38 research outputs found

    TÀhtipöly ja elÀmÀn reunaehdot

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    Suurin osa tuntemamme maailmankaikkeuden aineesta on vetyÀ (1H) ja heliumia (4He), joiden suhteelliset runsaudet vallalla olevan kosmologisen teorian mukaan mÀÀrÀytyivÀt jo muutaman ensimmÀisen minuutin aikana suuren alkurÀjÀhdyksen jÀlkeen. Vedyn ja heliumin ja nÀiden harvinaisten isotooppien, deuteriumin (D tai 2H), tritiumin (3H), ja heliumin isotoopin 3He, lisÀksi alkurÀjÀhdyksessÀ uskotaan syntyneen pieni mÀÀrÀ jÀrjestysluvultaan kolmatta alkuainetta litiumia (7Li)

    From dying stars to the proto-Solar nebula -the chemical evolution of interstellar matter

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    Abstract An overview of the circulation of interstellar matter is presented. Many processes contribute towards increased chemical complexity in the interstellar gas, but an essential prerequisite is the existence of dust grains. These particles are effectively formed in the atmospheres of evolved stars, and distributed into the surrounding space when the dying star becomes a 'planetary nebula'. Even though the formation of most chemical species detected in the interstellar space (about 120) can be understood in terms of gas-phase reactions, dust grains provide catalytic surfaces for some of the most important reactions. Gravitational contraction of clouds and chemical evolution within them lead to a situation in which heavy molecules start to freeze onto grain surfaces. The molecular ices formed in this way can be exposed to UV radiation when stars are born inside the cloud, and their photolysis can initiate the production of biogenetic molecules found (e.g.) in meteorites. Prebiotic molecules may therefore be present in very dense discs surrounding protostars. When the newly born star bursts through, the outer parts of the protostellar disc, the so-called 'debris disc' can still survive and form a reservoir, which later on can replenish planetary surfaces with complex molecules carried by interplanetary dust particles originated in comets

    Search for H₃âș isotopologues toward CRL 2136 IRS 1

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    Context. Deuterated interstellar molecules frequently have abundances relative to their main isotopologues much higher than the overall elemental D-to-H ratio in the cold dense interstellar medium. H₃âș and its isotopologues play a key role in the deuterium fractionation; however, the abundances of these isotopologues have not been measured empirically with respect to H₃âș to date. Aims. Our aim was to constrain the relative abundances of H₂Dâș and D₃âș in the cold outer envelope of the hot core CRL 2136 IRS 1. Methods. We carried out three observations targeting H₃âș and its isotopologues using the spectrographs CRIRES at the VLT, iSHELL at IRTF, and EXES on board SOFIA. In addition, the CO overtone band at 2.3 ÎŒm was observed by iSHELL to characterize the gas on the line of sight. Results. The H₃âș ion was detected toward CRL 2136 IRS 1 as in previous observations. Spectroscopy of lines of H₂Dâș and D₃âș resulted in non-detections. The 3σ upper limits of N(H₂Dâș)/N(H₃âș) and N(D₃âș)/N(H₃âș) are 0.24 and 0.13, respectively. The population diagram for CO is reproduced by two components of warm gas with the temperatures 58 and 530 K, assuming a local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) distribution of the rotational levels. Cold gas (<20 K) makes only a minor contribution to the CO molecular column toward CRL 2136 IRS 1. Conclusions. The critical conditions for deuterium fractionation in a dense cloud are low temperature and CO depletion. Given the revised cloud properties, it is no surprise that H₃âș isotopologues are not detected toward CRL 2136 IRS 1. The result is consistent with our current understanding of how deuterium fractionation proceeds

    Search for H₃âș isotopologues toward CRL 2136 IRS 1

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    Context. Deuterated interstellar molecules frequently have abundances relative to their main isotopologues much higher than the overall elemental D-to-H ratio in the cold dense interstellar medium. H₃âș and its isotopologues play a key role in the deuterium fractionation; however, the abundances of these isotopologues have not been measured empirically with respect to H₃âș to date. Aims. Our aim was to constrain the relative abundances of H₂Dâș and D₃âș in the cold outer envelope of the hot core CRL 2136 IRS 1. Methods. We carried out three observations targeting H₃âș and its isotopologues using the spectrographs CRIRES at the VLT, iSHELL at IRTF, and EXES on board SOFIA. In addition, the CO overtone band at 2.3 ÎŒm was observed by iSHELL to characterize the gas on the line of sight. Results. The H₃âș ion was detected toward CRL 2136 IRS 1 as in previous observations. Spectroscopy of lines of H₂Dâș and D₃âș resulted in non-detections. The 3σ upper limits of N(H₂Dâș)/N(H₃âș) and N(D₃âș)/N(H₃âș) are 0.24 and 0.13, respectively. The population diagram for CO is reproduced by two components of warm gas with the temperatures 58 and 530 K, assuming a local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) distribution of the rotational levels. Cold gas (<20 K) makes only a minor contribution to the CO molecular column toward CRL 2136 IRS 1. Conclusions. The critical conditions for deuterium fractionation in a dense cloud are low temperature and CO depletion. Given the revised cloud properties, it is no surprise that H₃âș isotopologues are not detected toward CRL 2136 IRS 1. The result is consistent with our current understanding of how deuterium fractionation proceeds

