63 research outputs found

    Peran Identifikasi Merek dan Citra Merek dalam Mempengaruhi Cinta kepada Merek

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    This research aims to synthesize two major antacedents of brand love, which are brand identification and brand image. Research is conducted using multiple regression analysis, whereas data collection is conducted using online questionnaire. The sample of this research is community members of a prominent video games franchise, The Elder Scrolls series. The empirical result shows that both variables not only influence brand love partially, but also simultaneously. Thus, practitioners who aim to improve the consumer-brand relationship should develop their marketing strategy around a strong brand image and a solid brand identification. Penelitian ini bertujuan memadukan dua faktor yang mempengaruhi cinta kepada merek, yaitu identifikasi merek dan citra merek. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis regresi berganda, dan pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan bantuan kuesioner secara daring. Sampel penelitian ini adalah anggota komunitas dari franchise video game, The Elder Scrolls. Hasil penelitian empiris menunjukkan bahwa kedua variabel, identifikasi merek dan citra merek, tidak hanya mempengaruhi cinta kepada merek secara parsial, namun juga secara simultan. Oleh karena itu, peneliti yang hendak meningkatkan hubungan antar konsumen dengan merek dapat mendesain strategi pemasaran dengan membangun citra merek yang kuat dan identifikasi merek yang solid


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    Indonesia is a country having a high geothermal energy potential. The geothermal energy in Java island, as a volcanic row island, has been explored and produced. One of the area that has not been produced is volcanic area around Arjuno, Welirang and Penanggungan (AWP) located in East Java. Geochemical survey has been performed to explore a more detailed objective in exploring the potential resource of geothermal energy of this area. Chemical and isotopic analysis shows the maturity level of waters taken from water springs in the area. The immature water from the water springs is interpreted coming mostly from meteoric water which flows quite fast forming water springs around the area. Geohydrothermally, the water flows through porous and permeable volcanic rocks that receive heat from igneous rocks existing together in the area. The igneous rocks are flowing heat conductively from magma below the AWP volcanoes

    Deformasi Gunung Kelud Pascapembentukan Kubah Lava November 2007

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    DOI: 10.17014/ijog.v5i1.90The eruption of Kelud Volcano in 2007 was started with an increase in the seismic activity on September 2007. It was ended with a lava dome formation inside the crater lake on 3 November 2007. This phenomenon showed the change of eruption behavior compared to the last eruption on February 1990 that was an explosive one. Result from the GPS observation method during three periods, which are: April, August, and October 2008 showed that the vector displacement on each measured point was affected dominantly by structural geology forces as a crustal stabilisation after the last phase of November 2007 eruption. There was also a minor displacement as the result of magma migration around the points that were close to the lava dome. The magma migration occurred in a relatively shallow depth and was associated with an aseismic zone. The deformation that occurred as a result of magma migration toward the surface was calculated to determine the magma supply and magma injected. The result then was compared to illustrate a mechanism of deformation during April – October 2008. The comparison of magma supply and magma injected within these periods showed that the inflation still occurred, but it was not supported by a surface manifestation. This inflation could be false because of data discontinuity, or it is actually a part of deflation trend

    Sistem Pintar IoT Berbasis Arduino dan Android untuk Pengontrolan Kondisi pH dan TDS pada Pengairan Hidroponik

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    IoT merupakan salah satu kemajuan yang signifikan dalam bidang informasi dan teknologi dan terus dapat dikembangkan untuk kemudahan aktivitas manusia. Pada penelitian ini, Sistem pintar IoT berbasis arduino dan android untuk pengukuran keasaman dan nutrisi air pada hidroponik. Arduino digunakan sebagai prosesor data yang masuk dari sensor untuk ditampilkan pada layar dan direspon memlaui relay untuk menghidupkan pompa jika nilai TDS dibawah nilai yang ditentukan. Data dari arduino dikirim ke cloud firebase sehingga bisa diakses melalui perangkat android.  Perangkat lunak prosesor Arduino menggunkan bahasa C yang diedit pada IDE arduino. Android didesain menggunakan XML dan Kotlin untuk membantu proses control aplikasi yang dibuat menggunakan aplikasi android studio. Alat ukur arduino dikalibrasi dengan menggunakan data tegangan dan data PH serta data TDS yang seharusnya pada cairan kalibrasi. Kemudian didapatkan model linier untuk PH dan model polynomial pangkat tiga untuk TDS. Model tersebut diimplementasikan pada arduino dan didapatkan nilai pengukuran mendekati nilai kalibrasi dengan kesalahan 5.86% untuk PH dan 11.1% untuk TDS. Sistem IoT diamati dengan mencoba tampilan data serta otomasi dan control manual melalui android. Hasil tampilan, otomasi dan kontrol  manual bekerja secara efektif sesuai fungsi sebagai IoT

