic scars had a higher average content of extractable and also residual PGs than did the normal scars but a wide range of values was obtained for each type of scar. Some differences were noted in the amounts and distribution of the GAGs in CsCl gradient fractions, in the different types of scar tissue. The PGs in tissues were distributed in low-, medium-, and high density fractions and are, therefore, heterogeneous. Dermatan sulfate (DS) was the major GAG in each tissue and smaller quantities of chondroitin sulfate (CS), heparan sulfate (HS), and heparin (HP) were also present. In addition, 2 other GAG constituents were also detected. Based on the susceptibility of these GAGS to enzymes and nitrous acid treatments, one was a HS or HP while the second was a DS. The major differences in the PG composition of the scar tissues were the higher proportions of low-density CS-PGs in the keloid scar and of low density DS-PGs in hypertrophic and keloid scars

    The patatin-like lipase family in Gallus gallus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In oviparous species, genes encoding proteins with functions in lipid remodeling, such as specialized lipases, may have evolved to facilitate the assembly and utilization of yolk lipids by the embryo. The mammalian gene family of patatin-like phospholipases (PNPLAs) has received significant attention, but studies in other vertebrates are lacking; thus, we have begun investigations of PNPLA genes in the chicken (<it>Gallus gallus</it>).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We scanned the draft chicken genome using human PNPLA sequences, and performed PCR to amplify and sequence orthologous cDNAs. Full-length cDNA sequences of galline <it>PNPLA2/ATGL, PNPLA4, -7, -8, -9</it>, and the activator protein <it>CGI-58</it>, as well as partial cDNA sequences of avian <it>PNPLA1, -3</it>, and <it>-6 </it>were obtained. The high degree of sequence identities (~50 to 80%) between the avian and human orthologs suggests conservation of important enzymatic functions. Quantitation by qPCR of the transcript levels of <it>PNPLA</it>s and <it>CGI-58 </it>in 21 tissues indicates that expression patterns and levels diverge greatly between species. A particularly interesting tissue in which certain PNPLAs may contribute to physiological specialization is the extraembryonic yolk sac.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Knowledge about the exact <it>in-vivo </it>functions of PNPLAs in any system is still sparse. Thus, studies about the temporal expression patterns and functions of the enzymes identified here, and of other already known extracellular lipases and co-factors, in the yolk sac and embryonic tissues during embryogenesis are called for. Based on the information obtained, further studies are anticipated to provide important insights of the roles of PNPLAs in the yolk sac and embryo development.</p

    Building the Foundation for a Health Education Program for Rural Older Adults

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    We explored rural older adults’ perceptions of health to inform health promotion program development, using social marketing as our framework. Participants in seven focus groups viewed independence and holistic health as indicators of health and identified healthful eating and physical activity as actions to promote health. Barriers to these actions included physical limitations, social factors, financial considerations, motivation issues, and information confusion. Participants desired education that improves knowledge and skills, provides socialization opportunities, and occurs in familiar, affordable locations. Our findings can be useful to others developing health programming for rural-residing older adults. Also, we show that applying social marketing principles during formative assessment can be helpful in tailoring programs to audience interests and concerns