    Molecular complexity in pre-stellar cores : a 3 mm-band study of L183 and L1544

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    Context. Pre-stellar cores (PSCs) are units of star formation. Besides representing early stages of the dynamical evolution leading to the formation of stars and planets, PSCs also provide a substrate for incipient chemical complexity in the interstellar space. Aims. Our aim is to understand the influence of external conditions on the chemical composition of PSCs. For this purpose, we compared molecular column densities in two typical PSCs, L183 and L1544, which are embedded in different environments. Methods. A single-pointing survey of L183 at lambda = 3 mm was conducted using the IRAM 30-m single-dish antenna. This led to the detection of more than 100 emission lines from 46 molecular species. The molecular column densities and excitation temperatures derived from these lines were compared to the corresponding parameters in L1544. The data for L1544 were obtained from literature or publicly available surveys, and they were analysed using the same procedure as adopted for L183. An astrochemical model, previously developed for the interpretation of organic molecule emissions towards the methanol peak of L1544, was used to interpret the combined data. Results. Our analysis reveals clear chemical differences between the two PSCs. While L1544 is richer in carbon-bearing species, in particular carbon chains, oxygen-containing species are generally more abundant in L183. The results are well-reproduced by our chemical model. Conclusions. The observed chemical differentiation between the two PSCs is caused by the different environmental conditions: the core of L183 is deeply buried in the surrounding cloud, whereas L1544 lies close to the edge of the Taurus Molecular Cloud. The obscuration of L183 from the interstellar radiation field (ISRF) allows the carbon atoms to be locked in carbon monoxide, which ultimately leads to a large abundance of O-bearing species. In contrast, L1544, being more affected by the ISRF, can keep a fraction of carbon in atomic form, which is needed for the production of carbon chains.Peer reviewe

    Methanol Mapping in Cold Cores : Testing Model Predictions*

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    Chemical models predict that in cold cores gas-phase methanol is expected to be abundant at the outer edge of the CO depletion zone, where CO is actively adsorbed. CO adsorption correlates with volume density in cold cores, and, in nearby molecular clouds, catastrophic CO freeze-out happens at volume densities above 10(4) cm(-3). The methanol production rate is maximized there and its freeze-out rate does not overcome its production rate, while the molecules are shielded from UV destruction by gas and dust. Thus, in cold cores, methanol abundance should generally correlate with visual extinction, which depends on both volume and column density. In this work, we test the most basic model prediction that maximum methanol abundance is associated with a local A ( V ) similar to 4 mag in dense cores and constrain the model parameters with the observational data. With the IRAM 30 m antenna, we mapped the CH3OH (2-1) and (3-2) transitions toward seven dense cores in the L1495 filament in Taurus to measure the methanol abundance. We use the Herschel/SPIRE maps to estimate visual extinction, and the (CO)-O-18(2-1) maps from Tafalla & Hacar to estimate CO depletion. We explored the observed and modeled correlations between the methanol abundances, CO depletion, and visual extinction, varying the key model parameters. The modeling results show that hydrogen surface diffusion via tunneling is crucial to reproduce the observed methanol abundances, and the necessary reactive desorption efficiency matches the one deduced from laboratory experiments.Peer reviewe

    Mapping the prestellar core Ophiuchus D (L1696A) in ammonia

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    The gas kinetic temperature in the centres of starless, high-density cores is predicted to fall as low as 5-6 K. The aim of this study was to determine the kinetic temperature distribution in the low-mass prestellar core Oph D where previous observations suggest a very low central temperature. The densest part of the Oph D core was mapped in the NH3(1,1) and (2,2) inversion lines using the Very Large Array (VLA). The physical quantities were derived from the observed spectra by fitting the hyperfine structure of the lines, and subsequently the temperature distribution of Oph D was calculated using the standard rotational temperature techniques. A physical model of the cores was constructed, and the simulated spectra after radiative transfer calculations with a 3D Monte Carlo code were compared with the observed spectra. Temperature, density, and ammonia abundance of the core model were tuned until a satisfactory match with the observation was obtained. The high resolution of the interferometric data reveals that the southern part of Oph D comprises of two small cores. The gas kinetic temperatures, as derived from ammonia towards the centres of the southern and northern core are 7.4 and 8.9 K, respectively. The observed masses of the cores are only 0.2 M_Sun. Their potential collapse could lead to formation of brown dwarfs or low-mass stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A; 10 pages, 9 figure

    Chemical exploration of Galactic cold cores

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    Context. A solar-type system starts from an initial molecular core that acquires organic complexity as it evolves. The so-called prestellar cores that can be studied are rare, which has hampered our understanding of how organic chemistry sets in and grows. Aims. We selected the best prestellar core targets from the cold core catalogue (based on Planck and Herschel observations) that represent a diversity in terms of their environment to explore their chemical complexity: 1390 (in the compressed shell of Lambda Ori), 869 (in the MBM12 cloud), and 4149 (in the California nebula). Methods. We obtained a spectral survey with the IRAM 30 m telescope in order to explore the molecular complexity of the cores. We carried out a radiative transfer analysis of the detected transitions in order to place some constraints on the physical conditions of the cores and on the molecular column densities. We also used the molecular ions in the survey to estimate the cosmic-ray ionisation rate and the S/H initial elemental abundance using a gas-phase chemical model to reproduce their abundances. Results. We found large differences in the molecular complexity (deuteration, complex organic molecules, sulphur, carbon chains, and ions) and compared their chemical properties with a cold core and two prestellar cores. The chemical diversity we found in the three cores seems to be correlated with their chemical evolution: two of them are prestellar (1390 and 4149), and one is in an earlier stage (869). Conclusions. The influence of the environment is likely limited because cold cores are strongly shielded from their surroundings. The high extinction prevents interstellar UV radiation from penetrating deeply into the cores. Higher spatial resolution observations of the cores are therefore needed to constrain the physical structure of the cores, as well as a larger-scale distribution of molecular ions to understand the influence of the environment on their molecular complexity.Peer reviewe