    Studying Landslide Displacements in Megamendung (Indonesia) Using GPS Survey Method

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    Landslide is one of prominent geohazards that frequently affects Indonesia, especially in the rainy season. It destroys not only environment and property, but usually also causes deaths. Landslide monitoring is therefore very crucial and should be continuously done. One of the methods that can have a contribution in studying landslide phenomena is repeated GPS survey method. This paper presents and discusses the operational performances, constraints and results of GPS surveys conducted in a well known landslide prone area in West Java (Indonesia), namely Megamendung, the hilly region close to Bogor. Three GPS surveys involving 8 GPS points have been conducted, namely on April 2002, May 2003 and May 2004, respectively. The estimated landslide displacements in the area are relatively quite large in the level of a few dm to a few m. Displacements up to about 2-3 m were detected in the April 2002 to May 2003 period, and up to about 3-4 dm in the May 2003 to May 2004 period. In both periods, landslides in general show the northwest direction of displacements. Displacements vary both spatially and temporally. This study also suggested that in order to conclude the existence of real and significant displacements of GPS points, the GPS estimated displacements should be subjected to three types of testing namely: the congruency test on spatial displacements, testing on the agreement between the horizontal distance changes with the predicted direction of landslide displacement, and testing on the consistency of displacement directions on two consecutive periods

    Nepodudarnost u nazivima marke i njezin utjecaj na preferenciju potrošača

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    Purpose – Brand name is one of the determining factors of a brand’s success. Simple brand names capable of capturing consumers’ attention will make them easy to remember and get to perceive the brand. The significance of brand names has caused practitioners to have high consideration in determining brand names for products. With the sprouting up of new SME-based businesses in Indonesia, it is worth studying how these new businesses name their products. Specifically, we aim to analyze how different brand name designs affect consumer preference. Design/Methodology/Approach – This study employed a 3x2 experimental method where respondents were exposed to three types of fictional brand names that were congruent (e.g., Coffee Corner), incongruent (e.g., d’Coffee Corner) and highly incongruent (e.g., d’Koffee Korner), the respondents’ evaluation was observed through their preference against 3 types of brand name congruence and the use of Indonesian and English in the brands. The analysis technique utilized was a two-way ANOVA. Findings and Implications – The results indicated that congruent brand names had the highest effect on consumer preference in comparison to incongruent and highly incongruent brand names. The use of Indonesian and English in the brand names, however, showed no significant difference on consumer preference. Limitation – The main limitation of this study consists in localized research samples and objects. Consequently, the result may not be the same in a wider, more general environment. Originality – This research study contributes to the examination of brand designs by applying the theory of incongruence as a foundation for the analysis. It adds to the existing knowledge by investigating consumer preference on differently designed, new brand names.Svrha – Naziv marke jedan je od odlučujućih čimbenika njezina uspjeha. Jednostavni nazivi koji mogu privući pažnju potrošača omogućuju im lako pamćenje i percipiranje marke. Važnost naziva dovela je do toga da praktičari obraćaju veliku pozornost određivanju naziva marke za proizvode. S rastom novih malih i srednjih poduzeća u Indoneziji, važno je proučiti kako ona dodjeljuju nazive svojim proizvodima. Konkretnije, cilj je analizirati kako različito oblikovanje naziva marke utječe na preferenciju potrošača. Metodološki pristup – Istraživanje primjenjuje 3x2 eksperimentalnu metodu u kojoj su ispitanici izloženi trima vrstama izmišljenih naziva marke; podudarajućem (npr. Coffee Corner), nepodudarajućem (npr. d’Coffee Corner), te izrazito nepodudarajućem (npr. d’Koffee Korner). Procjena je provedena kroz njihove preferencije u odnosu na tri vrste podudarnosti naziva marke te uporabu indonezijskog i engleskog jezika u markama. Za analizu je korištena dvosmjerna ANOVA. Rezultati i implikacije – Rezultati su pokazali da su podudarajući u usporedbi s nepodudarajućim i vrlo nepodudarajućim nazivima marke imali najveći utjecaj na preferenciju potrošača. Međutim uporaba indonezijskog i engleskog jezika u markama nije pokazala značajnu razliku u potrošačkim preferencijama. Ograničenja – Glavno ograničenje rada je vezano uz lokalni uzorak i objekte istraživanja. Posljedično, rezultat možda ne bi bio isti u širem, općenitijem okruženju. Doprinos – Istraživanje doprinosi prethodnim istraživanjima o oblikovanju marke primjenjujući teoriju nepodudarnosti kao temelj za njegovu analizu. Nadograđuje se na postojeća znanja istražujući preferencije potrošača o različito oblikovanim, novim nazivima marke

