35 research outputs found


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    Petunia (P. inflata) is one of the most commonly cultivated ornamental plants because it has different flower sizes, and is easier to grow at various media and temperatures. Indonesia is one of the exporting Countries for Petunia hybrid seed. As one of the countries that provide hybrid seeds, the problem that often faced when making pollination is the availability of pollen with high viability because pollen viability can decrease/disappear within a specified period. The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of temperature and storage period on the viability of Petunia pollen and determine the best temperature and storage period to keep Petunia pollen. The design of this study uses a Randomized Block Design with Split Plot Design. The main plot consists of a storage period for seven days, 14 days, 21 days, and 28 days. The sup plots include storage temperature treatment at room temperature, 5˚C, -5˚C, and -15˚C, there repeated for three times. Data analysis using Analysis of Variant (ANOVA) and further testing using 5% Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The observed parameter consisted of the germination energy of pollen, pollen tube length, and colored pollen. The results showed that the lower temperatures could keep pollen viability for longer. The longer pollen stored, the viability will decrease further -15°C storage temperature can maintain pollen viability high up to 28 days of storage.Petunia (P. Inflata) merupakan salah satu tanaman hias yang paling sering dibudidayakan karena memiliki ukuran bunga yang berbeda, dan lebih mudah tumbuh pada media dan suhu yang berbeda. Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara pengekspor benih Petunia hibrida. Sebagai salah satu negara penyedia benih hibrida, kendala yang sering dihadapi saat persilangan buatan adalah ketersediaan polen dengan viabilitas tinggi karena viabilitas polen dapat menurun / hilang dalam suatu periode waktu tertentu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh suhu dan lama penyimpanan terhadap viabilitas polen Petunia (P. Inflata), serta mengetahui suhu dan lama penyimpanan terbaik untuk mempertahankan viabilitas polen Petunia (P. Inflata). Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan pola petak terbagi (split plot). Petak utama terdiri dari lama simpan selama 7 hari, 14 hari, 21 hari, dan 28 hari. Anak petak terdiri dari perlakuan suhu penyimpanan pada suhu ruang, suhu 5˚C, suhu -5˚C, dan suhu -15˚C, masing-masing diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Analisis data menggunakan sidik ragam dan uji lanjut menggunakan DMRT 5%. Parameter yang diamati adalah daya berkecambah polen, panjang tabung polen, dan polen terwarnai. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa semakin rendah suhu penyimpanan, maka viabilitas polen dapat dipertahankan lebih lama. Semakin lama polen disimpan, maka viabilitasnya akan semakin menurun. Suhu penyimpanan -15˚C dapat mempertahankan viabilitas polen tetap tinggi hingga penyimpanan 28 hari

    Produksi Enzim Pektinase dari Limbah Kulit Pisang oleh Kapang Aspergillus niger dan Aplikasinya Terhadap Klarifikasi Minuman Fungsional Jahe Lemon

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    Pectinase enzymes are commercial enzymes that can damage pectin by breaking down polygalacturonate acid into monogalacturonate acid through the release of glycosidic bonds. Pectinase enzymes can be produced from a variety of microorganisms, especially from types of mold such as Aspergillus niger using waste as a substrate like a banana peel. Lemon ginger drink is a functional beverage innovation made from ginger with the addition of lemon to add a refreshing sensation. However, the cloudy, pale, and sedimentary appearance in lemon ginger drink causes a lack of interest in consumers, especially young people. When consuming functional drinks such as lemon ginger, there is turbidity caused by polysaccharides such as pectin. Therefore, enzymatic clarification using pectinase is an effective way to reduce pectin in this drink. This study aims to find out the concentration of Aspergillus niger in producing pectinase enzymes from banana peel waste and its application to the clarification of lemon ginger drinks. The method used in this study was a randomized design group (RAK) consisting of 1 factor, the treatment of concentrations of Aspergillus niger 0 mL, 1 mL, 2 mL, 4 mL, and 6 mL. Then followed by the application of pectinase enzymes produced in the clarification of lemon ginger drink, concentration of 0%; 0,08%; 0,10%; 0,12%; 0,16%; 0,20%; and 0.24%. The Data obtained is analyzed using a printing analysis (ANOVA), and if there is influence, then proceed using BNJ test at a real level of 5%. The results showed that the concentration of Aspergillus niger suspension is best in producing pectinase enzymes of 6 mL, with the enzyme activity of 1.83 U/ml. Then the application of pectinase enzyme in the clarification of lemon ginger drink with a concentration of 0.16% better in improving lower clarity and viscosity of the resulting lemon ginger drink

    The Effects of Giving 2,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetate and Benziladenin on Explant Growth of Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni)