    Determinants of Micro and Small Enterprise’s Interest to Participate in Self-Declare Halal Certification

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    The Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) market share is expected to increase with the halal certification of their products and services. However, MSEs have limited resources. In response, the Government introduced a self-declare halal certification program in 2022. From the total number of MSEs, which reached 8.7 million units as of March 2023, only about 79 thousand have self-declare halal certificates. Therefore, this study aims to analyze internal and external factors that influence the interest of  MSEs towards halal certification through a self-declare scheme. The study involves 86 MSEs respondents from Bogor, West Java. Using Partially Least Square (PLS) with a second-order approach. The findings reveal that internal factors marginally affect MSE's interest to pursue self-declare halal certification. The three strongest indicators of internal factors are: (1) improving human resource performance, (2) increasing efficiency and financial returns, and (3) awareness of religiosity. Interestingly, external factors do not influence the interest of MSEs to obtain self-declare halal certification, except for government policy, which significantly impact the intention in the first-order test. The main implication of this research is the importance of more substantial government support to help MSEs obtaining halal certification such as socialization, training as well as mentoring Halal Self Declare Certification at an affordable cost

    Penentuan Tinggi Orthometrik Gunung Semeru Berdasarkan Data Survei GPS dan Model Geoid EGM 1996

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    Semeru is the highest mountain in Java island with an altitude of about +3676 m above the sea level. This altitude was measured during the Dutch colonial times using the Triangulation method, which is based on angles measurements using a theodolite on the measurement points. At the present times, with the advancement in positioning technology and better knowledge on the Earth's gravity field, an orthometric altitude of a mountain can also be determined by utilizing GPS satellites observation data and a global geopotential model. In this paper, the methodology, mechanism and results of the altitude determination of Semeru mountain using the August 2003 and August 2004 GPS survey data and EGM 1996 geoid model will be described and discussed.The obtained results show that the altitude of Semeru at the present times is about +3677 m above the mean sea level.The paper will be sum up with some closing remarks

    The Roles of Export of Coffee Commodity and Macroeconomics Factors on Unemployment in Indonesia

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    Coffee as the second largest agricultural commodity export has contributed to the economies of various countries, including Indonesia. In addition to looking at the role of coffee commodity exports, an analysis of macroeconomic factors' impact on Indonesia's unemployment rate is also analyzed. Because it is known that the unemployment rate is not only caused by one sector but some things influence it, including macroeconomic factors. This study analyzes the role of coffee commodity exports and macroeconomic factors, including GDP, inflation, and interest rates, on Indonesia's unemployment rate. The data used in this study is interpolated secondary data for the period 2000 to 2021. The estimation method used in this study is Robust Least Square (ROBUSTLS) which will then be estimated again using the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) method as a robustness test.  The estimation results using the ROBUSTLS method prove that coffee commodity exports and macroeconomic factors significantly affect Indonesia's unemployment rate in aggregate. This form of influence is negative for coffee commodity exports (ExpCof), gross domestic product (GDP), and interest rate (IR). While inflation (Inf) has a positive impact on the unemployment rate (Ump). These findings are reinforced by the estimation results using the ARDL method with the result that ExpCof, GDP, and Inf have a significant relationship to Ump, while Inf is not as significant as the findings from the estimation results using the ROBUSTLS method
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