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    Prosiding Konser Karya Ilmiah Tingkat Nasional Tahun 2018 : Peluang dan Tantangan Pembangunan Pertanian Berkelanjutan di Era Global dan Digital, p. 265-268Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni. is a perennial shrub of the family Asteraceae from Paraguay. Stevia produces a diterpene glycoside called steviol glycosides. Glycosides from stevia are low-calorie sweeteners and have a low glycemic index so it does not affect blood sugar levels. Increasing contents of steviol glycosides can be done by tissue culture methods. The addition of plant growth regulator as 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetate (2,4-D) and Benziladenine (BA) in MS medium agar is expected to increase the growth of stevia shoot explants. Treatments of the research are combination of 2,4-D with a concentration of 2 and 3 mg. L-1 and Benziladenine at a concentration of 1; 1.5, 2, and 3 mg. L-1. Growth regulators are given to explants with inductions time of 21 days. Results of the research showed that combinations of 2,4-D 2 mg.L-1 and BA 1 mg.L-1 can get the highest number of grown explants at 88%. The shoots produced from treatment with combinations of 2,4-D 2 mg. L-1 and BA 3 mg. L-1 are 2,04 shoots per explant

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Minyak Nabati terhadap Lama Simpan dan Kualitas Pasta Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum L.)

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    Shallots (Allium ascalonicum L.) have a short shelf life because these tubers can experience decay and premature germination. Therefore, innovation is needed in shallot processing, one of which is by processing shallots into pasta products. This research conducted the making of onion paste with the addition of vegetable oil to improve the quality of the paste. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of vegetable oil concentration treatment on shelf life and quality of shallot paste and to determine the level of preference for the panelists to shallot paste by organoleptic test. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD), namely one treatment factor with the addition of vegetable oil concentrations of 30%, 25%, and 20%. The data were analyzed using variance, if the results were significantly different, then it was further tested with DMRT with a significant level of 5%. The results showed that the concentration of vegetable oil on shelf life and quality of shallot paste were not significantly different so that the addition of vegetable oil concentration had no effect on shelf life and quality of shallot paste. Panelists preferred color and taste parameters of shallot paste with the addition of 30% vegetable oil. Meanwhile, for the pasta aroma that the panelists like, the paste with the addition of 25% and 20% vegetable oil

    Uji Kulit Nanas, Umbi Gadung Dan Limbah Cair Pulp Kakao Sebagai Koagulan Lateks Terhadap Mutu Karet

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    Beberapa petani karet di Indonesia menggunakan koagulan lateks non anjuran sehingga merusak mutu kualitas bokar. Pemanfaatan koagulan lateks organik diprediksi berpotensi untuk memperbaiki mutu karet. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui  pengaruh dari ekstrak kulit nanas, ekstrak umbi gadung dan limbah cair hasil fermentasi pulp kakao sebagai koagulan lateks terhadap mutu karet. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap dengan enam perlakuan, yaitu 10 ml; 20 ml ekstrak kulit nanas, 10 ml; 20 ml ekstrak umbi gadung dan 10 ml; 20 ml limbah cair hasil fermentasi pulp kakao. Parameter yang diamati adalah waktu kontak, bobot karet, karakteristik koagulum, yang terdiri dari kejernihan serum, warna koagulum dan bau busuk koagulum, kadar abu dan kadar zat menguap sesuai Standart Indonesian Rubber (SIR) 20. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 20 ml koagulan lateks mampu menghasilkan waktu kontak yang lebih cepat dan meningkatkan bobot karet. Selain itu, juga menghasilkan mutu bokar dengn sedikit berbau busuk yang lebih baik dari hasil bokar oleh koagulan anorganik.Some rubber farmers in Indonesia use un-recommended latex coagulant and it causes bad quality of rubber. The utilization of organic latex coagulants has the potential way to improve rubber quality. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of pineapple exocarp extract, gadung tuber extract and liquid of pulp cocoa fermentation as latex coagulants toward rubber quality. The study was using Randomized Completely Block Design with six treatments and four replications the treatments tested was 10 ml and 20 ml pineapple exocarp extract, 10 ml and 20 ml gadung extract and 10 ml and 20 ml liquid of pulp cocoa fermentation. The parameters observed were contact time, weight of rubber and rubber characteristic which are comprised of serum clarity, rubber color and rubber stinky smell produced, ash content and volatile matter compared to Standart Indonesian Rubber (SIR) 20. The result of this study showed that 20 ml latex coagulant had faster contact time than others and increased weight of the rubber. It showed that rubbers produced a bit stinky smell as well, it was better than rubbers produced by inorganic latex coagulant

    Potensi Konsentrasi Beauveria Bassiana Sebagai Agen Hayati Pada Budidaya Tanaman Kubis (Brassica Oleracea L.)

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    Prosiding Konser Karya Ilmiah Nasional 2019 : Kesiapan Sumber Daya Manusia Pertanian Menghadapi Revolusi Industri 4.0, p. 90 – 95The Potential Concentration of Beauveria bassiana as a Biological Agent on Cabbage Plant Cultivation (Brassica oleracea L.)". The risethas been conducted from April 2019 in Salaran Experimental Garden for the field experiment and Plant Physiology Laboratory for the introduction experiment. The method used was a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with seven treatments and four replications. The treatments of Beauveria bassiana concentrations tested were B0 (control), B1 (5 gram/liter), B2 (10 gram/liter), B3 (15 gram/liter), B4 (20 gram/liter), B5 (25 gram/liter), and B6 (30 grams/liter). The parameters observed were the percentage of pest mortality, percentage intensity of damage to cabbage plants, the number of cabbage leaves, the diameter of cabbage stems, and width of cabbage crown. The results showed that Beauveria bassiana concentration of 30 gram/liter is proven by 100% pest mortality rate in 5 days of observation and low damage intensity by 35.14%. The concentration of Beauveria bassiana also showed significant results on growth parameters rather than other concentrations. The growth parameters include the number of leaves of 13.67 pieces, crown width of 43.35 cm and 1.42 cm


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    Garlic has a bitter taste, which makes people reluctant to eat one whole garlic clove. The salt soaking technique used to reduce the bitter taste of the garlic, and the garlic processed into wet candied garlic, so it became more edible than not process. The process of candied garlic could preserve the durability level, which allows it to be stored longer at low temperatures. The research materials used were salt and sugar. The purpose of the research was to know the effect of salt concentration on reducing bitterness and the right concentration to reduce the bitter taste of garlic. This research used the RAK method, and DMRT (Duncan’s Multiple Range Test), and the samples of salt were 3%; 3.5%; 4%; 4.5%. The test included chemical tests (water content and total microbes) and organoleptic tests (taste, aroma, and texture). The water content of the product showed the result, which was not significantly different, and the total microbes test showed no microorganism was found or grew on the product. The organoleptic test of taste was obtained on 3.5% salt, with an average of 2.75% (likes), while the aroma and texture did not show a significant difference in the result. The aroma and texture data obtained on 2.90 (likes) and 2.40 (likes) with 3.5% salt. Keywords: Candied; Garlic; Salt; Soaking; Sugar

    Pengaruh Waktu Cekaman Kekeringan terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Artemisia cina Poliploid Hasil Induksi Zat Pengatur Tumbuh

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    Artemisia cina merupakan salah satu species dari genus Artemisia yang mengandung metabolit sekunder berupa artemisinin. Mengingat rendahnya kandungan artemisinin, maka diperlukan upaya untuk meningkatkan metabolit sekunder. Upaya untuk meningkatkan kandungan metabolit sekunder yaitu dengan memberikan cekaman kekeringan dan penggunaan tanaman poliploid. Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu cekaman kekeringan terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman Artemisia cina poliploid. Penelitian ini dilakukan di shading house Salib Putih dan analisis jaringan dilakukan di laboratorium fisiologi tanaman Fakultas Pertanian dan Bisnis Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana (UKSW). Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) faktorial dengan faktor pertama cekaman kekeringan dan faktor kedua genotipe. Perlakuan cekaman kekeringan dilakukan tanpa cekaman (C0), cekaman 2 minggu sebelum panen (C2), cekaman 4 minggu sebelum panen (C4) dan cekaman 6 minggu sebelum panen (C6) dengan memberikan air sebanyak 50% kapasitas lapang (KL). Perlakuan genotipe menggunakan 2 genotipe Artemisia cina poliploid hasil induksi zat pengatur tumbuh (ZPT) (genotipe S dan T) serta 1 genotipe Artemisia cina diploid (genotipe Diploid Lapangan (DL)). Hasil sidik ragam menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan cekaman kekeringan 50% KL tidak memberikan hasil yang signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman. Perlakuan C6 memiliki tinggi tanaman, berangkasan kering akar dan berangkasan kering tajuk lebih tinggi dari perlakuan cekaman lainnya. Akan tetapi, perlakuan C6 memiliki kerapatan stomata dan total klorofil lebih rendah dibandingkan perlakuan C0. Perlakuan genotipe DL memberikan hasil signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman. Genotipe S dan T (tanaman poliploid) tidak saling menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata pada parameter pertumbuhan, namun memberikan hasil yang lebih tinggi dari genotipe DL (tanaman diploid).